Western Washington University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


The advice I would give myself is to not be afraid. While I was very excited for school, I also was afraid of being in such a big place without my family and that the professors wouldn't care about me. Well, first of all, the professors at Western are a group of amazing people who really do care about your work, your mind, and your well-being. Second, a university may be much larger than the small town I was used to, but by taking risks you can create your own small community. Join clubs, talk to people you don't know, and leave your dorm room because there are almost an infinite amount of opportunities on your campus that will help you build that community. Don't be afraid to do what you love either. If your heart is in the theatre then go audition even though you're a freshman! It's okay to fail! In fact, you will fail! You will learn from it, and you will meet life-changing people along the way.


Dear High-School-Hilary, The next few years of your life will be like none other in your lifetime. The world will look beautiful, everything will seem remarkably new, and you will discover things about yourself and others that seem unfathomable now. Embrace every feeling, there will be many of them. There will be monumental ups and downs. You will be inspired, and you will be deeply disappointed, and this is all part of the process of becoming yourself. Take risks and make mistakes knowing that Post-College-Hilary regrets none of the heartache, the finacial misfortunes, or the deep, cutting, heartbreaking losses to come. Trust your gut and listen to your parents. Be honest with yourself and your friends. Try to use that gym membership that comes with your tuition (I already know you won't, but try). Finally, in November of your Freshman year you will pick up a bottle of cranberry juice sitting on your windowsill and take a huge swig without looking at the contents first. DON'T DO THIS. The juice is moldy, and this will ruin a perfectly good beverage for you for the rest of your adult life. All my love, Future Hilary


I'd tell myself to chill. People in college generally don't cae about what you're wearing. They're generally nice people, even if their apperance makes you think otherwise. And, by the way, it's really hypocritical you don't want people to judge you based on your apperance, but judge others based on their apperance. Also, pretty much everything high school said about college is wrong. MLA format isn't the format you'll use in all of your classes, Jane Schaffer's organization style is HATED among professors, your prefessors want you to succeed and will do everything to help you do so, and the first two years of college are exactly like high school; it's the last two that are so much better. It's okay to not know your major. Many students don't until they have finished quite a few of the general education requirements. That's what those requirements are there for.


Hello Danielle, you have been thinking about the Navy's Construction Battalion: go for it! It wil shine light on who you are, who you were, and who you want to be. Once you get out you will have the freedom and benefit of the GI Bill you've earned to explore classes that interest you, until you discover your passion in the subject that brings meaning to your life. After the Navy, college life will be a unique and character-defining experience. In college you can choose the classes that interest you, and challenge yourself to find all kinds of new skills you didn't know you had. Take too many classes and get in over your head, use that stress to push yourself further than you ever have. Test your mental and physical limits and let your insatiable curiosity guide you to the things you love like a compass. Your professors have worked in the laboratories of your dreams and can give you relevant career advise, so always ask the questions on your mind. Life is a journey, college is a whirlwind of new people and life lessons, plan for the future you want and never stop smiling!


As a senior in high school I was itching to get out of my small, hometown and live independently. If I could go back after my college experience and talk to my high school self I would have this advice to give. All that independence and adventure, it’s coming. You’re going to be living on your own in a new place and have the opportunity to do the things that you feel like you can’t do now. This is going to be a great time in your life, but you’ll want to start thinking of what you want to get out of this experience. Think about your parents’ lives, they’ve been going to work every day at the same job for years- after college this is likely where you’re headed, too. Think carefully about what you want your working life, your life after college to look like. How do you want to spend the majority of your days? If you begin planning now and can marry this plan with a career path, you’ll not only enter college ahead of the game, you’ll exit college, an event that is very real, with purpose.


I would tell myself a couple of things. First, I would take applying for scholarships more seriously. Then I would tell myself to step out of my comfort zone sooner. It took me about a year and a half to start making friends on my own will. I'm really shy.


Hi Daniel, I know that now you are in Running Start Program. University is exact same as what you are study for now. It's not gonna be hard, so don't be afraid or do not give up. You are doing great job, because you came to us only 3 years ago and you are studing 3 times then regular American students!! I am really proud of you. You might get hard time or sturuggle with something while you are in college, but you will be okay. Make sure that keep your faith to God and pray to him whenever you want to tell God something or when you are having a hard time. I am so proud of you. I love you myself, Daniel. Good Luck!


Tuition is a lot of money and you should be applying to scholarships during your free time than doing something else.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself, I would jump on that opportunity. I would like to tell myself to prepare more for college. Aim higher than you think you can actually achieve. College came up scarily quick, so do more whilst in high school in order to be more prepared. More scholarships so you don't have to stress about money and more research so you know more about what you're getting into. Not that I don't enjoy what I've gotten myself into, but high school to college is a big jump, and once I opened my eyes to check I made it across successfully, I was still slightly shaken. I could have used that advice from myself, to ensure that it would be a jump I would survive.


There is a lot of advice I would tell myself; starting with packing. I would tell myself that I won’t need to bring all of my workout clothes; there is not enough room and I do not go to the gym as much as I expected. Then for move-in day I would tell myself that I don’t need to worry, people help me move in my big boxes. I would tell myself to not have an 8 AM class, it’s hard enough getting up for the 9AM ones. And while it is nice to have meals cooked for you, I should lower my expectations, the food isn’t the same as what my mom makes. It is probably a good idea to start study for tests a week in advance, and do the readings! Just accept the fact that you will be tired a lot, and that naps are acceptable. Lastly, to just have fun and enjoy the time with my friends! I have made some amazing friends in my first year, and I need to relax and understand that all things will work out.


After being exposed to the dreadlocked, mason jar toting, pierced "Bellinghamsters" that attend my school, I would have to tell myself to chop off my hair and pierce my septum sooner. For the duration of high school, and especially as a senior, I felt the need to fit in with my peers and in doing so, repressed my interests and personality. Since arriving at Western Washington University, I have had such a weight lifted off of my shoulders and now work to only meet my own expectations for how I portray myself. I feel much more like myself and am more comfortable in my own skin because of this release from the expectations of my peers. I no longer strive to please others; I am not quite sure if the weight has been lifted off of my shoulders because of this, or because I cut off my long locks as a farewell to high school. I think it may be a bit more of the latter.


Never allow yourself to feel totally comfortable. Comfort is a sign that you're doing something wrong, that you're missing an opportunity to enrich yourself. On that thought, enrich yourself out of curiosity and interest, not some abstract moral compulsion you feel. Your instincts are trustworthy, and you're right to think that you won't become "corrupted," whatever that word means. You are your only judge. It's a delicate line to walk, following what you love and want, but never staying comfortable. It means letting your friends talk you in to going dancing, doing horribly, and going back next week because you had a good time. It means kissing the girl, getting shoved away, and laughing it off. It means crying, yes, you can do it. Remember when you and Dad joked about how shoveling the drive or doing miserable things build character. This is your last chance to build yourself before you're out in the world, and it won't be miserable, but it won't be comfortable. You've been good at being safe and warm. Now go get a little frost bite. And love it all the while.


Realize that every little thing matters. But don't just realize that, realize why. The smallest tasks all lead up to two large benefits: one, you showcase yourself as a skilled individual by your positive results, and two, you are a more skilled individual because of the challenges you took on a conquered. On that note, do not shrink away from challenges. Do not be afraid of what you can't do, be afraid of thinking that there is something you cannot accomplish. Don't sell yourself short, and expect greatness. The greatest enemy lying between you and the goal is you. If you can break free from your underwhelming preconceptions of yourself, if you can push yourself beyond comfort, and try yourself in the flames, you might be surprised by what you find and by what you become. The crucible of academia is priceless and powerful beyond words, able to turn a fool into a scholar and coward into a brave young man, able to face the world and all its challenges.


Dear High School Zellie, This is where your life begins. There are several things that you will have to do on your own, but you were always independent, so I believe in you. At first, you'll miss home, but by the end of the year, you'll never want to leave. First things first, exercise. Why? Because the dining hall is open to you 24 hours a day, and the "Freshman 15" is real. Enough said. Second of all, shift your focus from thinking about boys to putting in work. When I say work, I mean 5-7 hours into studying. I know how you value sleep, but staying up will be worth your perfect scores on those quizzes/exams. Lastly, and most importantly, don't forget who you are, and whose you are. You are God's beautiful creation. God made you a light for the darkness. Not only are you there to be educated, but you were made to build and change your community. Hold on to your faith, because there is nothing greater than your relationship with the ultimate provider. Other than that, you will be just fine. I think the world of you. Good luck.


Hey babe, I know you think you're ready for college and in reality, you are. You did everything everyone tells you to do; took all the honors classes and got straight A's. Academically speaking, you're on top of the college world. There's one thing all those people forget to tell you though. Once you get to college and you're settled in with all your books and classes, make sure you make connections. College can get pretty lonely if all you have is your studies for company. The courses and homework are important but they won't mean a thing if you are so unhappy you feel like you can't make it through the day. Take it from someone who knows; a dorm room is a pretty tiny place to stay all day. So don't make the same mistakes I did. Instead, make friends and enjoy the world around you. Ask yourself if you're really happy doing whatever it is you're up to. Of course, study your heart out and be the amazing scholar I know you are. Just make sure you remember how many people in the world love you too.


There are many things I would say to my high school self. I would tell her that things get better. The awkwardness of adolescence fades and is replaced with experience, wisdom, and above all, increased confidence. I came from an economically disadvantaged family. Education was not emphasized. We were not pushed to achieve and poor grades were rarely punished if acknowledged at all. Likewise, we were rarely rewarded for good grades or accomplishment. This lack of inspiration made the pressures of high school more difficult. I wanted to do well for fear of being shamed by peers and disappointing teachers, but I didn’t have any support at home. I was plagued by a lack of confidence. I never felt smart. I found assignments daunting and had anxiety about doing the work. I didn’t begin college until I was in my mid-twenties and at thirty four I’m still working toward my first degree, but I will accomplish my goal. If I could speak to that young, awkward, insecure girl I was in high school, I would tell her she IS smart. She CAN accomplish goals. She WILL achieve. She will simply do it at her own pace.


Computer science is your destiny, don’t switch majors four times before coming back to CS. Don’t waste your time on community college; your credits will be useless. Go straight to university. Don’t go to Christian school. You’re going to have a lot of relatives die. It’s okay, it happens to everyone and it has to happen someday, you will get over it. You’re going to have your heart broken by several girls, and you’re going to break a girl’s heart. You will think that life is ending and you’ll never love again and you’ll never be able to forgive yourself for hurting, but it’s okay. You will pick yourself up dust yourself off, and learn from it. You weren’t meant to marry her. Love will come again and when you meet her, you’ll know. You will be engaged by 2014. Study more. Party less. When you apply yourself you are capable of so much more than you can possibly imagine right now. Learn. Grow. Don’t stress out too much (even though I know you will) and don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers.


I spent high school trying to blend in. Standing out was scary. I was not ready. I was not "standing out" material. So I put myself into a box. I was me only with my close friends. The rest of the world saw the safe and quiet and reserved Emma. Not that I was a wooden post. Sometimes sarcasm and laughter would emerge, but often, funny comments went unsaid. I hid my quirky sense of fashion. Quirky attracts attention. I would always be the one who would watch the action, but would never be in on the action. And I was selling myself short. I had stuffed my soul into a box all by myself. And there is such a bigger plan for me. One which involves boldness and love and laughter and grace. So this is me telling my high school self, who’s trying to just blend in; don't do it. Remember that you are beautifully unique. Stuffing yourself into a box will only hide this from a world that desperately needs daring individuals to share some love and grace. So laugh loudly, wear those funky shoes, and hold that head up high. Let’s be brave.


There is one thing I’d like to go back and pound into my high school self’s thick, stubborn head. BE PROACTIVE. In every way. Apply for admission early, apply for scholarships and financial aid early, apply for housing early…apply for everything EARLY. This time last year, I was under the impression that I had more money for school this year that I actually did, and by the time I realized I was wrong it was less than a month before move-in and the deadlines for scholarships and such for this year had all long since passed. I hadn’t applied for very many scholarships; I didn’t think I needed to. My parents and I are paying for that now, quite literally. I also made the mistake of not registering for fall quarter in the summer. I got all the classes I wanted, but…all the used textbooks had been sold by the time I knew what classes I was taking so I had to buy all new ones. Again, being proactive would have let me avoid spending $500 on books I’ll probably never look at again. So basically, DO EVERYTHING AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.


Do not get married at this age. Graduate with your class. I know that your home life is extremely painful and unhappy, but I will help you to leave. You can come stay with me to finish, without finishing this will follow you and affect you by convincing yourself that you do not have the ability to commit to finishing something you have started. You must belive that you are stronger than you believe. You are an intelligent individual, and you will find what you need. I know a few more months seems like an eternity to you, but you will survive. Do not despair.


I would tell myself, how important it is to get a college education and that the quality of life will be much better, if I received a college education. I would further tell myself that I would like college and I would have the opportunity to make many friends in college.


I would advise myself first of all, to calm down. It can be a really stressful time, but you will end up where you need to go. I would also advise my senior-self to apply early. It really makes a difference and you don't have to worry about all those deadlines. In additon, apply for financial aid! You never know what you will get unless you do it, you could be surprised. Finally, visit all of the colleges, hopefully while school is in session. I don't know a better way to figure out if a school is right for you if you never visit. Also, while visiting, don't be afraid to really explore and ask a lot of questions. This could be the place where you are spending the next four years of your life! Enjoy!


Mikayla, I want you to know that it will all be okay. All of the anxiety and fears of the future that you’re having now are silly. You will find your place wherever you end up going to school! Your 4.0 may seem like the most important thing to you right now but once you get to college, nobody is going to care about that and you won’t care as much either. The first month will be the hardest, but when you go home for the weekend you’ll realize that home isn’t the same as it used to be. You’ve made new friends and set up a new life for yourself essentially and while your family will always be your family, suddenly they don’t feel as familiar. You will make new friends who believe the same things that you do and even though you’ve only known them for a short time, you know they’ll be there for you forever. College is fun! There are moments that are hard, but you’ll get over it. Life's a struggle Remember to enjoy every moment because it’s already going too fast.


I would tell myself not to worry so much about the little things, a social life, making connections left and right. I would help myself understand that the people I know in high school, despite all the promising of staying in touch, won't be there for me when times are rough. I will reassure myself that I will find someone to be my rock through the turmoil, and my light through the darkness. There's no need to take on the world by yourself, or to be so guarded. You have to trust yourself and in the world that everything is happening accordingly, and that things will work out. Keep the grades up, you'll be disappointed otherwise. Focus on what's important, but take some time to figure out who it is you really are and what type of life you want to have. Your life doesn't have to abide by anyone's rules but your own, and the things you want years later will shock even the youngest, intellecutal version of yourself. You've got a good head on your shoulders, don't doubt yourself so much, you've got it.


Hey Jared Barr! What’s up! It’s me, Jared Barr, In the Future! So, here’s the thing, life is Not some big videogame, it’s not all about being comfortable. Life is about becoming a better person, a better you, life is about opening up, learning, serving, and spreading your talents with those around you. Do your Homework! Don’t think that somehow you will magically know how to get through life when you don’t know how to get a job. Go to school, learn a skill, pursue a career, start a family. Hard work pays off all the time, no matter what anyone else says.


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior would to be more open to other students when I go to attend WWU. Being more open, friendly, and outgonig would have allowed me to make the the life long connections I have made but make them sooner in my college career. Going in to Western my freshman year I was shy and afraid of taking social risks. It took me several years of constant social interactions to become to outgoing and personable person I want to be in my life. This transition to becoming a more socially outgoing person has been beneficial to my life and I thank the atmosphere at western for helping me make the change to this behavior but I would advise my high school self to begin this process sooner. Another piece of helpful advice i would give myself would be to seek advising help sooner in my college career. Instead of trying to advise myself on which classes I needed to take at specific times in my college career I wish i had sought out faculty advising from the start of my college career.


Choose a random dorm roommate. This serves two purposes. One, if you room with a current friend, you risk the loss of that friendship if you are both not compatible to be roommates. Two, this allows you to meet new people which is key to having success in college. If the random person you are given as a dorm roommate is from a different country or even a different part of the United States that you grew up in, it gives you an opportunity to learn different cultures and ways of life. Thus enhanicng your college experience and helping you understand globalization.


Dear High School Senior Summer, Please enjoy your last year of high school. College is so different and scary and independent and exciting, but so is your senior year. You will get to college eventually but for right now, breathe, and soak it all in. Because you will not talk or see any of these people again. You will have the chance to reinvent yourself and grow up, but please, for now, just be a stupid, naive kid. You won't have to worry about huge responsibilities like living on your own or deciding what you want for dinner. Be close to your senior class and enjoy every last experience, your last football game, your last Cabbage Patch Olympics and go to your Senior Prom. College will be fantastic, but your senior year should be too. Don't lose sight of who you are or who you want to be. Just be a Senior and let things fall way they may. Stop worrying and stressing and just go for it. Love, Western Washington University Summer


Hey high school me. I know you’re really nervous for college but I want you to not be. You will make friends amongst the people who are trying to meet new people. You will get homesick but it won’t be that bad. The people there aren’t big scary people. You will change your major over half way through the year but don’t freak out and be that controlling person quite yet! It will help you learn new things, both with acdemics and knowing what you truly want in life. So don’t freak out knowing that present you isn’t going on the path that you are constructing in your mind now. In fact, most of your future plans will change. With learning about yourself you’ll also know what you want with your relationships in life. It may be shocking but people you are close to now may not be close with you now, but they were holding you back. All this might seem like some major, upsetting news but hey don’t worry. Present you is happy, and is excited for the future. You’ll get here soon.


When i was in highschool i was the type of person that followed what everyone else was doing. As a freshman i was just getting by settling for a passing grade and not really caring. that happened up until my senior year. when i realized i was getting closer to becoming an adult i knew i had to take school seriously. i started working a little harder and not slacking off but i was still settling for just a normal grade. if i could go back and tell myself one thing it would be this: life only gets harder. that way i wouldve prepared myself a lot more for college. tell myself to try hard now so college life isnt so hard for you. so thats why i try to encourage my yonger siblings so they dont have to take the hard route like i did.


There is so much advice that I would give myself as a high school senior going into college the very next year, but the biggest thing that I would want to let myself know is that you WILL feel lonely and you WILL feel homesick, but it is okay and perfectly normal- every other Freshman at college is in the same exact position that you are in. I remember all of these thoughts flooding my mind overthinking things. "What if I cannot make any friends?" "What if I cannot find my classes?" "What if I get so homesick that I want to just leave and come home?" I stressed myself out so greatly that I almost forgot to enjoy the first quarter of my Freshman year. So the advice that I would give myself is to relax and breathe, because every other Freshman there is going through the same exact transition and you are not alone, even if it sometimes feels like it. Freshman year goes by in what feels like a blink of an eye- to spend the whole time worrying rather than enjoying yourself is just completely foolish!


"Do more scholarships!" Those are the wise words I would tell myself if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior. Although I did a lot to get grants and loans from the Community College I was attending, I did not do much to find scholarships from outside sources. I now know that that tactic would have eliminated most (if not all) tuition costs. In fact, the very reason why I am writting this essay today is because I have come to this realization! Although it is definitely never too late to start applying for scholarships, it is definitely helpful to start as soon as possible and to do as many as possible. That is a fact my "high school self" would have benefited from.


Be careful what friend group you hang around with. Associate yourself with people have have similar goals and ambitions while in college.


Emily, There is reasoning behind the struggles you've had in the classroom. You're not inferior to your friends or other students and you are certaintly not unintelligent. You're just different. You will find this out more your second year in college but until then understand that you have a unique way of processing and understanding information that is given to you. I know you want to follow the footsteps of your heroine, Rosalind Franklin, and become the next great genetisist but that's not your path. Keep to the social sciences because, as you already know, you're good with people. Learn to own your disability and learn to truly work with it. It defines you and your strengths and it also gives you a connection and the abilty to relate to your future job working for people with developmental disabilities. Learn. Believe. Become. Good luck!


If I was to go back in time, I would tell myself to work on my study habits. College is about getting good grades for me and in high school I didn't study much because the classes weren't that hard. I would also tell myself to work harder at my part-time job because college is definitely not cheap. during my first to years of college, it was hard to get the money and afford the tuition because I didn't have much saved up. As far as the college life is concerned, I adjusted very well. I have always been the type of person to get along with pretty much everyone so it wasn't a problem for me to interact with my new roommates.


I would tell myself to enjoy everything that the school has to offer and to have self respect. I would want to tell myself that even though you are too young, you are too old to waste your time with people in your life who do not make you feel geat about yourself or encourage you to be you. If someone is not a true friend or support you, then it is time to look for someone else or to only spend time with people who share their best qualities and support your best qualities. I would tell her that college provides many different people and that the best ones to spend time with are the ones who you can do nothing with and still enjoy their company, these are not people that have to party to have fun. Other than that I know I would find the right path form myself like I already have.


When attending college you will meet lots of new people and encounter lots of college experiences. Acedemically you will have to work harder then you did in high school in order to suceed and that means being in the library until they close at midnight. Or waking up at 6 in the morning to study before your exams. That being said we are going to fail once in a while the key is to NEVER GET DISCOURAGED. There have been times that you might doubt yourself and think that you don't belong in college or you won't make it into the career you want, but understand we must learn how to fail before we suceed. So when you fail take it as a learning experience and keep your head held high and truely believe in yourself.


If I went back in time to talk to myself as a High School Senior I would tell myself how much I have to look forward to as a College student. The Community College is just a stepping-stone to where I am going in life. Therefore, I would tell myself to make the best of it and aim for a 3.5 GPA or higher. I would probably also get myself to start applying for scholarships as soon as possible for my transfer to a University to be smooth and to help me stay out of debt. Overall, I have made good choices since High School. I feel that I chose the right classes to take to transfer to the University and to help me find the kind of career I wish to pursue. I know the University life will be somewhat different than where I have been, so I am not sure what I would advise myself for the upcoming situation. The last bit of advice I would give to myself would be to never give up and don’t let any distractions get in the way of pursuing my future goals.


If I were able to speak to myself as a high school senior, I would remind myself to breathe. At that time in my life I was overwhelmed by responsibilities as a student juggling courses, sports, a job, and a position as school newspaper photographer. I learned to slow down the hard way during the winter quarter of my freshman year in college, when I was diagnosed with a debilitating nervous system disease that left me temporarily wheelchair-bound. As I worked to motivate myself toward healing and recovery, I learned to take quiet moments to slow down, honing skills in mindfulness meditation and progressive relaxation. These coping strategies are among the toolbox of skills I hope to bring with me to graduate school next fall, as I pursue a degree in Couple and Family Therapy. My goal is to help clients struggling with chronic illness in navigating the complexities of disability, while learning to find peace within themselves. Mindfulness eased my transition into college, and helped me make meaning of my transition into life with disability. If I could speak to myself as a high school senior, I would emphasize the efficacy of this simple practice.


I would tell myself to keep focused on my studies and keep on studying. Senior year grades DO affect your GPA. I would also tell myelf to enjoy my last year of high school. College is extremely busy, stressful and hard. Stressing over my last year of high school would not be as beneficial as working hard but also relaxing.


The advice I would give my self as a high school senior is to, take advantage of all the opportunities afforded you. I know that I did a lot my senior year, in regards to applying for scholarships, and making sure I complete all my assignments on time. There's isn't a lot I would tell myself as a high school senior, I pretty did everything I could.


I would advise myself to get a job to make money so I wouldn’t have to ask. The money that I would've earned would have been saved for college. All the jokes that I’ve heard college students say about being broke, are not jokes and isn’t funny now that I’m experiencing it myself. Being a 1st generation college student from a low income family, I’m terrified to ask for money so I can buy my college textbooks or a graphing calculator, a necessity to my education. Coming from a high school with a graduating class of 75 students, I’d tell myself that the pool I’ve been swimming in for 4 years, won't prepare you for the sea that you’re about to be dumped into. I’d tell myself to practice communication skills, to avoid being awkward and shy. College will not be fun and exciting as I think it will be, if I’m alone in my dorm room because I’m too timid to socialize. I’d say that college is fun and even though it seems scary at the moment, it’s a chance to change your life.


Hello 17 Year Old Me, So now you’re a senior, it’s a great feeling isn’t? College is approaching which really scary, but to be honest it gets better. It certainly is different leaving home and being thrust into a completely new situation. But its also kind of fun, you get to meet lots of new people and you get to experience so many new things. You are going to get homesick; it’s going to happen, just accept it. The good news is that you will get past it, just stay busy. Staying busy in college is not hard at all, there is so much going on between classes, watching to home teams and all of the other various activities. The transition feels completely impossible at the beginning, but it gets easier. Call home, it helps to talk to your family. At first it makes it harder, but after a while there will be so much to tell them that the feeling of being alone starts to go away. Talk to people, make new friends, not just in your roommates but in class and on the bus too. You will do fine. Good Luck! -Your Future Self


I would tell myself to prepare financially and mentally for what lies ahead. I would advise myself to get a job over the summer and save as much money as possible to help out with the costs. I would also advise myself to get into the college mindset. Breezing through with no studying or tutoring will not work. I would also tell myself that it is okay to get help. Do not be afraid to ask for help when I need it. There is nothing wrong with it, and it does not make you stupid. Finally, I would tell myself to have fun. You don't have to be all about school. You need to make some time for you. Go out and enjoy yourself. Make friends with people from different backgrounds and join as many clubs as you can. Do not be afraid to branch out and do things on your own. You are strong and independent. You have been given an opportunity to better your education that many people are not given. Seize this opportunity. Work hard and enjoy yourself. This is a gift and it is time to enjoy this wonderful gift given to you.


If I could go back in time and give my "senior self" advice about college there are a few points I'd like to make. First of all, be more outgoing right away. In college, there is nothing to hide. Most students are just like you and are just excited to make friends and get through school. Second of all, write your goals down. Of course, you know what they are, but seeing is the first step in believing. If you see your long term goals everyday, studying becomes alot easier. And last, get more involved! College offers so many opportunies! Take advantage of them. Join a club, get involved in the extracurricular activites, and go to all the concerts and fun events the school offers. They are right there at your finger tips waiting for you to join, to meet new people, make new friends. Be excited about college because those years will truly be some of the best years of your life!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior my biggest piece of advice would be to relax. I would tell myself to not be so anxious to get away from everything in high school and to enjoy it for what it is: an experience. An experience that should not be thrown away or ran away from. I would tell myself not to be so anxious to start over in college. It is good to feel like you still have a connection to your past. I would tell myself not to be so anxious and to slow down to really think my desicions and the path I am on through. That I should try to imagine where I want to be in five or ten years. I would tell myself to relax; I need to relax.


I would tell myself to relax and not worry so much about deciding where to go. I would suggest I take time to have fun with friends before they all take off to different parts of the country.


Having the opportunity to go back and talk to myself on my senior year of high school I would give myself a few tips before starting college. The thing I would have stressed to myself the most would be sign up for every scholarship that I could possibly find. College is so expensive and it is hard to pay for while studying and going to work at the same time. Another thing I would give advice on is don't worry if I was going to fit in or not. On the first day of school people were not really concerned with making friends. People were nice but they didn't care if you just graduated or if you were an elder person. They were there with the intentions of getting their degree. The last thing I would tell myself is take your Senior year serious. Just because colleges or universities quit looking at your grades your junior year that don't give you the opportunity to slack off on your studies. Prepair to be very organized for college. Everything you learned throughout your high school career will come back for you to remember.


Advice that I would give high school me is that college is not easy but the right place and people can make all the difference. It is going to take a while for you to find your nitch and don't be afraid of moving around. Deal with things as they come, don't worry about the little things! Live for the experiances.


If i could go back in time i would tell my high school senior self to take part in as many college credit earning opportunities as possible. If i had more college credits accrued then it would have saved me huge amounts of time and money, allowing me to finish my degree faster and have much less debt. Paying back debt will be the hardest thing to do after college so if i could have saved myself the money before I would be in a much better place.