Xavier University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


For starters, when you are moving in you do not need to bring your entire closet and especially clothes you don't even wear. But more importantly, I would tell myself to apply and visit more schools to see what the world has to offer me and my education. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships. I would tell myself that leaving and transitioning will be hard, but everyone goes through it. I would tell myself I don't know what hard classes are yet. I would advise myself that college is what you make of it, so in order to have a good experience you need to be positive and life in college gets better with time and experience. The most disappointing thing about first arriving to college is that everyone already has these pre-set expectations of college life and I would want to let myself know that I shouldn't have high expectations and that I need to let college be the experience that it is.


Study hard, and stay focused.


As a track and field athlete you've learned how to hurdle. You're at the starting line of your college career and the reality is there will be many hurdles. But you must learn how to become a great hurdler if you want to finish the race. Hurdlers are flexible, determined and graceful. Learn how to be flexible. Things won't always go your way. You may get assigned two giant papers in one week. You may have a hard time getting along with your new roomate. In order to succeed in college, learn how to bend your plans, priorities, and preferences. Stay determined. Determination means forging forward in the midst of failures. Just like in a race you may trip over a hurdle, you may trip over an obstacle while you're in school. Learn how to get back up despite the difficulties. Be graceful. Learn how to withold judgement; be empathetic with others and willing to walk in their shoes. Open your mind to all the different people you'll meet. And be gracious with yourself. Forgive yourself in spite of your mistakes. Stick with it. Finish the race strong. You'll do great.


Go to a cheaper school and work really hard, also apply for more scholarships!


College is not about a set number experiences or a laid out for year plan. It is okay to embrace change and not have everything figured out right away. Take time to discover your true interests, even if it means changing your major a few times. The uncertaintly and unknown is worth it when you finally do discover your real passions. Embrace not knowing and enjoy every minute and experience college has to offer. Join a club you would never have joined in high school, accept every opportunity that comes your way. Hardships are what make you a stronger person and show you who your true friends are. You can never have too many friends. Accept your friends for who they are because you will meet people from all walks of life. Work hard and stay focused, but make sure you put just as much effort and time into having fun. The experiences and people you meet in college are what you will remember forever. College is the experience you choose to make of it.


I am attending college as a 53 year old man. If I could go back in time to talk to the "highschool" me I would say..."Jimmy, just because you got a good job right after highschool does not mean that you should not go to college. Somethings do not last forever and this job is one of them. Please go to college and get a degree. By the time you are 53 you will have been laid of twice and you are working at minimum wage jobs while you are finally going for that business degree. Please go now."


I would beg my past self to get more scholarships, since college is a lot more than I thought it would be. Also I would warn myself about all the reading in college. Being in AP classes I thought the reading would be easy, however, it is often long and even more often due the next class period, which forces me to read that night. This advice would probably help make the reading seem so long.


"What if no one likes me?" This was my biggest fear as a high school senior, particularly during the summer. Knowing what I know now, I would tell my past self to "chill out!" It was so easy to make new friends at Xavier--nearly everyone I have met I have something in common with, whether we're in the same major, or if we like the TV shows. Being myself, and not stooping to pretend to like or dislike certain things just for the sake of others' affection, is truly the best choice to make. In college, everyone is in the same boat: we are all trying to figure out who we are and what we want to do with the rest of our lives. Everyone's guard is down, and the best way to make friends is to find those with whom you share something. Try new things! Have new experiences! The adjustment to college life is certainly much easier than you think, too, past self. Knowing that your life is different and that you have a new home allows you to put that behind you and quickly get into a new routine: the college routine.


My advice I would give to myself, honestly, would be to go to NKU. It's a lot cheaper than Xavier. They also have a wider range of course selection, and you have more space in your schedule to take courses that interest you, instead of filling those spaces with a bunch of theology, philosophy, and spanish classes that Xavier forces all students to take.


As a high school senior, I was preparing to move to Haiti. I spent a year there before I began college. Although, I was confident in my decision to move to Haiti, I was definitely insecure about it. Most of the other students were talking about colleges, majors, and acceptances. I was not able to partake in any of this and I felt like others had a condescending attitude towards me because I wasn't making the transition to college right away. Looking back, I would tell myself to stand tall and proud. Everyone has a different track and not everyone needs to attend college immediately following high school. Spending a year in Haiti was the best decision I have ever made. I believe that is a great thing to know yourself and your purpose before entering college. My time in Haiti gave me confidence and vision of what I want to do with my life. My time in college now is focused and I am sure that this what I am supposed to do. I would love to be able to tell my high school self this.


In high school, I did not practice good study habits. I would have practiced better study habits so that in college, I would have already had the study skills to start my first year of college strong. In high school, I would have wanted to be more involved in school activities. I was involved on the track and football team but I would have been involved in different club organizations to allow me to be apart of diverse things and so that I won't be single-minded to being involved in things that might seem different. Lastly, I would tell myself to practice better time management skills. In high school I did not have that much school work to do, so there was not really a need for time management. In college, my work load increased, in which I had to balance my school work and the various club organizations.


Looking back on high school, I wish I would have applied to the Govenor Scholar's Program and National Honors Society. Being accepted by these prestigious organizations would have possibly given me more financial aid for college tuiton.


I would tell myself to relax and be confident. In college it does not matter that you were the student who was picked on or who didn't fit in in high school. In college, there is a place for you. Everyone is unique and has special talents. College offers activities for everyone and is open to all students and their beliefs. People care about who a person is and how they treat others. Also, if you have worked hard in high school you will survive college. Yes, college is hard, but if you work and focus you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. College will be hard, but you can succeed. Put your best foot forward and college will be the best expereince of your life. Embrace it. School work is important, but remember to join activities that you enjoy. Those extracurriculars are what help define you and help you grow. Don't waste a single moment in college because they are the best of your life. Savor every minute.


Work hard, but don't stress over everything. It is crucial to make a huge effort in each class, but it is equally important to stay stress free and not get bogged down worrying about every little thing. Stress just makes things harder, so you need to take time to relax and have fun. You go to school to learn and work towards your future, but you also need to be happy and spend time doing things you like so that school doesn't become something negative. Don't procrastinate because that only increases the stress. Work out and exercise several times a week. It helps to relieve stress and help you to beat the "Freshman 15" weight gain. Talk to your family often! You do not want to separate yourself from them because you need them to help you get through everything that college throws at you. Be friendly and make tons of friends and try not to make enemies. College is a fresh start, and you don't want to start with people already not liking you. Most importantly, be happy. This is a new step in your life, embrace it and LIVE!!


Psychology is a multifaceted field that yields the opportunity to help humans on a mental, social, and biological level. As a psychology major, I enjoy observing and investigating human behavior. Questions such as “Why did this individual respond in this manner under this stimuli?” as well as, “How can this behavior be explained?” fascinate me. Although I have a tendency to be shy, attending college has given me the ability to explore different aspects of psychology in a more meaningful social setting. Challenged by the idea that human behavior is not simply the byproduct of genetic predisposition, but also the influence of a vital environmental component, encourage me to participate. Learning what I enjoy most while surrounded by a group of students who share an equal amount of enthusiasm for psychology is an exciting prospect I look forward to continue experiencing. Being able to attend college has given me a guide towards creating my future and the possible opportunity to help others with my future investigations in the field of psychology.


I have learned that some people will never grow up in life and those who are willing to grow up and become more diversified will be the ones who succeed.


A whole new mindset. I think that's self explanatory in and of itself why it would be important, but it's incredible to me just how much I've learned about the world, history, and fellow students in just one year of college. I think about things now in ways that would've gotten my mind in a knot in high school. I'm able to see a problem from many sides, and analyze it in the context of the conditions of the time it's occurring in. Not only does this make me better able to write essays and participate in class discussions, it enables me to relate to fellow students and professors in the context of a bigger picture, and realize that reactions and events are ALWAYS influenced by outside factors.


I have gotten the confidence to go out and do what I want to do for a living. Before college I was looking at a life as a guy with a diploma. I was working entry level jobs, moving around all the time, and holding two or three jobs a year. I thought that was going to be the rest of my life. Then I got my act together and my mother offered to help put me back in school. So I applied on the very last day and signed up for classes. I did not really apply myself untill I took my psychology class. My teacher inspired me to continue on with my education and take it seriously. She had told me about how she knows other people who tried for a P.h.D. and failed, multiple times, and they kept trying. She said even after four failed attempts, this one friend of hers made it. That gave me hope, not because I am not smart enough, but because it showed me that if I really want something, like my P.h.D., then I can get it no matter how many times I fall down.


In my college experience, I have grown into the woman I have always wanted to be where the first time in my life I get to choose my own destiny. In my college experience I, like many other students, have had multiple internships and a great GPA. But that is not what college is for me. Since I was young, I have always wanted to be independent and make my own choices. It wasn't until college that I figured out that growing up into an adult was a lot more than just a great GPA and independence. It is learning that there is more out of life than just getting a great paying job. That happiness in a career, a lovng family, and great friends are more important that money could ever be. It is learning that worrying about the little things that go wrong in life are really insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It most importantly though taught me to love myself for who I am and to follow my aspirations and to not loose sight of them for a second. This is the most critical and fundamental part about being a college student graduate.


This college experience helped me to grow further and become a strong student. I am proud to say that I went to college and that I will be continuing with my programm at PSU.


I have met more people. Going to a community college makes you met not just traditonal younger students but older ones who are trying to go back to school for their own reasons. Also a community college is a good place to start school if you don't know what you would like to be. It is cheaper than a 4-year school and smaller.


I have received the courage to go past what I think I am supposed to do and have a real voice in what I think and feel. By the Jesuit tradition of questioning faith and reason to find the best answer possible. Also, I have grown to think past myself and listen to the opinions around me, trying to understand not only their stance, but also their reasoning for that stance. It has been valuable to me because I do not think I would be as independent as I am now without this experience but still having the perspective of being part of something much bigger.


Education is very important because it allows people to view different situations in new and exciting ways. Education is not only what is found in textbooks, it is also about the discussions you get to have with other students and faculty. Through discussion, you are able to expand your view of the world by leaps and bounds. Many different people with very differing points of view are all in one room together discussing topics. This allows you to see how others think and react to problems in their life. This helps facilitate acceptance and understanding amongst contrasting groups. Education also occurs outside of the classroom. Interactions between students outside of the classroom are just as important as reading your assignments for the next class. In college, you have to deal with situations like a roommate you don’t get along with, or a member of your group for a project is not pulling their weight. By going through these experiences, you are able to figure out ways to deal with these situations. These same situations happen in the work place, and if you are educated you will be better able to settle the problem in the most reasonable fashion.


I have grown up since I have been in college . I graduated from High School thinking that I would be so ready for college. When I got to college it was entirely different. The professors aren't like the teachers in High School they don't baby you. If you din't study in College it will only hurt you, because in the end you will be the one that will be affected. The school officals don't call you to check up on you like they did in High School. You have to pay for your education in College . If you don't come to school it is huring you because you're paying money out of your pocket to come to school.College has really opened my eyes. My eyes must stay opened if I am destined to succeed.


My college expierence so far has been nothing like I thought it wiould be. I have had to force myself to let go of the fun parties, going out, staying up late in order to practice helpful study habits that allow me to make the best grades possible. Its almost has become like a hobby, I feel real good about myself and enjoy studying because i know that good grades come out of the practice. My senior year in high school I was an average student and I never thought for two seconds that I would be a "A" , "B" student in college , But i am proud to say that i proved myself wrong.


College, to put it plainly, has helped me discover who I am and what I stand for. It has helped me mature and make wise decisions (after a million mistakes were made), as well as let my inner child out (through crazy dorm nights) before I leap forward into a career. I have been able to tap into the lives of many newfound friends and get a grip on different cultures and diverse opinions of others, which have helped me create strong convictions for myself and what I expect from life. College has provided me many avenues to succeed not only through the grand education that I am currently receiving, but the life experience of dealing with people, having internships, paying bills, planning my schedule, and playing a varsity sport. The experience has been rewarding and I will have lifelong memories and friends that I will cherish, on top of the fact that I became a well-rounded and intelligent person capable of making an impact on the world.


My college experience has opened so many doors for me. It allowed me to partake in incredible internships for my major, created opportunities for networking, and ultimately gave me a new insight about life. I value attending Xavier University and the many courses I have taken in two years. Each class gave me extensive knowledge about the subject, which gave me an advantage when applying for a variety of internships. The skills that I learned in the form of social media, hands-on-training, and a classroom environment instilled confidence in my own abilities. This allowed me to stand out among others and build professional relationships with future employers. However, the greatest thing about having a college experience is the point-of-view you develop. I look at life situations so differently ? I consider the before and after effect instead of just the present. College has transformed every aspect of my life.


I've opened my mind so much. When I started college, I thought it was a lot like high school until my courses really set in and I started writing papers and discussing really in depth ideas. Being in an environment where everyone is enthusiastic to learn is such a great experience. My critical thinking has improved amazingly.


Confidence, knowledge and maturity: these are the three main things I have gained from my college experience. I began college very unsure of myself. I could not believe I was old enough to live on my own and take care of myself but when tossed into the mix of college life I realized my ability to take care of myself and my life and my confidence grew exponentially. Since attending college, my knowledge has increased greatly. I love learning and spend hours in the library studying. I enjoy my Natural Science major and do not plan to change it. I take advantage of every opportunity to learn and expand my field of knowledge. I began college very innocent and more dependent on my parents than I realized. Now, I prefer to be on my own and have grown up more than I could?ve ever imagined. It has been valuable to attend Xavier because everyone wants you to succeed. They push you to work your hardest, some days I break but pick myself back up and work harder than before. I have learned so much about myself and what I am able to accomplish through hard work.


I would advice myself to better my writing on essays and read more books.


If I could go back to being a senior in high school there are a lot of things that I would want to say. The biggest thing would be to get involved early and stop wasting time thinking about Pharmacy school. Alfo I would advise myself to relax a little more and go have some fun. I spent too much of my first year of college studying or hanhing out alone in my room.


If I had the opportunity to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to start off from day one with your priorities in line. College is suppose to be fun and has been the best years of my life, but it is important to remember that you are there for academic purposes above anything else. You don't want Junior year to come around and suddenly you dropped classes, dont have a major, and still dont know who your academicadvisor is. Sit down and plan out each week. Make time for your friends after you get your work finished for the day. A college social life is much more enjoyable when you dont have the stress of missed classes assignments and homework lingering in the back of your mind. It will be the greatest 4 years of your life; but remember, the college experience iswhat YOU make of it!


If I could talk to myself in high school I would remind myself that not everyone is going to love you. It is impossible to make everyone happy. The only person who you have to make happy is yourself. People will like you for who you are. I would also remind myself that I'm here at Xavier to get an education. Getting a degree is what will make me the most happy in the long run and that is more important than anything else. I would remind myself that leaving Rhode Island means that the saftey net parents provide will still be there but it will shrink in size. This independance is spectaular but remember to not go crazy.


The biggest piece of advice that I would give myself as a high school senior is to not be scared and to be open to anything and everything new that might come your way. Do not sweat the small stuff. Do not freak out about who your freshman roomate is going to be because the majority of the time you will become the best of friends, and if it does not work out, the resident staff is all willing to make things work for you. People are willing to talk to you, because trust me, others are just as nervous as you are on their first few days. Some people may be shy, so try and reach out to a few people and make an effort to get to know them because they want friends just as much as you do. College might be a diversity shock for some, but its fun learning about other ethnicities. All in all, be confident of the person you are because chances are you will find the right journey to lead you through your college career, but you need to accept yourself before you can accept the transition into college life.


"Give yourself a break, Haley. Everything will work itself out!"


I would tell myself to put more time and energy into my school work in high school. By not trying my hardest in high school, my GPA was lower and therefore I had limited choices for colleges. I have learned that you always need to try your best. The more effort and energy you put into something, the more rewards and opportunities will surface.


Two words; Self Sabotage. I'm not one to let people turn me away from my goals. I am one , however; that does get in my own way. I told myself this year, 3.5 and higher! I even posted my own "facebook prayers" to encourage fellow freshman at Xavier to aim only for the best. Somehow, I lost sight of my goal. I procrastinated until the very last minute. I thought that being on Facebook,listening to music, or watching tv, was more essential than my success. As a result, I ended my first semsester with a 2.5. Some may say this is good. I would say, however; that a 2.5 is unaccaptable for a person who didn't try their best. I would tell myself that anything below a 3.0 should not be associated with being Arianna Dunn. I would also tell myself this quote by Nikki Giovanni, " I really don't think life is about the I could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don't mind the failure, but I can't imagine I'd forgive myself I didn't try". Never get in your OWN way.


If I were to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to be a little bit more organized for classes. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to not stay up so late at night and to get to bed early enough to be rested for an 8:30 class. I would also advise myself to keep school as the main priority and that my social life should come second, so I won't have a need to cram for tests and there would be no need to stay up so late. I would also tell myself that if someone wants to confront me in an improper manner, do not be nonchalant and do not be equally improper. Be cordial and be careful of who you trust.


I would tell myself to keep in contact with the faculty at my high school, because during the breaks from college, you never know what kind of asset they could be. They could maybe help find work during the vacations. Depending on my area of educational experience, maybe I could have gained some teaching experience by aiding one of the teachers there, who knows, maybe post graduation jobs or internship information could have been available to me. Also, I would tell myself not to be afraid to venture out, see other things, places, and meet new people. Technically, you can't do your first undergraduate experience over again, so why not make it the best one. I would also tell myself not to grow up too fast. In undergrad I was so anxious to have my own apartment and be off campus, that my sophomore year I was not only weighed down by 7 political science classes and extra curricular activities, but I had the weight of my bills as well as other expenses that could have been avoided had I stayed on campus. I would also say learn a new language while you have the time and resources.


College is all about balance. It is very imporatant to come in with high energy and make a lot of friends. By sophmore year you can widdle down your group of friends to people you truly identify with. The balance comes in with maintaining your social life and grades at the same time. Freshman year is crazy, being on your own is a huge responsibility. Make sure you keep a high focus on academics and have fun at the same time, but grades take the priority as they determine your life after college.


Be careful and think critically about which college you choose. Try to get your grades up, and study skills perfected, it will help in the long run. Look for as many scholarships as possible if you know your college is not fully paid for. Do not get stressed out, college is difficult, but you can make it!!!


My high school was not the toughest of schools and I could get by with just doing the bare minimum. I was lazy and did not apply myself. When college rolled around, I was really blown away with how much work I had to do and how many opportunities there were. I was so overwhelmed with homework because of my lazy procrastinating tendencies that I didn't get to enjoy all that was available. College is the last thing you do before you go into the real world and you need to acquire a lot of skills to be successful. These skills aren't just from doing homework 24/7. They are from meeting and interacting with new people, getting involved with extra-curricular activities, and acquiring as much knowledge as you can to be a well-rounded human being. I began to realize all of this my sophomore year, but if I could go back to high school and start there, I would get the most out of my college experience.


I would, above all else, urge myself to smile to strangers. A simple smile can have such a greater impact on your life than any number of hours studying, books read, or beverages illegally consumed. I believe that a college student spends his/her life doing three basic activities; sleeping, studying, and socializing. Studying is the easiest, sleeping is the hardest, and socializing is the most important. Your friends will teach you so much more about yourself and the world you live in than your Organic Chemistry textbook could ever hope to. The college student's desire for social activity dominates their mental space, and until that craving for peer interaction is adequately satiated, there is no prayer for good grades. You will simply procrastinate, attempting to fill the void with Facebook and Videogames. So, go out there, sit outside the student union when fall term starts and be friendly. Talk to new people, ask them how they're doing. See if they want to go to the dining hall with you. Ask them for help. Trust them. Smile.


I would definately tell myself to learn how to study. In high school I got away with A's and not studying. In college this in not the case. I would also have told myself to learn time management skills. They are very important when you don't have classes everyday and you have so many projects to do. I would also tell myself not to be afraid to ask for help. In high school when someone asked for help it was portrayed that they were stupid. That isnt the case. It is smart to ask, the professor know you are trying and that you care. I would tell myself to save more money. College is expensive and I wish I would have worked harder to save more money to help pay for college. Also, I would also tell myself to apply for more scholarships to help cut the cost of college. On a more social aspect, I would tell myself to get involved and to make new friends and not rely on friends from from high school. The more you get involved the happier you are and the more people you know which can help out with classes.


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be to try and be more involved around campus and to realize that college isn't like high school; that I would have to work harder. develop better study habits, and buckle down and do what I know i needed to do. I would also tell myself that college is not all about hard work, and that I need to take some time out for myself and relax so that I would break down under all the stress that I was faced with. My high school self would also need to know that there are many resources that can be utilized at school. So that if I feel as though I can't handle what I am faced with, there is always someone around that I can speak with to help me. My former self would also need to know that I can't stray away from my goals and that I can't let anything get in the way of me doing what I need to do to become a success.


This is my second college experience in search of a bachelor's degree and given the chance to speak to 1999 me, I would have encouraged myself to study what I was passionate about not just what felt was challenging enough to justify the cost. From the time that I was able to speak I knew that I was college bound; usually I was encouraged to be a professional and rarely was it mentioned to follow my bliss. Though it should be mentioned that I was never encouraged NOT to, the idea was that college would lead directly to a higher degree and ultimately a career. After 3 years studying biology I knew that I never wanted to be a doctor and I was determined to find out what it was that I did want from a college degree. I worked with Abercrombie & Fitch as well as Ralph Lauren and was able to see first hand what an art degree could do in a professional setting. I saw those that were designing clothing, logos, fonts, and even store interiors and props. I would tell my high school self all of this and let her know that art is the future.


You or your child's college years will be the best years of your life. In searching for the right college, you have to be willing to dig inside yourself and decide what it is your really want. I tend to tell my friends and family searching for colleges to focus on the flexibility of the curriculum and academics because you may enter with a totally different idea of what you want to do with your life than the one you leave with, therefore you want to make sure your school will mold you. Also, one wants to pick a college that will allow them to grow, to be involved, to be sculpted into a better person. Colleges cost so much money that you want to make sure you get an education that is worth every dollar you are spending.


In your search for the right college for you make sure you try to experience the actual life of a student. Avoid visiting schools when they are not in session and also during exams. Look at big schools and small school, private school and public schools, rural schools and urban schools, so that you can get the feel for what is really available. You are guaranteed to know when you find the right place because while not all your anxiety will cease the place you decide will at least feel like a place you belong and are welcomed.


It is really important to visit the colleges that you think you want to go to. Not only the scheduled campus visits, but if possible I recommend staying with someone that you know for a few days, that way you can really get the feel of the campus and activities. When you go on one of the scheduled campus visits it is bit of a false sense of what it is actually like living there, that is why I suggest going and staying for more than a day. Also, ask a lot of questions!! Never be afraid to ask a question about the school, because odds are someone is wondering the exact same thing. Lastly, you have to pick the place that just feels right. No one can tell you what feels comfortable except for you so just listen to yourself. If you are unsure, visit and re-visit the schools until you are sure. Once you have made a decision and are at your school, the best advice I can give is get involved. You meet a lot of people that way not to mention you have fun while doing it. Good luck to everyone!!


I would say that students should use resources available to them at their high schools in order to find the right college for them. For parents, I would reccommend encouraging your children to use these resources, but also take an active role in making sure your child can find the right school for them by scheduling campus visits to schools that you think would be beneficial for them to see. For example, to find the right school size for your child, visit multiple different sized schools so that they can get a feel for what each "size" will entail. Once you find the right school, I would encourage both parents and students to actively participate in as much as you can while you are at school because this is the best way for incoming freshmen to meet new friends and get out of the dorm rooms to meet other people besides your roommate. However, make sure you are not trying to get so involved in extracurricular activities and clubs that you completely abandon the whole reason you are there-- your education. Always, always put your education first!