State University System of Florida Program

Award Amount
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Johnson Scholarship Foundation

Number of Awards & Eligibility: The Johnson Scholarship Foundation is not currently tracking this information. *Please note: The number of recipients for this program varies according to the number of college students meeting the eligibility requirements in any given year.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. This award is for U.S. students.
  2. Must be accepted into or currently attend one of the Florida State University System (SUS) member institutions: FAMU, FAU, FGCU, FIU, FSU, New College of Fla., UCF, UF, UNF, USF, or UWF.
  3. Must have a disability in one or more of the following classifications: ADD/ADHD; autism spectrum disorder; blind or low vision; deaf/hard of hearing; orthopedic disability; psychological, emotional, or behavioral disability; speech/language disabilities; learning disability; traumatic brain injury; other health disabilities (any other disability deemed by a disability professional to make completion of the requirement impossible).
  4. Must complete nine or more credit hours each semester.
  5. Must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  6. Must be a high school senior or current undergraduate student. The student must be seeking his/her first bachelor's degree.
  7. Must be a Florida resident for tuition purposes, based on Section 1009.21, Florida Statutes.
  8. Must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: Florida high school seniors and current undergraduate students with certain visual, learning, speech, and/or hearing disabilities who have been accepted to or are enrolled at an eligible Florida state institutions are eligible for this award. Students must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need.

Application requirements for the State University System of Florida Program are:

  • Recommendation letter
  • Application form
  • Personal statement
  • Official Transcript
Additional Information: Applicants must demonstrate financial need. Recipients will be notified in July. Each recipient must complete and return an acceptance form by the date specified on his/her notification letter. Failure to return the acceptance form by the specified date will result in forfeiture of the award. First-time recipients must participate in a Johnson Scholarship orientation and adhere to the minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average required of this program.

Award Amount: The dollar amount of the award is contingent upon the level of funding from the Johnson Foundation and the Florida legislature for each year that it is awarded. Awards are renewable for up to three years as long as the student reapplies each year and maintains eligibility requirements.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $1,000.

Deadline Information:

Deadline for this scholarship is Wednesday, April 1

Deadline Information:

Deadline for this scholarship is Wednesday, April 1

Applications are available online from the Johnson Scholarship Foundation website by clicking on the 'Scholarship Applications' link in the top right-hand corner. In addition to the completed application, the student must submit the following documents: a copy of his/her current transcript; documentation of the nature and/or extent of the disability; a personal statement of no more than one double-spaced page pertaining to his/her achievements, activities, career goals, and the effects of his/her disability(ies); and three letters of reference addressing the student's academic success and potential. Students must also file the FAFSA (Free Application For Student Aid). The FAFSA is available online at, at high school guidance offices, and at college financial aid offices. The FAFSA should be completed no later than March 1. Completed applications should be submitted to the contact person listed on the application for the school to which the student has been accepted. Please note: If the student applies to more than one eligible institution, he/she must submit complete application materials to each institution. All applications and supporting materials must be received by the deadline date.
About Johnson Scholarship Foundation:
Contact Information: Sharon Wood, Office and Grants Administrator
Address: 700 S. Dixie Highway Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-5854

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