Exxon Mobil Engineering Scholarship (Renewable)

Exxon Mobil Engineering Scholarship (Renewable) awards go to four freshman who are also U.S. citizens. Candidate must attend an ABET accredited university in the U.S. Minimum GPA: 3.5. Candidate must maintain GPA of 3.5 or above to remain eligible for renewal. Click here to learn more and apply today!

Exxon Mobil Engineering Scholarship

The Society of Women Engineers is a member agency whose mission is to empower women within the engineering industry. One way they do this is through scholarship programs. There are 8 Exxon Mobil Engineering Scholarships of $2,500 each for freshman studying CE, ChE, EE, PetE, or mechanical engineering who have at least a 3.5 GPA.

Bayer Scholarship

The Society of Women Engineers offers scholarships. The scholarships are in the amount of $1,000 each. They go to five women, who are US citizens, sophomores, juniors or seniors planning to study an ABET-accredited program in engineering, technology, or computing in the upcoming academic year.

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship

At Amazon, supporting underserved students in their computer science education is not only important to us–it’s imperative to building a diverse tech industry and future. Our Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship program provides students with an opportunity to upgrade their careers with a $40,000 scholarship, plus a paid summer internship programming at Amazon. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic performance, experience with computer science, demonstrated leadership and participation in school and community activities, …