Clarion University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


The first piece of advice I would give myself as a high school senior is that your high school friends will always be your friends, but it is important to make friends at college. As hard as it is to believe the friends you make in college will be lifetime friends and will be with you through times in life that you can't even imagine right now. IThe next thing I would advise myself is to remember that everything happens for a reason. As cliche as it sounds in college there are many times that you may feel the world is ending. It may be fights with friends or boyfriends, a bad grade, an embarassing moment in class, whatever it is looking back later you will see that it helped shape you into the person you are meant to become. The last piece of advice would be to have fun, but not too much fun! College is about getting a good education, but there is nothing wrong with enjoying the experience as long as you are responsible about it. You will look back at this time your whole life, make it memorable. College is what you make it!


Upon this major transistion in your life do not be afraid. There are positive changes ahead. What you fear from a heavy workload and meeting strangers may seem like you will be alone, but do not be afraid. You are about to embark on a journey with many other students that are in the same situation as you. Your uncomfortableness will attract and bind many other students that feel the same as you. In college there is a open forum where your thoughts will be respected. Many doors of knowledge will open in your mind. You will learn ideals outside of the world as you know it. With the freedom comes responsibilities. As a college student you are forced to become a respectable adult in a short time. You will have to manage personal finances and social interactions in a respectable manner. Use the uneasy feeling thats in your stomach from high school graduation as motivation, because in such a short time from your invesment in college you will arise a new educated being. Your Life is waiting so go get it.


Well Chrissy all I have to say is don't be creeped out by the amount of people who say hello to you. They are the most friendliest and the best peoplep you will ever be friends with. Don't be worried about classes, you'll need help because some of them are going to be hard. So you will need to study very hard and possibly get a tutor. You will work at a great place for work study and Mary Lea is the best employer you will possibly have, she can better you. Most of all stay the same through college there's someone at home who loves you to death and he misses you greatly; so stay away from the boys. There are great lessons to be learned here kid; keep you head up always.


If I could go back to talk to myself in high school I would tell myself to take in all the information I can and just do my best. As a senior I went into a bit of a panic thinking I didn't have the right "stuff" for college. I was under the impression that I wasn't as well rounded as everyone else. I was not big on sports and that really worried me. I was more into music and I did not think I would get anywhere. I had no idea that schools and scholarships are out there and accepting to everyone! If I this tid bit of information I would have been more relaxed about the process and applied for so much more than what I had. I have often wondered what would have happened if I had just taken things one step at a time as opposed to all at once.


I would tell myself that i need to take my school work and school related things very seriously and keep a good head on my shoulders. i would tell myself that college is necessary and its something that i should be focused on at all times. your going to make life long friends there and not to worry about fitting in or being just another number in the collge.


Looking back on my life as a high school senior I remember being very concerned with finding the right school. I felt pressured to get decent test scores and spent hours thinking of what college would be like. Now that I am well into my college years I feel that some of my stress was unnecessary. When I came on my visit to Clarion I felt at home and that I could definitely spend four or more years of my life here. Looking back now I would tell myself to stop stressing so much about fitting in because in college it doesn't really matter. There are so many different types of people and organizations you are bound to find a group of good friends. Also college isn't like high school at all. People just care about getting through school that there isn't too much worry about what other people are doing. The best advice I could give to a high school senior would be to just do your best, go with the flow, be yourself, and stay flexible and organized. With those things in mind college will be an amazing experience.


Going to college is a major step. I have been obsessed with graphic arts, and TV editing forever. I had no interest in sports and spent a lot of time in my room. My parents were concerned I may have difficulty adjusting to college life. I made it my goal to prove them wrong. I have excelled in my chosen field and these past three years seem like yesterday. Looking back to my senior year I wouldn't have laughed when my mother suggested volunteering at our hospital. Most of my scholarships came from community experience. I would spend more time learning to shop, doing laundry and researching scholarships. I would take an advanced writing course and buy the best laptop you can afford. I chose Clarion after visiting campus and talking with an admission counselor who was a graphic artist and former student. This meeting convinced me I was making the right decision. College must be a personal decision based on individual goals, college reputation, curriculum and costs. Taking an active role in these areas is essential. I have proven to myself , and my parents what I am capable of and look forward to a bright future.


"Loosen up a bit, and have more of a social life. Academics are very important but so is your own well-being. Set your priorities and time manage yourself well so you don't get stressed out and have a melt down over the amount of work you have to finish. Primarily pay attention in your Math and English classes in highschool. Understanding the concepts and goals in those classes will extremely help you time wise and stress wise during your college courses, because instead of trying to learn it, you'll know it and just be able to breeze through any assignment given to you. Don't feel left out because you don't like to party, there are plenty of students in college that are on the right track, as yourself, socially, and that have a greater sense of maturity and understanding of priorities. Studying for college is very different than studying for high school courses, so be aware and learn quick. Learn how your professors teach and what their exams are like and study accordingly, every professor is different. Lastly, start to take more responsibility for yourself and become a more independent member of society.


College life is about maturing, figuring out who are are, and where you're going to fit into our society. Don't let the bad decisions of others affect your better judgement, by doing this you're showing maturity and leading others to make the right choices. Living with a stranger and not having your parents there to nag you to do your homework, study, and get you out of bed is going to be a complete change to your life. Communicate and work out any problems with your roommmate, even if it feels awkward. Make sure you push yourself to always go to class and not be discouraged. Make sure you set your priorities and balance your life between your studies and social life. Don't stress over bad grades, just learn from them and adjust your studying habits, or seek out tutoring, everyone needs some help every now and then. Talk to your professors and go to them if you don't understand something. Ask questions in class, and don't be afraid, cause chances are someone else doesn't understand it either. Lastly, have fun and enjoy it while you can!


Price should be the last of your worries when it comes to picking your college or university of choice. This educational institution should be a place that you truly want to be at. You should make your choice by completing detailed surveys about the universities that you are considering. Be sure that these surveys include the things that are most important to you whether that be partying, a magnificant learning experience, extracurricular activities, etc. All in all, it is best to visit and speak with people with attend the institutions that you are interested in. During these visits, be sure to have several predetermined questions prepared so as not to be left speechless when someone during the visits asks, "Are there any questions?"


Make sure to visit the university and consider the facilities near it, not just on the campus. Try to pick one that suits you the best academically.


Students. Go with your gut. For the parents: its the childs education, not yours!


My advice would be to become involved while still managing your time well. it is very important to be an upstanding member of the community, be involved in university activities and organizations, and keep good grades in the process.


College is a scary next step in life that anyone that wants to truely succeed will go through eventually. I advice parents who want to help their child find the right college, to let them be available to all of the options. Take them to visit numerous schools so that they can get a feel of what fits them best when they are there in the moment. And students should always pick the right college that best fits them, academically, environmentally and socially. Do not just go somewhere where you have friends because everyone's interests are different, or there is a good possibility they will become different later on because in college you grow and mature. To make the most of your experience you should try new things, anything that you think might make you happy. And always always have an open mind and say yes to opporunities that present themselves because you never know what you might end up liking or what actions might end up happening to you in the process of long but short and fullfilling road to discovery.


I would tell them to do alot of research on the campus and visit it a few times, over night visits are also a good idea if they are offered. The only way to tell if you like a place is by spending time there and exploring the town its located in.


Go take tours of schools and pick the one that you like best that best suits you. You can always change your college if the first year doesn't work out!


Talk to students who go there, but not the one's giving the tours. They will give you canned answers. Find students on campus and talk to them.


Thw advice i would give is to go where the lifestyle of the campus can agree with you or your child's own. i looked for a conservative meduim sized college and Clarion was perfect for me, but not for many of my freinds. Also is the specifics like majors and houseing, those wshould always be cinsidered, but mainly you have to walk around a cumpus and feel like you would fit in.


To make the most of your college experience I believe it is very rewarding to get involved. Being involoved you meet the most diverse and friendly people. To find the right college for you I feel you have to go with a gut feeling, what factors are most important to you when choosing. Is it distance, cost, other factors.


First of all, if you know what you want to major in make sure to research and find the best schools to provide you with the training and resources to have a successful job in the field of your choice. If you aren't sure what you want to do with your future, I would suggest seeing which schools provide quality education and offer many activities so you can get involved and find what it is that best fits you. Other than that, make sure to keep important facts such as income, the type of environment you prefer, availability of getting to and from campus and your overall judgement in mind so that you enjoy these wonderful four years of your life. College is an amazing time to find yourself and grow as a person, so make sure to find the right place for you and work hard so that you can have a brighter future.


I would recommend visiting the campus and asking questions about EVERY aspect of the college. find out about the social life, the health center, dorm life, the readiness to help with financial aid, the real taste of the campus food. Then, making a friend on the campus, before you go, so you can ask the questions and get real answers that you wouldn't get on a tour. Sometimes these can make or break your decisions to go somewhere. If you can't learn everything you need to learn about the school to see if you can survive there, chances are you'll be miserable when you get there.


Don't just look at one school. Apply & tour many different ones in different settings. To make the most of your college experience, go to the activities on campus, no matter how lame they seem. That is were you are most likely to make friends!


My advice to future college students is quite simple. 1. Find a school that matches your size needs. If you need more personal attention in your classes, find a smaller school. If you can succeed in an auditorium classs, then go for a big school. 2. Look for a school that will give you the most for your money. Just becasue the school is expensive does not always mean that it is better. Once you've talked these issues, the rest usually falls into place!


There are three things to remember when choosing a college or university. The first is to never overlook a school. Clarion University of Pennsylvania was my last choice in my list of possible schools. With my mother's help I looked at all of my options; Clarion included. My list of options was narrowed to three different schools which leads to my second tip. Visit multiple colleges before deciding where to go. I decided to go to Clarion after I visited the campus. I would not have even considered going there regardless of the push for Clarion from my mother. She persuaded me to visit the campus and after that, I decided that Clarion was for me. The third tip is to not look at a college before picking a major. Once a major is settled upon it will be more easy to pick a college to vist and then choose where to apply. To ensure success at college the follwing will help. Plan which courses to take and when to take them. Participation in extra curricular activities will build friendships and form a family away from home. Keep in touch with family to keep that support system strong.


Really finding the right college for you, you have to go visit campuses. If you're a really good student in high school try a prestiege college,if you're not try a small community college. Do whatever feels right for you.


Finding the right college for you (or your child) can be a very frustrating ordeal. There are a few things that one should focus on when looking into schools that can really ease up the tension when the schools start to pile up. One of the most important things to look for is a school that provides a good source of financial aid. The costs of school is on the rise, and having a chance to not have to pay the whole thing really helps. Another thing to look for is size. Depending on what kind of atmosphere you like, you should look into class sizes and professor to student ratios. This can really come in handy if you want to have a close relationship with a professor or mentor. Lastly, visit the campuses that interest you. You may find that seeing what they are really like can help you in making your decisions.


Make sure this is a place that you can see yourself and make sure your major is something you really can see yourself doing if you can't see yourself doing it then either go undecided or think about what you really want.


I would say to really think about what you personally want out of a college or university before you make any final decisions because you are the one that will be benefiting from the experience. It is important to think about what size campus you would feel most comfortable attending, and what would suit you best. Your learning is the number one most important thing to consider so when choosing a college, size can be a huge factor in how well you learn because everyone has a different learning environment preference. Also, you might want to think about how far away from your hometime you want to travel to attend college, that is very important to some people. Once you do decide what college is right for you, it is so important to make the most out of your experience while you are there. Keep focused on the number one reason you are there, to get an education, but also enjoy your time there by making lifetime friends and experiencing all that you can!


I would tell all parents to save money and encourage your children to save money for their education. I would also encourage parents to talk with their children before attending college. They should talk about underage drinking, drug use and drinking and driving. As much as parents do not want to admit it, no matter what University your child attends any if not all of these temptations are avaliable. Education is so important to me. In high school I recieved terrible grades and did not hold college as high as I do now. I now maintain a 3.46 GPA in college and work everyday at making that GPA higher. I can't tell parents enough that they have to stress the importance of taking yourself and education seriously. It is too costly to not take academics serious.


Don't push a prospective student into college. Often a young adult isn't ready to take on such a responsibility and doing so to early may leave the student flunking out. A prospective student must really want to get an education to fully take advantage of the college experience. Just attending a university for the sake of the social aspect and the inherent liberties that come with it can have adverse affects on long term success.


I would frankly state that tuition and expenses will be outrageous at any school they are researching. I would suggest taking a tour of the school and asking to meet with a professor in the department the student is interested in majoring in. Try a few out on for size. It is difficult to make a decision on that scale at 17 or 18 years of age, so explore several options before signing anything.


My advice would be to take the time to visit several schools. Do NOT let money be the main deciding factor, although it must be considered. Cheap is not necessarily the best option. Paying a little more money may be the key to more enriching activities, better professors, more class choices, and more on campus activities that provide sources for making friends. The more people and activities on campus, the better the chance you'll find people you click with. Also, get involved right away! That is the best way to meet people. Keep your doors and minds open. You never know when you'll meet your closest friend. Take advantage of the various classes. You'll be surprised which ones will be your favorites, and it could change your career path.


When you step onto the campus you should be able to visualize yourself attending that school. Go somewhere where you feel comfortable and you will be happy with your choice.