San Diego State University Top Questions

Describe the dorms.


Traditional dorms aren't that bad, for it being traditional dorms anyways. I guess this is coming from me who lives in the most basic dorm with the most basic meal plan, I guess I learned to live with what I have. Seeing a lot of different people in my hall makes my days at State interesting nonetheless. As for my roommate... Hmm, my roommate and I get along and all, but I'm gone most of the day, so I hardly see her. Our room is evenly divided into three areas, leaving each with our own third of the room, and then there's the final third used as common space. I'm happy with the location of my dorm room, it's near the end of the hall, which means BIGGER ROOMS. ...As for the bathrooms.. My goodness, their gross. Community bathrooms are just nasty in general. Enough said. Sorry Zura Hall.


Traditional dorms aren't that bad, for how much we have to pay for housing anyways. I guess this is coming from me who lives in the most basic dorm with the most basic meal plan, I guess I learned to live with what I have. Seeing a lot of different people in my hall makes my days at State interesting nonetheless.As for my roommate... Hmm, my roommate is okay, we get along and all, but I'm gone all the time to really have any problems with her. Our room is evenly divided into three sections, leaving each with our own third of the room, and then there's the shard third where we walk around and all that. I'm happy with the location of my dorm room, it's near the end of the hall, which means BIGGER ROOMS! HELL YEAH. ...As for the bathrooms.. My goodness, their gross. Community bathrooms are just nasty in general. Enough said.