SUNY College at Brockport Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Don't go to Skyzone and break your ankle.


my be it will be perfect for me -as busy mom for four children- to choose the nearest college to my house to be able to start the early classes at 8:00 am an the most important classes start early or at the evening which impossible for me.


Knowing what I know now, I would tell my “senior self” a lot of informative information. The first and foremost thing I would let myself know is that college fly’s by rather quickly. Enjoying every moment on being on your own, living with friends, and having fun is quite important. But, also understanding and realizing that what you do here in college will stick with you for the rest of your life. Making as many connections as possible will only increase your chances on being successful in your specific field of study. Make connections with not just students, but professors as well, will also enhance your chances of getting the job you would like to get post graduation. Also, understanding and knowing that your school work is more then important, grades can make or break your future. Maybe, you want to go to graduate school, maybe you don’t, or maybe you just don’t know. But, graduate schools look heavily on your GPA and your resumes. So weather you want to go to graduate school, or not, these two objects are important just in case you decide to change your mind.


My advice would be to save, save, save. I live on my own due to unforseen circumstances and what I would give to have a little bit in my savings. My other advice would be to apply for as many scholarships as I could possibly find. There are so many out there but that wasn't how I wanted to spend my time as a senior. Now I wish I had. So many times I find a scholarship and the requirement is to be a graduating senior. If only I could go back in time and force the younger me to fill those out when I had the chance. Then again maybe I wouldn't be applying for this scholarship now. Who knows. Anyway, the bottom line is if you save up and apply for what is basically free money now, you wouldn't have had to drop out of school for a year and work your butt off to go back later.


If the “Ghost of My Future Self” visited, she’d say – I am what happens when you skip college. I had a rough life, ran away, won emancipation in court, and finished high school on my own. I didn’t have anyone to tell me about college, dorms, aid or loans. Instead, I worked three jobs to have an almost empty apartment with matching almost empty cupboards. Thirteen years later, I still struggle. I’m not qualified to make more until I finish my degree. I work two jobs and go to school part-time. I can’t afford to work less to take more classes, so I can’t get done faster. The longer I’m in school, the more it costs in student loans and capitalized interest. I’ve missed out on years of earning potential. I have a 4.0 GPA but have not received any scholarships. There isn’t much around for nontraditional students. I’ve missed out on a lot, like making friends; never married or had children. I’ve had so much stress. I even had a heart attack (seriously). Listen to your “future self”: Stick with college. It will change your life.


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would say that college is precisely what you make of it. If you want to make friends and get involved with the campus, join clubs, sports, or organizations. After high school, the work load only gets increasingly tougher. It won’t be easy and at times, you’ll feel overwhelmed to the point where you just want to give up, but you’ll never catch your dreams if you don’t chase them. As far as making the transition to college, keep your friends close, but your family even closer. Your family will be your biggest supporters in all that you do. They will be your motivators to keep you going, and your sense of securement because you will always have a place to call home.


If I could go back to high school, I would strive my best to read and write a lot so that it would be easier for me in college. As a person, I have learned to grow as an adult in my first year in college. Although I missed a lot of skills like reading, writing, researching, and leadership in high school, it was my responsibility to learn all these to make my college life different than my high school life. If I could go back, I would let myself be disciplined and take responsibilities as the oldest in the family in order for my siblings to learn and profit from my good habits. Discipline and responsiblity taking are very crucial to the development and the success of every student. This is what I would recommend to myself in high school.


If I could go back in time, the main advice I would give to myself is to relax. College is completely different from high school, or anything you have ever experienced, but it's not what you are expecting at all. Everyone is feeling the same thing; nervous, excited, homesick, and scared. So don't get too overwhelmed by all of the information you get when you arrive, or all the advice and horror stories other students will tell you. The college experience is different for everyone, and it has a different meaning for everyone. You will figure it out, but it will take time. You will make mistakes, but learn from them and don't let them hold you back. Be open minded, and try new things because this is your time. This is your time to be selfish. Do the things that you want to do; join the club, or take that class. You will meet some awesome people along the way, so keep in touch. Stay focused, stay adventurous, be happy and shine bright!


In High School everything is announced, schedualed and posted. Things are easy to find and teachers are always willing to help. When i came to college, I became overwhelmed. Keeping hw, events and classes organized is hard. Teachers are never in thier classrooms or one given office. Events are something you have to go looking for, they arn't announced and posted on a single bulletin board. If i had known how difficult it was going to be to keep track of everything i would have come to college more prepaired. Now i have an agenda i keep with me that i record HW, work and test dates. I keep a calender on my wall that keeps track of events and upcomming activities. When i get home i compare the agenda to the calendar and make sure i have time to get things done. Also be sure to keep checkng your student mail and school website. Alot of good opportunities can be missed by simply not keeping up on your emails.


I would tell myself to not declare a major before heading into college unless I was completely positive. I would of taken a lot more niagara university senior term enrichment classes to knock out general education classes. Do not be afraid to try new things and meet new people, break out of your shyness.


An adage goes thus: "The older you get, the wiser you become." This is so true with what we go through in life. If I could turn back the hands of time as a high school senior, I would listen more to the words of wisdom my parents and elders around gave to me. As a teenager in high school, one tends to do whatever he or she pleases. That is when peer group is at its peak; and we do not realize the importance of the most basic institution of all time which is family. Friends may abandon you in the long run; but whether good or bad, family will never leave you all alone. Realizing the love, advice, and support from my family has made my foundation as a college student stronger. College life is so different from what we lived as high scholars. Back in those days, there were lots of partying and having what we thought was good times. However, college is the real thing because it is a stepping stone to what we want to be in life; and I owe my family gratitude for helping me make a wonderful and successful transition to college.


If I could go back to high school and give advice to myself about college, there would be many things I would say. I would have told myself to apply for more financial aid. Though the College is fairly inexpensive in regards to tuition, there are many outside costs that need to be taken into account. I also would have gotten involved in more activities sooner. I am currently involved in many extra-curricular activities, and have made so many wonderful friends and colleagues- I only wish I would have realized this sooner so that my first year would have gone by more smoothly. In addition to this, I would have focused more on my general requirements instead of just my major classes. These requirements greatly affected my grade, and I had no idea they would have such an impact. Going to college was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I am eternally grateful that I am taking this journey at the College at Brockport.


If I were to go back in time and give myself some advice I would tell myself to be myself and not worry about what everyone else thinks. Once you get to college you will find people just like you, so dont go out of your way to be someone you are not. I would tell myself not to forget who I am and where I came from. Dont change your values or morals for anyone. Keep your head up and join as many clubs as you can, get involved and you will have more fun. As far as the school work goes, it might seem hard at first, but you will get used to it and in a month or two you will be just fine.


Don"t be nervous because your nerves always get int he way, be sure to proritize because you could miss out on some really great things and take on just a little bit less than you think you can handle because the stress can really take a toll on you. Always smile and embrace every experience because there is no other time in your life where you greatest moments flourish.


I would tell my high school senior-self to get into good study habits right off the bat. I became a library lover, but unfortunately not until around the end of my spohmore/begining of junior year. With all the social activities and opportunities to hang out with people it was hard to set aside time for school work. If I could go back I would do my homework/studying at the library right after dinner so I could get it off my plate and hang out with friends later at night. Besides making sure you give your school work serious time and effort, I would tell my senior-self not to waste any opportunity to have fun and go out. Now that I am graduated, I think that my 4 years of college were the most fun I ever had and I regret the nights I didn't get motivated to join the group fun. It was the best time in my life so far because I had the adult-like freedom (both personal and from responsibility) but did not yet have the responsibility of adult life yet (bills, job, etc). It was the perfect balance to live in :)


Let me just say I love college. I have growin into a more matured rolee of thinking. College is not just about a lengthy process a person must get through in order to get a piece of paper, the degree, so they may continue on to a salaried position. It's about the atmosphere and the people that occupy it. It's about the relationships, both academic and personal that are devloped between people. It's about the opportunity, that not everyone has the advantage of, to be in a classroom and be educated. You have to experience it to really understand. I would encourage anyone, even remotely interested to make the choice to attend college and strive for whatever field of study most interests them.


I've gotten a lot out of my college experience so far, and I'm only a first semester sophomore! I've found new friends, new confidence and a general path of where I want my career to go. I've also found a greater love of dance which is really important. College at Brockport's Dance Department is great! I've really grown as a dancer and learned numerous new things about myself as well. If you are a dancer and want to continue your dance career into college and beyond, the College at Brockport's Dance Department is a great stepping stone for that.


Throughout my college experience I have gained understanding of others. I feel this is critical because I believe the cause of numerous problems begin with a lack of understanding and accepting each others differences.


At the age of 41, I am excited to be entering my junior year of college. Since experiencing college, I have learned that I am extremely capable of succeeding in anything on which I set my mind. I have become more independent and confident in my own thoughts and abilities. And I no longer fear the challenges that are set before me. The experience has proven to be more valuable than I could have ever expected. In January 2010, my husband of 15 years unexpectedly left me and my daughter. As difficult as it has been, I am incredibly thankful that I have an attainable goal and will be able to support myself and my 12 year old daughter. The example I have her thrills my heart. She has seen me persevere through difficult classes and circumstances. She has watched me fall flat on my face and gracefully get up and keep walking. I had no idea that attending college would have such a positive effect in such a distressing situstion. My education is priceless to me.


First I have gotten an excellent education and have enjoyed a majority of the classes that have been required for me to take. Secondly I got great friends including sisters in the sorority I joined, which was one of the best decisions I've made. It gave me opportunities to hold executive positions in the organization and experience running events with a group of people.


I have met alot of great people throughout my college experiences. I have also grown up alot through the past years. I look forward to taking all my skills and knowledge I have gained to help other people within my community.


well the college has made me realize that there is always severall ways of attaining self success. this college made me an oepn minded person and i have leart to accpet other people ideas towards life and other things that goes on around us.this college helps direct you on the right part towards attaing your goal


I have learned alot about responsibility, cultural awareness, and positivity through Suny Brockport. My college has taught me about life and that we all go through ups and downs, but in order to succeed we must remain positive and work hard.


I'm still in the process of completing my college education, but so far I've gained valuable knowledge, and the skills to use it, to have a successful career as an accountant. I have my standard accomplishments, like refining my resume and memorandum writing skills, but I feel that my most valuable experiences have been gained through work done outside the typical course load. I'll be the treasurer for a Gay-Straight Alliance club (SOUL) during the 2010-2011 academic year, which I feel will give me great practice balancing books and organizing finances. I work for the Procurement and Payment Services Office on campus, where I work with purchase orders and employee travel vouchers and reimbursements. Those are just two examples of the kind of work I do outside the classroom, but I feel the relationships I've developed with the faculty, staff, and my peers are what will be the basis of my success after graduation.


I learned that working for my education made it worth more to me. I found that just because I'm not interested in a field, doesn't mean I can't find something interesting in a class of that field. That sometimes a hard earned D can make you prouder than an easy A. I found that despite the hype, we can't do anything we want to do; sometimes you really need to have the talent to start with. Hard work gets you a lot further than slacking, but you have to have direction to apply the work to. And most of all, you learn more about yourself and how you interact with the world, that is more useful and far outlasts any fact or theory you may pick up.


To be able to go back in time and give myself advice about making the transition from high school to college would be a wonderful gift. I would begin by telling myself to enjoy every moment with my high school friends, as it becomes difficult to keep in contact with many of them after graduation. I would also tell myself to relax and take life as it comes. Many unexpected obstacles arise both during the transition from high school to college and during college life itself, but as long as you ask questions and seek assistance from more exerienced people, they are generally easily resolved. I would tell myself that adjusting to college life can be difficult, but it is also full of fun and rich exeriences. Most importantly, I would let myself know that your college years pass more quickly than you can imagine. I would advise myself to work as hard as I possibly can, to pursue all learning opportunies that arise, and to enjoy every moment of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.


In high school I worried a lot about getting into the right college, and making a name for myself, and going to a college that was well known in the art world. Now, I'm at SUNY Brockport, and I don't think I could be any happier with where I've ended up. If I could talk to my high school self I'd tell myself not to worry so much. Worrying is a useless action and only adds to the stress that is already building in senior year of high school. I'd say to my self, "It doesn't really matter where you end up, as long as you're happy with your decision. The big names and prestigious schools are just that, big names. You can make art anywhere, as long as you are confident in the direction you are going, you will prosper." I'd also say that it doesn't matter if you fail in your endeavors. Failure is good, it teaches you and builds your strength, but most importantly, follow you own path, not the path of others.


I would tell myself to work harder. I was a good student in high school but there are things I could've tried harder at .


The best advice I would give myself, is to be better preparpred of doing more community service and taking on leadership positions and responsibilities. Become the Captain of the bowling team, which I actually did in my senior year, but I would have tried for this position early in my high school career. I also would have continued in community service. I assisted my stepfather in VITA which is Volunteer for individuals for tax assistance for the elderly and low income families. I did this in my junior and senior year. But, I would of done this in my freshman and junior year. I would have been more responsive to my community and nation.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to open up to all the opportunities that college allows a student to partake in. Academically and socially, students should not fear the experiences that await them. I would love to be able to tell myself to relax and to enjoy my time, because college is full of new exciting things to do and people to meet. I would tell myself to get involved, because that is how you find the places you best fit in and the people who you will be friends with for years to come. I would advise my younger self not to take every minor pitfall so seriously. The bumps and bruises always fade, and you learn from the problems and mistakes that you make. That knowledge lasts past your initial discomfort. In all, I would reinforce the importance of putting myself out there and trying new things. You can follow the same path all your life, but the straightest roads in the world are often the most boring, even if they are the safest.


Choosing a college was the most important choice I've made in life thus far. Looking back on it, I wouldn't change where I picked because I love my school. However, there are a few things I wish I'd known beforehand. First, I needed to realize that a SUNY school does not mean it will be cheap. It means you are attending a state school, that is it. SUNY schools offer a lot less aid, because they have more students to cover. A private school may seem expensive, but usually offer more scholarships and aid to help you afford it. Also make sure you visit your campus and feel like you belong there. I visited five different schools, and as soon as I stepped foot on campus I knew it was meant for me. Go somewhere where you can be you, and feel comfortable doing it. It's important to accept who you are and have others around you accept who you are. College has been the best part of my life so far, there's so many great experiences, so really put forth the effort into checking out your school to make sure it's for you.


I would advise myself to do something with the year that I took off of school to find out what I wanted to do with life. I would have picked a different college from the outset because Medaille wasn't right for me, but Brockport was. I would tell myself to go for a four-year school instead of a community college first, because I can deal with the pressure of "big-girl" schools. I'd know to be easy on myself and trust my knowledge and desire to learn, because it isn't as bad as I'd feared. Most of all, I'd say that I would make friends in college, and I would learn that it's okay to be a part of a group - that I didn't have to be alone.


The advice I would give to myself is to relax about the change and transition, but worker harder than ever on your schoolwork. You may be an A student in highschool, but in college if you work the same as you do now, you will likely drop to a B grade. College puts all of the responsibility on the student. You are an independent person that answers only to yourself, and the police, so you must take care of everything on your own. It is okay to ask for help sometimes, but the classwork will be much more difficult and there will be more of it. That means that you must make schoolwork your number one priority and put effort into all of your assignments, especially since in some classes, you may only have four assignments for the entire semester. The transition to college life is not too hard because you are so busy that you don't think about home much, but you have to keep your grades up and take a break everyday in which you can just relax for a moment.


College is such an awesome experience but there are many little tricks to help you succeed. The best way to make friends and become comfortable at your new school is dorming. Meeting people in your hall is a great way to start out, especially because everyone is starting out fresh just like you. Be friendly and outgoing and try not to stay shut up in your room. When it comes to classes, try to stay involved in class and talk with your professors before and after. It's a good idea to have them get to know your name, especially when planning for recommendations after school. At the first sign of trouble in a class, seek out tutoring sessions or professors' office hours and utilize the assistance they can provide. Don't wait until it's too late! As for out of school activities become as involved as you can; that is as much as you can handle without hurting your grades and spreading yourself too thin, to the point where you don't know where to turn. My best advice however, is to plan out your semester as soon as you get your course outlines and refrain from procrastinating!!


I would tell myself to relax and enjoy the transition instead of being stressed about the change. And to take the opportunity to join and participate in all the activities that interest me.


Don't give up - and don't take classes just to fill time! Pursue the classes you WANT to take, and forget what you SHOULD do.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to remember that ANYTHING is possible and that it is important to listen at this point in life. College is an adventure and is important not to get caught up in the myth that you can go to class somedays, party everyday and get by with a "C" or "D". Unlike high school where that may be acceptable, in college once you choose a major, most of them require a specific GPA, with no grade below a "C" in order to stay in the progam you choose. Try your best to put behind feelings of people you think you don't or won't like because you will encounter people from all walks of life that may be your classmate, lab partner or college professor, and without being able to put any prejudice aside it will make this trip through life very difficult. Most importantly though is that you should never give up! I struggled through high school, never believing I could make it through college, and I am now getting ready to finish my junior year.


Apply to as many schools as possible and think about what activities you would like to participate in. I am in a sorority and I wish that I had looked for a school with a bigger Greek community. But knowing what I know I would still have chosen Brockport because I love this campus, I like my major and the learning I recieve in the classroom, and my sorority sisters. I feel that my transition went smoothy so I would not have to give myself advice accept for that I will do fine.


Dont do drugs


Make sure you go to the college. Talk to people. Find out what is really going on. Don't trust the words of just college officials. Make sure it has just what you want. Don't settle.


It is important to find the college that fits the student. The area is important as the student not only adapts to a new school and different work ethics, but also with the fact that they are now living on their own. Also, be prepared to different ideas and different ways to do your own work. One of the toughest things for me was the fact that I was used to the same teachers all through out high school, so I knew what they valued and looked for in my work. However, at college, every semester is new classes and new teachers who all look for different things, and have different formats of teaching. Being able to adapt quickly n classes is essential to succeeding in the classroom. One more thing: be involved on campus! There is so much to learn! So many people to meet! Go! Dream! Discover!


I know you will think I am crazy, but make sure you find a school that does not just focus on education and education alone. If you go to college for four years and only come out of it knowing things from a textbook then I believe you have wasted time and money. College is about learning, true, but it is also about becoming your ownself, making friends, and creating memories. Pick a school with a good education program AND a lot of clubs, sports, and activites. Make sure the student body has a place by looking at the student government. Finally, remember that this is the time before going out into the real world. It goes by quick. Work hard, but also play a little. Soon , you will have no time which means no play time either.


Students should look for a college where they feel comfortable, and can easily picture themselves as a student there. It's difficult to get involved and enjoy the experiences available if you are on edge about the environment around you. There are always opportunities to participate in activities and programs, and students should take advantage of those chances.


Get involved.


Most often the best colleges are not the ones that are farthest away, they are the ones just far enough to give the student the experience of a lifetime and just close enough to allow them to come home when they want to because no campus food is ever as good as the food made at home. When I first went to college, I tried to convince myself I was only there for an education but after a few months it becomes obvious that there is more to life than good grades. Your college experience should not be measured by your GPA, or about how many parties you have gone to; it should be measured by how much you've learned about yourself, others, and the world.


The best advice I could give a prospective student would be to take advantage of any overnight, weekend, and/or summer orientation programs before choosing a college. The best way to determine whether or not you will enjoy your college experience is to experience the college as a whole prior to attending it. Since that college will most likely be the first place you live away from home, it is best, in my opinion, to test out the living situtation before you make the important decision to attend. Attending overnight, weekend, or summer orientation programs allow you to experience the college the same way you will be experiencing it when you begin classes. You can get a much better idea of how you will like/dislike that college this way, as opposed to the usual half-day visits.


Personally, in choosing a college I think the most important thing is to think about what your goals are. With teaching as an end goal, I didn't think a very expensive private college was appropriate. So I chose a state school with a good reputation. I applied to a few state schools with good reputations, but after having done that, what really important was the scholarships offered. That is one area in which SUNY Brockport has really delivered. Especially for Valedictorians and Salutatorians. In making the most out of your college experience, I think you really have to remember why you went to college. To learn. Sure, you can say "It's just for a piece of paper," but then you tend to cheat yourself out of the most important thing- an education. That's not to say that you shouldn't have fun and find great friends, but it is important to gain a quality education from your experience as well.


My advice to students trying to find the right college is this: be picky. If there's something (even if it's small and no one else gets it) that you don't like about a college you're looking at, then don't go there. When you get to the right place, you'll know. Everyone is different and everyone has different things that they're looking for in a school, you just have to find the place that has everything you're looking for. As far as making the most of the college experience, I would say get involved. Go to sporting events that you aren't really interested in... they're way more fun in college than in high school. Everyone wants to make new friends at school, so don't be afraid to just walk up to people that live near you in a dorm and say "hi." They'll be glad you did, and you'll have a new friend instantly.


Choose what feels right to you! Don't let what people say determine where you go to school. Although, some advice can be helpful, it is important to check ou things for youself. Visit potential schools, sit in on classes, see the dorms etc. This is where you will be educated for your CAREER, so it is a pretty big decision.


Making a decision on college is one of the most important decisions one will make in their life. One should make their decision based on where they think they can be the most successful and one that can help them prepare best for their future. As for parents, they should support their children in their decision despite possible location issues and financial situations. To make the most of a college experience, students should be open minded to experiencing new things both socially and academically. Socially, joining clubs with people who share your interests is a great idea. Academically, one should not be ashamed or embarassed to seek extra help, whether it be from peer tutors or a professor. Seeking extra help can really benefit the student and help them to achieve their goals.