Tiffin University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


The first step to choosing the right college for your experience set out your goals and values. Remember that academics are important but they aren't everything. Think about safety, extra curriculars that will help you grow as a person, and what there is to do on weekends. If there are only bars around campus then safety and drinking may become and issue. Easily, one piece of advice I have to give is to be open minded. In the most liberal/conservative campuses there are still people from the other side. Small or big colleges have pros and cons, if a college doesn't have many bells and whistles then thank them for keeping tuition low. If a student or parent only focuses on the negatives that first year will be miserable, but if they can understand there is a give and take involved they will be much more pleased with their college choice.


When selecting your school find one that works to your study habits not just sports. Your education is what is the most important reason you are attending college so work around that.


I would tell students to first decide what is it that they really want to do for the rest of their lives. When they decide that then seat down with their parents and write down a list of things they want their dream college to have such as; school size, where the school will be located, cost of tuition, and most importantly the schools education programs. Once they have established what they are looking for in a college they should start looking into schools who meet their exceptations. When the student chooses the college that they really want to attend; they should take full advantages of the different opportunites that the school offers rather it is sports, soical activities, work shops, and communities services.


The parents and students should both sit down and first come up with a plan on how they are going to pay for college. When the student and their parents have came to an conclusion on how the student college will be funded for the student should start listing what he or she expects from there college life. They need to decide whether they want to go to a college 3 miles from home or 300 miles from home. The student also needs to decide whether they want a small campus or big campus. After deciding which college they would like to attend they should take advantage of everything the college has to offer. This could be sports and acamdemics to interships and career improvement workshops. College is where the student finds there inner self.