University of California-Berkeley Top Questions

What's the dating scene like?


I haven't been involved in the dating scene at UC Berkeley, but there are many places to go on dates. There are also some Berkeley- specific dating sites that I have heard of! (Date My School)


People often talk about the phenomena of "Berkeley Goggles", implying that Cal students are unattractive and that only time here will alleviate that. In my experience, there are tons of attractive (and of course intelligent) people on campus; but that could be the goggles talking. But, really, it's college -- finding a date's not hard.


People often talk about the phenomena of "Berkeley Goggles", implying that Cal students are unattractive and that only time here will alleviate that. In my experience, there are tons of attractive (and of course intelligent) people on campus; but that could be the goggles talking.