University of California-San Diego Top Questions

How often should I phone home? Is once a day too much?


Depends on how much you want, talk to you parents about it, not me.


My first quarter at UCSD I phone home probably once a month because you just get that caught up with college life. But the more I went home for breaks, I missed my family even more when I had to come back so I probably call several times a week. Your family loves you and they're the biggest reason why you're even going to college. Pay them back by letting them know what's going on in your life. It's a big change for them too when you leave. I have two younger sisters and I don't want them to feel like they're growing up without me so I try to be as much a part of their lives as I can be. Not to mention you don't want to feel terrible if something were to happen to you or your family during this time apart.