University of Missouri-Columbia Top Questions

Tell us about your professors.


Both my major and minor are small departments within the university, so I have the same 2-3 professors for all my classes. So I've really gotten to know them and have no problems going to them for any kind of help. When you're still in some of your bigger gen ed classes there's a very likely chance your professor won't know your name and you'll have more interaction with the TA than your actual professor. This usually isn't that big of a deal since it's typically the TAs that do all the grading, anyway.


They are very easy to get ahold of and willing to help you! Especially journalism teachers.


Professors are professors. Some are kind and reasonable, others are a little more bitter. The professors at Mizzou have different teaching styles, different assignment methods, etc. They also have one thing in common. They all care about their students. Extra help, office hours, assignment support: professors are always available for needed help. Students are their most important priority.


My current professors are really involved in what they teach. I am in Human-Animal Interaction Psychology, and my professor is a huge advocate in the animal interaction world. She is involved in working towards animal visits in hospitals and retirement homes because of the benefits it can have. Its very helpful to learn from someone who is passionate about their work.


There is always the advice that your friends give you or rate my But I would highly suggest that if your taking Spanish at the University of Missouri- Columbia take it with Carlos Mendez. He is the funniest professor I have had.