Washington College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would remind myself during freshman year that academics count, and can really impact your grade, so put in effort and study hard. I would also tell myself to get involved in more extracurricular activities and clubs, because they are not only making an impact locally, but colleges really appreciate and look at those things in the decision making process. In addition, I would tell myself to actually study for tests and quizzes. I often times took advantage of the laid back attitudes and grading policies of my high school teachers, knowing that if I got a bad grade it would not really make a difference. In college, if you don't study, you will most likely fail the class.


If I could go back in time and give my high school self advice I'd start by saying, "Yes, the last year of spanish is worth the trouble." Keeping up with foreign language is incredibly important and it does not get any easier in college, suprise! Socially however, I'd tell myself it's okay if you fall distant from your friends from your hometown. Learn from the distance and take it as a positive thing. This distance has made some of my friendships much stronger over the course of the summer and first two college semesters. It's tough learning that distance is okay because you don't want people to feel forgotten and you don't want to feel forgotten. Those who choose to see you will see you, effort should be matched but not forced. Enjoy the time you have to make new friends, they really can be such a blessing. Meet as many people as you can in different majors, sports and clubs. You never know who you could help or who you made need to turn to for help (and who knows you might learn something new).


The first thing I would say to my high school self would most likely be “Calm down. Put down the fork, it’s okay. I’m just here to help!” Once we finished a movie-style bout of misunderstanding and fear, and a quick trip for coffee to catch up, my single most important piece of advice to my high school self would be “Don’t sweat it”. As a high schooler, I spent many a night racked with anxiety, particularly over the fear of going to community college. Despite my worry, I still ended up in community college and found that I absolutely loved it. Worries about SAT scores, college prestige, applications, and financial aid packages proved to be pointless and kept me from enjoying what should have been the best year of my pre-adult life. Now that I am in college, I see that there is only so much for which we can prepare. In essence, I would tell my high school self: “Do well in school. Save your money. Join clubs. Apply for scholarships. Beyond that, beyond what you can’t control… Just. Don’t. Sweat it”.


Dear High School Brooke, Transitioning to college is going to be kind of difficult. You are going to miss your family and home cooked meals. The tests and papers you are going to write are going to challenge you, but it is nothing that you can not handle, even if at times it feels like you are not going to finish them. You will, at times, going to have more time than you know what to do with, use it to your advantage. You are going to have a fantastic roommate and you are going to be best friends with her. You are going to make fantastic friends that are going to be there for you when you need a pick me up and you will never feel lonely. Last but not least, LIVE IT UP! Your first year at Washington College is going to go faster than you will believe. So, make the most of every moment; go to parties, go on that bus trip to New York City, go to all of the sports games that you can make and join clubs becuase these are going to be the best memories that you will have. Love, College Brooke


Don't stress out so much. You have to try hard and study well but make sure that you are doing this correctly. You shouldn't be studying the night before the test and you shouldn't be so worried about grades at the same time. Start studying and doing work ahead of time and be prepared for it to just get harder from here. That stuff was easy and (virtually) stress free.


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transiton, I would tell myself to be more proactive and stay focused. During my senior year of high school, college wasn't my main priority. I was more focused on being in the moment rather than planning what college I was going to attend or how I was going to pay for college. Instead I should have been more proactive and listening to my parents that way when it came time to start classes I would have the funds to attend but I didn't. Before classes started I didn't know how I was going to pay the rest of my tuition but my parents saved the day. I would also tell myself to try to become more independent. When I first came to college I wanted to leave within the first week because I didn't have my mom there to help me do evertything. This was my first time being alone and I didn't know what to do. I eventually got the hang of college and started to enjoy myself.


I would tell myself to make sure to take advantage of everything the college has to offer, especially grants. In addition, don't let an opportunity slip by, one essay isn't going to make your college career but an internship would. Don't worry about being a perfectionist and even if something comes by at the last minute, don't let it blow by. Don't be shy or nervouse becuase everyone is going through the same thing. In regards to studying abroad, think it through because it really is a scary venture on your own, this is one of the things you should NOT be impulsive on. I would tell myself to take everything with stride and research as much as possible before making a final commitment, because in college it can really mean alot for the future.


"Live day by day." I am a very organized person and I like to know what's happening, when it's happening, where it's happening, etc. I think ahead a lot. This can be a good thing, but it can also put a lot of stress on someone. If I could give myself advice, I would say to take everything in stride, live for the moment. Pre-planning and failure of others to pre-plan made my freshman year a bit stressful. Some things are better to plan ahead on, but don't stress because you planned a 5:30 pm dinner and no one shows up until 7:00! Not everything can be expected. So just live and enjoy.


I have always lived my life with no regrets, everything that we do and everything that happens is what allows us to become who we are today. If I could go back I would not tell my-self to change anything or do anything differently. I would simply try to make sure that I go into college with my life in order. I would tell myself that sometimes things will come up that will cause you to choose between what you want to do and what you know you should do. Sometimes doing what you should do isnt always going to be the easiest or most fun choice to make but in the long run it will be the most benifical. Keep you head up, your grades high and enjoy everyday because it slips be so fast.


Having completed my first year in college I have realized that gettting good grades are not as hard as they may seem. If you study you get good grades it is a simple formula. If I could go back in time to when I was in high school I would tell myself to study and stop sleeping in class, that track isnt everything, and to do as much as I can to get my GPA up and study for the sat and act harder, and to also put in an appeal for my admission to utsa.


Being a high school senior possibly is one of the most stressful times of a person’s life. It marks the transition from teenager to adult hood. In a matter of months some of the biggest decisions one must make all come up at once. It’s hard to make decisions regarding the rest of your life, which is why hearing advice from those who have experienced it before can be so beneficial. If I was to go back to myself as a high school senior and give myself advice, I would say is to learn to become independent. College is no walk in the park like high school, teachers and counselors no longer are there to hold your hand nor remind you of all upcoming deadlines, this is now all up to you. You are seen as an adult in college and that is how you are treated. You’re no longer getting an extra day to turn in work and because of that it is important to be able to take care of everything independently. Finally enjoy yourself, this is one of the best times of your life, these experiences will be ones that will never be forgotten.


The advice that I would give to my high school self would be to work harder in school. It's every seniors dream to be done with high school, but I started letting go too early. If I would have worked harder, I could have earned more scholarships and helped my parents with my next 4 years. Also, I would advise myself to spend more time with my family. Its hard to realize how much you will miss them when you are off at college. I was used to seeing them everyday, but now I hardly see them. I would want myself to take advantage of the free time I had and spend that with the people I care about the most. My family has always been there for me and it would have been nice to enjoy more quality time with them when I had the chance.


Have fun! Meet new people and let them influence your life in a positive way. College is time consuming but in the end very rewarding. Keep your head high when the times get tough and keep your head in the books when your tempted to go out with friends. You will change your college goals not once, not twice but may be three times before you really know what you want in the end. With each change will come a challenge, but you can overcome them your a hard working woman. Mom is proud of you no matter how much she complains that you live to far away. Transitioning out of the Marine Corps is harder that you may think. Just remember that the family that you have made with every Marine you have worked with is still strong even if you do not work side by side any more. Once a Marine, always a Marine.


Dear High School Self, Everything that you think matters now will not matter when you get to college. College will be a fresh start, and any issue you have, whether it social anxiety or popularity, can be managed in college. Just be yourself and there will be people who like you for who you are. If they don't, then something is wrong with them, not you because you are an amazing person. This is also a perfect chance to find what you want to do for the rest of your life, so take advantage of that opportunity. School comes first so you should study every chance that you get. Make use of every resource the school has to offer because you are investing thousands of dollars and you need to get your moneys worth. Above everything else, have fun! You only have 4 years left before you are out in the real world. There will be difficult experiences and some of them may be overwhelming but don't let anything withdraw you from the rest of the world because beyond every bad experience there's something better for you so stay positive and be prepared for it. Sincerely, Malcolm


I would tell myself, "Prepare yourself for a lot of work. Also learn different studing habits. Yes there are times that you have to stay up late doing homework, but if you can learn to manage your time very well, you can cut those times down by a lot. Another thing, don't be afraid to go out and have fun instead of doing homework every once in a while because sometimes taking a break is the best thing to do when you have a lot of work. Also use all the academic resources that are available for you. They really do help when you are struggling with a subject. The last thing advice I have is to do your best, and no one can ask for anything more of you. As long as you do your best, be proud of your work."


If I could go back in time and give my high school self advice, I would let her know to take more risks and go on more adventures. I did a lot during my senior year but I wish I had done more. I would have loved to have traveled and sky-dived, among other things. I would also tell myself to work less during freshmen year. I missed out on a lot of opportunities due to working so much. I was unable to go to plays, hang out with friends, missed speakers, and get-togethers. I would also tell my-self that physics is not the right path. Though I switched majors at the end of my first semester, I wish I had known that my hatred for physics would carry over to college and make me miserable during my first semester. Though I would tell this all to my-self, I would also tell her not to change a thing that did happen. Everything happened for a reason and made me who I am today.


I would tell myself not to worry. I would keep my options open and push myself into joining things that were outside of my comfort zone. I would become more involved in my campus life from the very start in order to make more relationships early in the year, and give myself exciting new opportunities that are outside of the classroom and help me to familiarize myself with the campus early on. I would make myself try new things even if I was nervous as it would help me to quickly become comfortable and excited about life on my campus.


If I could go back in the past I would tell myself to just be very friendly and confident. I would tell myself to not be scared or worried about making friends because everyone is really nice and if that you just be yourself you will make many. I would tell myself to make sure you study what you learned in class for at least an hour everyday so that you don’t have to cram the day before. I would tell myself to eat healthy and try really hard at crew to make a really good boat. Finally I would tell myself to do everything I did do because I loved my first semester as a college student.


I know this experience is going to be very different for you. The freedom you are given at such a short amount of time will be overwhelming. You will have the urge to not go to class and to go out and party with your friends all the time. You have to remember that there needs to be a line where; you stop having fun, buckle down, and do your work. You will think "oh I can finish this another time" ,but then you keep pushing that time back and procrastinate. Then all of a sudden the assignment is due tomorrow and you are rushing to get it done. You might get it done, might not, but why take that chance? Do your work when it should be done to prevent any worry that it possibly will not get done or be done at a lower quaility than you can actually make it. Remember that the main reason you are there is to learn and begin a new life away from home. I am not saying not to have fun; I am saying to make sure you allow yourself to have a full college experience.


Look, college is not High School anymore, you will have to work your but off if you are to succeed. I know you are used to getting straight A's without studying, but this is all about to change. You have to start learning new study methods and how to study for nights on end to get those high scores you are so used to. Also, your grade will no longer comprise of a bunch of homework grades, you will have only three or four tests to earn your grade. This means you absolutly have to reinforce what you learn in lecture by working everything again by yourself. These tips of advice may seem boring and a bit much but they will be worth it in the end. I have all the confidence in the world in you, you are a hard worker and your work ethic has never been in question. Continue working hard and study hard, you are going to love college!


I started college at fifteen and was on the fast track to persuing a degree in accounting. Truthfully I thought I knew it all. I was good with numbers and I was sure accounting was for me. It took me four semesters to change my major to business. This time it took me five semesters to decide that business was not for me either. I was at a loss, I was passing passing all my classes with A's and B's, but I hated it. I had already put a lot into schooling, including money, and what was it all for? After a year and a half in college and a lot of praying, I decided to give school one more try in nursing school. I've written this to say, my college experience has taught me to never give up, to keep look for the answer even when it feels so far away. I've learned the value of time through his experience as well. Things didn't happen in the time frame I wanted, but through the experience I have learned to value what i have learned and my career a hundrend times over.


I am a first time college student in my family so this was a completely new and foreign experience for me. I have learned to not be afraid of being exactly who I am and letting get to know the real me. I have learned how to meet new people and as a result I have become friends with my fellow students who are from all over the world. I also found out what fields I am best at and also what I am not. Attending this school is truly valuable to me because it is not just a college, it is a second family. Everyone, students and faculty, go out of their way to make you feel welcome. I was extremely nervous about going to college, but this is turning out to be one of the best things I will ever do. As I look back at myself just a year and a half ago, I realize that I have become more of an adult, I am a stronger leader, and I truly believe I am a better person now for making the choice to go to college.


I am currently not attending a college. I am applying though to a lot of colleges so that I could start on my career, and get some more education in photography or whatever else I go into.


I have gotten the experience of a lifetime. By attending Washington College, I was able to maintain a 3.0 gpa, play a varsity sport, join a sorority, and volunteer my time to the community. By having the opportunity to be involved with all of these activities, I have learned how to be disciplined, focused and enrich my life experiences by voluntering. It has taught me life lessons that I could not have learned anywhere else. Playing a varsity sport taught me how to manage my time and focus on what needs to me done. A sorority taught me how to appreciate others and spend my time with people who care about me. Volunteering taught me to give back to the community and never forget those who are less fortunate. At most schools you only have time for one of the three. Washington College allowed me to be able to experience all of these things, while maintaining good grades.


Dear High School Me; Right now you are propped up against your desk, chin resting in one hand while the other furiously draws out a pedantry of essays and papers and reports that all blend several aggitated hours. Listen to me, doll, I've been there. Put the pen down and step back, physically move away from that corner of your room and just BREATHE. Go kick a ball around with your brother, and help cook dinner for your mother. You'll miss them more then you will ever admit. Take a camera to that trip to the park with your friends because those are the memories you will cherish the most. I know it seems crazy for me to tell you this when there are colleges to apply to and work to be done, but I promise you, I know. Once you are in college the only things that matter from those years will be those little times, when the sun was in hand and everyone you loved was simply beside you. The only skills you need to hone are to love and let go. To move on and remain friends. So Go. Hurry. Best Wishes, -Your College Self


When I was a senior I didn?t know what to expect when I went to college. I had this picture in my mind that college would be filled with social events and countless hours of homework. Also, I thought the classroom expectations would be far different than that of my high schools. Now having spent over half of a semester in college, I can say that my notions about post-high school life were outrageous. Although I am enrolled in classes, on the dance team, and the treasurer of Hillel, I still find time for friends and homework. I thought that college was going to be an endless battle against time to fit in homework, friends, and extracurricular activities. If I could go back a year and give the na?ve senior version of myself advice, it would be to relax. College is only another step in a person?s life and although it is life changing, it?s not much different than being in high school. You're still able to balance academics and a social life easily. I would tell myself to take a step back and enjoy my last few months as a teenager.


Never be afriad. This experience will lead to many firsts which you cannot be afirad to try. This is one of the greatest moments of your life so take the opprotunities that are handed to you without fear and self doubt. Never be scared to speak out or stand up for what you belive in. You will be given many chances to do both. You have the power to change lives and this is the best place to do it.


If I could go back, the advice that I would give myself would be not to worry so much. In order to got to private college I had to take a year off from school in order make enough money to attend. When I graduated I was afraid of the unkonwn. While all of my classmates knew what they were going to be doing in the coming fall, I was nervous about if I was going to make enough money and if my acceptance would still be held open. In hindsight everything worked out great. I recieved high marks in community college helping me to obtain a scholarship. As well, I made enough money to pay my tuition for the year. This is why I would tell myself that I should enjoy my senior year and not worry about the next year. Things will work out on there own.


Don't wish away high school. You will be sad once it is over. Make sure to say goodbye to people you really care about. Keep in touch with people that you're closest with. Don't worry that you don't fit in at first, you will in time. Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't try too hard.


If i could go back and give myself advice as a high schooler, I would begin by saying that college is definetely an opportunity that can not be missed out on. I would tell myself to work harder in high school to prepare myself for the work load that is given in college. I would also tell my high school self that it helps to take college seriously. It is important to have fun while in college, but it is more important to do well especially since money is being put towards the college education. I would also tell myself that I need to find a way to balance working a job and school work because it is tough but important to stay ahead. Although one cannot go back in time to tell their past selves things that they want to know, I am fortunate to know the things that I do know now.


An important part in finding a college that fits is thinking about what kind of person you are first. What schools would put you in the best position as far as your career is concerned? Look into your major and see if any schools have more advanced programs and internship oppurtunities than others. Would you do well in a large school, or is a more personal setting needed. Also think about the extra-cirricular activites offered by the school to insure that while not in class the student will have something to do to engage in social networks. Once in college, join ever group that interest you! Trust me you might be busy but you wont regret the friends and experiences. Lastly, if the school doesnt work out, dont be afraid to transfer. Speaking from experience, if the school doesnt fit you will know. Make sure its a place that you will want to stay, learn, and grow.


Be patient and don't stress yourself out. Make checklist and organize everything you need to do. Have fun and look around!


As for parents, know your involvement in your son or daughter's college selection process should be solely supportive. This is not your decision to make; it is his or hers. Forcing your child to matriculate in a school where he or she feels unimpressed or unwelcome will only ruin their college experience and prevent them from making their dreams a reality. Help, guide, and advise them, but do not restrict them. Students, choose somewhere you can see yourself for four years. Don't pick a college because it's hip or cool. Pick somewhere that will change you.


Visit the college and learn about it on your own. Don't just listen to what the school gives you.


In choosing a college you?re looking for a ?home with learning opportunities?. I think making a selection is a lot like purchasing a home. You need to consider all of the components that will impact your life while you?re there. Most of all it has to be well suited to you as an individual. You wouldn?t choose a home in the city, if you love rolling hills. Remember the environment must be conducive to you?re learning style. Large classes appeal to some; others are intimidated by size and learn more effectively with one on one attention. The college should also offer courses or degrees that match your interest. Since it?s difficult to know just what you want to do with your life at 18, it?s an added benefit that the school offers other programs or degrees that your interest may gravitate toward. There is greater value if the staff takes an interest in helping you discover your strengths and how to play to them. Remember that college in itself is a learning experience, in addition to the classroom. It?s very important to access the whole picture.


The advice I would give parents and students would be to look around. Weigh your options and find the school that best fits your learning style. My dad always told me when I was searching for colleged to apply to that it wasn't about the name but what you yourself got out of it. I believe that this is REALLY good advice because my experience at Washington College has really been great. I'm learning a lot and have made some really good friends, including some that are from different countries. However I really want to stress how important it is to look around. There are a lot of schools out there with strenghs and weaknesses, it's just a matter of doing research to see which one fits your qualifications. The best advice I could give would be to make a list of what you want out of the college and look around for the best school that meets your qualifications.


Though I love Washington College, I played very little role in actually selecting it. I was extremely sluggish in completing my applications, so sluggish that my poor mother eventually put post-its everywhere my input was needed and did the rest of the application herself. This was clearly not the ideal way to go about applying to college, but I got very lucky. If I could go back, I would have been more active in the application and search process. As far as making the most of the college experience, enjoy every second of college. Become the person you want to be and don't let anyone tell you who or what you should be. Enjoy a fresh beginning. Enjoy the unique experiences whatever school you attend gives you and never take it for granted. It has been the time of my life and I'm so sad to leave next December. You make the experience. Don't rely on the school or other people to fulfill your needs at college, make it yours.


Look around at many schools and ask people what they think about each school. No matter where you go, it is what you make out of it that counts.


If you are a parent trying to make the best decision for you child's college choice, you really have to let him or her take the reigns for the final stages. Once I narrowed my list down to the six schools I was going to apply too, we revisited each one and I took a tour with just the student guide. My parents got out of the picture and it let me ask the real student to student questions lots of high school kids dont always want to open up about around their parents. I see the reverse now as a Junior in college and a tour guide for lots of prospective families. If you want your kid to open up and really ask the questions they need to feel completely cofident about the schools they are applying too, parents need to step out of the picture for a bit and make it a totally student driven decision.


Make sure it's in a place you like and has activities on and around the campus. If your student doesn't have a car, look into school-provided transportation. Teacher-student ratios are important as well, because I have found that you learn more when in a closer environment with a professor. Individual attention is key.


Take time to honestly assess your financial situation to weigh and consider whether or not you would be better off at a cheaper school for a couple years before transferring to the school you really want to go to. This has to be compared to the social life that may be lacking if you end up at a community college for those couple years, and for some it may not be worth the cheaper path. In any case, you only (presumably) get one chance to go to an undergraduate school, so it's necessary to keep in mind that you are there for an education first and foremost. Despite that, college is a time that you will be free from many of the restrictions that will be imposed on you once you have to get a full-time job in the real world, so don't underestimate the importance of enjoying your time there. The best advice I can give is to not mix work and pleasure. When it's time to work, then work so you won't have it hanging over your head. When it's time to play, go out and have a great time!


When people enter therapy for a specific trouble- let's say relationship problems- the first thing a therapist will often do is tell them to immediately cease all purposeful attempts at maintaining the thing that is causing the trouble. So the couple would be advised to stop all relationship talks, fights and active struggles to make it work, because things can only work if the pressure is relieved. This is my first advice when making any major decision, especially college- relieve the pressure. Realize that there is no "right" school, no "perfect" place, no Utopia U. With this in mind, you can begin the search for the right school FOR YOU. That school DOES exist, and you can find it. The most important thing is to put yourself out there- I strongly suggest visiting and applying to as many schools as you possibly can. And then, don't make your decision based on anyone's opinion but your own- not your friends, not current college students, not even your parents. It will only be the RIGHT choice if it is YOUR choice. And if you do that, making the most of your 4 years is as easy as living them.


Be sure to spend as much time INSIDE the school environment as possible, by visiting and staying overnight multiple times. Eat the food and try to imagine eating it every day. BE SURE not to take what people say at face value because they are trying to sell the school and may have a different perception than you will. Know what to ask-- ask sutdents who have been through the process (especially ones who have transferred because they tend to know about misrepresentation) what questions to ask to get to the bottom of it. I recommend making sure you have a clear view of the transportation system, the student activities (not just lists, what actually goes on), and asking specific questions about what people do, not just "do you like it".


Make sure that you find a school that's the right size for you. I found this to be most important. You also should focus on the experiences it will give you outside the classroom.


find the college that feels right. there is no need to apply to a hundred colleges pick your type five and go with your gut. You will know when you arrive which one is a fit for you. Also remember, the most expensive schools do not garuntee a better education.


Searching for colleges can be stressful and confusing. Each person gives you different advice and viewpoints. Finding a college can be based on credentials, locations, student populations, and professors, but what really matters is not finding a college, but finding the college. Everyone has a special fit. Do your research, send in their applications and carefully written essays, set up interviews, and go on the tours. But what really makes the difference is seeing college-life firsthand. After narrowing down to about three colleges, sign up for overnight visits. This allows your teenager to live in a dorm-room, meet college students, explore the campus freely, eat in the cafeteria, attend classes, and get to know how the professors interact with their students. If your child has specials needs, physical or emotional , set up a meeting with the college's special accomidations coordinator and the on-campus healthcare staff. Finally, let the choice be their own. Deciding upon the right school is like putting on a wedding dress--you just know. When my mom picked me up from my overnight at Washington College, I knew right away that this was the place for me. Let your child find their fit.


The best advice that I can give to anyone in the process of choosing a college right for them would be to visit and explore as many as possible. Peolple should take advantage of the opportunities to visit and take tours of almost every college because this is a place that will be called home for four or more years. I visited about ten different colleges and Washinton College stuck out in my mind as being beautiful, intellectual, and a place where I could see myself learning the most and having fun doing it. The only problem is the price which recently surpassed $40,000 a year. I hope I can stay at the place I love for the next few years of my life.