Webster University Top Questions

What are your classes like?


My classes, while now primarily education and math, always have a way of balancing them out so that I can take a lot of classes and still budget my time well. I love to be busy and involved, but never overwhelmed. Professors often know what my interests are, know what I may be struggling with, and are very invested in helping me succeed. There have been classes that were boring and there have been classes that have been a joke, but it's all part of the college experience.


I love my classes. They're small and really emphasize a student-driven learning environment. The teachers want you to be actively involved and participative in the classroom. I find myself actually wanting to wake up for my 8:30am classes, not dreading going.


It depends what on what class it is. My required courses are normally more challenging and time consuming but it is nothing that cannot be successfully completed. Some of my classes have been more easy than others, but it all depends what you put into it. I am a hard worker, so I haven't found academics that difficult yet. The professors here do a really nice job giving you a fair amount of homework and studying. You won't be overloaded unless you wait till the last minute!


really interesting! professors are really knowledgeable and are interested in your academic success. classes are also really small, so you definitely get individual attention. the only downside is that your teachers know when you're not in class :)