Angelo State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


College there is no one to make you do homework or attend class. You have to plan well and set goals within each semester. You have to learn how to be more hands on and think outside of the box.


I would tell myself to walk into college having a good idea about what you want to do with yourlife. You don't have to know exactly but think about it before you walk into the college surroundings. Also walk into college with an open mind. Things will be very different from highschool and you just have to keep your head held high and keep moving forwards. You may feel overwhelmed like I did when I entered school but college does tend to get easier and the transition from living with your parents to living on your own gets easier with time. The most important thing is to just don't give up. In the end it will all be worth it when you walk across the stage and get a diploma and become a college graduate and you can make something of yourself and make a difference in the world!!


I would tell myself to work harder to recieve scholarships. It is hard enough to pay for college while taking classes. It can be a hassel to have to work all the time. If i would have taken more time filling out scholarship applications and applying for financial aid, i would have to cut back on how many hours i could take because i cant afford to pay for my schooling. It can be rough thinking that i cant afford things. I begin to get down on myslef wishing i had a better job and that i worked more hours. But if i worked mkore hours then i would not have time to study. I would tell myself that getting scholarships is the key to getting through college easier.


I was a well behaved student and excellent in school so I came to college well prepared and hope that that attitude continues to Medical School.


The advice I would give myself, would be to slow down and enjoy this experience. This was the best time of my life, but in my haste to complete my degree, I rushed through school, did not cultivate friends and contacts, and did not do my "best" classwork. I wanted to pursue graduate/law school but I was burnt out, and therefor "settled" for the first offer that I received. I think my career would have gone in a different direction and I would not be in this position I am currently in. I have always wondered "what if" or "if only"? I had professors who were very encouraging and supportive. I now have a chance to correct that mistake.


Going back in time, I would tell myself that school is the most important thing in college. Not socializing, drinking, or partying all the time. I would tell myself that it is best if I utilize my professors to the best of my ability, because their purpose is to help me succeed. I would work on building networks that will help me in my time after I graduate. With all this work, I would still tell myself to enjoy, take risk, and get the best I can out of my college years, because even though they are meant to study hard they are also meant to be enjoyed because they are some of the best years in a persons life, and this environment plays in big part in an individuals future.


Never assume that anything is impossible. Strive for an education while you are still young, before other obligations become overwhelming. Whatever you do, do not allow current situations to take over your life to the exclusion of a well-rounded education. It is never too late to go back to school, but it is much more practical to obtain those first critical steps early. After all, when you are in your thirties or forties you should be looking for that PhD, not just a bachelor's degree.


I would like to take more AP courses so that when i went to college i would have some hours already.


Charlsi, college isn't just about getting a 4.0 and graduating quickly and never taking less than 15 hours a semester. You need to make time to have a life, and enjoy the friends you have and not cut them out of your life because you might get a B in one class. Academics are still very important, but learn to prioritize so that when you eventually graduate, you have good memories to look back on. Don't look back on your college experience and only be able to remember the long nights alone of stressing and studying and turning down opportunities to go relax with friends for awhile. Laughter and friendship and silliness can make a tough semester that much better. College is a great time to make new friends and learn independence. Be sure to do your best at every class, but don't sweat it if your best is a B. Work hard in school and make sure you have a life filled with laughter and love from those around you.


I honestly would not want to go back and disrupt the time continueum lol. But i would tell myself, study, work hard, autition for every show, and have fun, but not too much, and make the best of what you are blessed with, Because the experience is amazing, and its something you will remember for the rest of your life...


I would tell my self to be more open to making new friends. That I dont have to be afriad and only hang out with the same people from high school becasue it is easier to get through college when you know other people at yor school. It also helps so that when you need to study for classes then you can get help. It also helps you stay more active in school and getting involved. I would tell my self to go to school events and not worry about what my firends want to do. if i want to do something then i should do it. I would remind myself that im the kind of person who like to be active in school and groups and if i dont stay with it in school then I will not always be happy. i would also tell myself to apply for scholarships early on and get money for school because its not cheap. I would have tried to get into more school financial aid programs that are offered to freshman that would help me to pay for school since now i work all the time just to pay for classes.


Jon, wake up! This school provides excellent opportunity to study abroad in China and Costa Rica! There is alot of different things going on at this school. Over 150 student organizations! The best part of ASU is that nobody from BHS is going there. You can be who ever you want to be, a total clean slate. Keep up on your grades now in high school. They matter now, so you can recieve scholarships. And when you get there, take advantage of every opportunity thrown at you. You may never get the chance to do what ever it was again. Back to the grades. When you get there, keep up on your grades as well. Scholarships still come in at the college level. AFROTC is waiting for you. It will provide multiple opportunities for you to travel while in college. They will even pay for your school. Wraping it up, go to school with an open mind, not everybody there will think like you. And this will give you a chance to learn alot about life. As I said, take the opportunity...go to Angelo State


I would tell myself that Angelo State is a good university and to immediately meet up with the Christian Campus Center for new godly friends are waiting to be met. I also need to really keep up with my schoolwork and not wait for the professor to have to tell me I'm late on my assignments. Also to try out the online classes sooner just because they are easy to use and helpful as well. Overall just to stay focused and be ready to work hard!




Working hard gets you to more places and better grades. Important to be focused and to always ask your professor questions. Be ahead with financial aid and know any deadlines you will need. It will be stressful but always stay calm and make sure to always have friends that you trust whether back at home or new friends at college.


Advice I would give to myself is to prepare for the many changes that will occur within the first semester of college. By changes I am referring to differences in academic learning level, friends and bonds, entering into the "real world" as well as new schedules and professors. By preparing for these changes, the transition into the college life will be smoother because I would have a better idea of what to excpect, look out for, and have ways of handling new and different situations.


I was advise myself to learn my studying habits before college. Coming from a small school where I did not have to open a book to get A's really hurt me in college. Being a freshman and taking hard courses for my nursing major brought my self esteem down and made my stress levels increase dramatically.


I would advise to look more in depth for scholarships and grants. It's not enough to just be able to rely on what little money my family had. While being a first generation student is great, it's not so great constantly worrying about funding and if you're going to be able to go to school next semester because you're worried about money. Take time to learn how to study and find good study habits early. It's not enough to hope into college and expect to know how to study or expect that someone at the university will teach you study habits or how to manage your time. Take the time to get to know other people on campus, such as other students and your professors. They'll be the big push in your studies, pushing you to do better and to make your dreams come true.


If I could go back in time and give myself some advice, the first thing I would say is "It won't matter." Too often I found myself caught up in what other people thought of me and I know now that it was the biggest waste of my time to fret over something so insignificant. I would also advise myself to spend more time studying. My grades were great, but they could have been better. Studying more would have also prepared me for the kind of studying that I do now. In high school, studying took 20-30 minutes. In college, my first round of exams hit me hard and had I developed proper studying skills back in high school it would have saved me a lot of time and stress.


I would go check out the colleges that best describes you, whether it be a small school, a large school, or even a private school. Then after you made your choices go take a tour of them all and start narrowing down your options. After your pick your choices down to lets say your top two, go ask about the finanical aid, activties, dorm living, tutition, ect. From my own personal experience about picking the right college for me, I had four in mind and by narrowing my down, it was between McMurry and San Angelo. I picked those two university because they both had a great track program but McMurry didn't offer any scholarships and I didnt feel like it was at home but when I walked around the campus of ASU, I felt like God was telling me welcome home Whitney. Its a small school and the professor will help you whenever you need it and will work with you. Small schools are the way to go. Make sure you get in with the right crowd and follow your dreams. College is fun but at the same time you have to work hard to get that degree.


There are plenty of colleges out there, so be picky, do not settle for anything less than what you want or what parents want for their kids. Pick a college that has a good career placement program because in the end, that is what it comes down to.


The college experience affects both parent and child. For the child it?s the feeling of being on their own for the first time and for the parents it?s ?My baby is growing up?. Parents this is the time when you see your son or daughter transform into and adult. When choosing a college it should never be based from appearance alone. My advice would be to visit the actual college during orientation and get the feel of the environment. Visiting the college?s website is also helpful. Finding organizations and activities to get involved with the school is also a good way in choosing a place that is comfortable. In my opinion, attending a college is both the best and worst time of a person?s life. Experience new things can be difficult if a person is used to things not changing. Expecting the unexpected is one way of preparing for college. Some ways to get the most out of the college experience is to relax, have fun, be who you are, and make smart decisions. There will be times when things might seem bad, however just remember you are not the only one going through them.


In order to find the right college you have to look at yourself. If you go to a large party school, would you be able to concentrate on your school work and keep your priorities straight? Or if you go to a smaller school, will you be content with a limited amount of cultural diversity? With either choice you will make memories that will last a lifetime. For me looking back, college involved making a new friend by falling asleep on his shoulder in biology, not wanting to sit in front or the class from a fear that your history teacher will spit on you, and the constant companions, fear and stress, on your shoulders during finals. For many college is that last doorway from childhood to adulthood, and yet we still learn how to balance parties, tests, and work in the morning. We continue with a hope that in the end, the gray hair is worth it and a job is there to provide for us in the future.


Advice that I would give parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to find the college that the student feels comfortable with and not the parent(s). Ninety-nice percent of the student?s college experiences takes place from the student, and if the student does not feel comfortable in the situation, they will not make the most of experience. Another piece of advice I would give is when the family is visiting campuses, let the student walk around on his/her own so that he/she can get a feel of the place without biases opinions from the other members. The common factor of unhappy college students is that they were influenced to attend that institution by an outside factor such as a family member who had also attended that college. Finding the right college and making the most of that period of their life is the student being happy and comfortable there.


Go visit the college and talk to actual college students that have gone to the school. Get the good and bad about the school. Make sure the administration will work with you in terms of financial aid. Check out the dorms and be sure to speak you mind if you don't get along with your room mate.


It is all about student involvement and social networking. Once you find a school that will meet your educational needs, try to find out about the student organizations and extra-curricular activities that are offered. Hook up with those groups immediately. It will help you make friends more quickly and stay away from those that may only be interested in partying their college careers away.


just make sure that you will be able to do your work to be able to succeed in your future in what you want to do in life and go for those dreams and dont let a little party bring you down from reaching your dream!!! And at the same time you can have fun..


My advice would be to think things all the way through, weigh out all the options. To students, dont just pick a college just because its the furthest from home, I promise you will miss your family. To the parents, sit down and talk about college to your child, help them out as much as possible. Research everything about the college(s) you're thinking about attending. Finally, last piece of advice, good luck, college is a big responsiblity, but you will love it!


Don't settle for anywhere less than what you feel is best. Even if you think it is too costly or too hard, if there is a will there is a way, and no matter how much financial aid you need, getting a degree is worth it. Your college experience is what you make it, and the possibilities are endless. Take classes you are interested in and study fields that intrigue you. Major in something you are passionate about, after all, you only have one life to live, so there is no sense in spending all of your time and money on a field you are not excited about. Get involved and make new friends, go to class and stay focused on school, but don't forget to have fun. These are the best years of your life, so take advantage of the opportunities given to you.


Apply at different colleges and make the right decision, the best are amoung small schools to give your children the best opportunity to learn.


When looking for a college, parents should feel comfortable with the facilities in which their child will be living, learning, and hanging out in. For students, a college should feel like a home away from home. Since most of their time is spent in the dorms, they should make sure that they feel comfortable with all dorms on campus. A big thing also, is the population size of the school. If a student wants the one on one time with a professor that may be needed, then a smaller school is probably what is needed. If a student feels that they can get homework and studying done on their own with good time management, then they might be more comfortable at a larger school.


Take your time. Make sure the University that you choose is right for you. Larger universities with famous names are not always the best source of higher education. It's okay to change majors, but keep it in check. Realize that at some point you will have to graduate and get a job. Remember that you are not there to get a degree in fraternity or sorority. Focus on your coursework, but make time to relax and wind down. Overall, enjoy your experience as much as possible.


Always check everything out


Students should not attend a college just because their parents want them to go there. You will be the one in class so you should pick the instsitue that is right for you. You have to consdier the size of the college, if you come from a small high school it may be a bit of a shock for you if you go to a larger college. Once you have decided on a college do not overload yourself and learn how to manage your time.


Do your research. Check out the campus and what they have to offer. Also look at the price and the surrounding community. In the end you have to do whatever feels right for you. This choice will make a big impact on the rest of your life.


I would definitely get a feel for the campus you or your child is about to attend. Look at the surrounding area/city to see what kind of activities are available for leisure time. Look into the degree programs to see what is available and how effective they may be. Orientation programs are very important, in my opinion. These programs allow students to meet their peers and begin forming valuable relationships that will help them get through their next four years and beyond. For parents, especially parents of first generation college students, these orientation programs will help you to adjust and will give you valuable information before pushing your little chick out of the nest.


I believe the one thing you have to remember about selecting the perfect college for you, is that these are suppose to be the best years of your life. You dont want to feel as though it was wasted. I believe first and for most that you have to find a college that gives you the right vibe. It needs to be a positive place and a place that you feel that you can succeed in life after leaving. The school needs to have a variety of things going on, including a variety of classes. College is the place where you meet people that you will never forget. It is the place where you meet your life long friends and where you build long lasting relationships with a variety of people. College is about getting your education, but experiencing life and youth through a few years. It doesnt last long and the best thing you can do is try your hardest and never regret a day in your life because it is those moments that change your life forever.


Stay on campus for a night with a student. You'll get the best feel for how life is on that campus when you are truely in the environment away from parent and teacher eyes.


I would tell them to choose many colleges as possible as they can, then check every factors such as financial help, safety, how far the school is , and how well the school cares about the students.Compare and contrast every schools, then pick the best one.


look for a college that medium in size and has medium size classes and is easy to get from one side of the campus to the other in a reasonable time period, because they will be late getting out of one class and getting to the next.


I would tell parents and/or students to pick a school that has programs that best fit their interests. Also, if they're used to a big city setting and want to continue in that, they should pick a school in that setting that they can afford. Don't let the fear of not making friends keep you from joining in activities you might enjoy. Join as many groups as you can manage and make the best of it all!


I would say use your time wisely and make sure that the University you choose is best for you for social reasons, safety reasons, and most importantly educational reasons. It can be hard to move away from family and friends but it is important to do what is best for you and your future. Once you have chosen a college, step out of your comfort zone and make the effort to meet new people and have fun! You have to remember to be open minded to cultural differences between students but at the same time, you don't want to forget your beliefs and morals. Last but not least, stay close with god and remember that he knows what is best for you and he is always with you go share the good times and help you with the bad.


Going to college, and leaving home is going to be scary for both, parent and child. Going to the campus and getting a tour is important. If the student feels even the slightest comfort on the grounds, or discomfort, it should be noted strongly. Most campuses have great resources and facilities to help, tutor, or advise students; take advantage and become aware of these facilties. If the student will be living in the dorm, be prepared for their intereactions with room/suite mates. There will be good ones and bad ones; this is part of the college experience. Be supportive, but also point out the comparison to the real world. Human interaction whether it be at work, home, school, or any other institution promotes growth.


Do extensive research before making a final decision!


When choosing a college you have to consider first and foremost what you enjoy doing both for classes and for extracoricular activities. While it is great to find a campus that offers exactly what you want for your degree plan, you have to think about what you will be doing when not in class or doing school work. Learning how to balance work and play is an important part of everyone's lives so the sooner this lesson is learned the easier it will be later.


Parental Guidance is such an important process in sending and progressing your son/daughter through college. Unfortuantly, I did not have the luxury of have my mother and father. They passed away when I was 15 years old. So, be there for your children and make them make the right decisions. They will appreciate it even if they don't say it.


There are many important things to consider when deciding on a college. The best thing that my parents did was sit me down, ask me what I want to study, and then narrow down a list of colleges that excel in my field. During my junior year of high school, I went and visited all the universities and applyed to the three I narrowed my choice to. Once you get to college my biggest suggestion is GET INVOLVED! I joined two oranizations my first semester in and then stayed involved and made some of my best friends. I am now actively involved in every organization that the agriculture department offers and in Delta Tau Alpha Honor society. There are so many oppurtunities to get involved at any university and every freshman should get involved.


Parents and students need to first find a college that will be useful in the field they are interested in. Then from those choices, look into the sizes and the extracurricular activities available and decide what would be best for the student. Once the school is chosen, the student will benefit most if they try and make the most of all opportunities they offer. They should try to make friends and talk to people in their classes. Join study groups and go to school events. The student will find that in making the effort to be a part of the college experience, they will find what the college experience really is.


Make sure you find a college that you will enjoy. Stay there for a few days before making your decision, talk to other students. Also, make sure the college you attend will offer you the classes you need to major in the field you choose. Live your college life to the fullest, but make sure you keep up on your studies. Always remember what you are there for, where you want to be in the long run. Last but not least, stay in touch with your family, remember where you came from, and stay loyal to your beliefs.


When it comes down to it nearly all colleges are the same and while the big 12 schools are better known they do not always have the highest rate of success when it comes to finding a job after graduation and providing the one on one attention that students need to thrive in their future career.