Biola University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


The best college is the one you feel most at home and welcomed.


To make the most out of your college experience chose a college that is the best fit for you. Every person is different, each of us has our unique needs and abilities. Finding a place where you can feel like yourself and develop as a person is the most important thing. Take your time and enjoy college. I worked my way through and graduated early. While I think that was the best choice for me at the time, I also missed out on so many extras due to my crazy schedule. Find a balance in social and academic. Stay centered. Know who you are and don?t let others change you. Lastly and most importantly, go for your dreams. Dream big, work hard, and after graduation the sky is the limit.


When looking for the right college to attend, the most important advice I can give is to look for the best community above looking at the academics. While it is also important to sit in on classes and talk to professors to get a good feel for the quality of education, I would strongly encourage spending time in the school's community. Take a tour, stay in a dorm for a night, talk to students, ask questions, and get answers! As for making the most of the college experience, the best thing to do is to get involved on campus. There are so many different opportunities to get involved. Whether planning events for student life, serving in community outreach, joining clubs, working, or getting internships that encourage a career path, there are endless possibilities to keep students busy on campus. Study hard, but always remember that there is so much more to college life than just studying. Make the most of those amazing four years of college life. They only happen once!


In your college search I would recommend visiting as many campuses as possible. It is invaluble to get a feel of the campus and the people there. Different schools have different atmospheres and attitudes. Be sure you get a chance to talk to students who attend or read surveys like this to accurately gauge others and their experiences. If you can't visit call a student represntative or the Undergraduate Admissions office. The more time you take to narrow your search to the schools you like, them more likely you are to finding the right school. Once you find the right school, I guarentee you will make friends and learn things you will take with you the rest of your life. College is life experience preparation, socially expanding and a great step in bettering your future.


Finding the right college for you is a very important decision and should not be taken lightly. Apply to a lot of colleges and once you get accepted, visit each of them and weigh the options. It helps to make a list of the pros and cons of each school. Try and choose a school that fits what you are looking for in a location, the type of education you will get (whether or not they have the major you want), in sports if you are interested in that, and in extracurricular activities. The cost of the school is also a huge factor in choosing a school to go to. Check in to all your financial aid options. Also, student bodies are different everywhere, so it is good to take a tour of the school and meet some of the students. It may be helpful to meet with professors in the area of study you are interested in. Sit in on a few classes and see if you like the teaching style. Overall, make sure you pick a place where you will be happy. If you are not happy you will not do well. Good luck!


When choosing a college it is important to consider three main components: academics, community, and location. Because academics is so key, it is important to research intensely and possibly see a personal counselor, because there are schools all around the nation that have incredible programs that could fit you as a student, but because of their location, you will never hear about them. When looking into a certain program, also try to find a school that has a few programs that look interesting, because most college students do change their major during their college experience. In regards to community, it is important to be in an atmosphere that you can grow as well as learn about yourself. You're college years are when you develop emotionally and mentally the most into, defining who you will become. And having a school that supports and nurtures that is essential. Lastly, location can be a very important factor. Many students do not wish to go far from their home state or even town. So, when looking into colleges, decide early on whether or not you even want to consider schools that are far from home.


Make sure you look at the community of the campus, and not just academics, as this will develop you into the person you become more than anhything else.


College is a time where you can try out different subjects and situations in a somewhat of a conrolled enviroment. Find an enviroment that you and your student are comfortable and is one that is known to influence in the way you in which you desire. Once you have selected a school, try to stick with it, life is all about making decisions and then living up to them, unless sticking to you school is emotionally or physically threating learn how to adapt in any of lifes situations, it's a lesson you will carry with you through your life, in jobs and relationships. Finally, get involved and make the most of your situation. Work hard at you studies and USE your school's resources to their fullest. Learn how to balance the social and the acadmic now, and that might mean a few tumbles into failure, but that's okay because in college you are paying "x" amount of dollars for it not to completely ruin you life. You've been given a run through, study, date, make friends, learn who you are and how you are going to impact the world around you, and how they impact you.


In all honesty, just pick a school that has the major you want or the location you want and go for it. As clich? as it may sound you just need to fallow your gut or go off of what will make you the happiest. No matter where one goes there are things to be learned and life to be lived. College is a great time to find out who you are what you want and what you are going to do with your life, and you do not want to regret these years. Parents should encourage their kids to get an education and to help them in their transition to college but the students need to decide for themselves. Check out different schools in person and get the vibe of each individual school, just go where you will be happy. Cease the day and the opportunity for a higher education.


Make sure you know what you want to do.


Give your kids the freedom to experience life the way they want to. Allow your kids continue growing up, be supportive of their descisions.


I would advise parents and students to weight each of the facts of each school: academics, community, faculty, location, student body, etc. Its important to get a full experience while in undergrad, to help narrow your interests to help decide your career.


Keep in mind that choosing a college is about more than just academics -- your college experience will drastically change the way that you look at the world and the person you are. Follow your "gut instict" about schools that you are deciding between; ultimately, that reaction can go further than making pro/con lists and deciding based on school rankings or prestige. Pick a school where you can truly see yourself being happy and productive. Good luck!


Be aware that most likely the major you choose when going into college will change as you get to experience and see what else is out there. In addition, realize that though it is expensive, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and so it is worth the investment. More than anything else, get involved with the school, live on campus, and try to meet people.


It's not so much about finding the "right" college as it is about investing yourself in what you've chosen. Decide what you want to pursue and pursue it whole-heartedly. College is an awesome experience, but it's not the sum total of your existence. Let it be a stepping stone and don't allow it to be the thing that makes or breaks your life.


While academia and GPA's are certainly at the core of higher eduction, college is also an extremely impressionable period of your life, where you have the precious opportunity and resources to think, build relationships, and hopefully become a respectable adult. College is the four years that is supposed to prepare you for a life that isn't easy. Exams, mid-terms, and even GPA's, we eventually forget about. But the fundamentals of the life perspective and ethics we develop in college will have an effect on our lives forever. It's not a time to be wasted on parties, alcohol, and sex, nor is it a time to solely make the grades to graduate suma cum laude. It's an expensive, life-molding, person-building experience that one should treasure the luxury of having.


Don't doubt your first inclination. Move forward once you've made you decision. Once you're in college, know your limitations.


Don't be afraid to really research and visit the campus! This decision affects the rest of you or your child's life, so don't make it rashly.


Visit the dormotories, sit in on classes in the major for which you are applying, and speak to the professors in your major


Visit every college on your list. Narrow your choices down to these things: values the college holds to, the character of the teachers and students you meet, the size of the program(s) you are interested in applying for, and the area surrounding the school. If you are an introvert and want a small quiet college experience, don't go to a big city that will overwhelm you. Or maybe the introvert wants a place that will take him/her out of their shell ... maybe a big city is for them. Consider the values most of all though. This will determine how teaching/learning is carried out in the classroom. Take your time visiting colleges and don't be afraid to talk to as many people as possible. Ask them what they like most about the college or working for it and what they like least. Stay in the dorm room a night or two, visit classrooms, eat in the cafe, and go to a sports event or a pep ralley. Go with your gut and where you feel most comfortbale. The last thing you want to feel is like an outsider where you will spend the next 4 years.


Go somewhere you like where you can study something you like. The rest will work itself out.


just go somewhere where you feel comfortable and know has good educational teaching. Make time for friends along with your studies


research options, be realistic, know exactly the amount of pit-of pocket money you will need to pay


The advice that I would give to parents and/or students is to think of college education not only as a means towards a career but also as an avenue for personal enrichment. College is a great way to think and analyze views about life, consider other people's opinions, establish convictions, learn to get along with different people, explore interests, and build on opportunities to make one's life a valuable contribution to the world. I think that one of the important criteria in saying that one had a successful college experience is when one comes out of college with a better understanding of one's self and how one's uniqueness can be utilized not just for personal fulfillment but also in response to the many different needs in our world today. I would encourage students to think about this as they go through their classes, get involved in extracurricular activites, volunteer for various projects, and interact with the different people around them. "One drop in the bucket" can never be underestimated. Each of us has a valuable place in society and an opportunity to make a difference.


Make sure that you come and visit the campus and experience a day or two within the college life. See what the classes are like and how the students interact with each other and with faculty. The best way to find a school is to research, research, research. Find what school best fits your academic wants and needs and start to apply those criteria to the institutions you have selected.


Look early your junior year is probably the best year to look at colleges. Ask lots of questions, visit the campus. Talk to alumni. Listen to what your parents have to say and the input that they have. Your parents are wise, they want what's best for you and they're probably the ones helping out with money.


Look at every aspect of it, including whether or not it has the program that you want to pursue. Let that come before other factors, but keep your options open always.


Look for a college that has a strong emphasis in your major and that supports your religious beliefs.


Always visit the school, attempt to live on campus for a day or two, watch an athletic game, find out about scholar ships, and never be afraid of feeling akward, everyone is akward.


No one ever knows what they want to do with their life at age 18. Even if they think they know, it will change. With that in mind, it's important to find a college with as many fields as the student may be interested in. Besides looking at the list of majors though, find a campus that fits your personality. Every school feels different, and there may be something that you can't put into words that you're attracted to. Once you get to school the most important thing to do is make friends. Be outgoing even if you normally aren't, because no matter how many other people are around it's still possible to feel lonely. Also, if you're not enjoying your experience don't be afraid to change. Don't give up too easily, but these are the weird years when you have a lot of independence and usually not too many responsibilities. Be selfish about them and get the best education and experience you can, either at the school you originally choose or one that's better suited for your needs.


Be open minded. Parents: remember that this is your kid's opportunity to be what they've always wanted to be, just like you've told them they could all their life. You've raised them and guided them this far, let them choose their own path now. Students: make the best choice for you. When you visit a campus for a time you'll know if it's the best fit for you (and you'll know if it isn't). This choice is yours, so as a good friend of mine used to quote, "to thine own self be true." When you have picked your college, pursue your education head-on. Your career will be enhanced, your income will be increased, and your heart will be satisfied. Good luck!


Search around, even if it takes a while. Going to a Junior Colllege first will really help financially and, if your student doesn't know what they want to do, it will allow them to figure it out. While in college, take every opportunity to meet new people. You never know what connections will help you later in life.


Finding the right college: Make sure it corresponds with your ideologies. Make sure it has a strong department for your major. Make sure you can afford it (with financial aid, if need be). Try not to go into debt. Don't go to a college only because your folks want you to, but also don't be stubborn about rejecting their suggestions. Making the most of the college experience: Focus on your studies! The better you do, the more prepared you will be for your profession, and the more organized and responsible you will be. But, don't get so caught up in your books that you neglect making good, solid friendships. Be spontaneous (but not stupid) every once in a while. Get involved with some type of community service or ministry, even if it's helping with next year's orientation.


Be practical about your choice! Find out what your priorties are first. If your faith is first pick a religious college. Then find out what schools have the programm for your major! After you picked your college find out what activities you like and join them, dont let self doubt prevent you from joing a group, club, and outings. and lastly prioritze your time!


I struggled through a lot of indecisiveness when it came to picking out a good college for me. I just knew though that I did not want to follow in the footsteps of so many others before me who purposely only applied to UCs. I opted to apply to states and private liberal art Christian colleges. Both were on incredible different spectrums but I was adamant to be different. My parents were wonderful in allowing me to have the freedom to do this which is saying a lot because our values ranging from how a relationship with Christ should be to what is considered beauty in the realm of art. In the end, the decision is yours to make so do not be swayed by your parents or even your peers when it comes to picking a college for yourself. Any decision one makes for a college, a new road will start, a new beginning, and that is a beautiful thing in life.


Choosing a college was extremely confusing and stressful for me, but if I did it, so can you! Attend a few college fairs and talk with the admissions counselors. Don't let the horrific amount of catalogs, post cards, and pencils overwhelm you. You can narrow your options by asking a few simple questions. First, does the school have the major that you are interested in? If yes, what is the size and quality of that program? Second, is the school located in an area that you would like to live in? For example, if it is located in Alaska but hate snow, cross that one off your list. Don't immediately reject schools far away from home. Moving away has allowed me to make amazing friends. Third, what kind of financial aid is available? Can you afford to go there? When you have narrowed your choices down to 2-3 schools, it's best to tour and stay over night at each of them so you get a feel for the atmosphere of the school and whether or not you feel at home there. Don't go home until Christmas first semester- this helps bolster friendships and conquer homesickness.


In looking for a college the first hing you should look at is weather the school has what you need. Are the professors known in there field? Do people who graduate in my major progressing in life? Things like this will help you narrow your selection of schools. Be sure to visit all the schools you are considering, (atomsphere is very important). Once you select a school and start attending get involved. You only get to be in college once, (well for most people its once). Join clubs, teams or student government it will make your time more enjoyable.