Boston University Top Questions

Why did you decide to go to this school?


The quality of education and the nice location that is smack dab right in a nice section of Boston by Fenway Park, the Espanade, and other colleges and universities.


Financial aid was a large part of my decision; BU offered me a very good deal. I love Boston as a city and like New England as a geographic area. I also thought the school would be academically challenging and would offer me a chance to meet a diverse group of people.


I decided to go to Boston University because it was the only college I got in that enabled me to be pre-med and get an BS in engineering.


After I had received responses from all of my schools, I narrowed my choices down to my favorite three, which were each completely different. My options came down to Sarah Lawrence, a tiny liberal arts school in Bronxville, NY, Elon University, a southern school, and Boston University. When I had first started applying, I thought I wanted to go to a small liberal arts school in the suburbs, and I had applied to BU just for the hell of it. But when I looked at my choices, I realized that this was more of a decision of what kind of person I wanted to be and not what kind of education I wanted. If I went to Sarah Lawrence or Elon, I worried that I would be limiting myself to being an artsy kid or a Southern sorority girl. At BU I really didn't feel intimidated by a need to be a certain type of person. Plus being in Boston and not in a small suburb made me feel like I had a lot of options around me so I wouldn't feel claustrophobic.


I chose to attend BU because it was one of the best schools that I applied to and they gave me a great financial aid package. For me paying for college would not be easy without the amount of money I receive from BU. However, this doesn't mean that I didn't like the school. Growing up I would always say I am going to go to BU when my elementary school would have gym class there, but I never thought it would be true and here I am in my junior year at Boston University.


Another student tells why she chose BU over other schools.


A student discusses why she chose BU