Central College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would tell myself to really go for it at the next level. I would tell myself that time at this institution is temporary and the benefits of an incredible library to a state recognized laboratory, will quickly disappear. I would tell myself to trust in your interpersonal nature - you will develop life long friendships in time. Do not worry about craming all social gatherings in to one, your first, semester of college - we know how well that went, don't we Mitch? ;) I would tell myself to never pass up an opportunity to make a connection with another person. These connections, these epitomizations of what it means to be human have the potential to be life-long and bare unending fruit. Lastly I would tell myself to embody the scope and vision of a life-long learner. Approach every lecutre with humility and a desire to do nothing but be sponge. I would tell myself to grasp the concept and knowledge that you will never be able to understand every single construct of any one subject of study. AND THAT IS GREAT! It is a journey. Work your tail off but please, park your pride and embrace the unknown.


Some people transition flawlessly from high school to college. For me, it wasn't quite so easy. When I was in high school I was involved, but I was quietly involved. I lacked a confidence that I eventually found through C


Going back in time I wouldn't tell myself anything. Everything that has happened to me has allowed me to grow in a way I could have never imagined. The course I have taken and the road I have just started to lay out infront of me make me thankful and excited for the rest of my life. Therefore, I would alter nothing. I would sit in a smokey jazz club with myself and just talk about what could be.


If I could go back in time as a high school senior, I would have taken the opportunity to learn to the best of my ability and use my skills to prepare myself for the transition. High school never required numerous hours of studying and if I could go back, I would study harder by reading, re-reading chapters, taking notes, and doing extra practice problems. The amount of time spent studying now was overwhelming as a college freshman. If I would have prepared myself senior year of high school, the adjustment would have gone smoother. I also would advise myself to take all the opportunities I could. Tour as many colleges as you want and learn about every different aspect of each school and why their students think they are original and worth spending four years there. Make sure that you find the school that is perfect for you because it will be the pathway into the rest of your life.


I would tell my high school self to apply for more scholarships since they really do make a difference. I would tell her to worry more about my classes and less about the little things in life that are going to bring you down. I would tell her that while money is important it is not everything and you should focus on what it is that you love to do. If you love what you do then you will never work a day in your life. I would also tell her to stay strong and that you can be the writer you want to be so really listen to what your English teachers are telling you.


If I were to be granted the opportunity to go back in time and change somethings about my college experience, then I most definitely would. I would change a multitude of things such as studying harder and staying focused. I would warn myself about hanging around the wrong crowd of people and let myself know that sometimes it's best to just be alone and make the best decisions for your. I am currently a sophomore at a community college and I just had to sit out a semester due to major surgery. Now that I'm paying out of pocket for school, it actually means a lot more to me. I do not have a job and I'm struggling trying to pay. I would thoroughly warn myself not to slack off and to make the best of any given situations. Like I always tell myself, " There are plenty of people with worser situations than my own". Finally I would just constantly remind myself to just hope for the best, but to be prepared for the absolute worst. With these tips, I'm sure that I would have a new outlook towards college and that I will be successful.


I would give myself the advice to follow my heart. As a high school senior it is all overwhelming. Between applying to schools, juggling school work, and taking the ACT it is hard work. Hard work will get you to where you want to be in life. I would also advise myself to take a variety of classes to know exactly which field you will be successful. I would warn myself for the transition of living away from home and not having class all day long. It was tough to be at school when your family and friends were at home enjoying their time together, and you couldn't join in. Yet, I believe it is absolutely wonderful to get out, and explore new opportunities when they become available. I would tell myself to pick what feels right, and never look back!


Listen Rachel. College is about discovering your path in life. You are away from mom, dad, friends, and family. You get to start fresh and find what you want to learn about. College might seem hard at times, but that is alright. Everything works out. Move-in day, finals, finding friends will get a little frustrating and that is why Thirsty Thursday’s were invented! The best advice I could give you right now is to relax and take college one day at a time. Don’t make everything so stressful because it is not. Have fun!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to stop and breathe. I was so active in high school - constantly shuffling back and forth from one activity to the next. Time managment was a hard skill for me to grasp. College has forced me to slow down and prioritize. I am still very busy with the three music groups I am involved in and my full academic schedule, but I have learned to plan and organize so I am not so overwhelmed. I would also tell my high school self to keep caring about others more than myself. (One could say I was a bit of a pushover in high school). College has allowed me to meet lifelong friends I would do anything for. In high school, I was always so angry that I couldn't stand up for myself when the need arose. I've learned that it's okay to help others before myself. I consider this a virture now. I've learned how important all relationships are to humanity, and how important each relationship I have gained thus far is to me.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior, I would tell myself to study harder. I would tell myself that college is alot different from high school. No one is going to hold your hand and tell you to turn in your work. If you don't turn your work in when its due you will get a zero with out any hesitation from your intructor. I would tell myself to develop better study habits. You will do a lot of studying in college. You will be responsible for your work and all actions in college. I would tell myself to also try to be a better writer and take writing more seriously. I would like for you to work on your grammar more because, in college the instructors expect you not to make too many grammar errors. Overall I want you to push your self harder because it pays off. I know you think that you will not need to know all of things your learning to be successful. The truth is you will need to know these things to be successful and, It takes hard work to be successful.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would simply say to myself, "Take a deep breath, trust your gut, and have fun!" I would tell myself to take a deep breath and just calm down because I often stressed too much in high school and I still do in college. I now know how important it is to remain stress-free in school because it can affect academic performance as well as emotional well-being. In high school and the beginning of my college career I wish I had known how important gut feelings are and how they will always be the strongest feelings you will have. One major thing that I wish I had known was how important it is to have fun and savor the memories I made in high school and the memories I am making now, in college. High school and college only happen once and the people I meet and memories I make will last me a lifetime!


If I could go back, I would tell myself to breathe, because no matter how hard I thought it was going to be, I would survive. Coming to college can be scary and a large adjustment, but if you surround yourself around positive people and continue to look forward even when everything is not going your way, you will make it through. Most of all, never give up on your dreams because someone else told you so. If you can find something that makes you truly happy, stick with it, because if you work for something that you love, it won't really be work; it will be fun. Lastly, make sure that you stay close to your parents. Even though college is your chance to get away and be free, without their support, times could get rough. Remeber that they have always been there for you, and always will be, even in the worst of times.


Zach! Listen up closely because what I am going to tell you is very important and will give you a head start compared to everybody else. You are going to double major in Biology and Biochemistry once you get to school and be a pre-med student. You need to take every possible AP class available to get you Gen Eds. out of the way. Especially take AP English so you get your writing intensive finished for your first year here. Also, if you take many AP classes you will already have a very good idea of the study habits you will need in college to get good grades. This will help you transition smoothly into the academics of college. Then, once you get here take what you need for classes first so you can take what you want later in your academic career. In addition, show initiative by talking to your professors about extra credit opportunities, work study, or even doing research with them. This will lead to getting to know your professors better so you have a personal connection with them. Finally, for the social aspect, say "Yes!" often to opportunities but use it wisely.


I would advise myself to stay focused on my academic studies, and give my future after high school some serious thought. This would require things like, observing other people and gaining some insight about many different goals people set for themselves. From watching siblings, other relatives and friends that have already gone on to college and transitioning into adulthood, you can get a better feel for what direction you would like for your life to go. Next the soundest advice would be to make sure that whatever you choose to do as a career, it’s something you enjoy doing, and be confident that's what you really want to do until retirement. In addition have a back-up-plan, something else you can do to make a living just in case your other plans do not work. Finally I would advise myself to be ambitious and not loose sight of my goals.


I would tell myself to start saving my money freshman year.


If I could talk to my high school senior self, I would have given the advice to to be patient when getting into college. Going into college I was very eager to succeed right away; get good grades, make best friends, become well-known on campus, etc. However, after attending my first year of college I found that all these things did not come right away. In fact, I feel that many of them have yet to come in my sophomore year. But, that is just fine. Just because these may not all happen during your freshman year does not mean you are failure. It just means that you are still finding how to manage your time, and figure out which priority comes first on your list.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself as a high school senior, to get more involved. I would try to participate in more extra curricular activities and other programs outside of school. I have never been a big joiner, but now that I am on campus, I wish I had. It is kind of hard for me to get used to joinging clubs and activities, since I have always avoided them. Joining activities in high school would have helped me open up a little and made things easier now in college. Clubs and activities in college help relieve stress and give you an outlet for energy and socialization.


I have gained a ton of friends that I will never forget, and have met some wonderful professors that will help me when and if I need it.


This is my first year in College. To my regret, I wish that I would have had a counselor that would have explained to me the classes that I actually would need in order to go to a 4 year college. Now at the Community College I am attending, I am having to take classes that I should have taken in high school to be able to transfer to a 4 year college. Unfortunately there are so many people attending the Community Colleges at the moment that it is hard to get into your classes that you need and actually have a schedule where you can have a part time job on the side. I am glad that I was able to actually go to College and do believe that because I am driven, that I will succeed in being able to complete the requirements need to attend a 4 year College. I look back on my high school days and totally wish I would have put more emphasis on what I would need once I graduated in order to be able to attend a college and not a community college.


I have gained a lot in college. Physically I haven't gained much more than a few pounds, but mentally I have grown a large amount. I have learned a lot about myself through living on my own. I have discovered what I believe is my true self by creating a brand new friend base and becoming a far more responsible young adult. Of course, I have learned a lot in my college majors of physics and mathematics, but through self discovery I want to change my major in order to become a councilor after college. I have experienced many kids' hardships in discipline, money problems, family issues, and academic load. I try to help these people as much as I can and through listening to their stories I have managed to avoid any major issues myself. I have had more experiences in college than I can fit in a 200 word essay, but to sum most of my experiences I can say that I have opened my eyes to what really is important to life and that hard work can take anyone to the places they want to be.


Being able to go back and give my high school self advise, as the person I am now would be an incredible opportunity. I would tell my self to shape up, I would say this because I had no idea how overwhelming college life would be. As you reach college, you come to find you have more responsibility then you have ever had. I would tell myself to continue to push myself as I did in high school, because though I have done very well in my education, college is where it counts because this leads to the rest of your lives. College is the push I need to start my career. This is where it truly counts. I would also tell myself that I need to rely on myself, and though having your parents around is nice resource, but in college you are on your own and though you can make a phone call home, but it is no where near the same as going in the next room for help. So here is where your life begins I need to stick through it and become the successful.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that it actually is important to study harder than I believe I should study. That even if I know the information from end to end, I still should study and always pay attention in class. I shouldn't be worries about the smaller things in school like who I hang out with, the next football game or wrestling meet that I would have to cheer at, and just truly focus on my studies. High school is a time when I had to think of the type of person I wanted to become, and that still is continuing into college. I would tell myself that it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing, if it won't help me in the long run I should not have even thought about doing it.


As I reminisce on my senior year of high school, I recall each teacher explaining the transition into college. Most of the information has provided a solid base during my freshman year of college. Although my teachers emphasized the importance of studying, it is incomprehensive until the first collegiate exam is taken. Time management is more necessary now than ever, especially when students spend endless hours studying versus the simple homework assignments in high school. Balance in college is indispensable; a significant amount of sleep each night, accompanied by a nap occasionally is vital. Maintaining healthy habits will help students survive because of the difference in missing a college lecture compared to a high school class. Along with a stabilized eating and sleeping schedule, incoming college students must adjust and equate their social lives with academics and sometimes athletics. The sociality of college students begins, usually, in the dorms and classrooms. It is crucial to be honest and outgoing when meeting other peers. In high school the teachers do not emphasize the social aspects of colleges; however, they are influential in the accomplishments and happiness of each pupil. Balance is the utmost meaningful and essential key to college success.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in highschool, I would first tell myself to first go out for track. I have regretted not trying out. Who knows I might have been good at it and gotten a scholarship. As for scholarships. I would have told myself to try harder to acuire them. There were many that I just let slip bye. I would also tell myself to try harder in a couple of cources that year for I am taking them again at a faster pace and I could have used a little more help with the basics. Since I ended up not a long way from home, I would also tell myself not to take alot of things. Just because you don't know if you will need your whole wordrobe and you can always go home for more if you want. Along with being sociable when you step on campus. It is alot easer to make friends that first couple of months because everyone is trying. And Also I would remind myself that even though I got into college I still need to pay for it, so find more scholarships.


When I left college the biggest thing I worried about was not seeing my family and friends often, because my school was five hours away. When I got to school I immediately made friends and still am, so I would like to have told myself to be open and not scared of going away, because even when I returned home my friends were still extremely important to me. The next thing I would have liked to tell myself is to schedule. During the soccer season I scheduled very well because I had to, but after that I let myself play video games and socialize more than I should have, so looking back I would have liked to have avoided that so that I had more time to do school work. Other than that i would just say that everyone at college is there to help you, so express yourself and try new things, It is an experience of a lifetime so have as much fun as possible.


Follow what you think is right. Be confident in the decisions that you have made, and follow them. There will be many times when you will question what you are doing, but be strong and know that this is truly what you want to do. Live life a little. Enjoy freshman year as you explore and determine your goals for the future. College is a time for you to truly grow and find yourself. Take classes that you think will be interesting and maybe decide to pick up a minor or a second major. Make the best of your four years in college. Be involved on campus! You will meet so many people and find out what your true passions are. Make connections and jump at every opportunity that is presented to you. This is your time to learn and grow, so truly experience every moment you can. Lastly, work hard! You are working hard to earn and pay for your degree. Take as many classes as you can. Learn alot and test yourself. Challenge yourself to work hard and do whatever it takes to succeed.


I would tell myself to relax. If something does not go right it is not the end of the world because life goes on. I would also tell myself to grow up. College life is not like high school. I will see things that I am not used to because the dorms are coed. Also, find an off campus job along with my on campus job. This way I can be working Saturday afternoons that there are not a home football game and making money. There are also more study habbits that I can develope. Studying for a test in college requires more than just a day like it did in high school. In order to get an "A" on a math test I discovered it takes a good four days of studying to get all the formulas down. Studying is a lot more intense in College and I wish I would have figured that out earlier in college than I did.


I would tell myself to stay focused on school, go straight to college and earn your degree. It is much harder to start college again once you have stopped. Being older than most everyone else in your major could make you feel awkward if you let it, but in reality no one knows or cares but you. You'll be a great teacher and I'm so proud that you decided that you could do more with your life than settle for where you were. Trust in your judgements and know that your family is there to support you with whatever you do. Those first and last months are going to be the hardest to get through but know that you'll make it and you'll shine!


Look deeper into possible majors and career opportunities based on your interests. Try out a variety of different classes instead of jumping into one major. You may get lucky and end up in a major you like - but variety is never a bad thing to incorporate into your education. Pursue your interests - whatever they may be. Don't worry so much about everything - be yourself, put your guard down a little bit, focus on your education, but still have fun.


I would advise myself to focus more on my studies and learn good study techniques. I would be more social and put myself out there for others to see how great of a personality I have. I would also remind myself to focus but have fun while in school.


Don't take your college classes in high school too lightly. Be open to meeting everyone and never stop smiling. Everyone is looking for friends too so don't be shy to reach out and be yourself. Set a goal of what you want and work towards it. Things will be tough so focus, but never forget to have a little fun in the process. Socializing events will distract you but don't spend too much time socializing. Find the balance that makes you the best student you can be. When you find your real friends spend as much time with them as possible. There will be great memories to make.


Apply to a lot of places, even ones that you haven't necissarily heard a lot about. Smaller schools are a pretty good match, better than the larger state universities but there's not as much heard about them. Talk to your roommate over the summer. It helps a lot and makes things a lot more comfortable when moving in, knowing that you have some things in common. The less she feels like a stranger, the better. Yes, homesickness does happen but it's not as bad as you think it will be (not that coming home sometimes isn't nice). Hold out and don't come home every weekend or even every other weekend. A lot of fun things, even just hanging out, happens on weekends and it would be a shame to miss even half of it, much less all of it.


I would say prepare, focus, relax, and take time for you! When I was a senior in high school I had just had my son so it was a very hard next two years of being a full time mother, worker, and student! It's so important to take time for yourself otherwise you're going to get burnt out on everything else! Obviously you have to focus because without focus everything will fall apart. Focus on the present, focus on your goals for the future, while constantly preparing for the future as well! Relax and don't fret about the things you have no control over, it will just cause unneeded stress in your life! Good luck!


If I could go back and talk to myself I would definately tell myself to do my research, and apply for more scholarships and to more colleges than I did. As well as going on more college visits. You really can tell if you belong, or would not belong just by a visit. I am a transfer to Central College, and that is because I had applied for only one college, a college which I got accepted too, but financially didn't work out only a few months before classes began. So I was forced to go to a small tech school, for Graphic Design. I finished out my first year there and decided it was not a good fit for me. There was not much of a student life, and many of the teachers wern't always available for help. I started actually doing my research on colleges this time, and I found Central. I set up a visit, and fell in love with the campus and the people I met were extremely inviting. If only I could have done my research in highschool and found Central earlier. Central has changed my life, and I couldnt be more grateful.


Do not worry about making friends! If you trust in God, participate in campus activities, and attempt to love everyone, you will have no problem.


I would tell myself to not get into to big of a hurry to grow up. That you do not have to know exactly what you want to do when first entering college. That the harder i work in high school the more it will pay off in the long run. Last I would inform myself that the movies lie, and by this I mean that college is not all parties and having a good time. There is alot of hard work involved and there is no other way to accomplish the goal that have been set.


Be prepared to work hard, and grow up. College life at Central will teach you a lot about your self and others, and it is definitely worth it. You might as well begin as an elementary education major, because you know you want to help people, you just don't how, but when you get there, you will realize you want to teach others. You have a passion to work with people, so don't be afraid to open up to new people right away. Do as much service learning as you can, broaden your horizons right away, it is something you will never regret. If I could go back and study abroad I would, so you should. Go to Ghana, or maybe Spain, wherever you go, meet new people and share amazing and new experiences with them, but most importantly, learn as much about yourself as you can. You will never get this time back, so spend it wisely, and do exciting things.


Don't give up. There are people out there willing to help you and get you through those hard times. Stick with it!


I would tell myself to relax and not stress out too much about college because the transition isn't very stressful, other than homesickness. I would tell myself that I'm proud of all the work I'm doing to get here and all the work I've done, and to hang in there because I'm on the home stretch. I would tell myself what I learned this year: school shouldn't be about always trying to get the perfect grade, it's just going to make you fight your schoolwork for the entire length of the class. Instead, immerse yourself in the material and truly find interest in something about it. It makes the learning much easier and you're much less likely to hate studying. Even if it's a subject I dislike I can always find interest in something about it. I would tell myself that I already got accepted and I did so much work, I deserve to be proud of all that work.


I would have taken more college classes in high school and would have been more out going. I would not have stressed as much about going to college and enjoyed high school more. I would have tried to apply for more scholarships and worked more. Other than that there is nothing I really regret. I enjoyed my senior year and was even more excited to come to college.


If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to talk more and be more outgoing. When I got to college, I found it hard to meet new people because I was so shy and didn't want to talk to anyone. Another reason I would tell myself to talk more is because professors at Central College want you to talk in their classes. They want you to participate in class discussions, hence a participation grade. A grade that for me is still very low. I think that if I knew you had to speak so much in class in college I would have done that more in highschool to make the transition to college courses a lot easier.


If I could go back to my senior year and give myself one piece of advice to prepare myself for college, I would tell myself to learn good study habits. In high school I didn't have to work very hard to get good grades, which was great in high school, but when I got to college things changed. College is much more difficult and intense than high school. When I started classes here, I was still in high mode, and studying wasn't a big prioirity for me, nor did I even know how to study efficiently. After the first few tests of my college career, I realized something was definitely wrong. I learned that I needed to study a lot more and work harder in my classes to get the good grades I got in high school. I had to teach myself how to study and what study habits and study places were good for me. I have now implemented these studying strategies and have seen a definite increase in my grades and overall satisfaction with my coursework.


I would tell myself to get involved! Even as a college senior, I'm learning more and more about things going on around campus and I'm finding things every day that I wish I had been involved in for the past three years - things like SCATE, our student organization supporting sustainablity end environmental consciousness, and the steel drum band, and these things have been here all along, but where I grew up, we didn't learn about the importance of sustainability. I wish my college offered more pre-arrival support for getting involved on campus outside of sports activities.


My main advice that I would have given myself was to learn to focus on classes more. I focus enough in classes right now to pass with B's, but with higher grades might come lower stress at the end of the year. I would also tell myself to become involved in things. I have done some activities, but there have been many more that I have skipped because I have had other plans or have just not felt like going. If there has been anything that I have learned from any of the speakers that come here, it is important to get involved so that you have a great college experience.


If I could go back to being a high school senior, I would challenge myself more with classes. Taking AP classes is very easy at my school, and although I took many, I could have taken more. I also would have applied myself more during classes. Only a little more effort could have made a big difference. It would have been much easier to transition to the more difficult classes in college. I also would have taken more visits to other schools to make sure this was the right one. Although I am love going to school where I go, experiencing other schools would have been a great experience.


If I were to go back in time, I would tell myself to cherish the time with friends and family. I would tell myself that even though everyone can not wait to be out of school, to really cherish the people around you and the time you have with them. It is just as important to have enjoy oneself as much as it is to be responsible.


You are different then other students. You understand everything that every teacher has taught you and you know it. However, you lack discipline and need to focus on dedicating yourself to something when you start it. In addition to that, you need to learn to start things. Homework has always been dificult for you, but by doing the work, you really will learn the materials that much more thoroughly. Life after high school is hard, not everyone goes to college right away, and you should not either. Learn and live in the real world first. Make sure that when you go to college, you are there to learn more about yourself and not just for a career or job. Philosophy of life should always be to love wisdom and seek happiness in understanding more. Life is not simply about who gets the highest grades in school. Those who truely understand what taking pride and having meaning in ones life mean will learn to not need more than what they need to survive. Learning to appreciate greater things than material wealth and status. is truely the greatest gift life has to offer.


Reflecting on my college career and the wonderful memories I have made, there are definitely things I would have loved to have known before I began this journey. I wish I would have known that it would be hard at times, but that it will definitely be worth it in the end. Each school will explain why they think their school is the best for you, but in the end, the decision is yours alone. You can make your name anywhere and do whatever you desire when you have the drive to make it happen. Making sure you pick the right school is not nearly as important as making sure that you become the person you want to be wherever the road takes you. Although there are things that I wish I would have known before beginning my college career, I also believe that the most important part of being a college student is the continual learning and growth process. You will never know all the answers nor will you know what the future holds until you get there. The important thing to remember is that success is measured by how you spend your moments wherever you are.


If I could speak to myself as a high school senior, I would ready myself for the uncertainty that takes place rapidly in the first few weeks of college. I would let myself know that I changed my mind several times as far as what I "knew" I was going to major in, and that it was perfectly okay for me to do so. I would tell myself that the uncertainty passes, and is replaced comfortably by confidence, not a little of which is inspired by those who I would meet and befriend. I know as a senior I worried too much about the social aspect, and forgot too often that everyone else going into college would be starting fresh too. Finally I would let myself know that it is okay to stick out, stand out, and make an impact. Too much of what I did when I first came to college was limited by my tendancy to comform, to stay within the ranks, and to look to what others were doing before making my decision. These are the words I would relate to myself, all the time knowing that even if I did not listen, I would be fine.


I would go back and tell myself that college life won't be as hard as I think. It really is a fun experience. I would be sure to let myself know that impressions are key to future relationships. Along with letting myself know that no matter what happens, strive to better myself and everyone that surrounds me.