College of Charleston Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time and give myself advice about college, it would be to study more. My freshman year was rough and I got two poor grades. They in turn made my GPA drop significantly and I've been working very hard to get it back up. Time management might have been my biggest weakness coming into school.


I would tell myself not to stress out so much about what I am going to do for the rest of my life. You change your mind a lot in college, and you're too young to make such definite decisions in highschool. You should not worry about what others think about you either. Doing this just adds on more stress. It is not going to matter when you get in college. Everyone is there own person with there own style and beliefs. An important thing to think about while you are in highschool is how you are going to pay for college and how you are going to have spending money for the weekends. Getting an afterschool job and starting a savings account is one of the best decisions you can make. Also, try to spend as much time as you can with your close friends. No matter how much you say you are going to stay in touch when you go off to college, it is harder than you think. You meet so many new people and while you still have time for your old ones, it is not always exactly how you imagined it would be.


I chose not to attend college right after high school, and I feel that was, in many ways, a fantastic choice made for the wrong reason. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to trust my own choices, but with the caveat that I exercise my choices purposefully. I thought that I could get a job and that I was adept enough to make enough money to be happy in life. I was wrong, but in an odd way. I quite possibly could make "enough" money, but that would not make me happy. Taking an active role in the advancement of personal knowledge and thoughtful experience needed to be my drive. After living on my own I figured that out and it took me in the direction of academia. I don't think that I would have gotten where I am today if I had began college immediately after high school, but I do think that had I made "purposeful" choices rather than naive ones, in matters concerning my life's direction, I would closer to many personal goals today.


The number one thing I would have told myself as a high school senior would be to become involved immediately. Without involvments, you find yourself with too much free time; not meeting other students; becoming homesick; etc. Spending my first year at the University of Missouri, I wasn't in any extra activities outside of classes. Having learned my mistakes the hard way, I switched to my ideal college and became involved right away. I joined greek life and have found a family away from home. This brings me to my next point that I would have told myself as a senior. Being far away from home, you need to establish a close group of friends, whether they live near or far, just to have that close group to turn to in time of need and also to join for holidays and breaks. I have also joined an intrmurals soccer and basketball team to help keep myself in good shape. My third point would include staying fit and eating healthy foods. It's easy to gain weight and eat junk food at college, so joining a sports team or a running club helps to keep you in shape.


As a senior in Highschool I wanted to get away from home. I wanted to go as far as my parents would allow. After being there for a year, I realized I was miserable and only wanted to be home. I would warn myself not to base a decision on getting away from my parents. I would also warn myself to listen to my parents advice. Being overly headstrong is not the correct way to make a decision and basing everything off of getting away from the people who influence your life so much is a terrible mistake. There is not much I would change about my decisions from last year because they were a learning experience, but I would tell myself not to everything based on spite.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not sweat the small stuff. I sometimes used to worry about little things, and dwell on the negative. College has taught me that kind of thinking is not constructive, and thinking positively has postive affects on an individuals life. I absolutely believe that one's outlook on a situation, whether positive, or negative is a factor on the results. I would want to tell my senior self that everything happens for a reason and that sometimes there is nothing you can do to change that. The final thing I would tell myself, and it is a bit of a cliche, is that life is about the journey, not the destination. Enjoy every moment of your senior year, of your summer, and of your college experience. You only live once, and there is no need to rush and try to get to your life goals all at once. I would tell him to slow down and enjoy.


Work Harder So, You Can Go Striaght To An Univeristy Rather Than A Community College. But Everything Happeneds For A Reason.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself a couple of things. First of all, I would tell myself to always put my education first. While in high school, you may see your friends as utmost important in your life, but your education should always be the center piece for every one of your endeavors. A second issue I would address to myself is the importance in thinking for yourself and chasing your passion. If you attend school with the idea in your head that you are there to get a degree in whatever makes you the most money, your college experience could possibly be altered. I would make sure to reinforce to myself the idea of chasing your passion, not your pension. College is a learning experience, though it should not be taken lightly. Many students enter college with expectations that are not met. If I could go back to myself as a senior, I would make sure I understood what I was going into and I would make doubly sure that I took it seriously and respected my education.


Get a therapist before you enter college. For the love of all things holy, there is just no way to make it through freshman year with undiagnosed ADD if you aren't making any attempt to treat yourself. The classes are predominately lectures, which leave those of short attention spans completely unable to cope. Even more importantly, you simply must go to class. Though attendance may be arguably optional in many classes, that's no excuse for laying about the house all day. You will, I repeat, you will miss very important things. Lectures often deviate from the material available through textbooks, quizzes will be missed, and assignments will pass you over entirely. Remember, your parents are paying for this. For that matter, you might be paying for this. Make it worth the money, and worth your time.


Don't worry about the transition. You're not too bad at living with others, you will make friends (though it will take time), and academically speaking, the only problem you may have is getting yourself out of bed for early morning classes (but you'll surprise yourself and be quite good at that). What's important is that you find a place where you think you'll be happy, go there, and if you're not happy, bear it out till you can transfer. Campus visits may help, but since every college wants to project a certain image of itself, tours are more like propaganda campaigns than actual information sessions. Not liking a college isn't a sign of a poor transition, it's just means that the college and your educational and personal values don't meet. Move around, experiment, and figure things out in your own time. It's okay to go onto the five year plan. It's okay to take a break for a while. It's okay to start over. It's your education, and there's no one right way to do it, there is only the way that works best for you.


Going back to Senior year in high school, I would have studied more. High school was easy for me and I did not study very much, so when I got into college, I did not know how to study. It took me a while to learn what kind of studying method was best for me and some of my grades did suffer because I did not know how to study. The advice I would have given myself would be to learn how to study successfully before entering into College.


If I could go back and give myself advice after knowing what I do now about college, I would tell myself several things. First of all, I would encourage myself to work harder than I did. College classes are not as easy as I found high school ones to be, and certainly they require more studying. I would also try and put more effort into the essays I wrote for scholarships I did apply for. Little did I know, college is expensive, and every scholarship helps tremendously. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to research tips and tricks of how to get along with your roommate. It is hard to be thrown into a dorm with someone, and having more information about them, or how to get along would have been helpful. Lastly, I would convince myself to learn how to stop procrastinating. The schoolwork does not get any easier, and procrastinating does not help at all.


I would attend a private school for 4 years instead of going to a junior college and transitioning to a public 4 year school.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are quite a few things I would tell myself to do differently. For one, I would tell myself to spend a lot more time with my family. Going off to school makes you realize how much you value your family and being around them and it makes you miss them more when you don't get the kind of time with them you need. I would also tell myself to study more diligently and start working on organization and time management. In college, your success depends very much on your ability to organize your time, thoughts, and life. I was not the most organized person in high school and I did not study very much so I did not give myself the chance to develop adequate study skills. Those are the main things I would tell myself to do differently as a high school senior if I could go back in time.


The advice that I would give to myself would be to stay true to yourself and the things in which you were brought and raised upon. There are so many temptations on a college campus. However, if you know who you are and where you come from, there should be no reason that others should stray you to take a different route. Study hard, make new friends, and get involved on campus. There is so much out there to do and to see. Do not ruin your future for temptation.


I would tell myself to never let another person decide what I was to do with my life. I would remind myself that to fit in is not more important than to be happy solo. I would tell myself to plan more reading nights and fewer party nights. I would want myself to know that spanding time with my family before I go to school is more important than spending time with high school "friends" because I know now that most of them I would never see again. I would tell myself that I am worth the education I will be getting and that I need to appreciate it and do my very best, but not be depressed when I get that first failing grade. Life goes on, don't miss the bus!


I would advise myself to learn how to study in high school because even if you do not have to in high school you definitely do in college. So learn how, or just be prepared. Also, I would advise myself to be bold and learn to have some self-confidence because it's not the same as in high school and it is up to you to meet people and do almost everything by yourself.


Don't expect things to be like high school. It isn't as easy as it looks. Be open-minded. Don't be too quick to judge your professors or fellow students. Be outgoing. Have fun and make as many memories as possible. Time flies.


find what you want and not what your friends or parents want. my college fits me perfectly. i was in love with it the moment i stepped on campus. would not change anything.


I would not care so much about what people thought of me, rather, I would focus on the way I influenced people's feelings and futures and attempt to better both these aspects of their lives.


Make sure to do your best and to atually try hard in school. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing that you got yourself where you are today. Somewhere that you know is a great accomplishment. Do nothing that wouldn't make your parents proud of you and make sure to always stay on top of school work and make smart choices about life.


Sometimes I wish that I can time travel backwards to my high school senior year to tell myself what to do and what paths are available. If I went back in time to fall of 2004, I will tell myself to apply for Palmetto Fellows and the Byrd Scholarships. Those scholarships are only available for high school seniors who are planning to attend a 4-year college and it would be nice to earn those scholarships. I will also tell myself what college to attend and how to make the transition. I will say attend College of Charleston and major in Physics with a concentration in Meteorology. During my high school senior year, I did not know that a concentration is basically the same as a major. I had planned to attend Florida Tech but I had to get a private loan with high interest rates. After withdrawing from Florida Tech, I took a gap year and then attended a community college. If I had to time travel backwards to talk to myself, I would be telling myself to talk to guidance in detail about a concentration in college and apply to College of Charleston and scholarships during high school.


I would not have changed a single thing. My father told me to look at every place that interested me. Me took a trip to South Carolina schools and I fell in love with College of Charleston immediately. None of the other schools compared to CofC. My dad told me to pick whatever I wanted, not what he wanted or my mom. I had asked to look at a school in Ohio because they offered me a scholorship. My dad was hestitant on visiting it but he took me. The minute I stepped on campus I knew it wasn't the school for me. I was first deferred from CofC so I decided to retake the ACT and work extra hard on my grades and got in. There is nothing more I could have done to be this happy at CofC.


The advice I would give myself is: stay consistent on focusing on your education and network very well to help you succeed throughout your college career.


The advice that I would have for myself would be to get study habits quickly. Don't get too caught up being away from home. Get your academics first before anything else. Don't procrastinate about taking classes just go ahead and do it. And be very open-minded to the new cultures and other things that you might come across. And don't lose yourself in the whole process, remember the morals and values that your parents taught you and you will do fine. I believe in you!


Hakuna Matata


I would tell myself to spend more time studying for core classes required by the major while in college. I would also suggest taking a class or two the summer before freshman year just to get familiar with the pace and level of difficulty of a typical college course. Preparing for a backup major and keeping your options open is a wise decision since you never know if you need to change your plans. Getting to know your advisor and visiting the career center to search for internships can open door and create networking opportunities for future use.


One important thing is to take your time. It is important to visit each campus that you are thinking about going to. Take the time to sit down and do some math to find out what you can afford to spend. Also check of Fast great place to find scholarships. And the most imporant thing in my opinion is to apply for every and any scholarship you find. Every dollar saved will allow you to work less and foucus on school. Also the money saved can be used to help you open a buisness after college!


I would advise parents and students to visit several distinct college campuses and see if they have the right feel once they set foot there. If they don't like the scenery around them, that can make a big difference. If they find a campus they like, then get to know more about the professors and the courses that are offered. It would be wise to find out what kind of people normally attend the college and what there is to do for fun around there. Also make sure the library is easily accessible.


Colleges are pretty much the same in lots of ways. Just make sure that it's a 'good school'. Also make sure its the right size to make you feel comfortable and that the facutly there are helpful and motivated.


I believe the most important aspect of selecting an educational instituion for an individual is knowledge one self. As a parent what do you know about your student, as a student what do you know about yourself? Focus on what interests you because the glam of being in a new environment will fade, but your passions are lasting. What is your persoanlity, intorverted or extroverted? Do you enjoy night life or would you rather stay inside and read a book, know yourself. Amongst other things observe your financial situation, never rule out a school because you THINK you do not have the funds to attend the institution. Ask questions talk to the financial advisors go to the school's career assistant facilities. The faculty and staff want you to be there as much as you desire to attend a school, and they have the resources to help you accomplish your goals. Always do the research, know what you are getting into. This applies to looking into a prospective school, joining a club on campus and possibly even a fraternity/ sorority. You want your [student's] experience to be a beneficial one with few regrets and many rewards: enjoy the journey!


Make sure your kids get enough to eat, meal plans are expensive but at least they make sure they won't be surviving on ramen noodles and pop tarts... Also make sure they know the importance of getting to know their professors. Even if you're late a few times, if your prof knows you work hard and have a good heart, he'll let some things slide and even give extra credit!


Rising juniors and seniors in high school have many things going on in life; not only are they changing, but preparing for the next biggest step in life, college. Choosing the right college is difficult and can be a time consuming, stressful matter. When choosing a college, it is important for students to think about their true personality. It's not about where their friends go, or where the party school is. The college chosen may completely change the outcome of their life; so when looking, it is important to think of your own needs. In order to be successful, the student should make sure the college has an academic plan suitable for their future career, and if undecided, the school should have options for the student. This can also be a difficult decision for parents. It is important to retain honesty within the bond between child and parent when making decisions like this in order to see that the needs of the student are being met academically and socially, and that the financial needs of the parent are being met. Open communication can make a deal of difference when choosing a school. Patience, research, and communication are most important.


The only advice I would give to the parents and students is that think about your future before all the fun activities.


Advice: Don't ruin yourself financially to get a college degree. Wherever you choose to attend, just make the most of it. Grow intellectually by participating in class, complete assignments and spend the proper amount of time studying. Make the most of you're education by actively participating in the college. Don't go to school because of prestige, what's "cool", or because it's by the beach. Go where you feel like you can prosper intellectually and socially for four years of your life. College is fun and there's a good chance that if you go in with the right attitude you will be able to have fun and earn a degree in something you appreciate and enjoy!


Whe you visit the school for the first time, keep an open mind. Ask yourself if you could really feel yourself living and spending four years of your life at that particular institution. If the school feels right, then it probably is the right one for you!


Students should find a college that feels "right" to them because if they are comfortable with the campus, then they can easily make friends with students and even as far as succeeding well in their classes. Parents should trust their children and go with the plan.


Explore all of the possibilities.


Finding the right college is difficult, so be patient when exploring options. Know that the first one or even the first twenty may not be a perfect fit. Sit down and write out what characteristics you are looking for in a college. Things like size, location, cost, major, and extracurricular activities are some things you should consider. Choose a variety of schools to vist, and go take a tour! Walking around a campus is crucial to picking a school; you get a feel for the atmosphere and the people there. Are the students helpful, friendly, talkative, happy? Question whether you could see yourself walking amoung the students and going to class; this step is probably the most important. After finding a college you have to learn how to live in a new environment. this will be more difficult for some, but give it time and you will settle in. One of the truest pieces of advice I ever recieved was to go to class. That, if nothing else will keep your head above water. If you work hard your first year, then the next three years will be much smoother because you will not have to play catch-up.


College is all about learning, so my advice would be to try as many new things as possible. Living on campus is key to the college experience; living with someone new is even better. Either you'll make a new friend for life, or you'll learn how to compromise and control your temper. Also key is considering whether you want to stay close to home. You shouldn't go to school far from home simply because you think that's what you're supposed to do. If you're anxious to live and see somewhere new, then go! But if you like where you live, you shouldn't feel like you have to leave just because you're in college now. You have your whole life to see the world; in fact, study abroad may make it more possible than you think! College is going to be a new experience regardless of where it happens. My strongest advice is to tour the school and ask questions of the students , not just the tour guides. Do your research. Most importantly, consider what you want to study and what you enjoy doing. Then ask yourself--is that possible at this school?


Make sure you pick your college for the right reasons


The College of Charleston is a great school for a person who is experienced living on their own and for the unepxerienced, first time out of the house person.


I would suggest they list all pros and cons about the colleges they are considering. If the student has an idea of their major I would research programs offered at each school. If the student will be receiving financial aid, I would encourage them to meet with the financial aid office early. They can assist you with questions and help locate aid. This is one thing a student does not want to stress over.


I think finding the right college is finding the right balance. Factors like size and course offerings are as important as campus layout and location, and preferences are all personal. From my experience, going to a college that is in a city was awesome because everywhere I want to go (except the beach) is just a walk away. I think it is important to go to a school where you can explore the campus/city either by yourself or with a date because it gives you additional options besides being forced to drink and party if you're not into that. I think the most important thing to remeber when attending college is why you are there in the first place. To me, college is like working on a cruise liner--it absolutely feels like vacation, and everywhere you look people are partying, but in the end, there is work to do. The most important thing to to realize that the many kids around you who are always going out are not making the grades they need to, and it's okay to turn down a party for work. It will happen again, I promise.


My most important advice would be to apply early, apply for all scholarships possible, and really visit all schools for more than a few hour visit so that you can make an informed descision and choose the BEST school for you. College is much more than you see on a campus tour. Choose wisely.


Your first choice decision doesn't have to set stone your entire college experience. It's okay to make a mistake on the first institution. It actually helps you as a person if the institution you set out for, does not work to your advantage. You will be surprised on what you will learn on different campuses. So always keep in mind, aside from college is what you make it, you will receive great lessons once you stay obedient and open minded to change. Happy searching, and happy higher learning.


I always tell prospective students when I show them the campus, "Keep your eyes and mind open when you're looking at colleges. Know what's important to you and seek that out every time you visit a school. You should be able to explain to someone why your first choice is your first choice. " That's the first step to getting the most out of a college experience: being somewhere that not only accomodates, but encourages you financially, personally, spiritually. Giving back, participating, in the community that provides all these things is a self-perpetuating circle of fulfillment.


Look at all your options, don't be afraid to go away from what makes you "comfortable." Also, throw yourself into any activity that catches your eye. Don't be afraid to go to the first meetings of clubs and organizations. You never know what will spark your interest or who you will meet.


College is what you make it! To find the right college for you, look at the diversity of social events/organizations, the city it is set in, the academic demands, and the cost. There is so much that one can learn in college- -not just in the classroom. Take the time to get to know the city you're in and to take full advantage of all that it has to offer. My city is known for the arts and history, so my friends and I frequently visit the ballet, the theaters, and the museums, take tours, and even have picnics in the historic gardens, all within 10-20 minutes walking distance of campus. Get involved on campus as well. There are clubs for everything, even if they simply haven't been started yet. There are also many ways of meeting new people and making a difference on campus, whether it is through Student Government, Residence Life, or Greek Life. Never settle for a college that will not challenge you as an individual, as it is the only way to grow.


The best advice f or incoming students: 1. Develope good relationships with your major department-you will eventually need references and letters of recommendation. 2. Don't make bad choices now that will affect your future-parties may be fun right now, but a high GPA and a degree will be with you forever, and vice versa! 3. Keep your mind open-you will learn a lot more if you are not constantly trying to disprove others. 4. Make time for yourself- it is important to decompress in a healthy way such as meditation, a jog through the park, or a matinee. 5. Remember, no matter how stressed you get, the situation will eventually be over. 6. Finally, plan for after graduation-it will be here sooner than you think!