Drake University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


First of all, relax! The only way you can get a good feel for how you would fit with a certain college is to be yourself.


Choosing a college is a very hard decision in my opinion. I was the first child in my family to go to college and so my college search was long and hard, but it paid off in the end. I reccomend to anyone that you should not let money make the decision for you. Drake was the most expensive school on my list, and that factor almost changed my mind, but I know now if I would have listened to my pocket book instead of my heart, I would have been thouroughly disapointed! Visit lots of schools, you will not know what you like about a school until you get a feel for how you like the campus, the peopl, and the lifestyle you will be imersed into. You are embarking on a new chapter of your life and you do not want to rush the decision. Take your time, look at all your options, and never under-estimate yourself. Apply to as many schools as you are interested in. Don't let your parents make you choose a school that you know you are not interested in. The decision is yours and parents, try to remember that! Good Luck!!


Finding the right college is a process not to be taken lightly. As an 18 year old, it's often unrealistic to know what to pick for your career for the rest of your life, so it's helpful to make a list of topics, classes and majors you may be interested in. It is good to look at schools who have a lot of variation in what you could potentially study, as well as activities you'd like to get involved with on campus. However, I belive the most important step of finding your dream college is to visit and spend time with the students, staff and the atmosphere around you. I picked my school because it felt so comfortable that I could picture myself as one of the students laughing in the dining hall, studying in the library and making life long friends. It's important to know what you have access to, on campus and off.


In order to find the perfect college you have to first research a variety of options. While researching you need to find out what characteristics intrest you. Then use these characteristics to narrow down your search to 3 or 4 schools. After that, you should visit your top schools. Don't just do the Campus tour. You need to walk around and maybe even attend events. But most important is to talk to the students there on campus. Get their take on the school. Including classes, teachers, dorms, food, recreation, greek life, the surrounding area. Find out as much as you possibly can. In order to make the most out of your college experience you have to be yourself. College is a new experience but also a fresh start form high school. So go out there and meet new people and make new friends. Get involved in as many things as time will allow. Dont get too overwhelmed. Stay on campus! Do not go home every weekend. When getting involved you must try new things. You never will find your new interest, hobby, or sport if you never try it. Last of all, just have fun. It only happens once.


Take time to consider the accomodations the college offers. Does it suit your child's lifestyle? Going to college is not just about getting a degree, but also living in a new community. If you don't like the community you are living in then you wouldn't have the motivation to do other things. Just make yourself comfortable at your college. Make it feel like home.


Make sure to visit the campuses of your top choices - that was how I narrowed it down


Visiting the choice schools is one of the most important parts of the decision process. Fining out the school's atmosphere before you arrive on campus is ideal. Take advantage of prospective student days or take a family trip to the school.


The right college is a compromise. Take everything you want including distance, academic pressure, reputation of the school, price, and size. When it's right, you just know.


Check it out before hand. Make sure it feels like home away from home.