Emerson College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?


Being that i am neither gay or a smoker and i know many who are also neither, I'd say that it not accurate.


Mostly yes.


Although there are people like this at Emerson they can be found at every school. And there are plenty of people who go to Emerson who do not fit this stereotype.


About the people--very true. People aren't exactly open minded but more so anti-religious and anti-republican...just different than the rest of the country. There are plenty of sports here, just not football or anything water related.


To a degree - Emerson definitely has a larger population of the alternative crowd than most other schools. Many who go here do share a common interest in theatre and film, and a lot of the kids here are very stylish. There's a sizable LGBT community, but it doesn't make up the whole school. The one true stereotype is that this is a very liberal school - almost everyone here has very similar political views. Though for many these stereotypes are true, most only fit this stereotype to a degree, and a lot of kids don't at all.




To some degree, yes. All stereotypes are based on truth.


Loads of people at Emerson are figuring out how they want to express themselves, so artsy-fartsy or society-shunning styles emerge here and there. In general, students here are extremely friendly and try not to take themselves too seriously.


Not everyone at Emerson smokes cigarettes, nor is there not a staight guy to be found on campus. With the smoking stereotype, I think they are just noticed moe because of our limited area on Boylston where most students choose to congregate while smoking. It's hard to avoid, but it certainly doesn't mean that Emerson students are unhealthy and constantly reek of tobacco.


Some Emersonians are pretty pretentious. There's a big gay community, especially gay guys, but there are a lot of heterosexual people too. Some people did apply for NYU and got rejected, some didn't apply to NYU at all, and some got into NYU but chose Emerson. A lot of people are from the East Coast, especially New England, but there are some international students and students from other parts of the country as well.




No...well, some of them. Specifically the colorful and loud ones.




Some of these stereotypes are more accurate than others. Emerson does have a sizeable GLBT community, but it is by no means the majority. We have plenty of straight males and females. While there are many students at Emerson who come from well-off families, there are also many on financial aid, workng to pay their way through school. Emerson does lack in diversity, a shortcoming that the administration is striving to change, but not everyone who comes to Emerson is rich. Smoking is part of the college atmosphere. There are no more smokers at Emerson than at any other school. I'm sure there are people you rock at math, but no one needs it to pursue their major here. Emerson isn't a hack school; one must be intelligent to get in.


If American Apparel were a college it would be Emerson. It's a place where you will never get tired of looking at people's exteriors. They always make it interesting. Sometimes to the point of trying way too hard. People who call other people "hipsters" tend to be the hipsterest of the hipsters. There are many, many gays. Most of the gentlemen are and a hearty percentage of the female population is bi. Theater kids are annoying and loud and try to take over gen ed classes with their performance voices. They know it's true. There are a few athletes and annoying Ugg-wearing girls but they are all Marketing majors. Everyone is extremely insecure, has severely addictive personalities, have anxiety disorders, have money, and think they are awesome (most likely to mask their insecurities?). Everyone takes themselves very seriously. Everyone hates a lot. They are very vocal and think their opinions are right. But there are good looking people even though most of the people were definitely not good looking in high school. They think this is their second chance to shine.


Every single one of them. All the girls dress like Mary-Kate olsen (leggings and giant bags/sunglasses), read Nylon, and listen to the Shins. All the boys wear tighter jeans than the girls, and drink PBR / Miller High Life, have combovers, and oh, are super-gay.


to some degree. I think we are very unique and artsy, but some people mistake it for weird. Also, not everyone is as liberal as they seem.


60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the guys at emerson are gay. There are a lot of indie kids, but its not only indie. Plenty of kids fit other catagories.


I think that although there are a lot of kids who fit into these different stereotypes, these stereotypes do not encompass the entire student population. We also have our fair share of people who fall into other categories of people, and still others who do not fall into any stereotype and who have their own unique personality.


Yeah they are, but most Emersonians love it.


Emerson does have a very large gay population because of the open-to-anything type of atmosphere encountered here. People feel comfortable being themselves at this school which sets the scene for a great deal of alternative lifestyles to flourish.


These stereotypes are not very accurate. Emerson's academic standards for admission are currently lagging behind the actual intelligence of most of its student body. In the next few years this is sure to change. Emerson is the ideal choice for individuals who want to take their college experience into their own hands, the individual who knows how to work the system, and knows that working the system is key to success. Someone who is motivated and ambitious with a thick skin will thrive here. There are unlimited resources for a student here, and it is an especially strong school for job placement.


It's true to an extent but there are a ton of people here who don't fit that stereotype. My freshman class especially came in and kind of broke that mold. We're starting to get some more athletes too.


Well it does have a large gay and lesbian population, because of the type of programs offered. the rich kid thing could be seen as partially true because it is an expensive school and if you can't qualify for financial you need to be able to pay the tuition, so i can see how that could be seen as true


Pretty much..we like to have a good time and we all think we are the best at it.


While most of the students here are white and come from middle class families, not all are considered artsy. The students are overwhelmingly liberal here and are generally very nice and easy to get along with even if you dont agree with their politics.




artsy - yes, pretentious- you will find many


Like most, to a certain extend. There is a high population of smokers and hipsters, but that is not to say that everyone smokes and everyone is hipster. There are a variety of people are Emerson and everyone here has a voice.


I'm not sure if it's accurate or not. My degree program (Global Marketing Communications & Advertising) didn't have any gay/lesbian students in it. Or not that I was aware.




for the most part but there are exceptions.


There are quite a few gay people, and quite a few people smoke, but its not a big deal


to an extent


Often, yes. However, there are Emerson students who look, act and think like average students at every other major college or university in the country.


Well... yes and no. Emerson does have a strong gay community, which can be a welcome change from many campuses, but it is certainly not a focus.


For half the sudent body. But really, there's hardly an straight, single men.


For everyone in a different way, yes.


For a lot of students, yes. There are some kids that are exceptions to the stereotypes. Like me. I'm straight, a non-smoker, a libertarian, not all that artsy, and pretty chill.


Yes and no. Any college is going to have its share of that "type," and an arts school will attract it more than other places. Do get used to secondhand smoke. And there aren't as many gay guys as the rumors claim.


There's a lot of gay students, and a lot of students who act very stereotypically gay. It really depends on what you do, though. You see a lot more gay students in theater than in, say, visual media arts.


With about 25{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the school


Pretty much.


Not entirely. Although MOST of the Emerson population is gay, there are still plenty of good looking straight artsy guys. As for the awkwardness stereotype, Emerson has athletes and sorority girls, but even most of them have an awkward side at times.


for like 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the pop., yea


We do have a significant homosexual population. Some kids are fashionable some aren't. However, it is totally unacceptable to go to a party in a sweatshirt and sneakers. We do have some emo-kids, but it's not all of us. And we kinda are alcoholics and potheads.


100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} accurate. With rare exception, everyone at the school is incredibly narcissistic.


It seems that way; Emerson has a large and welcoming GLBT population, but there are straight guys (such as yours truly). I think the second stereotype exists because Emerson is such a liberal and artsy school. But there are sane people who come here. By the way, we do have some Republicans and conservatives on campus.


To some extent, we still watch things like the superbowl and the world series! It's less into sports because we have less sports teams (and no football team) but we still have some jocks.


Yeah, these are pretty much true