Fordham University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Ignore the college rankings, and really take the time to examine the campus, faculty, and student body.


Talk to as many people as possible when you see different schools. Ask questions to people who aren't tour guides or school administrators to get the most real answers. When you are at the school make sure to get involved and put yourself out of your comfort zone to meet people.


Do not pick a college depending on where your friends are going. Do not believe everything your college tour guide tells you about the college. Remember: they sugarcoat everything because they want you to attend their college. Therefore, make sure you do your research and ask current/past students of that college. Pick a college that will teach you academically and about life. Make sure that the college you choose offers the field(s) of concentration and activities you are interested in. Be sure to check out the cost of this college and whether or not it will help you in case you do not have the money to pay full tuition. Once you are in college, STUDY HARD! You are in college to ensure a better future away, so do not party and waste away your college years. Make sure you get all of your work done and only then should you party. However, do not spend all your days stuck in the library. Remember that college is a once-in-a-lifetime experience when you learn so much about life and make the best of friends. Work hard, party hard.


I would recommend that the parents and their child visit many schools and that they visit them together. I would also suggest that they explore the surrounding area and see what it feels like to spend a night at your potential new school if the campus allows this type of visit. Thoroughly research your prospective schools and never choose a school because your friends are going there or a boyfriend/girlfriend. It may feel right at the time, but you will regret it later on in life. When you have chosen your school, it is important to make the most out of your experience. These four years have the potential of being very rewarding, but only if you allow them to be. I would definitely recommend getting as involved as you can in your school and in your surrounding community. Open your hearts and minds and allow yourself to make new friends and live on your own. Force yourself to stay on campus for the first few weekends instead of going home, even if it may seem hard, it'll be worth it in the end that you gave yourself a chance to adapt and enjoy your new home.


Don't choose a college based on what you percieve its reputation to be pick it because its a place that makes you feel comfortable and you feel will help you learn, because at the end of those 4 years its what you learned thats going to get you somewhere


During my college search, someone advised me that that I should simply attend the highest ranked school to which I was admitted and that visiting the campuses was overrated; grass is grass and buildings are buildings, right? Not exactly. Although a school?s academic reputation is important, it should only be the beginning of your search. Narrowing schools down by the size and region that are right for you, then looking at their reputations in relation to your academic and extracurricular achievements is a good approach. Personalizing the search as much as possible along the way is crucial, because after all, it is your choice that will affect you for the next four years and beyond. Visit as many schools as you can. Take the tours, but also just talk to current students and ask as many questions as you can. Get a true feel for the school and for all it has to offer. Will you be academically challenged in a positive way? Can you see yourself immersed in that student body? Doing your research is just as significant as stopping to smell the fresh cut grass of the campus. So choose wisely and choose the best for yourself.


Finding the right college is not something that can be carefully formulated or calculated. The best way to tell if a college is right for you is by visiting the school, talking to the students and faculty, and acting on how the place makes you feel. The right school will feel natural to you. You will instinctively want to learn more about the school and feel a sort of connection to it. When I was in high school, I had my heart set on going to New York University. I was determined that it would be my dream school, but in the end I never applied. When I visited NYU, I just knew it wasn't for me. However, upon my arrival at Fordham for a tour I knew that I wanted to spend my four years here. Making the most of your college experience comes from participating in the school's culture and making your mark in your school community. The people who enjoy themselves the most are those who take the initiative to explore and lead clubs and school organizations. If you pick your school based on what feels right to you, getting involved is easy.


Most students and parents have only word of mouth and media knowledge of what the "good" universities are, but the truth is, the best university is the one suited to your needs and aspirations. Parents and students today get too caught up in rankings and reputations that they do not research the school further--a big mistake. Knowing as much information about the schools you are applying to is the best tactic for finding the best university suited for you. Finding the right college isn't an easy choice, and it should require some time such as visiting the campus, speaking with faculty and administration, and also the students. The best college experience is directly impacted by how well your university is suited for you. The university's location, activities, academics, and students are what a great college experience depends on. A mix of play and study is key in having a healthy university experience. Choosing the right university is one of the biggest decisions you will be making in life so let it be yours and not the media's or ranking's.


Go with your first instincts, even if you are unsure of what degree program you would like to pursue. In my opinion, a private university has the strongest and most diverse curriculum.


Explore the city. Study hard. Talk to your teachers.


Choosing a school is a stressful experience. One thing to remember is that 5-10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students transfer. If you end up transferring, it's no big deal, so relax and make the choice that feels best for you. If it ends up being the wrong one, it's not the end of the world.


I believe every should go away to college when possible because it is the ultimate experience. You don't really learn how to live as an indipendant thinking being until you are on your own. You don't have to know your major when looking schools but you should have an idea of your interest academically and socially. Also making a list of things you would like to explore/learn more about in life wouldn't hurt. Most imporatnatly take advantage of and enjoy every oppertunity that comes your way. Don't let parents decide where you spend those formative years of your life called college. Remeber, their finished it's your life, your experience, choose it wisely and choose it your self. You'll love every moment of it, even that which you think you hate!


I would advise students and parents to write a list of what their ideal college would have. After writting that list that consists of location, clubs, sports, atmosphere and academics ect. Carefully search and visit schools that have your personal preferences. This will make the decison alot easier by actually visiting and spending the night. Then when you attend your college GET INVOLVED! Whether clubs, Fraternities, sports, volunteering or internships. It is an excellent way to make the most of your college experience and be open- minded to learn new things. Everyones experience is different but the main goal is to grow and develop skills that can shape your future.


Parents, it is important to be involved in the college search process. My parents were invaluable in taking me on tours and sharing their own wisom about college. Students, don't be afraid to ask questions on tours, as it is important to find out as much information as you can about your possible future school! Think about things like academic programs, clubs, sports, class size, and location when picking your school. Ask youself what your personal preferences are, and keep them in mind when physically visiting schools or looking on their websites. As for making the most out of your college experience, get involved! Going to club meetings or sports tryouts in a great way to meet people that share similar interests and values. Also, exploring the area surrounding your school is key to finding new things to do and places to see, like museums or restaurants.


Never attend a college you have not visited. It's all about the aura and feel of the school!


I would give the following advice: -visit the school -if possible, speak to a few people that attend that school (not orientation leaders) -personally speak to financial aid officers and research how much financial aid is given every year -hang out on campus for a day; eat the food there -check out the requirements for your intended major -visit a few of the dorms/residence halls -see the neighborhood and the stores, groceries, transporation avaiable there -check out the graduation employment rate -see what companies recruit there for your intended major/field of study -look at the list of club avaiable at the school -is it dry/wet -frats/sororities -options/venues for religious practices avaiable -heatlh center -dorm rules Hope this helps!


I would advise parents to never pick a college for their child to attend as this can lead to a devastating first college experience especially if they do not want to attend that particular university. As for students, I believe that when it comes to finding the right college, always look for a college that fits your particular interests, desires, and future career plans. Picking the right college has a lot to do with knowing what you like, what kind of person you are and where you want to go in life. If you know the answer to these three questions, then you will have no problem making the most of your college experience. I think an important thing to remember when making the most of your college experience is to never forget what you love to do or have a burning passion for. From my fellow classmates and friends, I have learned that it is those students who know what they love to do that end up taking advantage of every opportunity their college has to offer. It is important to use these opportunities to further your career in terms of becoming a well-rounded successful individual.


Don't get too stressed out...look for a place where you are comfortable. You want to find a school that will be your home for the next 4 years.


Consider the type of person you are, your capabilities, your personal finances and what you really want out of college. This is all extremely important. Although you are still young when you are applying to colleges and are somewhat unsure of what you may or may not want to pursue, it is crucial to consider the above factors as it will play a major role in your college selection. While I am very pleased with my college, it is very expensive and if I could do it again, I may have chosen to go to a less expensive college. Good luck in all of your endeavors!


The right college choice is not the most important choice of your life! Many people make mistake and/or bad college choices. These people then go on to transfer for the second semester or their sophomore year. I am one of those people. The college choice is important but do not ruin your senior year stressing over the fact that you didn't get into your top choice school. There are many great schools in the world. It is more important to find something you love on campus, or off campus and get involved. Make a difference in the community, school or local. These decisions are easier to make and more influential. If you are involved, you will likely stay involved and no matter where you end up finishing you will make a positive difference at the school and the surronding community. Now go out and have a great senior year of high school and don't worry where you end up. The person makes the school, the school doesn't make the person.


When looking for the right college, remember that not matter what college you chose something can go wrong. There is such a thing as over planning. Just do your best in high school and let God take it from there. We spend so much time planning our future and forgetting that some things are just not in our power. I would not give to much advice to parents/ students about finding the right college.


Its all about location, personally I love cities and even though my college sucks, I still have all of New York City at my disposal and I realized that the real world and college life are not the same thing.