George Washington University Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


very diverse group of students


GW has a big gay population. Almost everyone here has a lot of money, and if you don't, the ones who do make you feel left out. There is a HUGE political drive here at GW, and it infects every part of student life. The Student Association takes itself way too seriously. Most GW students are from NJ or Long Island, the vast majority come from the northeast. Most students wear name brand clothes to class, usually polo shirts and expensive jeans. Morning classes you see a lot of pajamas. Most GWians are left of center, some very, some to a lesser degree, there are also republicans. There are a lot of Jews here and a lot of Indians.


Very open, very Jappy, a lot of snobs


There are so many different people here at GW it's ridiculous. People here are from all over the country and all over the world. You learn so much about different cultures and religions just by have a conversation with someone in your dorm or with someone in your class. It's a great way to learn about people and cultures that are different from your own.


nobody just wears like pj's to class its annoying. definitely diverse in race and political views and hobbies


Students come from every place and background under the sun. Many are very politically aware/active but there is a range of ideologies and beliefs. Almost every religion and ethnicity is represented, but the balance tipped toward white females, primarily those from New Jersey. Even so, everyone has something unique to offer socially and academically. Some of the people I would never expect incited some excellent discussions or thoughts in class. I've met people that are just like me - goal-oriented, driven, enthusiastic, and hard-working, and I love that I'm not a nerd anymore! There are no nerds at GW.


I've never met so many people who talk about money and material wealth as I have at GW. Whatever, I'm going into the military so it really doesn't matter because I know that I won't starve when I graduate.


The student body is diverse. I used to think I knew everyone but then I realized I knew a certain scene, the scene I was familiar with from the places I went out to at night. Now that I'm a sophomore my eyes are more open and I realize that there are so many people I don't know.


People here never shut up about politics and most conversations are academic. For me, this got very annoying, very quickly. I love being around intelligent people, but I also need a break to unwind. There are many stubborn students here, liberal and conservative, that quite frankly are wayyy more stupid than they think. Everyone here thinks they are way smarter than they actually are.


-Never experienced discrimination -There tends to be a group of people for everyone, but some students may feel left out if they are not used to cities, not having a close community feeling. -50/50 casual to designer clothing -Four tables: International Affairs students, Frat/Sorority, Tri-State Area, Other -Most students from New yOrk tristate area (or northeast), and California -FInancial: tend to be wealthy -Very politically active -Left, right, very few center


G.W. is very diverse and has people of all backgrounds yet at the same time many people here are extremely wealthy which can alienate some. Many students interact with each other but at the same time the school is still somewhat segregated. Many students are very politically active and are predominantly liberal. As a conservative this gives me some grief. Many students do not know how to debate which is rather sad.


Lots of gay kids. LOTS. Everyone has some working political knowledge, the ones that don't really aren't going to live their DC experience to the fullest.


-No one should feel out of place at GW. There is EVERYONE. anything and everything you can think of, GW has. -certain students get really dressed up while others wear just jeans and a t-shirt to class. -four tables: one with a bunch of people having an interesting discussion about what is on CNN right now. one is a PIKE fraternity table with girls trying to talk to them. one is a complete mix of different kinds of people. one is just 4 girls talking and catching up on their days. -most gw students are form jersey/new york. -financial: both ends of the spectrum. -most students become politically aware only after they get to GW, and they have all varied kinds of beliefs.


There is a lot of diversity here, and pretty much anyone could find a niche if they looked. The classroom is generally pretty relaxed. The biggest clicks would probably be within Greek life. Besides that there aren't that many exclusions. Most students are from the tri-state area and generally well-off financially. The majority of students are liberal, but the conservatives are very outspoken.


I think GW is somewhat diverse but it depends where you look at it from. I am in greek life and the majority seems to be upper middle class white people. A lot of the student body seems to be from ny, nj, pennsylvania, or miami and jewish. The majority of people also seem to be wealthy, or maybe it it just that the flaunt their money. I originally thought most people were liberal but i keep meeting a lot of conservatives and yes people are pretty political.


There are so many international students here and everyone interacts with everyone.


Students at GW are very politically involved, for the most part. There are definitely pockets of students, however, that are completely clueless when it comes to current affairs and public policy. The campus is predominently liberal leaning, but there is a vocal conservative population. Many GW students are quite affluent, but GW also provides huge amounts of need based and merit based scholarships so qualified students can come here.


Very political and ambitious individuals but also a good portion where you think "how did they get in to this school?!" a huge jewish population a huge homosexual population most students are pretty open and accepting People wear everything to class, from sweats to suites, but you rarely see girls in heels in class


There is a huge population from New Jersey, New York, and Boston. A lot of students are wealthy but not everyone. There is a very large Jewish community on campus. Politics on campus are huge. We have been voted the most politically active campus and its clear. Don't be fooled because not everyone is obsessed with politics, and you don't have to talk about it, but it certainly is a big topic. The campus is pretty left wing with a huge College Democrats organization but what the College Republicans lack in size, they make up for in energy and involvement.


im not sure what student would feel out fo place here... we have awide range of poeple even though a lot are from the northeast.. we have every ethnicity every origin. to class.. most students dress nicely... no sweatpants and sweatshirts reallly. i think most of the kids here are pretty financially stable to say the least.. by the mere fact that parents are spendign $53,000 to send their kids to this school says a lot.


Some students get dressed up, but lots don't. It's a good mix.


open-mindedness on campus...some racism non-english speaker jeans and a tshirt no one is in greek life, one is a sports team, one are very international and the other is a group of 'girls next door' east coast Very wealthy YES left some do- some dont


One frustrating thing about GW is that it is filled with people from New York and New Jersey. This culture can be very overwhelming, and often exclusive of anyone not from that area. this is probably the most politically active campus... ever. Mostly everyone is liberal.


A whole lot of Jewish Kids go to GW, but it's not overwhelming if you're not jewish. We also have a great Muslim Student's association, lots of christin groups, and a Hindu group too. It's pretty diverse here, I've learned a lot about other religions here. I'd say that the most prevalent economic background is one of privelge, upper middle class for sure. But that make sense given that GW is so incredibly expensive. However, if you don't have money it's not like people are going to shun you. Most of us get a fair amount of financial aid. There are a lot of girls and boys who dress up for class, but you can get away with pretty much anything in the classroom. Students are crazily aware. For every presidential candidate there's a student group, for ever international issue theres a bleeding heart.


There are a lot of gay guys here but they make the school that much better. It is a very politically active campus and a discussion about politics is always stewing however, if you don't know or care about politics, there are plenty of people like that too.


This is a school of leaders, so all different races, religions, and sexual orientations are well represented on campus through clubs and organizations. Race is not an issue here, and high school clicks do not exist. It is true that most of the students are white, but international students and students of different races are not alienated. Most students are upper-middle class or above and many are from the Northeast. Students do not talk much about money, but they do talk a lot about politics.


There's a variety of people at gw. However, if you're stuck in a crowd, you make think that there aren't enough people at gw. I feel out of place at gw and i really shouldn't. i wear whatever i want to class- depends on the time of day. Four tables at gw: the jappy sorority girls, the frat guys who think they're cool, fun smart people who will go out and have a great time, then the people who you've never seen in you're life but somehow go to gw. There's a bad guy-to-girl ratio. Terrible guys will think they're awesome because there are so many girls to chose from. GW comes from the tristate area and Massachusetts. You'll find people who have no concerns with money, people who pretend they have money, and people who know they don't but are grounded. i don't see any students being politically active. most are left i guess. No one talks how much they earn one day. when i meet new people, i always think how have i not them before. i feel like i know everyone but it's great to expand and find more people like yourself.


We've got a huge Jewish population - over 30{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. And we also have a really big LGBT population as well. And I never knew that people could have as much money as some of the kids here have. It's insane. But I also know plenty of kids here on full scholarships who don't have money. I know kids from the south find it hard to adjust to GW. There aren't a lot of them - pretty much everyone is from the Northeast or California. Everyone knows what the GW freshman girl's uniform is - Ugg boots, spandex leggings, and a T-shirt. But students wear various things to class. Most people don't dress up for class. People complain that students from different backgrounds don't interact much. There's definitely an element of that here, but it's not considered odd for people to intermingle. Students here are very politically aware and politically active. The vast majority, in DC and in GW, are leftists. But the College Republicans on campus is extraordinarily active and loud, even though it's much smaller than the College Democrats. A lot of students don't talk about how much they'll earn one day, but that's probably because they're trust fund babies and will be set no matter what.


GW is very open and liberal to people from different backgrounds. I think that people who are more conservative socially and what not are out of place. Different types of students do interact. People just eat with their friends, there really isn't a commonality between all of them. Alot of people dress up to class, which is a bit frustrating. I think that there are a lot of people who come from higher socio-economic classes. I do feel like alot of people, including myself are on financial aid. The students are definitely politically active and aware. People here are always watching, reading, or listening to the news. Before class starts, people usually are reading the news. They are predominatly left. We talk about what salary we want to earn one day and the respect we want to earn. We talk about after college quite often. Most everyone here though seems to be from New Jersey or Long Island and I had no idea (being from the South) that that many people lived in New Jersey.


i don't think any students would feel out of place. gw is a very liberal place and i think there is a group of friends for everyone. most gw students are from the northeast. most of them are very wealthy.


GW is exceptionally tolerant of people of other racial, religious, and sexual orientation differences. There are A LOT of Jewish students for example, and it is a very gay-friendly campus.Unfortunately, I have to admit that those that are of lower socio-economic status usually feel out of place because there is a small minority of them. Usually the discrimination is discrete, but not unfelt by those who end up feeling inferior. Although it is diverse, it still remains rather homogenous which is unfortunate, but everyone finds their place. Most students here are from the East Coast, went to boarding/prep school, have parents of some importance in the financial world, and have many connections. The typical stereotype of girls is that they are here to find a wealthy husband, which for the most part is untrue, but there is some truth to it. Most people here are extremely liberal minded, but the conservatives are not quiet either. It's an interesting place to be for those interested in politics, and even if you come to GW not interested in it, most likely by the end of your four years you will be more informed.


lots of lgbt students (it is dc), 1/3 jewish ... those are the most visible groups whether or not they are the largest. southerners may feel out of place, as well as those from poorer backgrounds who cannot afford to go out very often. most students from ny/nj/ma. most from at least somewhat wealthy background. students are annoyingly politically active, primarily to the left although college republicans does have a lot of members too. students are obsessed with how much they'll earn one day.


GW is not a terribly diverse campus, which I think is definitely a detraction. However, we do have a significant number of international students. GW is in the nation's capital, so though many students are left-leaning politically, both democrats and republicans are vocal and have many outlets for their beliefs on this campus. In one week, both Ann Coulter and Hillary Clinton were on campus giving speeches sponsored by various student organizations.


I chose GW because it is very diverse. I love stepping out of a building and overhearing students on their cell phones in foreign languages.


Experience: I think that GW is very accepting. Out of Place: A student that was looking for an isolated college experience full of house parties, exclusive all consuming Greek life and calm experience would feel out of place. Dress: Casual. Interact: Yes. Tables: Greek, someone alone studying, someone on their phone, non GW people from the city. From: North East. Financial Background: Most prevalent is wealthy, trendy students but many students are on financial aid. Politically aware: YES! Most of liberal, but the majority (regardless of preference) are very aware, articulate and opinionated. Earn: Not that I know of.


There are the typical rich stuck up kids that have to have everything designer, but there are also some very down to earth people. Most students are from New Jersey and the Tri-State area. Very politically active campus, fun atmosphere at elections. Many are left and members of college democrats.


Most students at GW are from the Northeast, and almost everyone played lacrosse in high school. They are usually from an upper middle class background, or wealthier. There is a very prominent Jewish Students Association, and there are many other ethnic and religious groups present on campus. .


Students are very accepting of people of all backgrounds. Whether you're different based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, GW finds a way to include you.