Indiana University-Bloomington Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known more about myself and what I wanted to major in.


I wish I knew the amount of work required outside of class to maintain a good GPA. For the first two years I tried to "coast" through college like I did in high school, but my grades suffered (after 5 semesters of school my GPA is currently a 2.95). I also wish I knew the importance of attending class, I assumed I could just cram before exams and still excel, clearly I was mistaken.


I wish that I had been more familiar with the existence of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. My introduction to this school was completely by chance and had I not been around the right people at the right time, I may have never found it. It is also disappointing because the school has some nice programming and scholarships for incoming freshman that I missed out on because I did not know about the school until later.


Before arriving to Indiana University I wish i would have known how difficult it is transforming. The high school curriculum is very different from the college. College requires ten times more studying and more determination. I wish i was able to have a mentor to help me understand that before i entered college.


More about the interests of the people who lived in specific dorms.


Before I came to Indiana University, I wish I knew what a culture shock it would be moving from Southern California to the midwest. The greatest shock was the weather. The winter days are snowy and cold and going to class in such conditions can be burdensome. Also, in the spring there are tornados that took me a long time to get used to.


I wish i had known that going to IU would be the best decision of my entire life. I wish I had known how truly happy I would be and how many wonderful friends I would make.


If I were to redo my freshman year I wish I would have known how challenging and demanding the Kelley School of Business was. Coming in I figured it would be like most other college freshman classes but I soon found out they were very demanding and challenging and I was very unprepared.


I wish I would have known how differnent it would be from high school. I wish I could have been better prepared by saving more money for school.


I wish I knew more about what majors were available.


That I would have loved theatre more than I thought, and maybe should've auditioned for a conservatory?


I wished I knew how bad the dormitory food was. I also wish I understood the possibility for graduate shcool better.


Better time management skills would/should have been covered better in high school to prepare prospective college students. Although it is quickly adaptive in college, unfortunately there are still those who do not adapt.


how to survive by yourself


I wish I had known how much of a problem the financial responsibilities were going to cost me. It's the only thing that is holding me back at the moment and puts too much additional stress on me the year before I graduate.


how difficult the science classes were going to be


Nothing, I love my school! I think it is the best school ever!


That I should set more time to study and save money during the summer.


Just how large it was and also better time management skills. Because IU offers so many extracurricular activities, it was easy for me to get swept up in them and ignore my grades a little. People should know that it's better to be deeply involved in a few activities instead of trying to do it all.


I knew that it was a large school with many options and opportunities. I knew that I would not have trouble finding friends and getting into interesting classes.


I wish I had known how serious it was to start off on the right track as far as academics. Keeping a steady academic record makes it easier to keep up your GPA and instills motivation to keep doing better.


I wish I would have known that my financial aid would decrease after my freshman year.


I wish I had known how hard it would be to adjust to college life before I came to school. It was much harder to assimilate myself to this type of atmosphere and being this far away from home. I have gotten much more used to it this year, but as a freshman it was much harder.


I wish I had known more about the different types of majors and what careers you can obtain from them.


I wish I'd had more exposure to research earlier, so that I could have more experience with it under my belt as I go on to graduate & professional research.


I wish I would have known more about what I wanted to do for a profession after I graduated. I switched majors a few times which set me back academically and financially. I also wish I would have researched more about the cost of tuition, room and board, and living expenses. I have yet to find a job in my career field and I owe more than 30,000 dollars in financial aid.


I wish I would have been better prepared to balance academics with extracurriculars and a social life. In comparison to high school, where I was able to participate in whichever activities I desired, college extracurriculars involve a refinement of your personal goals for the organization as well as a larger time commitment, which, with a full load of classes, can be a challenge.


I wish I had known how important career related internships are in the business school. Transferring in from Penn State the middle of my sophomore year and feel like I did not have enough time to focus on looking for an internship. Only now do I realize how important this is.


I wish I would have known the career path that I desired to take and not have wasted so much time trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.


I wish I would have been more familiar with the campus and the different buildings because it is a spread out campus that can be hard to learn.


I can't think of anything I wish I had known before coming here.


I wish that I would have known more about the different programs offered at my school. It took me almost an entire year before I decided upon a major and by that time I already felt behind my peers in the prerequisite courses. If I had known more about the individual majors and programs before I started the transition could have been a lot smoother from high school to college. The summer orientation programs would be a good time to offer additional information and presentations on the different majors available.


There was nothing wish I knew, everything is GREAT here!


I wish i had known that you should be prepared for the extra amount of pressure.


I love that I knew so little before going to IU, for everyday held opportunities of new experiences and new people. The only thing I wish I would've known was how hard the transition from high school to college can be. The first month away from home was very hard for me. But as each day passed, I met more and more people who eventually turned out to be some of my greatest friends yet, and while I sometimes find myself missing my family, I have learned to cherish all those times we do get to spend together.


It would have been nice to know that points are allotted for attendance as well as ability.


The extent of its size and lack of variation between student backgrounds.