Iowa State University Top Questions

Describe a day on campus you'll never forget.


Dance Marathon! Dance Marathon is the largest student group on campus. It raises money for the Children's Hospital at the University of Iowa. It's a great group to join especially if you are worried about time commitment - there are only a few informal meeting throughout fall semester, and then one very long day of dancing in the spring semester! I participated this year and it was an amazing day! There was so much school spirit and pride throughout the day, and tons of great people. The only real rule is no sitting for 15 hours. There were a ton of fun activities, like tye-dyeing, Twister, karaoke, and a thousand board games to play with the kids. The morale dance is so much fun to learn and then participate in. It is absolutely incredible to stand in the middle of the Memorial Union listening to families thank you for your work and realize that you're standing in a crowed of 900 people who all feel the exact same way. it really showed me that as a school we can all come together and do great things!