Kean University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Be prepared for major changes in your academic life. You must be deligent about keeping up with your studies and try to balance it out with the social opportunities that are available to you. Join organizations. It is important to allot your time to try to minimize stress. Don't leave academic obligations to the last minute. Make new friends from different situations such as from your classes, your dorm, and clubs or organizations that you join. Make smart choices.


If i could go back into the hands of time i would go back and tell myself that it is very important of the choices and decisions i make because i dont have much time until i am in the real world. My studying skills would be better as well as the improvement in my grades. I was an above average student but expected a lot more out of myself. I was top athlete and played basketball and football. If i did some certain things in sports maybe i would have better scholarhips offers. During my senior year in high school i didnt see what life would be for me right now because i wasnt more in tune with it and now i know that plan is the key. Im not disappointed with who i've become because i couldnt be more thankful to be in a good college and have a wonderful supportive family behind me. If i could i wouldnt change anything, everything happens for a reason and to me its just a challenge to become better and live life with goals and ambitions. I feel better as an individual to strive than to be perfect.


If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to follow my instincts when it comes to choosing a major. In addition, I would tell myself to do what I think is right for me and don?t just choose a major to please other people. Furthermore, I would tell myself that when it comes to choosing a major do not let anyone persuade you and choose what you feel is the right path. I would explain how choosing a major is one of the most important things as a college student. This is your choice because at the end of the day you must live with the career that you chose, so think before you just jump into a major and make sure it is the right one for you.


As a high school student I didn?t realize how much money everything cost for college. I had no idea how expensive books cost, living on campus or summer classes and all the other important needs. As a high school student I wish I earned some kind of scholarship to help with all my finances. I also wish I had worked a little more than I did in my high school years. Saving more money would have really helped in the long run. Besides worrying about all of the finical needs of college, there are a few other difficult transitions. The importance of responsibility becomes incredibly significant. As a college studnet you become more mature. I would have to say now that I have experienced college life, that you only need two skills in order to succeed. One of the best life skills a college student can have is time management. Your time management will make the difference in how well you will succeed academically. Another necessary skill is your drive. If you don?t strive or try your absolute hardest you won?t succeed in college. College will make you stronger and most importantly prepare you for life.


Wow, based on what i know now i would have a lot to tell my high school senior self. First off, I would tell him that the population at this catholic high school is nothing compared to Kean's campus. I would also tell myself that I should find a new way to study because your old habits will not cut it in college. Also, don't hold back or be afraid to just be yourself because people will accept you anyway. Next I would laugh and tell him that it's cool to take early classes your first semester, but not your second semester, it just won't work. But the last thing I would tell myself would be, don't wait to start taking things serious, stay focused and work hard once you get to college because failing a course and watching your mother cry is not a good feeling. I'd tell him good luck and go be successful and make your family proud. Peace Out!!


As a high school senior you do not think much about the adversities you are going to face once you begin college. I would tell myself to work harder as a senior because it is not the end of what is to come. On the contrary it is only the beginning. I would tell myself to adjust to having better studying skills because in order to succeed in college you must learn how to sit down and study without any distractions. With college comes responsibilities that you did not have in high school. Time management is very important to becoming a successful student , you must learn to turn things in on time, and how much time to spend studying on each of your classes.The best advice I would give myself is to surround myself with individuals who are school oriented because if not you will easily be distracted by off campus activities.The freedom of college sometimes takes over the importance of college. Some forget that college is not all about partying, college is about higher education and the opportunity to advance as a person in society. College is the beginning of the road to success.


Jess, Stop procrastinating and make sure you get all your recommendations and applications in early. I know you have a lot of work as a senior, but you have to give each subject its proper study time and your work load won't seem so huge. Break out of your shell, don't be so scared, in college you make your own choices and you have to talk to people who don't know you, all the time. It doesn?t matter where your friends get accepted to, it?s you that matters not them. So make sure you pay attention to you and think about what you want not what will fit with your friends. You are your own person. Brace yourself for all those papers college professors dish out, so make sure you clean out your bookshelves and order that MLA citation book you'll need it. This is your senior year so have fun, but make sure you study hard for your AP Biology test in May. Don't be nervous the best advice I could give you is to be confident in yourself. You lose 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the chances you don't take or try for.


If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to relax. I felt an extreme amount of anxiety about applying to a number of colleges and universities, when ultimately I ended up at the local community college. I was pressured to think that community college was a dead end, and associated it with various negative connotations. Financial constraints forced me to decline my other 4-year college acceptances, and enroll in community college. I was very resentful of majority of my friends that were able to live in dorms, and live in a completely new environment. Today however, I embrace the fact that I was able to complete my associate?s degree within two years, and have now moved onto a university where I can complete my bachelor?s degree. Many of my friends returned home after their first year away, because they were not responsible enough to be responsible with their organization and study habits. Community college was the best choice I made because it allowed me to discover what my true passion was, and pursuit it, with an almost immediate gratification of a degree.


I would tell my self as a high school senior numerous things. The first thing that I would tell him is to become more organized. When I was in high school my grades were good but I was very unorganized. The next thing that I would say to myself is apply for scholarships. I struggle to pay my tuition almost every semester since I've attended Kean University and I regret not apply for scholarships. I would also tell say take the SAT and ACT more than once. In high school I only took the SAT test once and never took the ACT. I would then tell myself to become more mature because as a high school senior I was very immature.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior about college life and its transition there would be numerous amounts of advice that I'd give to myself. First, I would tell myself to keep an open mind about new things that I have never tried. For example, learning about the diversity of people that attend my school and really taking the time to learn more about their cultures. Secondly, I would advise myself to get involved as much as possible. Try to join as many clubs and organizations as you possibly can, especially the heart of those clubs and organizations, Student Government. Getting involved in different organizations or attending as many events as you possibly can as a freshman will help you meet more people, network, and will create a strong, positive image about yourself as a student. This opportunity comes and goes quickly and not many people realize how it important it really is to get involved in extra-curricular activities. However, it really helps shape your individuality within your campus, along with teaching you life-long lessons that you never thought you would learn from getting involved.


College life and your success there is what YOU make of it; what you put in is simply what you get out. At times you may find it easier to spend your time with the social aspect of campus, especially in the beginning, but just try to remind yourself why you are in college in the first place, what it took for you to get there, and think about all of the people who would give their world just to be in your place. Try to put your academics first, it'll make a world of difference. That doesnt mean you shouldn't build a social network of extracurricular activities and loving friends. That is important as well, and I encourage you to GET INVOLVED, but dont let social life be your main focus. The key is time managament. Make to do lists, set personal early deadlines, and build a good rapport with your professors. They'll notice and your grades will reflect that. You'll learn things about yourself you have never thought of before. Never give up, everything happens for a reason. Getting into college is your first achievement, you CAN accomplish all you put your mind to.


I would tell myself that I must take school seriously. Every class that I ever took is serious. I would have said that bad grades even if you try is still not good. In all classes I have to do my best. College life is not easy and I must stay focused to be successful. I should have applied for as many scholarships as my mother told me too. Even though scholarships are not easy, I should have tried one , two, or made an effort. I would have said that as a freshmen many college students do not survive after the first year. Going to parties is not the most important thing in college and meeting girls is not the most important benefit of college. Doing homework and going to work is the way. Staying on campus in school is not easy. Campus life is harder becasue you have no one looking over you shoulder. Parents are at home. You must stay focused and study hard. You must do the best you can and sometimes even your best is not enough. In college you must be hungry for A's as if your hungry to get overtime at work.


I don't think you should go into it knowing anything more than your class schedule. I loved going into it young and fresh and facing the unknown. Living on campus provided me the opportunity to grow so much as an individual and meet people I wouldn't have hung out with in high school. So I just tell myself that with all the good and bad that you'll expierence at college your going to look back on it as the best time of your life!


I would tell myself that no matter how tiring and arduous it gets in your education to keep on going, completing one thing at a time. Sometimes you can get sucked into laziness, and procrastinating and it just turns into a sizable problem. Just never accept defeat and keep on perservering until you reach your goal.


If I could go back in time and give advice to myself as if i was a senior i would absolutely give positive advice. First, I would explain that you should save money everytime you get pain just in case money goes low. Also, to really think about what your passion is and what you want to do for the rest of your life, to make sure you really want to go through school all over again and be serious and work hard for four years. I would also tell myself to not let friends and family drama interfere with school work. Lastly, I would tell myself to finish all required classes in the first two semesters and take a summer class to get ahead. School is very important and i will try my hardest from here on. Although, school is very expensive and tuition needs to be pain on time, even if you have no help with it .President Obama really needs to help all students that cant afford schools like me!


Start looking at your future options early. It's never too early to get a head start on your future. Put yourself in different situations to determine what you find interesting and get more experience in that field. Finding out what you would like to do as an occupation in the future will help guide you in your academic studies.


If you think you may transfer from one college to another, do not start off at a University. The reason for this is because the government requires Universities to accept students from community colleges along with their credits. On the other hand, if a student goes to a University, and decides to transfer to a better University, he or she may end up having to go to college for a few additional semesters. University to university transfers are not likely to accept all of the credits. As for choosing a college to ensure a good education and the best college experience; I would deffinitely suggest doing something out of the ordinary. Go somewhere totally different than where you have been for the majority of your life. If you live in an area with a hot climate and by the beach, go away to college where it is cold and where there is snow and snowboarding. To get the most out of life, one must experience the most he or she can in a lifetime; the best way to do this is to go where you have never gone before. Be outgoing and friendly, and you'll never regret it.


First off, everyone should experience college on campus either it be a semester or the full year. Its honestly one of the best things you can ever do if you decided to go off to college. With doing so, you'll meet some great people and some not so great people. But this is practically your first step into the real world on your own so definately take advantage of that if you have the chance. Before filling out those tedious college applications make sure you set up a list of schools that have your intended major and that are in a good price range for you and visit them. Visiting the campus on a tour is your first taste of the college of your dreams. Once you step on that campus you'll know thats where you want to be. So make the right descion when looking for a school, friends, and the most out of your college experience.


Do it as best you can the first time, and if you can't, well no one said you have to get it right the first time. College gives you a lot of oppertunity to fix mistakes if you really need it, but it will slow you down.


If you want to party, then Party! If your in school so you can get a good job, then find a place that has great job placement. Its important to find the rite school that fits your needs. If I had to do it over again, I would have attended the school that I had, but would have transferred to a bigger more reputable school for graduation.


My advice for parents and students who are looking for the right college is to take the time to visit every school before acceptance during their peak hours of operation, such as in the middle of a weekday. This is important to see what types of students are on campus and what they are doing. (Spending time in the library, cafeteria, etc.) To make the most of the college experience I cannot stress enough the importance of joining at least one extra-curricular activity or club that is not a frateriety or sorority. (I.E. student government, English Honors Society, etc.) This is important because it will connect you with other students who have similar interests to yours and will also look great on your transcript/resume. These clubs allow for networking that will help you both during your undergrad experience as well as your post-graduation job search, but most importantly they can help you make friends!


I would tell parents/students to find a place that really makes them feel comfortable , and a place that they truly will love to go to everyday. To make the best experience out of college , I think you must be open-minded to new ideas and people, and be able to find a passion that makes you happy.


My advice is try to find the right college that fit your personality and career goals because is very important to feel happy in order to do great at what you have chosen


In my opinion, commuting to college is the best way.


The most important advice that I can give parents and students when deciding on a college is: happiness. Every student's main goal in college is to graduate, become educated and achieve a higher level of education however, if the student is miserable none of what I mentioned will take place. College should be a time where a student can feel at home and not a stranger, a place the student loves to attend rather then dreds. The phrase that high school seniors hear the most is, "the real world". College isn't the real world. Parents know what the real world is like. College bound students should remember that college a time to be reborn again. A time to better oneself or alter oneself if that is their choice. Don't be afraid to break out of the shell and interact with people from all over. Besides job skills, a degress and education, college provides one of the most important social connection in life: NETWORKING.


Choose a school that BEST FITS YOUR NEEDS!!! students should try to visit that school more than once and do extensive research befor e making the choice. Also try to find a school that is affordable for you and that you believe will make your experience the best!


The Advice I would give is first find out if your child wants to go to college once that is asured from your child then, then next step is has yor child taken the SAT's those are imporatant to attend a 4 year University, if not there are alternates such as a 2 year school or trade school. Third step once the school is choosen and grades are in what college is in your budget, has your child applied for scholarships and grants. Is your child going to live home, on campus or off campus. How strong are their study skills. Are there libraries on campus and computer based informatin systems that provide internet. How about the academic standards and achievements. How about the sports, science, and sociology program. Are there shuttles to get from different campus.


Know your career path Know your line of sanity in the balance between the diffferent types of liesures (yes different), rest, socialization, work and study are.... It's important to have all .....too much or too less will KILL the performance....leading to anxiety and breakdown... each component is needed for moving ahead since theyre all inter-related Try to stay healthy, physically, emotinally, socially, spiritually, and environmentally Know he difference between wishes, wants, and need........ Know what u control


Find a school that the student finds most comfortable with. Encourage the student to become involved in Greek Life, it is a lot of fun and worth the experience. Also, make sure the student gets the chance to explore the area of the college or university because they will get hungry late at night and will want to get food out somewhere.


There are better state schools to attend in New Jersey, do not let Kean University be you/ or your childs first, second, or third choice.


I belive to make the best out of any situation you need to be willing to do what you have to do. You have to be willing to put your best foot foward in every aspect of your college career. Don't be afraid to show who you are.


visit the college first and see if you like the feel and environment of the area


the best way to find a college is for parents to stey involved in the process with their child, and to work together in the best interest of finiancial, educational, location, and interest-based facets. many highschools hold programs for seniors looking to apply to colleges, and it is best to take advantage of those programs. the best way to find a college can be online, in books, and even talking with teachers/guidence counselors, friends, and family. when a student can compile a list of colleges they are interested in, it is best to do further research on each individually, and go visit them on open house days if you can! also, it is good to visit them on non-open-house days, to get a feel for what the campus life is like on a normal day. again, there are many facets involved in choosing a university to attend, such as financial, location, academic content and challenge, size of classes, if the school has your major, etc. one thing i learned while applying to schools is that it seems like a huge complicated process, but i had the help and support that i needed, which is important!


Don't look at a university for just its academics. A college is more than just classes and getting an education. It's a place where you grow and come into your own. Therefore, I think it is important to look at other factors such as the town the school is in, the extracurriculars they have to offer, and the type of people that go. Kean University was my second choice school and I ended up transferring there from another college after one semester because that school wasn't for me. The education and courses they had to offer were amazing but a school is nothing if you can't find yourself there. When i transferred to Kean, I knew it was the school for me because it felt like I belonged there.


I tell parents to reassure their children by encouraging them and complementing them on their achievements and success in all that they do


Make sure it is the college YOU want to attend. Make sure they have your programs/ field of study, and make sure that you know what you want from the school and what the school can offer you. Check out questionable items such as housing, dining, social life, library, meal plans, and financial aid. Make sure the area suites you, and that there is a way home if you need to get home.


Education is the key to unlock your full potential. Once you find the school of your dreams, stick to it. Apply to the school you believe will give you the best education you can get. Parents and students should keep in mind, that the student's will be in this school for a couple of years, so find a school that the student will fit right in. Weather it is because it is a diverse school, or it is a very social school, let the student's needs come first. In the end, the student will graduate from the school, so just picture yourself in the cap and gown, as you walk for the career of your dream. So study for your own educational gain and make friends for your own fun and/or networking. In the end, just have fun and learn!


Every college is different in one way or another. The most important thing is to figure out which type suits you best. Perhaps you're looking for life in the city where you can find tons of places to broaden your horizon, or a small town-like life where it's easy to get in touch with others. Of course, sometimes you just have no clue what's best for you until you find out on that orientation day, as well as the semester to come. I suppose the best advice to give is to take what you were given and live through it with the potential you have. Open your mind, expand your life, learn new things, UNDERSTAND those things, make a name for yourself, become appreciated for what you want to do, create new experiences, LOVE to make new experiences, and perhaps most importantly (at least to this opinionated bore), give yourself memories. I really wish they put something like this in those brochures before I began.


To talk to finacial advisors and academic advisors, and I feel that you learn a lot more in smaller schools.


As an international business major, the best advice a parent can give, or a current college/high school student can adhere to, is to work on attaining TOP GRADES, within the 3.8-4.0 mark, not so that you can be regarded as a devoted scholar, but that, economically, you can take advantage of scholarships and grants to be used to pay off the college of your choice, which, with said high GPA, can very well be an Ivy League or top tier university. You save money by studying, and have a nice foundation to pursue a career without debt bringing down your hopes and dreams.


There is definitely a lot more to college than just studying. You have to be able to be socialable. Reaching out to new people can result in making lifelong friends. Getting involved in activities is important. Explore clubs that interest you, join an intramural sports team, or maybe even check out the sorority or fraternity life. Go to activities on campus such as sports games, parties, or concerts. But when it does come to school work. Try your hardest. Always ask for help if needed. Whether you need a tutor to help you with math or need to talk to a professor to find ways to improve your grade, never shy away from it. This can be very beneficial, not only helping with your grades, but your experience as well. However, you shouldn't overload your schedule with classes. This will not only put a strain on your social life, but your grades as well. And definitely do not do anything that you are not comfortable, like giving into peer pressure to do something illegal or something that you know is a bad idea. This few tips can definitely make college the best years of your life.


When you begin the college search, it's very important to think about the students needs. One thing that is absolutely terrifying to a college freshman is the new surroundings, the new schedule, the new work, and the new people. If I could have done things differently before I began college, I would have gotten to know the campus better and learn where everything is located. Going into a school thinking that you will simply "catch on" to the college life is not the way to go about it. Everything about college from the different buildings to the dorms to the way you do your schoolwork is a complete change from high school. I think the best way to prepare for college is to make sure that you understand the surroundings. This way, you can focus on your GPA and not have to worry about the simple things.


Make sure that you take all factors into consideration. Whether or not the student wants to live on or off campus, work, attend in or out-of-state. Does the student want to be a in a large classroom setting or be in small classrooms where the Professor can recognize you by your name. How much can you afford to pay? Or better yet, how much are you willing to be in debt from taking out loans? Does the college/university obtain the educational programs that the student seeks or may have an interest in? Obviously you would need to visit the college and see whether or not you would feel comfortable attending it.


First of all, I Find out that any of my friends had been or still going to this college. I take some information from them. Then I do reaserch about college. Then I go visit college to make sure how is envirenment, where is it at?, and how is community?


Make sure you look into and visit the school before you go. Also look into what majors they have and what the college can offer you.


I have been attending college for almost four years. When i first applied to Kean my parents greatly pushed for me to go. Although i did not think it was a great idea i knew it would be best for my future. It was inexpensive, and also a great school for my major. Now, four years later, i am thanking my parents for the best decision they ever made. So when thinking about your college decision make sure you pick a school that best suites your major. It is also very important to choose a school that is affordable for you. Remember, no matter what college you choose to attend, you will come out with great friends that will last a lifetime, and a degree for your future.


I would first look to see what are of study you would want to pursue. Then see if that school can best serve your needs. I will also see where the school is located. Whether you would want it somewhere close to home, far away, city or suburbs are all factors that you should carefully look into.


I would advise them to go to the school and try to jump in some lectures where their are alot of people so you can be over looked and see what its like.


To the parents: I know that you want to have a say in where the student goes, but dont pressure them to go to a certain school. Let them choose themself, but at the same time aide them in their decision. If they are leaning toward a school that you may not agree with, dont try to completely eliminate it. Instead, do some honest research on it and if your student is determined on going then let them. If it really is not the right school for them, they will know in that first year and then will probably be more willing to listen to you and theyll transfer. For the student: dont just look for the party school. Every school has plenty of parties and you will never be bored. Look into whats important, and i dont just mean academics (although they are vital) but also extra cirriular activities that you are interested in. Look into the type of students that attend the school. I suggest finding a school whose majority of the student body shares at least some similarities to yourself. Dont worry about diversity because again there will be plenty of that anywhere you go. HAVE FUN!!!


Do not wait untill last minute to find a college. Really research different schools, and go visit as many as you can. The earlier you look into schools the better! Don't hold back, and give everything your best effort. College is a time to explore new things, meet new people, and find yourself as a person. Have fun, but also work hard. Your future is at stake here, and thats not something to compromise.