Lewis University Top Questions

Describe the dorms.


The dorms at Lewis are definitely up to student needs. While they may not be anything over-the-top or exceedingly special, they are more than adequate and a comfortable, homey place to reside in during a student's academic semester. With twelve dorms at Lewis, we offer a lot of variety for student living quarters, from singles and doubles to more apartment-style living with suite residents. Students can change their dorm style from freshman to senior year, although most students begin in a double and end in an apartment-style dorm by the end of their college career, having made close friends to live with. Dorms additionally have a variety of beneficial features to enjoy. All dorms come with electrical jacks for television sets, radios, and other electrical devices, such as phone chargers. Ethernet cables are similarly available for internet access, although Wi-fi is readily available, too. There is also a reasonable amount of space, air conditioning and heating in each dorm room, and a desk, dresser, or cabinet in each room as well. Security is another important part of Lewis dorm life. There are access cards for each individual building, so they are very safe, and only those who invite Lewis students or are residents of that dorm itself can gain access to a particular building. Overall, the dorms at Lewis are enjoyed and appreciated by many Lewis students. Although again nothing too special, they serve as a safe and warm place for students to sleep, work on homework, and spend time with friends.