Liberty University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known that at times you would not know whether you were going to make it. The workload can be overwhelming, assignments can be tedious, time can run short, unexpected money problem can and most likely will occur. However, I also wish I would of known that you will get through it. There are many offices on campus that can help your stress level decrease. Such as Student care, student advocate, financial aid, and such.


Be prepared to put time and effort into your classes and the research papers!


I am just starting school and it is quite a change from the community college atmosphere I am use to. I hope to find a way to continue my daily life of raising my two sons, while earning my bachelor's and then my master's in business administration.


The school is not as laid back with rules as they are rumored to be. If you want to go to a Biblical, Christian college with a large student body than this is the place for you.


Before I came to this school I wish I had known how big the school really was and how cold it would be in the winter. I wish I had also known how great of a school they were several years ago so I would not have spent so much time looking for other universities that met my needs and could have focused the time instead on applying for grants and scholarships.


I wish I would have taken a better look at my own finances, but about the school itself, nothing. I was very well informed. I was allowed to take a free class before my first semester to learn about how to take their online classes. It was an amazin benefit.


I wish I would have known how lonely it would be to be online for an East Coast school while living on the West Coast.


That it rains a lot in Lynchburg.


I wish I knew more about how the bus schedule works. I didn't ride the bus at all my first semester unless I went with someone. After finding out how the bus schedule worked first semester I felt more comfortable riding the bus by myself second semester.


About God when I was younger and lived for God when I was younger and got more out of Church.


I wish i had known how hard schoolwork was in college in general. i took a year off of school right out of high school and when i finaly went to college i had a hard time getting used to the work load.


How hard the classwork would be and how hard it would be to get back into the swing of school after taking a year off of school right after high school.


The only thing that I really would have liked to know was that all students are required to do community service each semester. Twenty hours is a lot when you carry a full load academically and two jobs.


Before I went to Liberty I knew that it was going to be different, but I could never have imagined how many new things I would experiance. Many new meetings were required and I wish I had known how often I would be hanging out with people simply having fun.


I really wish I had known it is a christian school. It's the largest evangelical school in the world and it's cheap compared to other private schools.


I wish that I had known the emphasis placed on dating relationships here. There is much pressure placed on students to find their mate while they are here. Had I known that before attending, I would have been able to better prepare for all of the attention given to it.


God and the sense of self and direction that possess now that was not present in my youth!


i wish that knew about this school 4yrs. ago then i would have attend here.


Regardless of the convenience of online education - the lack of real-life experience really does not make it worth it. In most of my classes I am surrounded with people overseas in the Armed Forces or twice my age and families to concern themselves with. All of that is great, but due to my obvious differences one misses out on building relationships with peers. Also, the benefits of in-class discussion vanish. The anecdotes that professors will share or the debates students will get into provide an environment that cannot be reproduced online, even with mandated discussions.


The only thing I can think of is the amount of studying I would get. As an online student I do have alot of "home"work but I enjoy the progress I have made. I pretty much knew everything I needed or wanted to know.


I wish that I would have known the impact that a college degree would have had on my life to this point. Had I stayed in school and completed my degree, I would have been able to take better care of my infant children when I got divorced from my first husband. The stability of a career and a home would have been the results of my completing a degree program the first time around. My children and I could have had a much easier life to this point, and I could have spent more time with my family.


Although I have had a positive experience, there are many things I wished I had known. I should have looked in to the academic levels here, the time consumption with prerequisite classes, and the music program.


I wish I had been more familiar with the transfer policies and procedures involved. I ended up spending a semester at a different school which took far less credits from my community college. It pays to make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck.


I wish I had known just exactly how much I have to stay on top of financial mattters in relation to the cost of tuition and books. Because I did not realize how much attention and planing these matters required, I went through many unnecessary difficulties.


I wish I knew that I could have attended this school earlier than I did, with scholarships, grants and loans I could have attended a University much sooner than I did, and I regret not going to one as soon as I graduated high school.


I wish I had known the fact that students have to complete 'Financial Check-In" twice a year. Entering Liberty, I had no idea that was the case, and my parents and I did not plan accordingly for the Spring semester. Now I have no idea whether I will continue my semester at Liberty. I also wish I had known that there are not too many clubs for students to join and interact. It is actually really hard for students to get to know each other besides a couple of occasions, like convocations and sports.


I wish I had known just how much athletics takes precedence over academic quality - it is a little discouraging.


I wish I had known what a wonderful experience this school would be. I think, had I known that, I would have started my degree earlier in my life instead of starting at the age of 36.


What i needed to save on money wise in order to make it easier in my pocket. Schoo,l is not cheap but the outcome will help me make someting for my family. I would like to show my children that their father can do it and so can they.


I really wish that I would have sat down and asked current or recent students about the school policies. This would have prepared me for what was to come instead of a being shocked upon arrival about the strict rules.


I wish I would have known how much extra money I would need to just survive as a college kid. I came here with very little money, and I find out that almost everything costs money is some way. So next time I hope to come in prepared, but that is just hard to get especially with todays economy.


I wish I had looked more at the price of the school so I could have planned out how I was going to pay for it and if I could pay for it through scholarships, by working or by loans.


I wish I had kown that it gets terribly cold in the winters being as though we are in the mountains. Had I known this i would haved packed more sweaters and a large hat to keep more warmer than my current staus while going to class a well as at night when I sleep on my twin bed!




I am online student only


I wish I had known how college worked in general. My mentality was that of highschool; I did not understand the flexibility of college.


I wish I had known about the CLEP test. It would have saved me money and time that was otherwise wasted.


I wish I would have known to save more money, because usually every college student has financial issues.


I wish i knew how to balance my social life and my acedemic life better


I wished that I had know that the professors were demanding the best from each student and that they require you to study for their class very day so that you can do well on the tests.


Before I had come to Liberty I wish that I had left more of my belongings at home because I brought too much with me in the beginning of the school year. As a result, I had to pack a load of things in the car when I went back home, which could have been avoided if I had brought less with me to school.


How much I was going to be pushed trying to balance everything. I met so many people, fast. But I had to remember why i was at colllege in the first place, and that was ultimately to get an education. I am involved in a few extra-curricular activities and it took up my time fast. I balance it all now but it took some time to get there.


A little more of the rules and how much i was going to like it. Everyone is very friendly and the overall atmosphere of the school is very warm.


I wish I had not been so nervous, and, stressed out before I finally started my classes. This school has made me come out of my shell, and realize I can do anything if I just put my mind to it and, have more faith in myself , and know the teachers and staff are there for me to help me along the way.


I wish I had known that I didn't need to be AS serious, because when I allowed myself to have more fun I actually did better in my classes and was in a better mood.


That all the stuff they said i needed to but for the school year were not that neccessary


When I came to this school, it was much smaller and the academic advising was much better and more one-on-one. Now, because it has grown so fast, we no longer have an assigned individual academic advisor, and we get whoever is available. Therefore they are not familiar with our case. No ne can seem to advise me of which courses to take in what order, and it is all up to me.


I wish I would have known that people are willing to accept you for who you are. High school was very hard for me and because of my religios beliefs I found it very hard to make friends who I could hang out with outside of school. I thought that i just had a personality flaw. After attending Liberty University I have learned that there are people who are willing ot accept me for who I am, even despite my flaws and beliefs.


How much the dorms really cost.


I wish I had had a better study habit so that I could be prepared to do well in the classes.