Mercy University Top Questions

Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.


A world in a bubble full of hot air going nowhere.


A helpful institution that can help me achieve my goals and access my career.


Mercy College is a great College overall and very well known. It caters to students of all types and the school schedule is convenient... many programs to choose from... accelerated programs for undergraduates and graduates... It's very good for student and faculty interaction.


Mercy College, the best place for young adults to flex their entrepreneurial skills while you are in college or at the very least when you are young enough not be bogged down with a career. Mercy is also a great place to start your venture as you have lots of free time, access to a large pool of people and your school can provide much-needed support. One my main goals as a student entrepreneur was financially bridging the gap between college and the post-college world, better known as “real life”. Thats what I can say about mercy college .


Mercy College is a wonderful campus with amazing professors, students, and counclers that work together and work with the students to reach their full potential.


Mercy College has many excellent instructors in the English department.


It is a school that has great teachers and interesting classes in which we learn a lot about the field we want to major in; it is also a school that caters to its students abilities.


My school does an amazing job in my program(pre-veterinary medicine/ veterinary technology) , but could use a good deal of work in other places.


Mercy College is unreputable, but could be a good starter school.


Financial aid is not in order