Morgan State University Top Questions

Describe a day on campus you'll never forget.


EARTHQUAKE AT MORGAN after Hurricane Irene A day on campus that I will never forget is the one in which we were in class when all of a sudden, the door started shaking and vibrating and making this loud noise as if someone was knocking on it so fast with an object. EVERYONE in class including the professor was puzzled . About 3minutes later, class wa s over and when we stepped out of class, students from other classes were asking us if we felt the shaking/vibration and we were suprised because we thought that it only happened to US. As I walked towards the student center, I saw more and more students gathering up and talking about it, we were not allowed to go into the Library and the Student center. I remember trying to call my mom to see if she felt it ( Everyone was trying to make calls as well ) but the call did not go through and the text mesage I sent did not go through. Everyone was panicking and some were praying. This girl next to me started repenting and I could not help but laugh because she taught that the world was about to end smh and lol. About 15mins later, our phone services were working again and my first instinct was to go on Facebook and announce the world that my school just experienced an earthquake and to my greatest suprise, that was everyone's topic and that was when I realized that the real earthquake took place in Virginia and what we experienced was just the after-shock whicvh was NOTHING compared to what people there experienced. When i went back to my room, that was all over the News. That is a day that I will NEVER forget.


A day on campus I'll never forget was the commencement ceremony which took place in May 2011. It was the first graduation ceremony I witnessed at Morgan State and it was amazing to see thousands of students including undergraduate, graduate and doctorate students in their academic regalia being congratulated and recognized for their accomplishments while in school by receiving their baccalaureates, masters and doctorate certificates respectively. The event instilled in me determination, perseverance, and resilience to attain my goals, not just my academic goals but my aspirations in all aspects of life. I realized from the joy and excitement of the graduates that the hard work students undergo in order to achieve their career goals is well worth it. It was a delightful experience to know that all my friends had secured outstanding jobs and/or admission to graduate school prior to their graduation from Morgan. Hence, although I felt sad saying farewell to my friends, I was optimistic that they will be successful in their careers.


I will never forget the first day it snowed. I am from California, & I had never even seen snow fall. I walked out of my dorm, looked around, and walked right back in, lol.


the day on campus that i would never forget is the first day of classes. it was so exciting like going to kindergarten. i loved every moment especially because i had been there the whole summer for the C.A.S.A program and had new friends, a new attitude and outlook on life and knew where all my classes were.


I remember Homecoming Week, when the three hilarious comedians entertained us right before we headed out to a party. It was my first live comedy show, and Morgan provided us access to it at an affordable price. We had a blast.


Wow, I'm barely through my first semester and I already have quite a list. I would have to say the most memorable so far is today - 10 November 2011! Today we had the unveiling of the Civil Rights Exhibition. I peeked in when the workers were putting up the displays without knowing what it was a few days ago (look out for the picture). All I saw was 'Civil Rights' and it got me super excited right away. Discovering new things, revolutionary things about a place where you live, and go to school in my case, is so intriguing. At the convocation we listened to Congressman John Lewis (an amazing man whom I admittedly had never heard of before) speak about inciting change and his experiences. Wow, I thought I would be bored to tears but he had us all laughing with his witty comparisons and recollections. Thank you Mr. Lewis and thank you Dr. Wilson for another great contribution to the Morgan campus.


Wow, I'm barely through my first semester and I already have quite a list. I would have to say the most memorable so far is today - 10 November 2011! Today we had the unveiling of the Civil Rights Exhibition. I peeked in when the workers were putting up the displays without knowing what it was a few days ago (look out for the picture). All I saw was 'Civil Rights' and it got me super excited right away. Discovering new things, revolutionary things about a place where you live, and go to school in my case, is so intriguing. At the convocation we listened to Congressman John Lewis (an amazing man whom I admittedly had never heard of before) speak about inciting change and his experiences. Wow, I thought I would be bored to tears but he had us all laughing with his witty comparisons and recollections. Thank you Mr. Lewis and thank you Dr. Wilson for another great contribution to the Morgan campus.