Purdue University-Main Campus Top Questions

What do students complain about most?


Two of the biggest complaints about Purdue are the current rennovation process of the recreational center and the ever changing Midwestern weather. The good news is the recreational center will be completed by the fall semester of this year meaning new students will not have to deal with the interim period. Future Purdue students will enjoy the most cutting edge recreational center in the Big 10 starting fall 2012. As for the weather, Mark Twain remarked "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody seems to do anything about it." The old saying in the Midwest is if you hate the weather here, wait five minutes and it'll change. Purdue is fairly good about putting out adviseraries for severe weather and many professor cancel classes in the event of heavy snowfall or severe, crippling cold. Purdue also has some of the most beautiful spring weather available and the winters don't last terribly long.