Ramapo College of New Jersey Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Greek life is a big part of Ramapo. I am mostly involved with the RCNJ NSCS which is an honor society for collegiate students. The most popular athletic event has to be the basketball games. I met my closest friends at a dance that the Residence Hall committees sponsored. Every year there is the Relay for Life event that is a big deal at Ramapo.


most popular clubs and activities are cultural


Ramapo College has a WIDE variety of clubs on campus that range from history to art to LGBT to anything you can think of! If you are having trouble finding friends that you can open up to, I guarantee you'll fit in in the club of your choice. Other than that, Ramapo College is big on sororities and fraternities and they aren't party animals like most colleges, these Greek groups focus on helping organizations and donating to good causes.


Fraternities and sororities are really cool organizations to get involved in. We have so many different ones that our students can get involved in. What is nice about Ramapo is that there really is a club or activity that EVERY student can get involved in whether it is athletic, social, academic, interest etc. Athletic events are exciting to go to especially volleyball and basketball. On the weekends we have a lot of parties, go out to clubs, attend on campus events, go to frat houses off campus, and enjoy the company of our peers. You do not have to drink to have a good time here. We have a lot of non alcohol events on campus and they are SO much fun! We also have NYC about 30 minutes away and that creates a whole other world of fun for our students.