San Diego State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time,I would tell myself to stay focused and to work hard to get to where I want to be. Even though I was a good student then, I wasn't as focused as I should have been. I was more focused on hanging out with friends, having fun, and I was definitely boy crazy. I would go back and tell myself that none of those things matter and my future is what is important. I would tell myself to stop worrying about my high school boyfriend and concentrate on my homework because we weren't going to work out in the long run anyway. Had I concentrated more, I probably could have gotten into more colleges that I wanted to attend. I would also have told myself to join a sports team. It could have helped me physically and to be used to exercising to live a more healthy lifestyle. It also would have taught more about teamwork and this trait would have helped me alot in college and in my adult life. I would have learned to communicate effeciently with others, listen to others, and handle criticism better.


I always knew that college was expensive, but the reality of facing college costs did not hit me until after I finished high school. I was accepted to go to a university in high school, but the school ended up being too expensive for me to attend. Now, I am at the stage where I am ready to go to a university again (I just finished up my Associate's at a two-year college). I am facing the same issue now that I was back when I was in high school when I applied to the university that was too expensive for me to attend. If I could go back to when I was in high school, I would tell myself to keep my grades up so that I could qualify for more scholarships.


As a high school student. I had no worries in the wide world of life about my education or finical stubility. Going thru High school I do remember thinking. No, I dont understand why they make us go thru these classes. And fill all these forms out . And stay on a schudle. But I have came to the conclusion that I now understand why WE had to do all these things. I am at a part of my life where I am eager to learn. I have a chance to further my education but i am at a stand still with my education due by the lack of funds. I am working real hard trying to make it all work but I just cant with out alittle bit of help. I am currently working 2 jobs. with 2 kids and divorced...


Study hard, apply to all the colleges you can. Seperate yourself from the crowd that drags you down and only hang out with people that will be positive for you. These people will do something selfish later on anyway so have a head start.


Never be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions is the best way to learn. Take high school seriously and try to take as many math and science courses. Try not to procrastinate. Apply for as many scholarships as possible. Make sure your time is used productively to study. Shadow employees from different careers and do research on different career paths. Take advantage of college credit classes if they are available through the high school. Meet with current college students to know what to expect. If possible talk to college professors and maybe sit in a college class to see what is expected of college students. Always keep up with college and scholarship deadlines and maybe even keep a planner with important dates. Try not to over work in a job and focus more on your high school classes. Having a job your senior year should not be your priority. Better jobs will come after a college education.


Tyler, you must speak with a guidance councelor before jumping into your classes without any idea on what your objective will be! Having an educational map has been the most helpful choice I could have made regarding education purposes. Having a goal and something to work towards makes school a breeze.


I would tell myself apply to the best colleges available, and a wide variety. Do not go to "community college" because it is cheaper, you will miss the college experience and you will not make long lasting friends. Focus your attention on the requirements for graduation and pick a major that will lead into a promising job. Make sure to spend your time wisely, try to get a double major to make yourself more marketable upon graduation. Make as many connections with teachers as possible and build strong relationships to secure excellent recommendations. Constantly take advantage of internships and workshops that build on your skills and experiences. Plan for life after college; think about graduate schools and possible job opportunities. Apply for as many scholarships as possible to ease the debt you will incure. Make sure to take part in clubs, organizations, and you must study abroad. Be an active student and enjoy your experience while maintaining a respectful GPA. Remeber to have fun, drink responsibly, and set yourself apart from the crowd!


"Look out! You're in for a bumpy & beautiful ride!" I said to my younger self. "You will have your heart broken, & then have it healed by the man you marry in a few short years. Yes, you'll still have children, despite what that doctor said after the surgery you'll have in 2 years. Don't worry - you'll find that getting your GED doesn't hold you back at all. Also, when you go to college over the next couple of years you will drop that too & go to a trade school for skin care instead. Hahaha! Surprised, huh? But, sadly you don't stick with that either & it's okay! Because by the time you hit 28, you'll find that passion that you always knew was there, & you will venture out on becoming an adult-student in psychology! Yes! So, don't stop doing what you're doing. Learn everything you can along this journey & be thankful for it all - because you will make a great difference one day! Strap on your knee pads because it will be a bumpy ride, but remember, it's all worth it & will work out in the end!"


In high school, the underlying drive for attending college was to make my parents happy. At the time, I cared about what my friends would go on to do and how I would fit into those plans. After experiencing college life and developing a passion for education, there is plenty of advice I would give myself, granted I could go back in time. I would tell myself that tapping into the world of higher education strengthens your appreciation for the diverse world and helps mold you into a culturally competent and educated person who can be successful on your own. I would advise that high school friendships, although valuable, do not last forever and it is in college that you develop the strongest bonds with people who have similar goals and outlooks. College opens up an incredible amount of opportunities and gives you the freedom to decide where you want to take your life. It introduces you to areas of knowledge never even heard of prior to college and allows you to have your own point of view, separate from your parents. If, as a high school student, you are looking for freedom, college is the answer to that.


If I could speak to myself as a high school senior, I would stress how important the first two years of college is in regards to setting the groundwork for your GPA. I would tell myself that I should be building my resume throughout college and that it is never too early to start getting involved in research on campus and other extracurricular activities that can help me get into graduate school. I would tell myself that professor's office hours are a great way to get to know faculty and find opportunities with faculty run research or faculty mentorship, which make great letters of reccommendation for graduate school. I would tell myself that college is only 4 years and it will go quickly even though entering into college can be a bit daunting. I would tell myself that sometimes it is all about who you know and networking will make your academic life a lot easier. I would tell myself that SDSU is a great university to explore what you love and plug in to the campus community. I would tell myself that tuition will rise and to be fiscally prepared for those changes.


I would probably tell myself to do the same things that I did. Attend a Community College once I graduated from college and then transfer to a four year college. The only one thing that I would change would be to meet with an academic counselor in the EOPS department for assistance and apply for financial aid.


The advice I would give my high school senior self about college is that you need to have your priorities set before you start your college career. Many students in high school believe that college is one big party, and that is their motivation to make it into college, whether it is a prestigious school or not. The one thing you need to remember is that you are going to college in order to get an education that will, in turn, help you achieve the life and job that you desire. Your parents are paying a ton of money to put you through college because they believe in you. They believe that one day, college will soon pay off when you get that job you have wanted since you were seven years old, a zoo veterinarian. You will have friends that put social priorities before academic priorities. However, you will see that this negatively affects their grades. Stay true to yourself and your priorities and you will get through college with little problem. Remember that your academics have been, and always will be, your top priority.


if I could speak to my High School Senior self, I would tell her that going to the Community College was the best place to improve your artistic skills. You have become a very strong artist and continue to do so. However, don't go to SDSU as an Interior Design Major, it's not the world for you and you'll just be miserable. Aim for your dream art school in San Francisco. Meanwhile, SDSU has a great Study Abroad program with Japan, you can get a head start with by taking some Japanese classes at Mesa to get a leg up and a better chance of gaining 3 years of proficiency to go to Osaka University of Arts. Enjoy it, don't rush.


I would advise myself to not stress out so much about college. Although getting into the best school is nerve racking, you end up in the right place for you. I'd still encourage myself to do well in school and participate in extracirriculars and try to make myself the best possible applicant for colleges, but I'd also remind myself not to get too caught up into where everyone else is going and the stereotypes and hype associated with other universities. I'd also advise myself to spend time with my friends and family and to enjoy having downtime while at home. College can be so fast-paced and I really miss being able to relax at home. Most importantly though, I'd advise myself to be true to my values and be myself when entering college. I watched so many people be negatively affected by not sticking to their values and being untrue to themselves and it lead to them having a less than desired first college experience.


I would tell myself that the transition into college will be a very different experience that is filled with many changes and many new relationships. It is an experience that must be embraced because it is a time that is used to help students figure out who they are and who they want to become. Attempting to become involved with the school and participating in various classes, clubs and activities will allow you to help recognize your interests and even possibly develop a new career path. It is okay to enjoy the fun social life that college brings; go out, have fun, and meet new people, but just dont forget the reason why you are attending college. The purpose of school is to learn new useful information that will prepare you for the real world and then applying that knowledge to hopefully selecting the most ideal career. My overall advice is to work hard ,embrace the entire college experience, and let it help you carve your own path by following your instincts and making wise choices.


There is clearly not enough advice I could give my seventeen year-old self. There is so much to know about college life and making the transition from kid to adult in 2 seconds. I would advise myself to apply myself to the toughest classes offered at my high school such as AP and Honors classes. Also, I would highly recommend myself to take college courses during the fall, spring and summer because it truly pays off in the end. Not only do you save money but you also learn the way a college class works concerning papers, midterms and finals. Another huge idea would be to work and save money. No matter how much financial aid, loans you take out or money your parents give you, there are always other hidden expenses such as grocerries, going out to eat, expensive school supplies and other things. If I would of known what I know now, my life would be a little different and a lot more stress free which is always a plus!


College is a choice, not a requirement. If you really want to further your education, do it at the optimum time for you. Have fun, and be young while you can! After high school, cause mayhem and worry later. Live your life to the highest extent. If you want to backpack through Europe, climb the Alps, or just eat French fries in France, earn some quick cash and get out there! Colleges will always be waiting for you, your G.P.A. is never going to change, and in a year or two or three or however long you can live as a free bird, pursue the university dream. You’re going to appreciate that education a billion-fold times more when you’re older and more worldly knowledgeable. You can take that first-hand experience of life and incorporate it in your studies and debates, rather than only knowing the fact that the drive around your hometown lasts a total of seventeen minutes. There’s more to life than sitting behind a computer or hiding behind a book. You can’t learn about the world if you’ve never even taken the first step in it. C’est tout!


Getting involved and networking is key. Make significant connections with influential characters in your field of choice either through memberships and societies or through work and volunteer experience. The wisdom, guidance, and motivation these people will provide you with will enhance your learning experiences and your life experiences.


Read more. Ask more. Be involved more in my community. Relax less. I would also tell myself to that I should have been more focused about my education rather thinking the whole year that I was finally graduating. I would also prepared myself more for the state test so i could have taken fewer class or been at the same starting points at a college student rather than being held back in writing.


If I were to go back in time and be able to give myself advice on my higher years of education, I would tell myself one thing: enjoy my childhood as much as I can. When I was a child, I never took my childhood to the full extent. I never broke a bone. I never learned to skate. I was the safe child. Doing everything by the books. I listend to my parents constantly. Sure I had fun, but I did not experience a full childhood. Looking back now, I see myself maturing early. Now that I am in college, going about my business, I wish I had something to look back on. In order to move forward, one needs a concrete foundation. I understand I got to where I am today because of what I did in the past. I suppose my choices and decisions were the right ones. Even so, I look back and wonder "What if?"


I would tell myself to study harder and make sure to shoot for a 4.0 GPA. I didn't want to play sports in college, so I had to apply for scholarships and I had no idea the number of scholarships available to all students'. What I did notice was the best scholarships were for those students whose cumlative GPA was above a 3.6. In my senior year, I graduated with a 3.81 GPA but my cumlative GPA was 3.45. Every time I saw a scholarship that was a perfect fit, my GPA would be to low. We're told to do well in school and study hard to get good grades, but in high school I could not connect the dots and how important that was for college. It was during the college admission process that I understood how important the PSAT was and how far a 3.6 GPA could take you. I got in college, but I worried for a long time if I had the funds to pay tuition and fees. It is stressful to worry about that every semester. I wished I could have connected the dots a lot sooner.


I would tell myself to not choose such a big school and to really look at the groups that I want to be iinvolved with and see if you really fit in. Do you look and dress like these people because if you dont you will not be accepted by them. I would also tell myself not to base the decision on money or where I know other people are going. If I could go back I would say to look at more choices and look at the people on campus and see if it is really the right fit for me.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now about college life, I would tell myself to go there with an open mind and ready to meet tons of people, and not to be shy and stick right by my roommate wherever she went. I would also tell myself to stay on top of all my assignmetns and not to wait till the last possible minute to do assignments assigned a week in advance. Finally I would advice myself to take advantage of this fresh start and make this chapter one you will never want to forget.


I would advise myself to continue with having a regular routine schedule each day such as waking up at the same time and going to bed at the same time. Knowing this would have helped me stay on track towards earning good grades. I also would have told myself that I should look into joining clubs right away instead of waiting to see how the first semester went. As boys go, keep your head focused on school, school comes first and if your boyfriend understands then he is a keeper. Do not make any sacrifices regarding your morals for anyone; you know who you are.


I would follow my favorite quote, "Shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you'll still land amongst the stars". If I weren't already the type to, I would advice myself to try new things (i.e. join clubs, go to socials, run for student council positions, etc). I would also remind myself that you're on your own and no one is there to hold your hand, or make sure you make it to class, or tell you to do your homework, or tell you to study for your final. Your destiny lays in your own hands. I would also warn about the dangers of college life in terms of drinking and hazing when it comes to sororities and fraternities and to just be aware and have some dignity and respect for yourself when embarking on certain decisions and experiences. Try to THINK before you ACT, but don't forget to live.


I would tell myself to better prepare for the finances of getting a higher education. It does not come cheap even with financial aid.


If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself, most importantly and absolutely foremost, that attending Modesto Junior College before going to a four-year university would be the best possible route for my life. I would let myself know that, despite how adamant I was about being an English major, general education opened my mind to millions of different ideas, and those ideas were and are constant, nagging, and ruthless temptations to change my major. Considering that I did, indeed, change my major for a year and half and then changed it back, I would be firm with myself about the negative financial consequences that such a change would have made on my family's finances. Thanks to community college, I know what I want to do and can do these things with less financial stress than my university friends. Ultimately, I would try to persuade my stubborn, high school senior self, bent on heading straight to a four-year university and bitter about not being financially able to do so, that the decision to stay at home for a few years would benefit me for life.


If I could go back and talk to my high school self I would tell her to really enjoy that last year. I feel that I was so stressed about college and moving away from home and all my friends that I never really had a chance to fully enjoy that final year of high school. I would tell myself that it is not as scary as I thought it was, and that I was welcomed into SDSU with open arms. I would also tell myself to enjoy the easiness of high school because college was no walk in the park. I would tell myself to prepare for all-nighters, long lectures, and countless hours in the Love Library. But I would also mention that I was about to embark on the most wonderful journey of my life, full of learning, fun, and new friends. My high school self would need to be reminded that we can do this, that we worked so hard in high school for this and now that it's here we better make the most of the time we have at this incredible university.


Hello Jeff, I am you about twenty years into the future. Listen up because this is extremely important! I know that you feel that you are smart already, and ready to take on the world, but you are far from ready! We did not have the guidance that we needed the first time around, but I have been given the extraordinary chance to come back in time and give you the advice that we so desperately need. Our college education is one of the most important steps that you can take right now and you need to pick one close to home. I know that you have dreams of travel and fun, but those dreams will be short lived without your extended education. You see, the future will throw unexpected obstacles in our way, ones that you cannot imagine right now, and without more education our opportunities have been shaved to thin. Now, I know our accident was only last year, and all you wish to do is get back to feeling normal, but you have the ability for so much more than just your opinion of normal. Do it right this time and don't wait as I have.


"Even if the front door is locked, and the back door is jammed, the window should be the next option." This is the attitude of a go-getter who strives to never give up. Unfortunately, during my senior year of high school, I was far from go-getting anything. My mantra was, "C's get degrees!" I thought this would be enough to get me into San Diego State University, but I was denied due to my low GPA. After years of rigorous study at a community college, I reapplied, but was denied again for the same reason. At this point of my life I felt like manure, but a voice within my conscience convinced me to try a different route. I sent the president of the college a letter explaining how I was a student with limitless drive and ambition to succeed in their university. A few days later I received a response from the president's staff stating that they’ve reconsidered my admission and will leave it to an appeal process. The vote was unanimous, and my letter has allowed me to enter the gates of SDSU this Fall.


Listen to your heart and not you friends or family. Only YOU have real control of your educational future and career goals. Passing on the biggest opportunity of your senior year (i.e. turning down the college of your dreams) just to satisfy others, is only going to consume you in your early 20s. I made this mistake my senior year and wished that if I could have the chance to do things differently, I certainly would. After I became a high school teaching assistant, I started to realize that some students where in the same boat; when I looked at their faces, all I could see was uncertainty, guilt and misery...they looked exactly the way I felt when I was their age. I still remember the conversation I had with one of the brightest students I ever met: "I was accepted and want to go to NYU," she said, "but my family wants me to stay close to home and go here (a state college) just to be near them. "Tell your family to quit being so selfish" was my response. Selfishness. It's what's for dinner...and some families should really learn to encourage potential. Period.


That I would tell him to begin college right after highschool, or even a year later and to have great passion for college and whatever degree you choose to do the rest of your life. Plus college isn't exactly like highschool, and you can have a clean slate and start over.


Kyle, do not be afraid to be social in college. You spent your entire first year with only a couple of friends. You made excuses not to go out with people because you were scared of what they would think of you. You did not get involved in any school activities or clubs. You did not take the time to talk to a single person in any of your classes. You stayed in your dorm almost all the time after your classes, and went home every other weekend. That is not the way to live the college life. This is the time to be more adventurous and more outgoing then you have ever been before. Take advantage of everything they have to offer. Just go crazy!Join as many clubs as you can. Say “hi” and get to know somebody in every class. Use your dorm only to sleep and study. Otherwise, stay out of there! Go on a date, have your first beer, or go to a couple parties. Don’t get out of hand, but enjoy yourself. Don’t be afraid to make new friends. It’s the best way to make that transition away from home.


I would tell myself to work as hard as I could. Dorm life is worth it, so to do it even if I am entering the university of choice as a transfer student. That experience in my field of study is equally as important as my degree that I am after, so try to apply to internships from the start. I would tell myself that there is no experience like studying abroad, so try to take up a language and live in a different country for six months to a year's time. Lastly, I would make sure i knew that a university offers so many services, so I need to find out what is available and to do all the research I can (i.e. visit the academic advising center more, pop into the career services center a few times, and to remember that the professors want us to succeed so to visit them during their office hours every once in a while).


If I could go back in time to when I was a high school student I would tell myself to follow my heart and my passions. I went through my entire high school career thinking I wanted to be a registered nurse btu when I got to college I realized that nursing was the last thing I wanted to do, I wish i would have figured that out sooner. I would ask myself "is this really what you want to do, or is this what you think you want to do?" I would tell myself to sit down and think about what truly makes you happy and what you would want to do for the rest of your life. Again, I would tell myself to follow my heart and my true dreams and passions.


I would tell myself to stop screwing around and focus more. I would also tell myself to get evaluated sooner for ADHD because being diagnosed and on medication has made a world of difference in my education. The improvement in phenominal. I would say to buckle down, pay attention and do the best that you can and know that you can't always be perfect. Things may not come as fast for you as others, but once you get it, it's like fire spreading. Keep your passion for what you truely want and it will aide you in your studies.


If I went back in time to advise myself about college, I would tell myself to have in mind that education is very important in our society. I wouldn’t focus on things that would distract me from learning like trying to be popular, dating, etc. Also, I would tell myself to study in my free time to learn, not to just pass the test. I would continue to go to school and not take breaks in between because if you do so, it will be harder for me and I will fall behind. I will have in mind what I would like to achieve in life because having a career is very important.


Knowing that the high school I attended favored arts and sports, I enrolled in varsity soccer to make it through school. consequently, this withdrew me from my academic planning. Therefore, the best advice that I would give myself would be to begin my career search early and decide what I want to become professionally prior to entering college. I spent the first 2 years of college switching majors without a solid career plan. Now that i have concrete professional goal planning I can see all the time I could have saved and parhaps I would be close to graduation at this point. Also, when I got to college Iwas not prepared for a rigorous schedule with lots of studying time. After seeing how organization of schedules is highly necessary, I would tell myself as a senior to begin practicing time managing skills. For example I could have kept a planner filled with my personal activities so that I get into the habbit. These are two things I would tell myself if I could go back in time but there are many things that could have made my college experience a lot better if only I knew back then.


Time management would be the best advice that I could give myself to prepare for college. Though then I was also a working student it was not enough to prepare me for what I was about to do. Finding the balance between work, school and social acitivies is the key to being successful. School will become the biggest priority so finding time for it will be necassary. Any free amount of time whether a little or alot will be dedicated to studying so I would tell myself to get used to it now. I would also have to tell myself that although although then I didn't have very much discipline it would help me so much more if I learned this important factor early on rather than later. Time management is key but if the time I take to study is being distracted by the outside enviornment then it was not well spent and was a waste of time. These are the main topics of advice that I would give myself that I believe would help me to be more successful today.


Well going to college is one of the most exciting and scariest times in a young students life. Leaving out of high school the student is just bursting with energy and a positive outlook on life. We are optimistic, eager, determined, success oriented, and nervous. We are really not sure of the road or path we would like to take and that's where the nervousness comes in to play. So going back in time and talking to myself as a high school senior I would say, "enroll as fast a you can get your hands on the application." The networking and exposure to so many diverse cultures of people will help the student to become well rounded. I would tell the student life is all about experiences and how well you handle those is what determines your lot in life. I would tell the student to define purpose, winning, losing, success, balance, harmony, peace, love, justice, vision and wellbeing! Once you define those terms look to apply them in your everyday life and watch your life take on a whole new meaning and mission. Through education we can change the world! Go to college and let your light shine.


Well, because my dad had been laid off when I came to college, I didn't plan on living in the dorms. I was going to be living with my sister and commuting, but upon meeting some new friends, I realized I had made the wrong decision. Living on campus gives a student the full college experience. I definitely would tell myself to work harder on getting scholarships, grants, and loans, so that I could have started the year in the dorms. By getting more scholarships and grants, I could have had the money to live in the dorms without having to ask my parents. Now that I live in the dorms, I wouldn't change it for my freshmen year, or anybody's.


I would definitely tell myself to explore my options more fully by taking all the classes that were of interest to me. I would have taken as many concurrent enrollment classes as possible, giving me the possibilty to graduate from high school with an associates degree. I would have been more diligent in actually learning to love to learn. Thus, by doing so, I would be able to more fully enjoy the subjects in school, rather than just trying to get the course work finished. I would have tried to pull more life lessons that could be applicable in my everday life from each class that I attended. Finally, I would advise myself to look for what principle of learning each teacher was trying to portray and glean more fully for those things that help them succeed in the world.


Take more Advanced Placement classes. I would have taken AP Statistics, AP Economics, and AP History. It would have helped me get a head start. Get a job freshman year that would have substained throughout college.


The college experience is about more than just classes, exams, and grades. It's about building relationships and finding out who you are. It's about making the right choices—and learning from the wrong ones. That's what I got out of my college experience. Initially, I chose classes based on my interests. Then, I realized that they weren't very interesting after all. I changed my major three times before getting my degree! Although this set my graduation date back, it helped me develop my character. It made me who I am today: someone who contributes to society. Attending college has been valuable because without that experience, I would have never discovered where my true strength and passion lay. I would have likely remained closed-minded to a world of possibilities. The interaction with like-minded individuals, as well as the not so like-minded, can only be found in a college setting. It’s a direct connection to those who crave fresh knowledge. Author Tom Clancy wrote, "Life is about learning; when you stop learning, you die." My college experience was a learning process, one that has taught me that I can never stop learning.


So far out of my college experience, I think the most valuable thing I've gotten are my friends. There are so many different people here and most everyone is extremely nice. Living in the dorms, I've been lucky enough to create a little family with everyone on my floor. We look out for each other and I know we'll be friends for life. I've also learned many new things and have stumbled upon new interests due to the fun (and sometimes good-looking) professors and staff. Overall, I'm really enjoying my time and I plan to stay for the rest of my academic career.


After only a semester I can't fully grasp the benefits my entire college experience will provide. Thus far, I have made quality friends, learn valuable time management skills, and learned how to live on my own. Not exactly what I expected to learn or experience from classrooms and a new campus, but they are extremely valuable lessons none the less. Attending university has been valuable for many reasons. The previously stated are valuable life lessons that I have already learned. I expect to continue learning and becoming more educated toward my desired major, Biology. With that degree and the valuable knowledge I will gain, in and outside of the classroom, I plan to provide myself with the greatest number of options and open the most doors I can in order to attend Medical School and have a successful career and family.


My college experience thus far has been great. I am attending a local community college in my hometown and will be transferring to Saint Cloud State University next fall. It has been nice to take classes at CLC. I have gotten to see what I really want to do for the rest of my life by taking a class for a low rate and seeing what I do not want to do. I currently work at a local coffee shop making minimum wage and working 20 hours a week. It doesn't take long before all my money is gone and I have only ten dollars for food until next pay day. Having this money would be really helpful.


Where I come from, it is expected that students will graduate from high school and continue with college. Whether that college be a 2-year, 4-year, public, or private university, it is much more common, and therefore, expected, for boys and girls to attend college after high school. However, this does not mean that the experience of college is any less valuable. Since attending college has become more mainstream, so to speak, it has consequently become a more competitive environment. For me, this means I'm in college because I want to be, taking courses that I want to take. I am not in college by anyone's drive but my own. Although I am not even halfway finished, being part of a university beyond high school has introduced me to people with similar interests, ideas, and ways of life that I would probably have never encountered otherwise. The courses offered in college are courses taught by passionate experts, leading to a completely new intake and absorption of information that I wasn't ready to experience in high school. Attending college has enabled me to view knowledge as a privilege rather than an obligation.


From my college experience I have gotten a since of community. I value this because I do not feel alone at my school but more I want to participate and make my school better. I love that I have a place where I feel is my own. Feeling a part of something bigger than myself makes me feel great inside.


First thing that I have gotten out of my college experience is the perpetual taste of independence. I realized that I had more freedom in my first week of college than I did in high school. When I mean independence I am not relating back to the thrill of finally leaving the nest, but rather pertaining it to my high school friends. In college I could be by myself, and explore the campus and all the opportuinites that San Diego State Univeristy had to offer. I was able to expand and meet new students along the way. It was enjoyable to meet a variety of mature and open people compared to my friends in high school. College life has given me a chance to form a new person; a confident and mature young adult. Of course I will never forget the friends I had made in high school, but college has given me the opportunity to venture off and explore everything on my own. Attendance at San Diego State University, has been most valuable to me in that it has given me the chance to interact, explore and meet intresting people.