San Francisco State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior; I would tell myself to dive deeper into my art. I love to speak and write, and during my senior year I had many opportunities to express myself in these venues. I was captain of my schools speech team, head editor of my school newspaper, and a very prominent thespian in my schools theater department. In all of these artistic outlets the one thing I allowed myself to do was supervise others. In my schools newspaper I never wrote anything; in speech I tried to educate all of the new recruits and never allowed myself to actually speak. Finally in my schools theater department I never allowed myself to act, I only directed. Had I known then, that my year would have been less fulfilling due to my voluntary responsibilities I would have acted much differently. Now that I am a college freshman I find myself with fewer creative outlets, and because of that I find my new work load more stressful. If I had even one new form of expression I would be much happier.


I would advise myself to learn how to accept and adapt. Being in control of my life is something I have always enjoyed and managed through careful planning. In high school, I easily kept on track by developing a schedule for which courses I intended to take each semester and what extracurricular activities I planned to participate in. Every semester the schedule was carried out perfectly. In anticipation for college, I did the same by outlining an academic course plan for the next four years. Additionally, I envisioned living with my best friend in a dorm, working as a student assistant, and decorating my dorm room a certain way. However, when I actually entered into college life, I soon realized that what I had pictured in my head no longer mattered. The reality of college was more complex than what I typed up in computer and there were many curve balls that I did not plan out. Usually most freshmen start learning how to plan. Ironically, my first lessons in college were learning how not to plan. I finally had to make myself realize that I could not always control everything and that planning is sometimes unnecessary.


I would probably tell myself to remember that everyone has their own track/path. You cannot compare yourself to your friends or your school peers, everyone makes decisions of their own, and through different circumstances result in its own unique destination. You weren't sure who you are now, and you're not sure who'll you be 10 years from now, but it's ok. It is also ok to make mistakes, you learn more about yourself when you make mistakes! Transferring from a 2 year college is the best suggewstion I could give you. You have time to find yourself, and you save money from the classes you probably shouldn't have taken. You meet people who can help you now and in the future. You get a taste of the real world. Everyone is trying to make it for themselves, you have to search your own.


If I could go back in time to give advice to my high school self I would say to stop worrying so much about what others thought about me and to be more adventurous--to take the plunge into unknown situations with gusto. In high school, I was always afraid to put myself out on a limb because I didn't want to be mocked or belittled by my friends and peers. Now that I have reached college and see how accepting people are of differences (and how little drama there is...) I realized that I should have adopted a whole "social-images-be-damned" outlook when it came to high school. To think of the experiences and the wonders I have missed because I was simply too afraid of public humiliation. I realize now that the fear of being socially outcast has hindered many wonderful experiences and that true growth could have been achieved if I had taken a leap of faith sooner. Live life fuller--less carefully--would definitely be the words I'd tell my high school self, but in the end, I'd like to beleive I'd still be the same person I am today.


If I could go back I would encourage myself to join an academic organization, apply to more scholarships, and take advantage of more internship opportunities. But I would also tell myself that I have good instincts, that the best way to meet success is to stay engaged in what I am passionate about. Throughout all my education and professional life following my passion for art, activism, and youth development has brought me more success than I ever anticipated, and has made all the hard work seem well worth the challenge.


When I was in high school, I was convinced that the only place to go was to a UC directly after high school. I had to have my major decided right then and there. I didn't consider community college as an option to explore my possibilities career-wise or just to explore the educational world in general. But after attending a community college and studying various fields from physical anthropology to history of theatre, I never would have known before that these subjects actually interested me. I would tell myself to have a more open-mind and to be willing to take a chance and experience a new field. Something I may have had an interest in in high school is not necessarily what I was going to have an interest in as far as a future career. There are different subjects out there that high school students are not exposed to until they reach college, so I would just say remember to look in new areas to see what's out there.


If I could talk to myself as a senior in high school with respect to what to expect in college I would only have a few things to say. FIrst off, enjoy college it is the best time of your life and very fulfilling if you treat it as a learning experience. Secondly, have fun with school but always remember you're there for a reason and to not lose sight of that. Lastly, college can be challenging at times but overall it is an enjoyable experience.


I could tell myself to attend class and get good grades, but of all the things that I could tell myself I believe the best advice that I could give would be to just go for it all out. After high school I decided that I was not ready for a four-year school and so I went to community college. For some people I know this to be the right choice. For me, however, I think I should have just dove in head first. Living at home and going to community college gave me the safety net to fail. I now know enough about myself to know that when i decide to do something I need to just do it with no hesitation and I need to do it all the way. I am an all or nothing person; a person of extremes. I tried to wade in the tepid shallow pools, thinking I was being responsible, but really just afraid of leaving home, of failing on my own, of being responsible for myself. I should have jumped, instead I tried to cautiously hang off the edge and try and reach the ground, and i found myself stuck.


College is for embracing who you have become and finding who you will be. Its a time for harvesting expieriences that set the stage for a successful adulthood and is another step toward becoming who you are as a person. My advise to myself one year ago is to know who you are going into college. Have a sense of self and show true colors to the people you meet. People wil respect who are and your beliefs if you are proud of yourself. If you are respectful to yourself and others, new and true friends will be apparant. Nothing will ever replace your life in high school. College is a whole different jungle and is expected to be explored. So let the expieriences come and learn from them. Being yourself and following your heart's intuition will lead you to a successful college degree and an expierince to remeber forever.


It's not the first time I've been worried about having a job, or the first time I knew I could make it out on my own, but something has changed since I started college. Of course like most other students my mind is broadening with advanced texts in more specific subjects, and I'm networking with so many new and interesting people. But the most valuable aspect has been the sence of independence I've gained in just one short semester. But not just independence from parent's rules and soceity's obligations that most students feel when they first move out, because I had already been independent of those. Rather, a new weight on my shoulders of true adulthood, a complete emotional and financial sovereign self emerging from the timid dependence of high school. The knowledge that not only am I taking a great step in furthering my education, and hopefully one day the education of others, but that I am fully capable of doing so on my own. The schooling may be forgotten with time and age, and friends don't always last forever, but this autonomy is something I am sure will never fade.


My college experience has given me hope. Like most teenagers at the time, I felt I was heading in no direction. It was frustrating to see some of my fellow classmates know exactly what they wanted to do in life or which universities they would transfer to when I had absolutely had no idea. I truly hated my high school years. I transferred to my local community college-- not sure what to expect. I was in a whole new world full of opportunity and freedom. I was given the chance to explore my interests and new interests with a flexible schedule and courses I wanted to sign up for. I finally had a sense I was in control of my own life. On a whim, I signed up for a Japanese class and fell in love with the culture. My hope for a better life filled with a purpose and a passion through education, encouraged me to continue my studies at San Francisco State University. My hope turned into inspiration. Despite the all-nighters and ruthless examinations, my continuing college education has been the best part of my life. The priceless possibility and motivation to pursue my dreams is college.


Something that I have gotten out of the college experience is that i really am responsible for what i do and how i use my education. It has been very valuable to attend because it has been able to make me a more independent person and become more responsible for myself and for what i do.


I've gotten many social and educational experiences from college. I've met many people of different cultral backgrounds that I've never met before. I've also learned a lot while attending classes. All of these will be useful in my future career. I will understand people better and will also be able to communicate better with people of different cultral backgrounds. The valuable knowledge that I've gained from my studies will be put to good use and assist me on my journey to my future goals and career.


The most valuable skill I have gotten out of my collage experience so far, aside from the general collage discourse, is determining what exactly someone wants from me and how to give it to them. Every professor has different expectations and weather you pass or fail basically comes down to how well you can comply with those expectations. While this may not be the initially expected outcome it is a skill I foresee helping me greatly in my future. Weather I am dealing with bosses, clients or personal relationships determining what is wanted of me and knowing how to comply with that is the best way I can see of being successful in this life.


My college experience has taught me how to love and enjoy what I do. Before San Francisco State University or SFSU I found it so difficult to love and enjoy all the opportunities given to me. School was not a great place, home was not that great either, and even going out with friends did not satisfy me. I wanted to feel love and joy so bad because I thought it would stop my strong depressive symptoms. Thankfully, persisted against my family’s will and went to SFSU. If I went to another collge I would not be surrounded by cultures, events, and most importantly people that helped me love and enjoy what I do. Now I enjoy every class I attend, volunteer without an incentive in mind, and take every opportunity to better my future career because SFSU did not have to accept my application. I am still boggled to how I got accepted to this school. Due to this mindset, every class, volunteer event, and career opportunity is a gift to me. Therefore, I have to enjoy what I do because I believe it is the best way to show my love for what SFSU has given me.


I am a thirty five year old father of two boys, fourteen years old and one year old. I started my college experience late in life, but I am mature enough to stay motivated and focused on my goals. The experiences I have had are that of wonderful teachers, hard work and long hours. I work ten hours a day, six days a week, so for me the experience has been tiring and difficult. I know the rewards of getting a degree so the hardships are well worth the outcome. I carry twelve credit hours and all my courses are online. The online courses are the only way I can get my degree. I want to be a role model and positive example for my sons, I want them to see that dad is working all day but is still going to college and pushing forward, no matter how hard it is, and being successful in obtaining goals. My college experience has had a positive effect on my attitude and motivation. My first semester I was unsure about my decision to return to school, but because I pushed through, I have gained a confidence that cannot be taken.


After high school graduation, like many other eighteen year olds, I left home to attend a large state university. Throughout college, I gave little thought to my future, and subsequently chose to major in Finance, a career field I cared little for. Since college, I have worked in the financial industry with lackluster enthusiasm. Two years ago, I made the life changing decision to go back to college and pursue another degree in nursing. Since I have become a full time nursing student, I have gained a new perspective regarding adult education. My first experience in college was full of parties, socializing, and sororities. Today, my priorities are quite different than they were at eighteen. As a student now, my life is very different from the carefree time I spent at the university. I study all the time. In fact, if I do not have any early classes on a particular day, I can usually be found in the library studying. However, I do not dread the time I spend with my books. I now understand the importance of working hard to achieve my educational goals. The decisions I make today reflect a stronger work ethic than did previously.


My experience at San Francisco State didn't just teach me academic material-it taught me how to think differently by making me see that not all issues are "black and white." I learned how to think outside the box and consider what others are thinking instead of dismissing their opposing thoughts, which is key to getting along with other students.


I felt so supported in my education, and being able to succeed in the "real world". There have been opportunities to do internships and have experiences that have helped me on my path to graduate school and my future career, which I don't think would have happened anywhere else.


College has been such a journey of discovery for me , no words can explain the amount of value i've gotten while attending so far. I've learned so much about myself and what kind of person I am and what im capable off. The value of attending is more than just a good education and a bright future it so much more, you learn and experience things from people you would never expect. Especially living in the eccentric city of san francisco, you are faced with many experiences that may seem foreign and sometimes personal.Personally with me I've come to except homosexuality which is big step for me because I am a christian but i've learned so much wisdom from the gay community they are extremly strong and courageous.College is a life altering experience where you grow and take a place or stand in the world. Also while finding out who you are and beginto develop a passion for a certain field which can eventually help society as a whole. There is know value or worth to put on such a amazing emtional and spirtual journey , which ultimately cultivates you into a amazing human being.


SFSU has given me more than an education; I have found a passion that will continue to grow in my career path- my community. Through classes in the College of Ethnic Studies, I have attained more appreciation for the struggles and hardships that communities of color continue to tackle. “We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us”- any success in life would not be possible without the people in your past. Whether it is sacrifices made by family or a person giving you that extra push to succeed, you are here because of the people who believe in you. SFSU has taught me the act of giving back, particularly to my community. My experience has awarded me the education, inspiration, and passion to take my achievements and give back to those in need. SFSU was imperative to my process in finding my identity and purpose in life, while gaining a greater understanding of the importance of education. I hope to be a figure in my community that is able to spread inspiration and empowerment to people of color in order to rise above obstacles in life and remember the people who advocated for equal opportunities in history.


Attending college was an invaluable experience that has profoundly affected my life. I majored in French, and through San Francisco State University I was able to study abroad in Paris for an entire school year. Being immersed into another language and culture, while simultaneously being enrolled fulltime in a broad range of undergraduate courses was an enlightening period to say the least. The handful of years I spent in college taught me that there is a vast world of knowledge readily available to me and all I need to do is take the initiative to seek it out. An education is more than the simple lessons we learn within the confines of a classroom. Upon graduation, I walked away with vivid memories of professors who were passionate about learning and about the world around them. Their enthusiasm was contagious and I believe it is the most valuable piece of my education. Obtaining a college degree is a catalyst for living one's life with inspiration as well as a deeper enjoyment of the world we're each a part of.


At SFSU, I found out that my lifelong interest (psychology) wasn’t what I wanted and I ended up discovering another field that I fell in love with, which was counseling. Because of the supportive professors and the positive experiences from the classes that I had at this school, I felt more confidence in picking the career field that I love. Of course others can argue that I could fall in love with the field of counseling at another campus; however, there are many factors that can play into this. One, the student must like the classes and the subject. Second, the professors need to make it lively and inclusive so that students can all participate. Third, the curriculums much teach students what they need to know and prepare the students for this career field. I feel like all three criterions were presented at the time when I went to SFSU. I was satisfy with the program and I walk away learning so much that I still apply what I learn from SFSU to my grad school currently.


I am only 17 years old so as a young college student I thought that college may be a struggle, in the aspect that I may not be responsible enough to be as sucessful as I would like to be. But, I was wrong after being exposed to the college experience I realized that respondsiblity is something that I will get out of the college experience, which just in a few short months has been obtained. I also think that it is valueable that I attend college because I would like to be a forsenic pathologist and college is a must to be able to make that possible.


Everything I learned in college was a result of my own ability to self-motivate.


I am a single mother in her forties pursueing a nursing career. Along with an AA degree and an AS degree I have grown in my thought process in many areas. This process has been very valuable to me because I can now make a more educated decision and have more thoughtful opinions on education, family, work and volunteering projects in my community. My college experience has also allowed me to be a better role model for my children and help them to have a better strategy for their goals. They are learning that college is very attainable and they have college in their plans for the future. I feel that college has definitely opended my eyes in many areas and I feel my life is even more rewarding because of it.


I have only been in school for a few months, but these past few months have been the best time of my life. San Francisco State may be like another CA university, but the campus and the city has so much to offer. The school may be a bit small but it has a great atmosphere that you'll only find in rich cultural cities like San Francisco. What I have gotten out of attending SF State is that their is so much the world can offer. SF State opened my eyes to the endless possibilites that the world has to give to you but you have to be willing to take a risk and go for that possibility. SF State also offerered me an insight in other cultures out there and showed to me what really makes the world a great place. You'll also be able to meet people from different countries and people with different backgrounds. To me, that has been the greatest thing that SF State has given me, the opportunity to meet people from all over the world.


Out of my college experience so far, i have gotten more independent, learned how to make connections and make new friends. I have learned to find out for myself where things are, how to get to certain places and how to do certain things rather than asking my parents. I have always just asked my parents how to do things but living in my own apartment and not having them around to be my guidlines, i have learned to be more independent. Also in being more indpendent i have learned to do things without having a friend come with me. Whenever going to an event, joining a sport, club or a volunteer place, i never went by myself. I would always have a companion with me. In college I don't have all my friends around me and in constant contact like in high school, but now i have learned to not need a sidekick as i go to places. In college I found clubs formed around developing various skils necessary to the career of your choice. It is valuble to attend college to be more independent, make lifelong friends and valuable connections and skills for your future career.


My total experience in College has been great so far work, assignments, and tests are all put on my shoulder and I love it. Having the responsibilities to produce work on your own is great. It has been valuable because I am learning life lessons which can be used in my future not only in History 314 but how to orginize my time, have fun and most important when and were to study. College has never being a nightmare too me, I couldn't wait to attend and now I can't wait till graduate school.


Being in College as a disabled person, has given me more confidence and mental growth than ever. Just in my first semester I have learned to challenge and question facts that were previously given to me as a child and youth. My love of education has also expanded tremendously. I have learned that being a college student requires much discipline, bravery, faith and intelligence. I have to be brave in order deal with the obstacles of being learning disabled and financially challenged in a university setting. Faith in God and myself is what has motivated me to continue achieving my educational goals at San Francisco State University. Attending a college university has taught to a strict amount of discipline in my work ethic I have learned that in order for me to get good grades I have to devote many long hours to homework, attending classes and going to tutor. Along with being disciplined, having a strong faith in God and myself and being brave , I have to be very intelligent . In order for instructors recieve my intellect I must show them through the assignments that they give me that I am intelligent.


The college years, a constant nostalgic interlude from all your favorite Uncle's. They're remembering wild parties, but for me attending college hasn't been about the "scene." College has been very interpersonal, self exploratory and enlightening. While my fellow students have opened my eyes to diverse perspectives and lifestyle choices, it is the professors who have really made a profound impact on me. College is a maximum life enhancer which has been one of the most valuable experiences in my experience. Learning is the first step to freedom. Once we begin to learn new information and how to think critically, the ways to apply the knowledge becomes limitless. Studying nonverbal communication, philosophy of religion and western perspectives of holistic health, some of my favorite classes, have given me a key to my own mind. Providing insight on all the possibilities, I owe my positive growth to the learning of new materials. Specifically, I have my college professors to thank. They have been an indespensible reminder that you can really do what you love and be succesful as well. For me, being a college student has been one of the most valuable experiences of my life. conclusion


My college experience has thought me a lot. Confidence and a sense of accomplishment have to be the top achievements I have earn so far. Knowing I can pretty much accomplish my goals in having an education is beyond an achievement. The Professors work with me one-on-one and I always feel comfortable to ask questions. Growing up I notice most of my family has never been to college, I saw how hard it was for them to achieve a job due to that lack of education. Miller-Motte College gave me the feeling of accomplishing a goal most of my family members never had the opportunity to. Although it is a private college and financial aid does not cover it, all the additional cost I have to pay seem to all be worth it.


College is when I finally started to take on the world on my own. I realized I have to make a imcome and to only rely on myself, other than my parents. You learn you have to work hard and you can't give up. You don't have the support you had at home to do your homework and make good grades so you have to have a lot of strength and perseverence. You have to trust yourself and to trust in God that he will provide and that you can support yourself. I have made a ton of new friends that I have a ton in common with. Its not all about who you have in your class anymore you get to pick your friends and they will be there for you for life. I have also met a man also majoring in Biology like myself. He has the same goals as I do and the same faith in God. College has opened a lot of doors for me and to me is the beggining for my life.


There is no words to describe my college experience. I am truly blessed to say this is a huge opportunity that not everyone has a chance at taking. This is only the start of a brand new future for me, and I am so excited to start it. I have met many new people and joined organizations already. I think it's important to get involved, that way as students at a university, we have a voice and opinion. College is very expensive but it is valueble because I see it as investing in my future. In the long run, it will help me find a job and work with the career I so choose. There is always a huge value in education, and I feel this is only the beginning. There is so many new experiences to come. College has been a dream come true for me, and I am thankful I have made it this far!


College is everything and more. I feel my high school was a waste of time and if i had just been sent to college earlier my acedemic abilities would be sky rocketing. In college learning is fun and productive with a future and a purpose. College has been the best experience in my life overall. I feel that my acedemic abilities keep growing with every new class, professor and teaching styles. I have never felt so passionate and alive as i do now and it all started with College.


Though I have only been here for a month. This campus as well as the people has taught me to be more open. I have an entire new attitude towards learning and meeting new people. I have acquired new social stature out of this short month. The fact is this month has been so eye opening, I can’t wait to see what happens in the next eight months and the rest of my years here.


The most valuable experience college has given me is dedication. With a part time job and a little sister to take care of it was important for me to be dedicated to my education. I had to find the time between classes, work and babysitting to study. I even study during my lunch breaks.


Attending college has been an eye-opening experience. I have learned new levels of discipline, responsibility, and maturity both physically and mentally. Discipline and responsibility have worked hand-in-hand, with professors declaring deadlines the first day of class and expecting their students to do whatever it took them to finish (or even start) the assignment. Procrastination became an even greater nemesis than high school as said deadlines were months away which gave the allusion that it was okay to slack off. As a growing adult, I matured in a physical and mental sense; by adjusting my daily routines with my class schedule I enabled myself to stay healthy and fit without veering towards quick-fix foods. Mentally, I have gained a vast amount of knowledge just with the first two years of college. I am psyched about furthering my education past a Bachelor's and Master's degree, eventually aiming for a Psy. D.


I had earn a incredible knowledge and a fantastic College experience that will be highly remarkable through my life. The education that I had received in S.F.S.U. is incomparable and incredible.


Although San Francisco State University may have not been the most academically focused school, I have gained so much from attending here. I believe I have learned a lot about sustainability and social justice from SFSU. San Francisco State has taught me a lot about who I am and who I want to be. I have also learned to embrace diversity and to value differences. My experience here has shown me that getting involved is an invaluable experience and giving back to your community is very im important. I've learned that higher education is attainable and that people need to work together for common goals. I've also learned that if you're not an activist, you're an inactivist, as well as part of the problem. San Francisco State has given me the tools to create change and help out my community.


what i have gotten out of college so far in these last two weeks is that if i want to be successful and make a lot of money, i must go to college. i also learned that college success starts and ends with patients, participation, dedication, hard work, and punctuation.


I have met new people that I would have not met in my hometown. I have become more independent and outgoing compared to how I was before.


1847-239-4889.......since i came to this collage , i learned how to becaome a photographer , i know the history of photography and how much it changed in years since it was invetned also before it was photography. i know all the types of light photographer shoot in , they are teaching me all the different types of lens a camera uses and why they are used too. how to get all the lighting patterns and poses for the shoots . how to work with any type of light their is for photographers. Now i am getting better at editing photos in photoshop and other editing programs with useing a tablet . now i know how to print a photo on photographic paper and put my logo and copyright on it too. Also they are helping you with the business aspect too , like how to write a well read paper , pressent a perfect speech , to make a perfect email and resume too. i can say i learned all that i can take because i still have two more years to go and that means a lot more to take in too and to help out at and around my college and students too.


Forget telling yourself that High School was ever complex, because compared to college it's a peice of cake. One starts to feel the stress of college long before the quarter has even began. If there is something to learn it is this: Senioritious, we all thought was bad but now try getting back into gear for an entirely different course load and less procrastination if you want to do well and stay on top. One learns to be diligent if they ever wish to succeed and learns that this is just a whole nother chapter of life that you have to make the most of and endure.


During my college experience, so far, I have learned so much. Not only am I being educated but I am being forced to be independent as well as more social. I am learning the value of decision making skills, communication skills, and life lessons. I have learned that everyone is human and that everyone makes mistakes. I walked into school on my first day, nervous and confused. Now, I look at everyday as an opportunity to meet someone new, to connect with people, and to make new friends. Without the attending school, I would not be encouraged to step outside my box and meet new people. I would not be able to ask questions from numerous resources. Most importantly, I would not be forced to become more independent and take control of the life that I am living. Not only am I getting an excellent education but I am realizing that new experiences are a great learning experience for numerous reasons.


Starting at San Francisco State University has been a new and valuable experience. I have realized it takes more to attend college than a high school diploma. I have learned to be more open to new experiences and others. With such a diverse campus, I have come to find myself a diverse and open person.


College has definitely opened my eyes to the world. It's been awesome meeting so many different people and taking interesting classes. I find college valuable because of all the experiences and knowledge you gain along the way. I've gained new and important friendships and information from all of my classes. I will never regret going to college.


My college experience went far deeper than expanding my social network. Its arms reached further into my core; it didn't stop at my IQ. When I began my academic life as a college freshmen I didn't understand myself as well as I do now. I left high-school an emotionally beaten young women who was determined to make the best out of college's promise of a "fresh start." It did not let me down. I have continually rediscovered myself within my college's numerous classrooms. I studied not only to recieve an A, but to bath in the satifaction that I had accomplished something that I could apply in both my daily life and my future career. So, to me, college was life changing. It was a sanctuary of sorts. It became a home-away-from-home. It helped me mature. It helped me to grow.


The most important thing that I have gotten out of my college experience is really becoming a better person through all the challenges that we're presented in front of me, the devotion, perseverance, hard work, and obstacles that I had to overcome. Everyday, I learned so many new things I never knew, matured, overcome ignorance, and hope that one day I will make a difference in this world. I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to go to college when so many people all over the world never had the chance to, although they desire so much. Despite financial difficulties, I never thought twice of this once in a lifetime chance and will not regret it. Every minute was worth it and I still have so much to learn with so little time. I will be going back to school soon to pursue a career in dentistry. This is the difference I want to make in this world and a way to reach out to those in need. I hope I can be given the assistance I need. "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." -Mother Teresa


I have gotten a lot out of college this past year. I have gained much more knowledge and experience. I can say that it was fun meeting new people and sharing that experience of learning with people that value it. My classes have taught me things I didn?t know before. It is true when they say, ?You learn something new everyday?. I am exited to continue my education. I plan to graduate from Valencia Community College and then transfer to UCF for the Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences. It is valuable for me to attend because it is my future that is going to benefit from this. Not only it will benefit me, but it will benefit my family as well. I recommend people to make the most out of their education and continue if possible. It might be a sacrifice at the beginning, but at the end the rewards are worth it. I can easily stop school and dedicate my time to working and taking care of my family. But I don?t, because I refuse to settle for less. I want my daughter to see that an education is very important to succeed in life.