Southern Polytechnic State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


study harder, dont let yourself become lazy, and enjoy like i am enjoying every minute of your life


I have thought about this often recently. I'm entering my 8th semester in the spring, and there is a lot I wish I knew in the spring of 2007. I would tell myself that no matter what, focus on school. Friends have come and gone, but your education has remained. Your family will love you no matter what. You know what you're doing, don't make dumb decisions, and come out of this thing alive. Make sure you save some time everyday for yourself. Don't get too caught up and stressed out over design reviews, as it will all turn out just fine. Also, fork out any extra money you have on fruits and vegetables. There's no more football practice every morning to keep you in shape. Develop a little more self-discipline, but have fun. Time flies!


Don't even think about dropping out.


The advice I would give myself is to not worry about college since it is better than high school. I would also tell myself to pay more attention in my math classes.


research every schools alumni relations since that will tell you the kind of graduates and education offered by the school.


Finding the right college is like finding the right shoe. It has to fit a person, not the person fit it, and it has to reflect that person's identity. An advice for parents and/or students that I would give is to find his or her's interest not just his or her determined major, but also what he or she like to surround herself with that enhances his or her own identity and focus on achieving goals; whether it may be the direct communication with the professor in a small college or the drive to be noticed in a large university. Of course, it is not just finding the right shoe but what path a student takes with that shoe. College experience is an accumalation of studying wisley, vacations of laughter with loyal friends, and sacrifices in life in order to develop a better one for the future. An advice that I will greatly give to any parent or student in making the most of his or her college experience is to be true to yourself. Be true to yourself of who you are now and who you will be in the future.


Do a lot of research, apply for scholarships asap, apply to many schools, and do well on your ACT and SAT.


I would say that you need to decide upon a school that offers the best of whatever it is that you want to major in. You shouldnt go to a college just because your friends are or that its near home.


Make sure you research all of your options. Moreover, it is not the end of the world if you are not accepted to the college of your first choice, you can always transfer there at a later date. Most importantly you need to be honest with yourself about what your ultimate goal(s) and needs are; so that you are able to find the best college suited to help you succeed in achiveing your goal(s)!


Weigh the odds and make a choice while considering as many factors as you can; and always have a backup plan. Don't wait for things to happen, plan them out in advance, and try to avoid taking classes you don't need.


First of all, I would encourage all prospective students to try and figure out what kind of career they are interested in having after college is completed. Next, I think all students that are recieving financial aid and their guardians should become very familiar with everything about financial aid. Students definitely need to visit different college campuses to try and get a feel for the college and see if they would like it or not. Try and narrow down your college search by taking into consideration campus size, social and job opportunites, and quality of instruction. In regards to making the most of the college experience, the only piece of advice I can give is, college is only as good as you make it so stay engaged in your classes, study, but definitely be sure to make lots of friends and have a social life.


Research is key, make sure you know what the school offer in every aspect


Try to think about not only where you want to be now, but also what direction you want your life to take for the future. Then think about the school you are considering and if it can take you there. Choosing the right school can make a huge difference not only in your success, but also personal happiness. Think about it! It's your life! If I has considered more of my personal values instead of just the major I wanted to pursue I would have attended another college in another part of the country.


I would tell parents and/or students to really make a list of what you want out of your time spent in college. It is key to choose a college that will fully prepare you for your field of choice. It is also helpful to look at a college's placement rate for jobs following graduation, after all that is why we attend college. The experience that you recieve in college is something that you will always have with you, so get involved. Staying active in a healthy way on campus makes you into a well rounded individual. The key to college is do your best and don't hide who you are. College is that time in life where you can step out of your shell because people accept you for who you are. Therefore have good healthy fun balanced with maintaining a good GPA.


My advice would be to look at the size of the college and the area surrounding the college and figure out if that student will fit in and be comfortable in that environment. Look and see if that college has a good history and high job rate after graduating and see if the college has the particular major the student is interested in. Find out about the living situations on campus as well because some dorms aren't that good.


my advis would be, to go in with an open mind. and have fun as well. But also be serouis in your studies. This is the most improtant thing to do in you child's life. parents be by your child side every step of the way.


I suggest on attending a smaller university just starting out with your college experience like I did before going on to a larger univeristy. It will be easier to get more feedback from professors and peers and you'll become a better student in the process. Also make sure to enjoy this great experience in your life you are given.


I believe that the best advice I ever got regarding finding the right college was to just take my time with it. Too many students get caught up with the hustle and bustle of graduating from high school and being told that they need to hurry up and find a college so that they can continue their education that they don't take the time to seriously consider their choices. This can make the whole experience more of an ordeal and considerably less fun and exciting. Take your time, weigh your options, and even talk to people that personally know the school you are looking at and I guarentee it will be much more enjoyable. I would also reccomend that if you are debating between colleges and you can't really decide just go with the one that is your first instinct. Today transferring between colleges and carrying over your credits is a process that is, while not easy, fairly straightforward. If you go into a college and decide it isn't where you want to be, simply finish the semester and transfer over to another college. Many students at SPSU use this technique to boost themselves into Georgia Tech.


Patience is the key for success.




The best thing parents and their soon to be prospective students can do is physically visit the schools they are considering investing in. It will make a world of difference to physically go there and feel out how the student would feel in that environment and possibly talk to first hand sources i.e. students & faculty. It is also good for investigating the resources that would be available to the student at that location so as to properly weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the competing offers. It will help the student determine what would be the most efficient living arrangement for that school which is probably, from my experience, the most key influential factor in how the students attitude will mold itself concerning his or her academics. A nice productive, clean, lively and friendly, not dead & dull, atmosphere tends to give the proper motivation for the student to grow and continue growing as opposed to partying too much, not having any fun at all, or becoming completly unmotivated to their school work. The family should also check to make sure that the university has diverse oppourtunities to expose their child to career paths, culture, & volunteer services to broaden horizons.


The only advice that I can give to parent and students about finding the right school is to keep your options open and when you do get ready to choose a school pick the school that not only sets you up best for the rest of your career but the one that will give you the most practical or useful education of your money. As far as making the most of your college experience, you have to know that no matter how many hours you are taking or how hard your workload is you can still have an awesome time at school. All of the partying and things like that are an accessory to this fact. The amount of fun that you have depends on you and how you choose to spend you time and energy


Always give yourself more than one option. Everyone has that "Dream College" they want to atend but that school may not be what's right for you. Alway keep an open mind and schedule college tours so you can personally get a feel for a school's atmosphere.