Spring Arbor University Top Questions

Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.


My school is a great place for fellowship with others as we build ourselves in our relationships with God and try to become Christians that can be light and salt to a contemporary world.


A friendly, interdenominational Christian Liberal Arts University with a focus on community.


Spring Arbor University is a small, Christian university that provides an excellent environment to excell as a student and to grow in Christ.


My school is amazing, it is small and very friendly, it is also very helpful in my walk of faith, I would reccomend anyone to go here.


Spring Arbor University is a though out community and enjoyable to live on campus.


Spring Arbor is a Christian Liberal Arts university with a strong spiritual and academic focus, but more than that, it is a place of community, a place to make life-long friends, and a place to call home.


Spring Arbor University is a community of learners distinguished by their lifelong involvement in the study and application of the liberal arts, total commitment to Jesus Christ as the perspective for learning and critical participation in the contemporary world.


Spring Arbor University is a place of learning focused on community and the growth in Jesus Christ.


My school is where I, as a student, am content to spend my post-highschool academic years, because it's entire staff is dedicated to improving my education and my experience while attending college.


A friendly place where teachers go above and beyond thier job descriptions.


My school is the perfect place for me, and I love almost everything about it!


Extremely power hungry, push too many rules upon students, dry campus, nothing to do during free time.


Spring Arbor University is an excellent place to hone the skills of the mind, heart, and body, as well as pursue the degrees necessary for one's life's work.


It's a great plae to learn and grow.


Spring Arbor is a place that will challenge you, expose you, and help you grow, no matter what facet of life you come from.


Spring Arbor University is a very conservative, and quite controlling, with sub-par academics in many areas.


Spring Arbor is a great school with a caring, supportive, Christian atmosphere that challenges students to think critically about contemporary world issues (through required philosophy and cross-cultural courses); develop socially, academically, and spiritually; and excel academically, whether you have learning difficulties (it has excellent, free tutoring services) or whether you are at the top of the class ("going further" via research and internships is encouraged).