SUNY at Binghamton Top Questions

Describe a typical weekend.


The way someone spends his or her weekend relies completely on the person. It depends on their own personal "scenes". If someone is into the social/party scene, there is always a party to go to. If someone is wants to just stay on campus and have some R&R there is usually Late Night on Friday and Saturday where students play games and win prizes. Some people decide to go to a sports event, or stay home and play a game of pool or table tennis on the dorm rec lounge. Or maybe even catch up on school work. There is plenty to do, it's up to students to decide how to spend their time.


The way someone spends his or her weekend relies completely on the person. It depends on their own personal "scenes". If someone is into the social/party scene, there is always a party to go to. If someone is wants to just stay on campus and have some R&R there is usually Late Night on Friday and Saturday where students play games and win prizes. Some people decide to go to a sports event, or stay home and play a game of pool or table tennis on the dorm rec lounge. Or maybe even catch up on school work. There is plenty to do, it's up to students to decide how to spend their time.


The way someone spends his or her weekend relies completely on the person. It depends on their own personal "scenes". If someone is into the social/party scene, there is always a party to go to. If someone is wants to just stay on campus and have some R&R there is usually Late Night on Friday and Saturday where students play games and win prizes. Some people decide to go to a sports event, or stay home and play a game of pool or table tennis on the dorm rec lounge. Or maybe even catch up on school work. There is plenty to do, it's up to students to decide how to spend their time.


A typical weekend is going to be very different for everyone, but I personally like a little bit of everything. Friday night is generally my party night because Saturday nights I practice with the various musical groups I'm in. Sleeping in does take place on Saturday and Sunday, and I usually don't wake up until around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Being the procrastinator I am, homework gets done all day Sunday. There's usually time somewhere in my weekend for me to escape to the Fine Arts building, snag a practice room while they're all empty, and play piano for hours while there's no one else around.


This completely depends upon your personal choices and style of living. Many people take to the streets of downtown Binghamton and the Frat/Bar scene, while others may use the time wisely for studying at the library. There is always something going on during the weekends, no matter what your personal choices are.