Swarthmore College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?


Mostly. We suffer because we like the work, we like doing it, and often get caught up in doing it well. Also, the "Anywhere else it would've been an 'A'" phrase is true - I'm dating a Williams graduate who was Phi Beta Kappa and I must say that her experience does not sound anywhere near as grueling. Many Swarthmore students grew up watching a lot of PBS, reading even more books, and feeling slightly out of place. We still do and feel these things at Swat, but in the company of other people who are really excited about learning. In my time there, I don't remember grade-grubbers, but I sure as hell remember having to wait around after class for 10 minutes to talk to a professor (not a TA) because there were so many other people who also wanted to clarify a reading or set up an appointment to talk further.


We sure are weird and quirky. Swatties have a way of making things a little more eccentric than the norm...but at the same time, we're an awkward bunch. I guess the second stereotype is partially true. I mean half of the student population pays full tuition ($47,000 a year!) but then you'd only be right half of the time if you said that Swatties were rich. I find some conceited people, but only in places that I don't frequent too often. The groups I'm involved in, the classes that I've chosen are filled with wonderful, down-to-earth people.


to some extent, yes, but definitely not as a rule of thumb-- there are kids who don't seem to me to be possessing any particular genius but can make friends pretty easily.


Although Swarthmore students do have a lot of work to do, they definitely still have time for socializing. Although there aren't as many drop dead gorgeous people at Swarthmore, there's still a good number of beautiful people. Although getting an A in a Swarthmore class isn't impossible, it's not very probable either.


for the most part, yes


I think these stereotypes get blown out of proportion. While the people here are very smart and care about getting an education they also know how to take a break, relax, and have fun. While not every one here is drop-dead-gorgeous, we aren't all awful either.


Swarthmore students don't work al the time. They receive the same amount of work as other schools, in my opinion. The people who complain, including me, just have extra trouble managing time. There are so many cool people and activities to be distracted by. Swarthmore students- some of them are awkward... but the college is gradually admitting non-stereotypical students. Swarthmore students are only pretentious about SOME things...not everything.


No! There is a great diversity to the student body that makes up Swarthmore.


For the majority, yes.


Not accurate, because it does not apply to everyone, just as all stereotypes.


Work all the time is a pretty accurate one for most students here. The only thing that unites Swatties is that we are all weird in one way or another.


It's true that it's an intense group of students at Swarthmore but not in the sense that we are all socially awkward moles who choose to stay in the library all day studying. On the contrary, this campus is "intense" because the students are not only academically driven but have so many other passions and interests. There is so much more than academics that is happening on this campus. The "ethical intelligence" that is mentioned in the Swarthmore brochures is for real. People here are very dedicated to contributing to the community, whether it be the Swarthmore community, the nearby Chester community, or overseas communities such as Sudan.


Yes. Mostly.


There are some students who are not very motivated academically, but there is a very large subset of the population whose dream job is to be a professor. Students mostly collaborate. There is a gulf between people whose liberalism defines them those for whom it is simply an intellectual position. Science majors seem largely estranged from political activism.




Everyone at swat is a nerd, though not all sci-fi nerds (though SWIL, the sci-fi group does have a very large presence on campus). There are parties, funded by the school, and people do go, though it is definitely a place that is more about studying and discussing theory than partying.


To some extent, you should expect to have a lot of intellectually challenging conversations, but people at Swat definitely know how to have fun too. It is definitely not a school for someone who wants to coast along or for people who do not enjoy being challenged on a daily basis. There are many people with very liberal views politically and socially, but certainly not everyone. I do not think that enjoying walking around barefoot and eating outside makes you a "hippie".


It is true that there is a higher percentage of awkward people and very academic people who don't want to try and be "normal" because "normal" is a social construct. This makes me happy, that people here are so free to be themselves without feeling societal pressure to conform, but it also makes me sad when I want to meet new people but I just see a bunch of awkward people around. HOWEVER, there are cool people here! We're not clones, like at some other schools, and there are many, many non-awkward, really interesting people who like to do a wide array of different things for fun. We do have fun. If you make it a priority to have fun, you will leave the library. There are, of course, always those who don't like to leave the library. But that's good for them. They can do their thing and we'll do ours. Yes, the place is really intense, but you can lessen or increase the intensity depending on what classes/extracurriculars you do. There are people here whose lives are scheduled by the second, and others who play video games and chill out all day. Yes, swatties can be a little over intellectual sometimes. Sometimes that's a good thing. It's nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion once in a while. That said, we're not always busy being intellectuals. We can be silly and let loose and not take ourselves seriously. The intellectual thing also leads to a very intelligent sense of humor on campus, which I love. We are liberal, no doubt about it. And it can come out a lot in classes. Professors are often very pronounced in their political views and it affects the way they teach classes, and for some, how they interact with students. If you can't deal with openly liberal professors, don't come here.


nerdy-yes. even the hot ones are nerdy about something. maybe they get really interested in social theory or higher level math. they wouldn't be here if they weren't nerdy. intense--yes. very invested in what we do. politically correct-runs the gamut. some are much mroe so than others, but there is a very present sensitivity on campus ugly-i don't think this is very true


Largely, but of course not entirely.


To a degree: people here are smart and not ashamed of being intellectual (which I love!). People here aren't all ugly, really, the truth is that the vast majority of people are just average looking. You're going to have some really beautiful, and some really hideous people, but mostly everyone falls in between. As for being socially awkward, a lot of people actually are-- but it's not always terrible. Sometimes it's endearing, because chances are, you're the same way.


Well, sure. On the other hand, I've really appreciated seeing so much diversity on campus in terms of how people dress, having the definition of "attractive" expanded from what it meant in high school. There is pride here in being out of / independent of the mainstream. Swatties are very political and activisty in general. Not everyone but a lot of people. Even most of the earnest lefties are ironic or cynical to some degree about their participation, though. The wide-eyed, idealistic, "let's change the world!" types are rare on the ground, at least, after freshman year. And classes are hard. There's a lot of reading and since classes are small it's hard to keep up and seem involved if you don't do it. That said, most people work because they enjoy it. They get excited about their classes and talk about what they've learned. Swarthmore is a safe space to be a dork?to get passionate about ideas.


Pretty much, all students have to choose three of the four, if you do all you must be some kind of a genius or time manipulator.