Texas A & M University-Commerce Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would tell myself to learn how to study, and balance college life with sports and my social life. College is nowhere near high school. In high school, it was really easy to manipulate teachers and assignments and tests, but in college, you really have to know what you are talking about and cannot just "get by" with as little effort as possible. I would also remind myself that, although it is fun every once in a while, partying really isn't all that cool, and only makes things harder on yourself as a student.


I would advise anyone wanting to go to college for the first time to consider taking courses at community college before going to a four year university. I have made it ok but eseveral of my friends have either had to drop out or are struggling to keep up with the work load and the responsibility of being on your own.


Dear Jordan, I would like to let you know that college life is similar to high school life. The major differences include things such as your classmates and peers, but most importantly the teachers. I can not stress this enough, a professsor will fail you if you don't do at least most of the the prescribed work. Believe it or not, you may even have random free time between classes; which you will decide to spend on cumpus, being that you can't afford gas. However, most of what you will experience will feel firmiliar. Staying up late at a party will still make it difficult to remain attentive during class. You will raise your hand to use the bathroom, lest you interupt the professors train of thought. Lunch is horrible and you have no desire to do homework. Although, you realize homework's importance when you fail your first test, for you may have just wasted your tuition. All in all, the curriculum continues what you learned in high school and is every bit as difficult to learn.


Felicia, You did it, you survived the first 3 years of high school. I know that everyone says it's ok to get Senioritis, but DON'T DO IT! You must go to every class and take advantage of every opportunity to increase your knowledge because college is nothing like high school. The classes are insane. Take as many AP and dual enrollment classes as you can. Each class that you take now represents less time and money spent in college later. Please apply for every scholarship under the sun. I know that you aren't left handed or 6 feet tall, but you can play a mean air guitar. I'm sure someone's offering a scholarship for that. Keep your dearest friends close because you're going to need their shoulders to cry on when you can't get into your English Comp 101 class because it's full. And for goodness sake learn how to cook so that you don't gain the dreaded Freshmen 15 eating pizza and hot wings. P.S. Take some time to smell the roses, life goes by really fast. Before you know it you'll have to get a job.


Looking back two years ago when I was a senior in high school I would tell myself to start looking and researching colleges when the school year first started. It is very hard to make a decision based on very little information because I waited till the last minute to start thinking about college and if I would even want to go away or stay home and attend a communiversity. I would also ask myself "what do you want to do?" instead of going by what I thought others would want for me and what would make them happy.


If i could travel back in time and make decisions about my college life, i would make up my mind about what i want to study and go for it. I feel like i have wasted a lot of time, money, effort and a lot of other things i cannot account for just because i was confused about what i wanted to study in life. Education is important. Every student should take it seriously and make a firm decision and stick to it. One other thing i would do is, find a mentor. someone who can guide me as a freshman and take advice. Listen to seniors and visit with professors to find out what is right for me and make a decision on my future on my own. Now i know that there is nothing i can change about my past but i am not going to continue to make same mistakes i made in the futue. I want to compelte my Masters and Phd and i am going to be confident about what i want to study and just go for it, no matter how hard is it.


Megan, Keep your head up high because there are going to be times that will want to bring you down; but you can't let that happen. There are friends and even some professors that will help you through the rough times so remember to thank them. Remember to get the majority of your core classes done in the first two years so that you are not dealing with them during you Junior and Senior years. College is about workign towards your degree and learning about yourself, this should be a fun time so don't miss a beat.


Michael, Up until now, I did not realize how important school really is. I know it takes alot of time, but you have to trust me, it will pay off in the end. I am telling you this not as one speaking out of ignorance, but as one that has experienced first hand how competitive the world truly is and as one that used to be much like yourself. I know it might seem like other things are more important at this point in your life, such as hanging out with friends and girls; but the truth is, high school is an important stepping stone in reaching your goals and you only get one shot at it. You can do it Michael! You have to have Faith in yourself and believe it is possible. Do not be like how I used to be, so stubborn and prideful that you feel you have to learn from your own mistakes. It is good to learn from your own mistakes but be like the wise and learn from other's mistakes. Do not fear failure or success. Tomorrow is not promised Michael so make the most out of every opportunity. Sincerely, Me


I have transfered to many schools in the past couple years, and it has been difficult to transfer classes and lose a lot of classes in the process. I would stick with ONE school and devote my time and effort to finishing at that specific school. I would also tell myself to enjoy the simplicity of school . I am married and had a child while still in college, and I never realized how good I had it without all my responsibilities that I have now. Coming to college is an experience in a life time, to make friends/connections/going to parties, get togethers, supporting your school at sports games and having that experience of friendships and stories to tell down the road. No matter how hard things get , you always learn from your mistakes and college is about finding yourself and to find out what you want to do for the rest of your life. It is seriously the best, most rewarding experience (besides being a parent) that you will ever have and it would be a shame to worry about the small stuff or to miss out on this opportunity.


I wish I would of thought about college before I did then I would of had longer to get everything together and it would not have been a speedy process or as stressful. Knowing what your want to do when you get to college keeps you from taking classes that you do not need and there for you do not waste money. I wish I would ahve applied for more scholarships my senior year too so I would not have as many student loans from my undergaduate degree. I also would have worked harder if I knew that I was going to college and maybe I could of recieved more/better scholarships.


If I could go back in time, the advice I would give myself will be to work hard and study more in my high school year. The more Advanced Placement classes I take will help me earn college credit. I would advise myself to fill out more scholarships. Saving all the scholarship essays will also help being that some scholarships require the same essays. I would advise myself to continue working hard and being involved in campus during high school so when I get to college, I will know how to balance extra activities and my school work. I would encourage myself to get a job. College costs a lot of money and if I would have worked in high school, I wouldn't be struggling financially in college.


Organize yourself as soon as possible. One of the biggest problems that most college students encounter, is that they can`t keep up with amount of work. What I have learned, in my own experience, is that it is not that there is so much work, it is just that it looks like it. When your not sufficiently organized, your notes seem too much, your assignments seem too many and your time seems too little. The faster you find a system that allows you to have everything neat and organized, the better you will be able to cope with everything that college entails. Do not wait untill the week before the final to start putting your notes in order. By that time you will have lost valuable time in which you could have studied more, spend some time with your friends, or just relaxed. Instead, start the first day of class, and that way, everything will appear clearer and your college experience will be more enjoyable.

sung Hei

The advice I would give him is to listen more. I would tell him, he has listened, but not enough. He should not just listen by his ears, but by his heart. I would suggest him to listen more to the one that has more experience and knowledge then him; he should listen to his heart deep inside; he should listen to the wind, the bird, the sea and every thing around him. After all I will let him know why. I will let him know that listen can help him to gain wisdom, which is knowledge to choose what is right, also choose between good, better and best. I will let him know that listen can help him find what dose he really wants, which is not what the world want, but what dose he really want in his deeply heart. I will let him know that listen can make him happier, because he will appreciate and treasure all the things around him more.


I would tell myself to focus on becoming a teacher. I was a little unsure of my major when I began taking classes so because I changed my major I was behind a year in graduating on time. Instead of it taking me four years, it took me five. I would also tell myself to concentrate more in my history and math classes and to make sure and take plenty of notes because they will come in handy. I was very shy and an introvert when I graduated high school, so I would definitely tell myself to venture out more and be more willing to make relationships. Some more advice would be to make exercising and nutrition a higher priority, because working out at the gym will make you feel great and you will meet a lot of great people. Finally, just to study hard because before you graduate you will meet the love of your life and future husband!


Upon entering college at Texas A&M University Commerce I was not sure what to expect. However, after one semester of attendance, I have to say that the experience exceeded all expectations I had. In high school everything was easy and I didn't really try at anything. I could sleep through classes and still make an A. (literally) However, education at the collegiate level is called higher education for a reason; you actually learn in college. I have found myself thriving in a community with other hungry learners yearning for an education beyond PE class in high school. I have discovered a newfound passion for learning and for education, so much so that I am contemplating becoming a teacher at a high school or college level. Attending college has done nothing short of a miracle. Where I used to hate going to school and learning nothing, now I am excited about school and can't wait to learn more. If I had the chance to make the decision over again, I would make the same one. Attending Texas A&M University Commerce is the second best decision I have ever made. Accepting Christ was the first.


My college experience, thus far, has taught to stand up for what I believe in. Before I ever attended a college class, I wouldn't say a word in class even if my life depended on it because I was always afraid of being wrong or offending someone. When I went to my first college class, I soon learned that you're going to get left behind if you speak up. Whether it's asking a question or saying something during a discussion, if you speak up people will listen. Sure, you are going to offend someone, but you can't make everyone happy. Different point of views is what makes up this campus and this nation. We are all part of a multicultural country and I believe that we should embrace this fact. And I do not believe any of us can truly grow without accepting this.


In August of 2009 I enrolled at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. I went to college basically to play soccer. Sure, I knew the main goal was to get an education, but soccer is the only reason I chose to go to the school. With soccer I ended up meeting people from various countries and I had to learn how to adapt to my surroundings. When you live with someone from another country you will learn what morals and values different cultures truly believe in. College is a great experience that high school students should at least try to take part in. It is great! However, I did learn that handling your business is the first key to success. I had to go to administration offices day after day because my account always seemed to have a problem. Being in college one can not depend on their parents to bail them out all the time. Sometime a person has to wake up early on their own and make their own decisions. With that being said I personally have learned more than just what my teachers wrote on the board. I have learned more about myself and my country.


It's definitely not easy to start the college process. At Texas A & M there were plenty of people to help me.


I start classes on January 10, 2011; however, even though I am 37 years old, this has truly given me a brand new outlook on life. It has proven to me that I can achieve anything I set my mind to do and I am stronger now than I ever knew. It's a new world out there, BRING IT ON!


College is a great place to experience diversity and gain great communication skills. I've learned that college is not as hard as people make it seem; it's about how you control and apply yourself. College has been valuable to me because it was an opportunity that excluded me from my communities' negative sterotype. College has truly exposed me to new, bigger, and better things that life has to offer.


College is a chalenging and rewarding.


Currently I'm attending as a student at a two year college with plans to transfer to a four year university once I graduate. At the two year level I am mostly knocking out my general education requirements, and most of the time I must admit it's a frustrating experience. General education classes often feel like they don't apply specifically to my major or what I want to do after I finish college (teach). In reality that's just not the case. As I progress through my classes they get more difficult. Everything builds on the prior knowledge I've gathered from previous classes. Also, by watching my professors teach I am able to absorb teaching techniques for my own classroom. The classes, expose me to a variety of different points of views and help me to be a more open minded person. While many people view community college as a lesser experience when compared to a traditional four year university experience, I have thus far had a wonderful experience at my community college and attending has expanded my possibilities and helped me grow as a person.


Graduating means being the first in my family to accomplish an education. Graduating makes me eligible for the position I've wanted since I was 10 years old. Chaffey College has taught me the importance of an education and the value of success. This is the third college I've attended and I am very proud to say I have been there for 2 years. Life has many ups and downs and it's important to learn from mistakes and cherish the opportunities that may be granted! I have the desire to succeed and my heart and soul in my education. I have gotten education, religion, values, growth, goals, ambition, advice, counseling with proper guidance at Chaffey College. As a mother and woman these acquired traits have been valuable because my life has changed. Coming from hardship and learning valuable information has helped me as a mother to guide my child and those around me. Having my child at Chaffey with me means the world to me. I don’t have too many resources to continue my education. I’d feel blessed to be given this scholarship because it will allow me to continue to accomplish my goals and dreams.


My college experience as been a constant up and down. I have attended 2 colleges and one was a nightmare. The current college I am going to works with me very well and seems to truly want my success; this, to me, is the most important thing about a college. I want to be able to know that I have advisors who want me to succeed. Although my experience has been difficult and grueling, I know that in order to achieve my goals in life this is something I must do. I know that going through the stress, lack of funds, lack of social involvement, and all around worries of college life is essential to achieving the life I want. Despite all the rough spots, I am excited to go to school and even more excited to be out so I can start my career.


Well I honestly feel that I have not gained all that much of value out of attending this college, but that would probably be true of almost any college I attend. This is because college does not prepare me to live in a third world country, live with the poorest of the poor, or teach me how to help people in these situations. What I feel college has supplied for me though is a network of friends who can help support me in this endevor to help those in need, along with a few who may potentially join me. Also, the college atmosphere provides opportunities for me to expand on my thinking and understandings of how other people would aproach helping the poor, and raising the funds necessary to do so.


I have learned a lot academically and socially. By socializing with my class mates and getting to know my professors I have come to know how important it is to interact with others especially with the major I’m pursuing. It is essential that I develop people skills if I ‘am to handle other people’s financials. And academically I have learned has surely prepared me for the real world and for my future career.


I am a first generation Hispanic student. In being so, so many doors have opened up to where I can be a leader on-campus. Being involved is what is key to maximizing the "College experience." Like myself, I am involved with the Student Government Association alongside Cheerleading and other organizations. It has made me an even more mature and reliable person to this University and to the Higher Administration. This college experience will have my name inscribed at this University for years to come and I will be an example of what a first-generation Hispanic college student can become.


Even though there are some things about the campus that I don't particularly like, I don't regret transfering. It was definitly culture shock when I found out the nearest starbucks was twenty minutes away and Walmart was the only major store in the area. I moved into the dorms my first semseter here and that was the best thing I could have done. I couldn't have asked for a better room mate! We have become best friends and I wouldn't trade that for the world. I love how I can walk down the street and recognize people. At the begining of a new semester, I can always count on a few familiar faces to be in my classes. I have been told that Texas A&M Commerce is known for producing great teachers and I can see why. The professors really care and will take the time to help you understand what you are really getting into. They genuinly want to prepare you for your future and take a real interest. I have learned alot already and I have only been here a year. I am looking forward to what the next year holds in store.


My college experience has just started as of August 2010, but I can say that it has started out with me looking at what I really want in life. Honestly, I thought it would be somewhat like high school just that you can stay on campus if you like. I was wrong on that aspect. I could get away with not studying in high school and can come out with a fair, if not great, grades that would let me move onto the next level. College is a total different story. You can't just go in, study for about ten minutes for a biology exam that you have the next day, and expect to come out passing. Coming in, I've gotten out that one: I need to focus primarily on my studies and not get easily distracted, two: to take time to find extracirrcular activites so that my mind doesn't become boggled up with everything else, and three: just to relax and ask for help whenever I need it. It has been valuable for me to attend because I have learned to become more independent on myself and start looking for ways to help me achieve.


College was a real eye opener for me. Learning to deal with any and all situations on my own forced to me to mature as an adult. Sometimes it was quite difficult, especially when it came down to managing my finances. However, with the help of my peers and other departments on campus, I was able to pull through. Also, knowing that I am working towards improving my future through furthering my education is a great incentive to attaining the goal of graduation. I hope that I will be able to put all that I have learnt to use in the not too distant future. Another great reason for attending college is that it opens your eyes to the differences the world has to offer. I had the great oppertunity to meet people from all over the world, and this in turn helpd me to better understand the diversity that comes along with living on this planet. I would not trade my experiences gained at university for anything. Knowledge is power, and you can never have to much knowledge.


From my college experience I have learned many things about myself, and have gotten to know a butt load of awesome people who are a BIG part of the person I am becoming. I have learned that I am funny, and even when I do not think many people know who I am or care about what I think, I am influential to many people. I have learned that one person can change things, not by themselves, but with the help of others who hear the one person and take the chance to follow an idea that makes them feel good about what they are doing and the change they are hoping and helping to make. All of this has been valuable to me because I am an Agriculture Education major and want to change the lives of the kids I will get the privilege of teaching one day. I was changed by my Ag. teacher but not in a good way, she crushed my dreams and took away experiences and opportunities because of her own selfish wants. I am going to do a much better job. I hope to better the world one day, in my very own way.;)


I have gotten the best experience possible from my experience in college. I have learn the real meaning of hard dedication and time management. I have learned to plan my days accordingly to my classes and job and to leave time to study enough to pass all my classes. Also, I have learned my strengths and weaknesses as a student and an adult.


a new lease on life!


The greatest thing I have recieved out of my college experience is sucurity and hope. Security for my future and for the future of my sons. The hope that one day I will be able to show my children that hard work and dedication will alway pay off. That becoming a lifelong learner and being able to continue your education to help you accomplish your dreams is a privilage you must work hard to earn. Knowing that I have worked hard to succeed in my classes and been a very dedicated student will help me to truely appreciate my degree. Knowing that I can take what I have earned from college and be able to accomplish my dreams and to provide for my family and know that I have a secure future ahead of me thanks to college. These things are the greatest experiences I could ever recieve. Attending Texas A&M Universiy-Commerce has been a wonderful experience but the best is what I shall take with me when I leave.


As an adult who decided to return to college after being in the workforce for some time, I've learned that, more than anything, you are in the driver's seat of your own destiny. College is only as valuable as you make it. Of course I've gained relationships with fellow students and professors, but gaining confidence in myself and channeling that confidence into my studies and activities is what truly propels me towards my future. The things I've learned in class can also be learned from a book. However, the college experience has been priceless for me in that I've learned the importance of setting the bar higher for myself and others around me and the value of self worth. You may not be the smartest, most talented, or most outgoing, but if you are determined to work harder than you ever have before and have the confidence to do so, then you will eventually see doors open around you.


My college experience has been so much more than I ever expected it could be. Not only have I learned so much academically, I've gotten the oppurtunity to learn so much about myself and what I want in life. I have also made friends that I will be close to for the rest of my life and that is important to me, as it should be to anyone. Attending college has opened up my eyes to the world around me; I never realized that there was so many different people out there. My college experience has definitely taught me not to be judgemental of anyone or anything because everyone is different and is entitled to their own opinion. Along with that, I feel that with the assistance from great teachers, professors, and advisors, I am doing a very good job of getting prepared for my career. The best decision I've made in my life (so far) has been to attend college because I have been granted the oppurtunity to learn so many valuable qualities that I can carry with me for the rest of my life.


The experince i have gotten out of my school is that there is no need to hide in your shell, because you are not the only new person there. This school has allowed me to transform into a very mature women, who feels proud to step out and help to pick up a head because i was once a shy person. The teachers here showed me how to express myself and not be afraid and bite my tounge. I have felt nothing but like i have a million family members all in one location, here to help and protect me and my family. This expericence at Texas A&M University- commerce was great, being a small campus was perfect, it allowed me to stay focused, and motivated all the years of me being here, not feeling rushed just taking it slow to get the best understanding i posslbily can. I love this school and every single person here, from the people who made the school to the students who create the vibe on campus. I would request to school to any and every high school student i meet.


I have gotten a pretty good experience of the outside world. I am pleased with my edcuation. They college has been very helpful in my school past and present.


It has helped me be a better person learning how to be on my own and how to solve lifes problems.


It was always the goal for me to attend college, but I didn't know where I was going to end up and couldn't really decide what I wanted to do fo sure. I love attending Texas A&M University Commerce because of its wonderful honors college. This has really made the difference for me because 1) the classes are challeging, not boring 2) the professors are very willing and able to help me, guide me, advise me whenever I seek them out and 3) because I feel I am accomplishing more than just attending school; I'm making a difference and I'm in the best possible program I could have asked for. Though I don't necessarily consider myself a scholar, I know I am motivated and I work hard for my grades and my goals. I feel that attending this school has helped me to broaden my knowledge base and has opened me up to so many opportunities that I would not have been able to access if I had attended another school. I am grateful for not only the chance to attend college, but to be a part of the honors college, well respected.


It took me a while to realise i needed a education to make it in this world. When i was 21 all i wanted to do is have fun, i had my first child when i was 21 when i turned 23 i had my second child, that is the moment i sat myself down and ask myself i have to set a good example for my kids so enrol into a school by mistake in between my education i got pregnant again with my third born so i had to stop. This is my moment to face the reality now is the time i need to do what is bset for me and my children, i am tired of looking for a job and cant get a suitable job, i want my children to see me as an educated woman not a useless woman, school as a lot of potential it just took me a long time to realise that but this is a challenge i have to face to have a better job and a better life for my children. I am now back to school studying Medical Coding and Billing.


I have learned a lot about the many people of the world and how people interact. I have learned that you really do need an education becuase no one can take that away form you and its proven to get you somewhere futher in life. I think college is a learning experience that gets you ready fora different world rather than just jumping in.


Ive learned that studie is not a bad thing that learning is the magic which makes the world turn i would not change anything about Phoenix University. I enjoy the work they give me to test my skills and the work they teach me to improve them, I couldnt ask for anything else but help with the money part of learning


Sad to say I haven't attended any college or university yet, but I've been trying so hard to but I just can't get any parental help. I've applied for financial aid and tons of loans but both require my parents information but they're not willng to provide any information, leaving me stuck with no money. But I'm determined to still get into some college and hopefully you guy will be willing to assist me with my financial problems.


From my college experience I have been opened up to a whole different style of learning. I have learned to discuss topics that in the past I did not ever think about discussing. College has been very vauable to me because it has opened me up to so much more knowledge. With college it also has allowed me to grow as a person and become more open to meet with new people. College has given the skills that i will be able to use in my career and the rest of my life. This has been a great experience.


I have gotten countless things out of my college experience, for instance more knowledge, social skills, and friendships. Before attending college I was a bit of a loner. I was always quiet and shy. I am so glad that when I came to Teaxs A&M-Commerce, all those things changed. I am a better person. I have morphed into a social butterfly, and I can't help but credit my school for it. It has been valuable to attend because I have learned and even improved skills that I will need out in the real world. College is a life changing experience that I will never forget.


I am a 33 year old married mother of three children. Enrolling in college as an adult has enriched my experience by opening my eyes to the possibilities for my children. My decision to broaden my education is not just for me and to have a career, but for my family. I am the first in my family to even persue a degree, and I certainly do not want to be the last. I am proving to my children that hard work in school can pay off. My husband and I encourage our children that education is essential to success, but that success does not mean to be rich. We tell them success comes from the pride you get when you work hard. Knowing that my children are watching me only makes me more determined to prove that dedication and hard work are rewarded. I do not think that anyone can put a price tag on that.


To tell the truth, the best thing that I have obtained from coming to college is a new perspective on life and a second chance at life. I come from a very poor background where hunger and violence is a common thing. For a while I was under the impression that that was all that existed in the world and that no matter where I went I would always face the same awful reality. I lived in a neighborhood where more than once, someone made an attempt on my life. I was scared, but I had to continue for the sake of my small family. While in this environment I made several costly mistakes, and while I did everything so that my mother and sister could survive and have something to eat, what I did set limitation on me and closed many doors. Now I have the opportunity to reopen those doors, never allow my family to be hungry again, the right way, and do something good and respectable for myself. I ask for nothing more than a little help and support. I want to work, but cannot legally in America, which makes paying for college extremely difficult by myself.


For some, college is only the next step after high school, something you have to do. For others, it opens the door to a life-long goal as well as a future career. What I have gotten out of my college experience so far is a greater knowledge of the career I hope to have in the future. My mind has been weighed down with useful facts and information I never thought were possible when I thought I already knew it all. Since starting college, I've made a number of new friends through living on campus, joining organizations such as Collegiate FFA and Women's Agriculture Society, and activities specifically geared toward incoming freshman. It has been valuable to attend because I'm one step closer to the career I've always wanted, the goal I've wanted to acheive my entire life. It has made me an even better person and has shed light on a multitude of agricultural career opportunities I never would have even thought of. There is still so much I have yet to get out of this experience and I look forward to it in the coming future.


My college experience has been a tremendous eye-opening experience; and I mean that in a good way. Addressing this question from a reflective perspective, college has taught me the importance of advance preparation in every aspect; financially, physically, mentally, emotionally and most importantly, pro-actively regarding my future. An increasingly bright light has shown in the consequences of decisions that I made during my high school years and shortly thereafter, and its effects on my effectiveness as a college student. While I LOVE my family dearly and realize that they have pushed me into my destiny, being a mom, wife, and working 40 hours, all while going to school full-time, has not been a "walk in the park ?by any means. Reality sets in when you only have $50 left for the month, and you still need gas and groceries. As a college student, I should be focusing my attention on my education. Although not impossible, it's difficult to direct the majority of my attention on school when there are others depending on me. Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself, "be anxious for nothing" and take the initiative to be proactive about your future".