Texas Christian University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


School visits are helpful and being aware of why you want to go to a certain school will help in determining what school is best for you. You should also look into the orientations available to new/incoming students. Finding the right college is determined by your attitudes and what actions you plan to take in order to succeed and reach your personal goals and you should have a balance between your social life and academic responsibilites.


You need to go into college knowing who you are. There are many things that will try to change you and make you a different person, but if you can hold on to your identity and uniqueness, college will be very rewarding. Dont feel like you have to compromise yourself to fit in, there are people who will be with you because you are yourself. Be confident in yourself enough to find the group of people that make you a better person. Also, get involved on campus early through clubs or organizations. This will make you feel active and like the college or university is home. College can be whatever you make it, just make sure that you participate in events and activities that improve your identity, not detract from it.


Apply to as many schools as possible to look at all your options and visit the campuses at different times of the year with and without students on campus.


Visit the school! It makes a world of difference to see if you can actually see yourself on the campus. And be open-minded. Get involved and participate in the classes you are in, even if you don't like them. Keep up to date on projects and reading. And get to know at least one person in your class to depend on if you're absent or need a study budy.


find what you want most out of your education and find a school that relects those interests and values


Get involved, ask questions, and don't scared to fail because you learn more from when you fail than when you succeed. That and don't forget to have fun.


Make sure you do a lot of reserach and visit each campus you are interested in. Also make sure they have excellent career services centers. Being a senior looking for a job that is invalubale


Don't be afraid to try new things.


Choosing the right university is a tricky thing. My biggest piece of advice is to visit the school you are interested in for several days while classes are in session. Get a feel for the campus and the students there. Students shouldn't focus solely on a school's reputation, prestige, or big name alumni - find a place you feel comfortable. There are already so many life changes and choices that you'll have in the next four years, its important to find a school where you can meet those challenges confidently. College is about helping you develop into the interesting, dynamic person you can become. If you try to "tough it out" in an environment you know from the beginning doesn't fit you, you may miss out on the opportunities you never would have thought of as a high schooler.


Visit campuses. Meet the students there, meet the facuty and the staff. Take the tours and hang out there. That's when you will know if this is a place you can see youself spending four years of your life. Choosing a college is choosing the place that you are going to make lifelong friends and memories and learn who you truly are. Choose wisely (no pressure). Going to college a shock and a blessing, and finding somewhere you feel comfortable is key in having a great experience. Do your research. Get the college magazines, look at the college website, read blogs, look at Facebooks, anything you can do to know more, do it. Be brave. Don't be afraid to apply to a school that seems out of reach. You'll never know if you don't give it a shot. Be open. College is a place to start over. You can be anyone you want so choose your circle of friends accordingly. Get involved. Join a club, meet new people, go to campus sponsored events. Enjoy it. College is what you make of it. Make mistakes, stay out late and learn who you really are. Good luck.


Find the college that fits you best. There are tons of schools out there that people have never heard of that are wonderful schools for certain people and certain majors. Make sure you do research and just don't apply to the big state school because all your friends are and it is the only one that you have heard of.


I would advise parents to have their children apply to many colleges. THis allows them to have coices. I would emphasize the size of schools because it really does affect their atmosphere. If you are more on the quiet side, i would recommend a smaller school. To make the most of your college experience, get involved. The more activities you are involved in, the more people you will meet and the more experiences you will gain.


I would advise parents and students to apply to many different colleges just so that you are able to choose from the ones that you get accepted to. Size is extremely important because it affects the whole atmosphere of the college. If you are shy, you should attend a smaller school so you are able to make the more personal relationships. To make the most of the college experience you have to realize that there are good things about every school. Get involved and get to know people. The more involved that you are, the more experiences you will gain and the more friends you will meet.


Out of the list of colleges that you are considering, visit them. Talk with prospective faculty and find out if there is anything about their approach to your possible major that intrigues you or makes you want to learn more. If you can establish a connection with your professor, you will be willing to put up with many things that may be considered cons about your school. Try to find friends that share common interest, especially associated with your major. You will be able to think freely with them, bounce ideas off of them, and not have to worry about them detracting from your educational goals.


Finding the right college is based on adament academic options but also a deep personal feeling and connection. If the student feels comfortable on campus, and with other students, he or she will be more likely to succeed in an academic environment. College is about a balance between the socially and academically focused aspects of a school. Developing in these ways is something that a college-aged students needs. Parents must realize that adabting to a college environment includes trying to fit in socially and make friens that will last a lifetime. As long as students try their best to succeed academically, they will receive the most out of the college experience.




Go greek!!!


Be yourself and be open to other people's views. Have fun always and enjoy it while it lasts.


dont let their kids go to a community college!!! they cannot get the full experience or grow unless they go to a real university.


Find one that you want to go to, and that you will fit into. If you don't fit in, then you will not like where you are and that will in turn hurt your grades. Have fun, and learn to study well!


To the parents I would recommend being open-minded. Don't try to press a University on your child that you went to, or try to influence you child's decision. Encourage him or her as much as possible. To the students, the minute you enter orientation or whatever other welcoming activities that the University provides, meet everyone. Try to be as sociable and geniunely nice to everyone you meet, as they might end up someday being the person who can get you a job, or assist you in some way. Networking is one of the most important skills that you can learn and develop while in college. Also, while socializing is fun, be careful with alcohol, every year lots of college freshmen drink underage, and there are always a few that drink far too much and die. On a lighter note, be prepared to put your nose to the grindstone the moment you begin classes. Your first semester grades are extremely important, as they set you up to having a stellar GPA the whole of your college career. You don't want to have a bad semester and have to catch up. Most importantly though, relax and have fun.


To let the student make their own choice. It doesn't really matter where you go to college - these days, it seems as though the degree itself is all that matters. If the student is forced by his or her parents to attend one college, for whatever reason (a "big-name" university, or one with a long family tradition, etc), then that student will not be able to have the same experience that he or she would be able to at his or her first choice school. And, if the student is happier with their college choice, then he or she will be happier overall, and will therefore do better in school. To make the most of the college experience, I would simply say that you shouldn't be afraid to try new things and meet new people, because you never know who or what might radically change your life or your perspective thereof.


Visit the college that you are wanting to attend. You will never really know how you like it until you put yourself in the situation!


work hard




Make sure that you visit the college! Don't necessarily let money be the make-it-or-break-it factor. Go where the school has a great department in whatever you are interested in. Major in something that you love! Consider the town that your school is in. TCU and Baylor are a lot alike, but Fort Worth is a lot better than Waco could ever be. This truly changes your college experience! Try to find a city that you would love to live in if you weren't going to school there. The community that surrounds your school, parents, will have a huge impact on your child!


The best advice I can give a family when making a decision to finding the right college is simple. Visit the school and go for your gut instinct. It is also good to remember that just because it may not be an Ivy League does not mean you won't get a good quality of education. At the end of the day, whatever choice you make should be the one that most satisfies you as a student, not anyone else. So choose the school where you will the feel most comfortable and where you feel like you can grow as a person!


You can never do enough research


Definitely enjoy it while you are there. When you're a freshman you think you're so old and before you realize it, you're a senior and you've become role models for the other classes without even realizing it. Make the most of your college experience by at least trying everything you would like to be part of. It's okay to not do everything like you did in the past. There will be hard times, incredibly fun and memorable times and the best and worst of times. In order to appreciate one, you'll have to go through the other. You can't appreciate the best times without ever experiencing the worst. Go with your instinct and follow your heart. Very rarely, do they disappoint. Work hard and have fun. Don't worry about looking stupid or not fitting in because chances are the person right beside you is in fear of the same thing. College is an opportunity to start anew. Cherish everything because graduation comes quickly in four, five and sometimes even six years.


Parents need to understand that their kids are going to be making their own choices at school, and they need to trust that their kids paid enough attention while they were growing up to make the right choices. Students, this is your time to reinvent yourself and find out what you like doing. Don't feel boxed in by your major, take college as an opportunity to experience everything you want to, but remember you have to live with all the decisions you make. Picking a college shouldn't be all about the academics. Look at the things that are important to you whether they be clubs, athletics, academics, or anything else. Don't be afraid to start at one school and end at a different school. If the school you start at doesn't fit you then don't stay their for the next three years. Make the decisions you feel that are best for you.


Visit as many as possible. List three thrings you want from a university, the town it is in, and the distance you are willing to travel and fine the colleges that meet those requirements. Talk with friends that go to those universities and get their opinion. Remember it is the student who will go there for 4 years, not their parents.


Finding the right college requires a deep understanding of yourself. If you are outgoing and love to socialize, attend a college that promotes that, for instance a large state university. If you are a quiet soul, like me, then you need a more intimate setting with smaller student/teacher ratio, like a private university. Don't discount a college based on the cost, yes it may be more expensive, but if it suites the students personality and goals, the cost is worth it. Ultimately, let the student determine the college. Oftentimes the parents drive their child into attending their academic dream university instead of listening to the person who will be attending the school. When the student is making the decision where to attend, and the parents support that decision, in my opinion, they are more likely to stay focused and graduate. Finally, get connected. Join an organization, volunteer, or find other ways to meet people and make friends. In high school we think our friendships will last forever, and sometimes that is true. More often, our lifelong friendships begin at college. These friendships are lasting and endure because they understand the struggles of college life.


Apply for scholarships! Don't let money be the factor to hold you back from a great education. There are opportunities to make everything work. Also, the student should go where they want to, not where others want them to. My Best Advice is to be open-minded always while still knowing what you believe in. Don't let anyone tell you you cannot do something. The possibilities are limitless when you take control of your life! (That sounds like a bunch of cliches all put together, but I believe it!)


visit many colleges and ask the students there how they feel about the school! stay for a couple days and get the feel for it because you will be spending alot of time here so you best be liking it! Apply to lots of schools to keep your options open too! Don't get too over involved in college and make the most of opportunities to build relationships and have fun...but don't go looking for fun in the wrong places! Have pride in your school ! Study hard but don't let it consume to !


Know what you want to study prior to makig your final decision on which school you would like to attend. Make sure you have a way to acquire the funds needed in order to attend the school and go on a tour of the school. If you go on a tour, you can get a feel of the campus and the type of people you could be learning with.


I would tell parents to listend to what their children want in a school and be open to all possibilities whether they be public or private. To students I would say listen to your heart. It sounds sappy but if your heart is calling you to be at a school, then find a way to be there and be happy. Also, I would say to just be as outgoing as possible. You make a lot of your friends in the first semester when everyone is curious and active in the community. Just get out ther and meet everyone!


It's never good to choose a college based on tradition or how much you will be payed upon graduating. Pick a school that you would like to live and learn in for at least four years. If you don't enjoy the school, your time in college will be miserable and less effective.


I think for parents, the best advice is to allow your college bound student to have a say in what college(s) might be right for them. This gives them a chance to find what college could give them the greatest experience. Parents also need to encourage their children to look for financial aid and scholarships that can take care of their finacial needs if needed. Most importantly no matter if your child is ready for college or not help them pursue what they feel in the end is the right path for them. I have seen so many students entereing into fields that they feel their parents will find exceptable and most of the time they don't do as well as expected in college. For students, take the time to look at the possibilites that colleges have to offer. Every aspect from classroom settings, internships, faculty and staff are all important in finiding the college life you feel is right for you. It's also important to grab up all the financial aid and scholarships you can while still in highschool and apply for all the colleges you can, even the ones you think may not except you.


make sure to visit and do a tour.


Before picking the college that you or your son/daughter goes to be sure to fully research and visit a multitude of colleges. While a college might sound good on paper, once you visit it, it could have a whole new look and feel than you were expecting. Also, try and visit on a school day so you can see the different types of people that go there and get more of a feel of the school. Also a good thing to do would be to try and talk to current or past students that went their because they will be able to tell you more about the school than statistics can. Try and ask questions that you can?t find out on paper like what is there to do on weekends, how are your classrooms like, how are your classes like, just remember to ask a lot of questions so you can get the most information to make your decision.


One of most important factors in deciding where to attend college is the environment, on and off campus. You want to go somewhere where you will be comfortable, somewhere that you will be able to learn to call a home away from home. I applied to three universities, two public and one private, that one being TCU. After my college visit there, I realized that TCU was definitely where I wanted to experience my college career. Fort Worth is just the right size for a fun night life and a peaceful stroll down the streets. It's also a cultural and musical city, which I love. College visits are also extremely important. You will be able to quickly figure out if you like what you see or like what you hear. College visits also allow you to see what life will be like once you are there. Put a lot of effort into your applications. Yeah, they are not fun to do, but they are probably some of the most important paperwork you will ever have to fill out.


Don't wait until the last minute like I did. As a homeschooler, I had no idea what the college application process was going to be like, and I was surprised at how long it took. Also, keep in mind what you want to achieve in college. If you don't want to be a hard worker, don't choose a college that will give you GPA-based financial aid. Find a college that has people who you like to hang around with, because that's all you do in college. If you don't drink, make sure the college has people who don't drink. I mean, it all depends on your personal needs and wants. Never, ever pick a college because your parents want you to go there. You need to be somewhere you WANT to be in order for you to have a great college experience.


College is full of wonderful opportunites. Take advantage of them. Seek out chances to network, learn, and grow as a person. No one is going to care as much about your personal development and success as you do. Make memories, life-long friends, and good decisions. Have no regrets. Understand who you are and decide who you want to be. Make a difference in this world and in someone else's life. Most importantly realize that this is the beginning of a journey. There will be days of joy and nights of stress, but they are all part of the learning experence. Finally, understand that you are truely blessed with this wonderful opportunity, and make the most of it!


As far as finding the right school, do a lot of research, don't settle, there are schools to fit everyone's needs. I wanted to go to a school that was affiliated with my church and not over 20,000 in population. I found that in TCU. Look at how the school will benefit you, not only academically, but also socially, and that doesn't mean parties, it also means student organizations whether it's outreach and service or religious groups or groups just for fun. Which leads me to making the most of the college experience. It's not just about going to the right parties and hanging out with the right people. Find friends that you enjoy and you have fun with and parties and social aspects will just happen. The college experience is also about finding out who you are. Join activities that you maybe wouldn't have otherwise. Expand your horizons and you may just realize that you love dodgeball and you've been playing on the intramural team or maybe you discover that you really love your foreign language and its' club. The possibilities are limitless, just don't sell yourself short.


Choosing the right college is one of the most important decisions you could make in your life. Go visit the prospective colleges. Try to meet people that go there and see how they like the school. If you end up going somewhere that you dont like, it could ruin a huge part of your college experience. To make the most of your college experience, I say get involved!!! Most schools from junior colleges to huge universities offer a wide variety of extra curricular activites whether it's greek organizations, sports, academic clubs or band. Your new school will have something that interests you. Being in a group or activity that is offered will help you get so much more out of your new experience than if you are just sittiing in your room being miserable because everything has just drastically changed. Trust me, I know from experience. If you are doing something at your school, you won't get anything out of it. If it's offered, then take it!


When it comes to picking a school, look around and get a sense for the variety of options you have. Apply everywhere (your chances of getting in increase exponentially when you turn in the application)! Pay close attention to the things that most matter to you. Studious? Look at the teacher:student ratio, look at the classrooms, or check out the library. Athletic? Check into intermurals, look at the gym, and find out more about sports on campus. Social? Look into networking opportunities, look at extracurriculars. Career minded? Look at internship programs, job fairs, and look at the alumni involvement. Most of all... LOOK AT THE STUDENTS!! Pay attention! Do these look like people you could be friends with, live with, share 4 (+) years of your life with? Finally, when you've made the decision, gotten the acceptance letter, then GET INVOLVED. Finding a niche is the best way to have a great college experience. However, you should always remember... college may not be the "best time of your life" like everyone else seems to tell you it is. There's oportunities to make it great, but take it for what it is - a step toward a bigger goal.


My advice is simple: go wherever you believe you will have the opportunity to get involved. By being "involved," I am referring to finding what sets you on fire - what you are passionate about. Quite frankly, getting a college education without making the effort to contribute to your university is a waste of both time and money. When the time comes: visit colleges, talk to admissions counselors, and have discussions with professors. All of these activities will teach you about the university you are considering; however, if you really want to learn about a school. talk to its students. A college that has nothing to hide will BEG you to speak to their students. Walking up to a current student and asking them about their school can teach you more than an admissions counselor or professor ever could. The passion of the students on a campus can make or break a college experience. Furthermore, the passion you feel about a university, after visiting, will let you know where to go.


The most important thing is to not be afraid of change. I moved half way across the country to a state that I had previously never been to. I chose my college based on academics and the surrounding area. This school was not my first choice but I am sure now that it was the best choice. Being here and having that change in my life allowed me to get involved in activities that I never would have otherwise. I am involved in a sorority, living on campus, and actually enjoying my classes and learning. I have quite a bit of debt from attending school here but nothing trumps the feeling of knowing that you are in the right place. I am studying abroad next semester and I am confident that the education I am receiving here will be very useful in my future. So don't be afraid! Just go for it, there is something here for everyone but make sure that you feel comfortable and that you will happy, that's what is most important.


To future empty nest parents- College is a wonderful experience! It is one that has changed my life for the better! I believe it is essential for a student to pick a university that suits him or her in their unique ways. Once at the college the student will be bombarded with clubs, greek organizations, honor societies, and church groups. Your student must use these groups to his advantage! In each group he can meet multiple people and make connections and friends that will last a lifetime. Of course you expect your son or daughter to stay home and study weeknights, weekends however are a time for fun and socialization amoung peers. Not all college parties are bad. College students remember what their parents told them about drinking and drug use. Believe it or not, we actually believe that you are right. We, as college students, have grown up and are adopting principles and standards of our own. We set very high standards for ourselves. So parents give your student a little wiggle room to test out the waters of the university. And remember we never forget about you, and we will always come home for money and food!


Pick your top three colleges and look at every aspect of them. If possible, visit the campuses and observe students. Talk to faculty members, Financial Aid advisors, talk to students. Observe how the students react to others around them, and how they interact with such people as physical plant workers or housekeepers. Watch how the people on campus treat the campus (do they throw trash away, for example?). Check out alumni involvement in the school, and the career center to see if there are useful networks or help to find jobs following graduation. Compare financial aid packages between schools, and look into any tuition hikes recently, or any improvements being done on campus that could lead to a tuition hike. Look at the distance you will have to travel to get to school, how close family is, and how you might be able to be involved in your favorite activities. Check out everything that you might be interested in doing in college, and don't decide on a major until after your first year, and take classes in any area you are interested in until you decide a major. And don't be araid to change your major. Have fun.