Texas State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back a year and offer myself some advice, it would be to invest time is searching for scholarships and financial aid all of my senior year. I realize now that you can not ever have too much money to help you pay for school. Expenses stack up far more quickly than one expects, and student loans come with high interest rates. As a senior, I spent very little time applying for scholarships or researching the expenses of college. Come the time of my registration, I found myself staring at a $6583 expense with nothing to rely on but student loans. Scholarships are absolutely essential to keeping the cost of school reasonable, especially in the current economy. It is not something you can do last minute. Weekly effort should be made to find financial aid for anyone preparing to leave for college.


When I was in high school, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. I didn't really want to go to college because I thought I could find myself better by traveling or doing other things I was interested in. Little did I know that college was the ideal place to discover who I was and that as I discovered, I would make truly meaningful, lifelong friendships which make all the difference in the long run. If I could go back to my senior year, I'd tell myself to fully embrace all the opportunities that college presented to me my freshman year, to connect with those people who I knew were going to be partners in my life's purpose. I wish I would have realized that school isn't supposed to be just jumping through hoops. It's a process and a journey, where the more you learn about the world, the more you learn about yourself. And the more you deeply connect with others, the more clearly you can see your purpose and make strides towards improving yourself so you can help the world.


I would tell myself that high school is so much easier than college and be happy that you get homework. In college, all there is are lectures, notes, and tests. For my trasition into college, I would remind myself to be open and optimistic. Everyone goes into college knowing only a few people, if any, and this is where you will meet the most people in your life. Do not be afraid to talk to the person who sits next to you and ask them to study for the big test next week with you. Most likely, they wanted to ask too, but they felt shy. As for dorm like my freshman year, I would tell myself you got through it and it was just fine. Not everyone can say they can live in a 10x12 room with another person for a whole year (especially someone they've never met). Join clubs, volunteer, and look into a sorority that doesn't base their life on parties and drinking. Have fun and meet people. And most of all, get good grades.


If I could go back in time, I would probably do a few things different. My senior year was a very stressful year for me, and a time that my life started changing dramatically. I recieved a scholarship to a school in New York City, and my parents urged me to go there, so I did. I had never visited, and never really aspired to move up north, I just decided to go with the flow. Once I got up there, depression hit with the major changes, not only with school, but with being so far from home. I didnt fully think about everything when I made my decision to move far away. My advice would to carefuly consider everything that you are doing. Going to school so far away from home is very difficult in many ways, and also expensive! I would also advise to visit the college campus to get a feel of the atmosphere, because that is the most important aspect to me.


Knowing what I know now about college, I would begin my freshman year differently. In my high school years, I would have taken the time to go through scholarships and put more effort into the essays and researching more schools. Instead, I just applied for loans that I would have years and years to repay. I also switched my major a lot in college college. I began with Music Business as my major, because I had a passion for music. Shortly after I realized the classes were challenging and a future in Music isn?t as promising as the other careers, so I decided to just concentrate on the classes I would need to graduate. I decided to make Liberal Arts my major. After taking a Psychology class I figured I could possibly become a Psychiatrist. Then working at a hospital I was fascinated with a career in nursing. I began to realize that should I pursue a degree in nursing I can use it in many different areas in the Medical Industry. I have learned a lot since my high school years and experience is the best teacher.


I would have taken the time to complete more scholarships; you aren't aware at the time of how much a couple of hundred dollars can do for you in college. I would have also told myself to learn to study more. I didn't have to study in high school, so when I came to college, it was difficult to get into a sudying routine. My lack of studying showed in my GPA that year.


Your first few weeks as a college student you will be awkwardly quiet, constantly lost, and always walking up hills! You?ll be wrapped up in what people think about you, too proud to ask for directions and not prepared for the number of hills on Texas State?s Campus. In the end you?ll come to realize that Dr. Seuss is always right, ?Those who mind don?t matter, and those who matter don?t mind.? Be yourself, have fun, and make memories that you will enjoy looking back on. While there are some things that you will wish you would have done differently in your first semester, learning all those small things along the way gave you the opportunity to meet new people and be a part of the full college experience.


I would tell myself not to go to a private university. Not to listen to my parents about how it is just getting my "feet wet", by going to a private university. I would say to just go straight to a State school, and not waste my time and money. Going to a small state school like Texas state is also a great way of getting my "feet wet". I would also tell myself not to worry about classes or the social life. Just pay attention in my studies and dont worry about not fitting in. College life is fun, when you have the time. I would say not to get too stressed out about not doing good, just do my best and try to make up for the slack. Just have fun, do well in classes and try to be more social without having to put off my studies.


Make and effort to put myself out there and make friends. Coming in as a college freshman, you know no one and everyone else knows no one also. The only way to make friends and get out there is to become involved in your school and all of the organizations it offers. If you do not you end up sitting in your dorm room alone and with no friends. So if I could go back and tell myself one thing, it is get involved from the start, make an effort to make friends. Because I am not the only one who is alone and knows no one.


Now that I am in college, I wish that I would have learned how to spend my money and save it. Being a college student means that you are on your own and have to buy all the necessities that your parents bought when you lived at home such as food and cleaning supplies. I was used to helping my mom out with the bills and other things but, I never imagined how expensive college is even with financial aid and scholarships. Also, in high school, we got by not reading the textbooks. Boy, do I wish I would have learned to study. I struggled in my college History class because I never really learned how to study. I always just took the test and did fine. Now, I have to learn all these things in college and it is a hassle, if I could go back I would have learned these things in high school.


Hey Michael! How are you? This may seem out of the ordinary, but I am you from the future and I am here to tell you how to easily transition into college life from the old days of being a high schooler. First, take a few different classes in the majors you are interested in to see which one fits you best. Second, using pros and cons decide which one you are the most comfortable with and that can give you the life you want to live. Third, get all those boring core classes out of the way at a less expensive community college so you can save big bucks on tuition. Next, find a school where you can live and learn the most effectively, apply, get accepted and start in the direction that you've always dreamed of. Well good luck and I'll be seeing you in the mirror. Work hard stay out of trouble and have fun!!!


Actually attempt to pay attention in math class.


Going back I would tell myself to be brave and trust my instincts. As a high school senior I had set my hopes high for a great school, however going out of state for a college education scared me. Being too afraid to apply I ended up attending a community college and missed out on the college experiences of incoming freshmen. I believe that had I trusted my instincts and had been brave enough I would have made lasting friendships that freshmen often make whenever they experience a great change together. Not only would I have made great friends, I would have been truely emersed in the college experience; leaving home,moving into the dorm, and greek life.


If I could travel back in time, and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are several tips I would give myself. When going off to college, you are so excited for the upcoming change, to finally experience life on your own. I would want to tell myself at the begining of my senior year to prioritize my life. Study sessions everyday, time managment, and staying focused is something you need to begin practicing. College will force you to manage money, wash clothes, cook, and stay on top of yourself to get things accomplished. Make sure you realize what your goals are and what it is you plan on accomplishing at the end of you senior year. College is fun, but you are there to learn, so make use of your time their and stay focused on the future.


If I could advise myself as a senior in high school I would have several things to tell myself. The first piece of advise I would give is this: Sit down right now and make a list of the goals that you want to achieve in your lifetime. (This will keep you from having regrets.) Then make a list of things that have to be done to achieve these goals. Now make a timeline of when these things should be done. Put this master plan somewhere that you will see it everyday. Begin each morning by looking at these lists. This will keep you focused on your goal and help you plan your day so that no time is wasted. Make sure that your senior year is filled with activities that will help you achieve your goals. Scheduling your days/weeks will help you meet your timelines. Your senior year will be filled with many extra activities. Make sure that these activities are helping you reach your goal. Your school work is very important. Learn as much as you can. Don't expect that your college professors will do any remediation. Stay focused. Practice self-discipline. You control your destiny.


Since starting college, I sure have learned a lot about myself and the world. I wish I would have known how much fun I would have in college and how much I would grow as a person. Knowing this would have helped me be much more motivated during the application process.


If I could travel back in time 30 years and talk to myself as a high school senior I?m fairly sure college life alone would not be the only topic discussed, one thing is for sure, I?d shout ?DON?T MARRY HIM? at the top of my lungs, but that?s a whole other essay. However, the assignment at hand, I would convince myself to stay on campus instead of moving out of the dorm to live with my grandparents. I?d have made the dorm experience more exciting by decorating it with my own personal style, adding a little refrigerator for healthy snacks (instead of eating too much junk and gaining more than the typical ?freshman 15?), and putting my foot down when my roommate decided to ?entertain? a host of gentlemen friends while I tried in vain to sleep. Making yourself a little home away from home and surrounding yourself in the colors, fabrics, and things you love will make the transition a little easier. Plan ahead, scope out the town your college is in, find places that may be important like the bank, auto repair shop, and grocery store for those healthy snacks.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself. I would say follow you heart in what you want to study. Do not let anyone tell you what the best career choice is for you. Only you can make the decision on what you want to do in life. You need to be happy with what you are doing because it is going to become your life. Practice harder because the competition is tougher than you think, but you can do it if you work hard. Only practice on days that you eat! Good Luck Adam, follow your heart and work hard and you will do fine. P.S. Do your homework!!!


If I could go back in time and give myself as a high school senior some advice I would say, "You have goals right now, fulfill them. You have dreams right now, make them come true. You have struggles right now, overcome them. Don't just wish you could do these things, do them. Once you lose the chance to do or overcome something, you will most likely never have that chance again so quit being scared and live your life the way you should."


The advice I would have given myself is to keep my head up because when I thought certain classes where hard that I was going to see harder ones in the future. I would congradulate myself in achieving a high number of dual credit courses, but encouraged myself to take more or sooner like my junior year. I dont regret my senior year at all, because I took all advance level courses and worked hard throughout the year to prepare for college.


" Make your senior year your best, because it goes by so fast. Do everything and anything will all your power and don't hold back. Try out for teams that you always considered in the back of you mind but haven't done so yet. For me, I didn't take advantage of my senior year, and I always wish that I could go back. I always wanted to be in band but I didn't, because at my school it wasn't really the cool thing; but now looking back, I wish I would have joined anyway. Most importantly I wish I would have gone to my senior prom. I didn't go because I didn't have a date, and so I skiped out on a group of girls that invited me, because I kinda thought it would be embarrasing because I wasn't there with some guy. And when it comes to the little things in high school like who dated who, it dosen't matter after you graduate. Friendships change and people change, so like I said, don't hold back. Be yourself and make the best of what you have because it goes fast. "


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would first off tell myself to try harder at school. I look back and think of just how easy high school was and I kick my self for not studying all night for a test. High school was so much easier and I know that I could have left with a 4.0 if I would have just put a little bit more effort in. Now that I'm in college, I don't know how I didn't study so much; I feel so anxious when I put off studying to do something else. Something else I would tell myself is to save some of that spending money I had. Even with financial aid and a part time job, I still find myself low on funds. I wish that I would have been more diciplined with my money when I was younger, rather than barely scraping by now.


I would tell myself to begin better habits earlier. Better habits as in, eating better, studying more effectively, not procrastinating, and get far better grades because in the end it really pays off. Being able to come out of my comfort zone every now and then would be good too because at the moment I have no actual new friends. I blame it on the fact that i'm a commuter but it's really just me not trying hard enough. I would also tell myself to enjoy the work load given in high school because it is nothing compared to the work in college, as well as the amount of stress. One last piece of advice, if you walk down San Jacinto you'll get to the art building much quicker than walking through campus.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give advice about the transition from high school classes to college classes. It was very rare in high school to study and when I first arrived in college I did not know how to. The main advice I give myself is to take those after school seminars that my high school provided on study habits and how to study. I believe that if I would have attended a seminar, the all nighter cram sessions would not be a problem. It is still taking me time to adjust and now I try to use every tool my college gives me so that I can excel.


Be gentler with yourself. EVERYONE is scared, and everyone is just doing the best that they can. Don't give up so easily just because things are difficult or challenging, the rewards outweigh the struggles, and the journey is the most fun, in retrospect. Reach out to other students, don't be afraid to answer questions and to ask them, network with people in and out of class because these relationships can be the building blocks for your life and career. Working while in school is often necessary, but remember that the degree is the goal, so don't spend your earnings on stuff for the job or on socializing, spend it on better equipment for school or a better living/studying environment. Your family wants you to succeed so don't be afraid to ask for help . It is a sign of maturity to recognize your own limitations, maximize resources. It always makes you feel good to help someone, keep that in mind when you ask for help. And finally, don't procrastinate! Keep track of schedules and be early to class and in submitting assignments. It's a great habit to incorporate. Have FUN!


I would advise high school seniors to try and learn as much as they can in high school as it will greatly help in the understanding of difficult college courses. Also to try and take any classes offered in high school that will count towards college credits. They must understand that college is not just fun and games and must be taken seriously. It can be very difficult if not enough time for studying is put in. With that said, college can also be extremely fun with lots to do and see. I would show examples of things that I like to do for example, sports, swimming in the beautiful river that flows through campus, taking advantage of the school trips to different places, etc... I would show pictures of the campus, campus life, and the students that attend this college.


I would tell myself to not feel rushed in my decision to choose a school. In my haste to apply to a a school before the deadlines, I didn't take the time to really consider my needs in my future career. I would have emphaszied that while Sound Recording Technology seems alluring, a live sound technician needs a more specialized training course, and I should look harder for one; even if it meant starting school "late". Also, I would have advised myself to take a closer look at Full Sail University; and not discredit it just because I had never heard of it before. Looking into Full Sail has shown me that enrolling will be one of the best things I ever do. I only wish that I had given this school the chance it deserved sooner, because it would saved two unfailingly precious things; time and government loan money.


After arriving at Texas State, I realized that some credits transferred from my high school AP courses. If I could arrive back to my senior year, I'd advise myself to take those AP classes seriously enough to achieve higher scores on the AP tests. Besides challenging myself to volunteer work, school extracurricular activites, and part time work, I would have told myself to take the opportunities of more AP classes. Paying for college is a life lesson of how far you are willing to go to set up the rest of your life. Boosting more confidence in those AP tests may have saved me even more money than what I began with. There is no limit to doing one's best; therefore, I would tell myself to keep stretching as far as humanly possible. If I started senior year again in high school, I would have strived in AP courses in order to save the extra work at a university level. Getting ahead never hurt anyone.


Looking back at my senior year, I realize I was completely unprepared for what I was about to experience. I was commited by my junior year to play volleyball at Texas State. Because of this, I didn't research any other schools or really think about whether or not this was the best university for me. I didn't exactly want to play college sports because I'm not very passionate about it, but my father made it clear that free school was much more important than what I really wanted to attain from college. I see now that if I could go back and tell myself anything it would be to do what my heart really desires; to live my dream and not someone elses. I'm now trying to put that plan into action and transfer to the school of my dreams. The only problem is that I'm giving up free tuition and my divorced parents can't exactly afford it right now. But I know I'm meant to do this and I'm going to try my absolute hardest to get to where I want to be. Even if I do it alone.


I would tell myself to be prepared for long nights and weekends spent studying. Don?t expect to party too hard; there won?t be time for that when you?re trying to pass your classes. Also, I would encourage myself to go out and try to make more friends, I didn?t do a whole lot of that this past semester, and my dorm room got really small by the end of the semester. Another thing that I would tell myself is to cherish time with your parents, don?t take it for granted, because you are going to miss them more than you think you will. I know right now college live seems like its going to be all fun and games but it?s not, it?s a lot of hard work, and you?re are going to miss having your parents there to help you through things.


I would tell myself that it is lonely if you don't put yourself out there. You need to be outgoing in order to meet new people and expand you social network.


I would say try to get more help on the work that i do not understand and try to make time for everything. Also that procrastination does not pay off so do the work in timely fashion. Also that having fun is a good way to get rid of stress. Remember that you are doing this to improve yourself so do the work and it will pay off.


Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to just go to Texas State University and skip going to a community college because you will learn more and all your hard work will be credited instead of transfusing and losing all your hard working hours you spends so much money on. I would also tell myself that college is in investment in your life and you will get what you put into it and I would go back and work even harder for the things I have now to make them mean more in my life.


College is not what you think. It isn't a 24/7 party like TV shows and movies make it out to be. You will be bored sometimes, and you will be overloaded with work, but it's the best time of your life. The friends you make in college will potentially be some of your best friends for life. Meet as many people as you can, get involved with campus life and student organizations, and remember to have fun even when you're working. When you put your creativity into school work, you get your best results. College is a chance for a fresh start. You can be anyone you want. Take advantage of it. You will get to recreate who you are, so make yourself into the smart, successful, easy to talk to person that you know you can be.


I would advise my high school self not to stress about the lack of love I recieved at home throughout my parents divorce. During my first few weeks of college I met and made so many new friends and the emptiness in my heart was filled. It was hard for me to concentrate on my homework when my parents were yelling constantly. It was also hard to concentrate in class when I was worried about what would be happening when I got home. I am happier and feel more loved now than I have ever before in my life.


Be yourself! There are a lot of different personalities and types of people that converge on a college campus and everyone has a role. Do not compromise your beliefs. Know that each person is an individual that can make a valuable contribution to the wholistic atmosphere of the campus and a diversity of opinions and people is important for everyone's education. If everyone is alike, than less is learned by everyone. Do not be afraid to express yourself and ask questions in class. Even if it seems like all the other students are thinking along the same vein, a new opinion or perspective adds depth and richness to everyones experience and to that particular topic. Professors relish all kinds of opinions and want students to express doubts and alternative perspectives about the topics addressed in class. Do not let the pervailing style or personality on campus sway you into becomming something you are not. This time in life is integral for building strength of character and one of the ways that happens is through learning how to express your own personal style and opinions.


I would have to go back further than high school to junior high and tell myself to work a ot harder than i did in high school. I think college would be easier now if I had paid my dues then. If i answered as you asked, I would have told myself that " IT WAS POSSIBLE FOR ME TO GET INTO COLLEGE" Then I wouldn't have wasted 2 years trying to figure out what I wanted. I guess everyone does it in their own time and way. I'm just glad I found mmy way.


In high school, I did not place nearly as high of an importance on education as I do now, so the first piece of advice I would give myself is too focus on my education more and not let partying and hanging out with my friends take a priority. I would also tell myself that staying in town to go to the local community college would not be so bad. I was very upset to learn that I had to stay in town, while all of my friends went off to a university, but looking back it was the best thing I ever did. I saved a lot of money and it was a great stepping stone between high school and college. Some students do not need it, but I definitely did. I often wish that I could go back and do high school over again, but since I can't, I have tried to make up for it in my college years. I have consistently done better each year that I have been in college and have a current GPA of 3.6- something that I am very proud of.


I would tell myself to be top 25{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} so I could get in automatically. I still got accepted but I had to write an essay and submit other papers instead of getting in automatically. I would also tell myself that the only real friend you have is your parents. They are the only ones that would do anything for you and be there when you really need them. Also trust no one. Don't assume everyone is nice because it could put you in a dangerous situation that you could potentially avoid if you are careful. Focus on you studies because high school is nothing like college. You cant get away with only studying one day for a test and making an A. In college you have to study for weeks to pull off an A. You have to learn to manage your time wisely and since you are paying for college it's very important that you take it seriously because it is expensive. There will be a lot of peer pressure to do things that you might not want to do. Just know its okay to say NO! Just stay true to yourself and you'll do great.


I would begin by explaining how important it is to apply myself to every subject and that learning and understanding the information is just as important as getting a good grade. Attaining a decent GPA isn't the only important aspect of taking a course because if you don't understand what is being taught then that 4.0 means nothing. Then I would continue by explaining how crucial the dual-credit courses in high school are and that they really do affect you later on down the road. Each class that you take affects your GPA and once it drops it takes a lot of work to get it back up to where it needs to be. But one of the most important piece of information that I would give is don't compare your grades or work ethics to that of your peers. You know what you are recquired to do and it is your responsibility to meet or even exceed these goals. Just because someone else can read something once and understand it doesn't mean that you can. Just do everything it takes for YOU to understand information and you will succeed.


I would really emphasize developing a strong support system that consists of loyal level-headed friends and family that can help steer me in the right path. If you try to start college with the wrong group of friends that encourage behavior that does not contribute to you reaching your goals then you cannot be successful in a college setting. College is a big part of you finding out who you are and you need to make sure that the people around you can help each other get to the same place. Family is essential to help you make it through those rough times when you feel homesick or get distracted so make sure to apreciate them now. Senior year and sumer before college is not the time to be slacking off but rather the most important time to redefine you study skills and improve on your organizational skills because an organized planner is part of your lifeline especially for college.


Do it now. It only gets more difficult the older you get.


I guess I would tell myself that college is going to be an experience like no other. Be ready to meet people from all different background and walks of life. I would tell myself to put studying ahead of partying at all times, because at the end of college, I feel that the fact that I did my best at school was more important than socializing. At the same time though, I would tell myself that it is also important to socialize and meet new people, while still taking the time to keep my grades up. College is one of those phases in life that you never get to relive when its gone, but then again nothing is. College is a time to have fun and get a good education at the same time. I earned my way into college through my hard work in high school, now it is time to prove to myself what I can do!!!!


I would tell myself to focus on school, but not to forget about having a social life. School is important but making memories and not over stressing yourself will help you to succeseed in school and in your furture carreer. I would also tell myself not to hide being sick to my professors. They can't help me if they dont know whats going on.


Number one piece of advice: GET A PLANNER!!! The one thing about college that is way different from high school is that you don't have professors reminding you of all of your responsibilities. You need to make sure that you have all of your tests and projects written down. Be sure to set aside at least 2 hours of study time a night, because tests will sneak up on you. It is also very important to take good notes. It is much easier to study for a test from your personal notes, rather than from a text book.


If I could go back to myself as a high school senior and give myself some advice about college life, I would probably tell myself to relax and enjoy everyday as much as I could. Going to college is a something that not all people get to do so being able to experience life as a college student is a special thing. Texas State is a beautiful campus as well so I would probably tell myself to take some time everyday to enjoy my surroundings and notice the things around me. I would also advise myself to participate in activities and try to attend campus activities like Varsity games and club sports. They are a great way to meet amazing people and show support for your school. Studying would be the last thing I would tell myself to do. If I would have known how much studying and spending a small amount of time everyday looking over class material, school would have probably gone alot smoother my first couple of semesters here. Hopefully those suggestions would help me to adjust to my new college life.


Alexx, you need to focus on making good grades if you want to succeed in college. If you think academics are hard now, just wait until you start your core classes as a freshman. Develop good study habits; study everyday- school should be your first priority, then family, then friends. Partying doesnt get you anywhere but in trouble and is a waste of time; being rebelious will not help you succeed in school or help you succeed in finding that perfect career. Don't you want to be an actress? You need to become familiar with famous playwrights and find legitimate monologues NOW! You will not get in college plays/musicals if you do not have the right material and the right focus, so it is important to practice monologues and theatrical exercises right now. Trust me, this will help you be happy your first semester as a freshman!


I would tell my self to enjoy my Senior year more and I would have also told myself to give more thought to what I wanted to do as my career. I went to a Junior college for two years because I was an undecided major and if I would have looked into Texas State University as a Senior I would have attended Texas State right out of high school.


I would make sure I understood the value of establishing a relationship with my professors. I also would unerstand the value of what subject I would pick to minor in. To remind myself to stay focussed and not question my abilities to succeed.


I would have devoted more time to studying and learning effective ways to study. Completed work in a more timely matter and not procrastinate. Been more useful with my time and not take it for granted. Apply to classes early so you do not have to take morning classes. Learn how to live with a budget and manage my money better.