The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?


the worst thing about my school is its sheer size. walking to some classes can easily take a half hour.


How hard it is and how much money it cost to attend here. I believe this school is against minorites and thats why they are trying to whin us out. First it was trying to take away the 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} rule know we are on a +/- scale. I feel like education should not be made to make those who struggle a little bit drop out but it should be to help better those people to graduate and make a difference. The minorites drop out more than graduate because of lack of support, financial reasons, and the educational "challenge".


Registration for classes and the times that are available for some classes.


I love my school but I guess you could say that parking is the worst thing about the campus.


The operations with the Co-op. The Co-op claims to function only to benefit the student, but they sell text books at a very high price and buy them back for about 1/5 of how much you spent them on. All the products in the Co-op are pricey, but I'm not sure where the profits go to other than football.


The worst thing about my school, I believe, is that this school is known for being one of the top party schools in the nation. Although that sounds like fun for a college student, it can be trouble at times because sometimes one might be pressured into going out on a school night and later procrastinating on work that was not completed in time.


The worst thing about my school is that some of the degree plans are not entirely made out correctly. As a fashion merchandising major I feel like I am taking a lot of classes that are not important to my true major. I also do not like how there is not that much opportunities for financial help..most people get loans.


I would say the worst thing about my school is all the red tape and institutions that you have to get through to get anything accomplished. If you don't know exactly where to go for the information you need to get, it can be very confusing, and also consequential to achieiving your goals.


The University of Texas at Austin's main flaw is its size. In a class of 300, it is difficult, especially in intro classes, to really connect with professors and fellow students. In upper-division classes, however, the number of students decreases, and developing a familiarity with intructors becomes less daunting.


Honestly there is nothing classified as "THE WORST" at The University of Texas. Everything and every experience is amazing. If you would consider hardcore academic competition something to classify in this category then that would be my answer as the worst thing about my school. Yet what school is there that exist where there is no competition at all? You have to be hard on yourself and join the crowd of competitiveness which if you make the best of it, it shouldn't really turn out that bad =)


I love most everything about my school. I think the only bad thing is that it doesn't have enough affordable parking!


UT is a great school overall, but the worst thing about my school in my opinion is the diversity. Being an African-American student at a predominantly White institution can make you feel out of place especially if you were not raised in that environment. I wish that more students of various backgrounds and ethnicities would come together and develop lifelong friendships and bonds.


The size of the University of Texas at Austin makes it harder to meet people and get to know your professors.


hard to stand out because it's such a large school, in begining classes many times it's hard to get to know anyone because you never sit by the same person when there's 300 people.


There isnt't really anything to hate about my school; it's great academically and we have an awesome football team. The worst thing i could think of would be that it is very difficult to find a parking spot. This is why a lot of students decide to ride a bike or walk to campus. There are a lot of housing option around campus so walking to class isn't a big deal.


The worst thing about the school is because it is so nationally revered, it does make it difficult to compete on the same academic level as other schools. It takes some time to learn time management.


It is really research oriented, and sometimes the workload on the graduate students and professors is extremely high.


The worst thing about this University is that it's rather to restrict your boundaries. UT is a huge place with so much to offer, but it's really easy for students to stop exploring and somply stick with people of the same race, religion or major and stop getting out and learning about all the variety that UT has to offer.


The school is so large, that a freshmen who does not join any social or extra-corricular organization can easily get lost in the crowd. Also, the size makes it hard to get the classes you want as an underclassmen.


The homeless people are always asking for change. The campus is in the middle of Austin Texas and homeless people live on the campus. I would just love to help them more but sometimes they are so rude it makes me sad :(


large class sizes


Because it is such a big school there is no parking on campus making it a bit difficult to get around campus, but we manage.


Because there is hardly anything terrible about my school, I'd say the worst thing is the meal plan for students living in a university dorm and have to eat dorm food. I'm not a picky eater; I love food and often vocally express my appreciation for it to my friends. But after eating dorm food over and over again, my stomach craves something more well-prepared and appetizing. I often wanted to eat out or have home cooked meals, but I had money reserved on my meal plan, so I often forced myself to eat dorm food.


It is very liberal. It is open-minded towards everything but conventional viewpoints. Conservative is a synoynm for "bad" at this school.


The campus is an open campus. Anyone can walk around and not be disturbed.


Dorm living, it is very expensive and is not at all worth the money paid. The best residential hall is over-priced.


I've come to appreciate everything UT has to offer but I would like to see more racial diversity considering the size of our school. Lower costs on housing near campus would be really good as well.


I would like to see a more diverse group of students here at the University of Texas at Austin. During the 2008-2009 school year, the African-American population on campus is approximately 4{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. It can sometimes be uncomfortable to attend a school of nearly 50,000 students and only a handful look like you. Although I do have friends from other race/ethnic groups, it would be nice to see more students that look like me on campus. In most of my classes, I am the only African-American in the course (some of which have over 400 students).


The worst thing about the school is its size. If you do not enjoy having class sizes of over 300 then most classes you would not find interesting. This is the main problem but as you get closer to graduating the class sizes get smaller so in the end UT is just a really good university.


The ONLY thing I dislike is the fraternity and sorority rush system.


The worst thing about the University of Texas is also the best thing in that there are such great expectations placed upon students. The same drive that pushes students to succeed also fuels the stress around exam times, interviews and job fairs. It is one thing to be successful and to do your very best and another thing completely to be so driven that you miss out on some of the essential experiences and relationships in college. Sometimes school gets in the way of college. Too much academic focus can hurt your overall experience.


I think that the worst thing about the University of Texas at Austin is that it's a really large school. Even though there are many opportunities for socializing, an individual has to actively pursue those opportunities. If a student does not make an effort to join one of the many student clubs, organizations, and groups then they may end up feeling lonely or left out. This is especially true if the student does not live in on-campus housing.


It's too big so there it is hard to connect with people.


people dont care about anything all of them are dumb


The amount of students requires a high ratio of students to teachers which means you won't get as much/any one-on-one attention unless you seek it out.


Sometimes I think that some of the professors are more interested in their research than their students. It can be frustrating when a teacher doesn't care about your success in his or her class. Our school is very big so big classes are necessary, but sometimes it's hard to work as hard or participate in a big class.


While being large can be advantageous, it is also a hindrance when trying to connect with the administration and that aspect of schooling. My major is a smaller one than some, so it easier for me when it comes to dealing with that. Also, because of our size, scholarships are hard to come by.


the cost


Sometimes it is hard to meet people because the school is so big.


There is probably a lot of pressure to drink and party.


Don't get enough out of my courses.


They do not adjust the air conditioning. It is always freezing in some classrooms and then it may be sweltering in other classes. That is about the worst thing about this school, so it is just an amazing school. Be aware that there are many distractions, so know why you came to college, and never lose focus.


The worsts thing about the University of Texas is that it is easy to become anti-social if you are not actively trying to make friends. There are a lot of students at this university, but with all of the pressure to do well at great school like this, its easy to neglect your social life.


The worst thing about my school is the big, lecture classes. Almost all government and history classes are huge and you don't get to form a personal relationship with your professor very easily.


It can be pretty demanding at times and people expect alot out of the students but it makes for a competitive enviornment that makes succeeding rewarding.


It is so large that it is really hard to find a niche. Pick a good social club, see if you can fit in, and keep trying until you find somewhere you do. It's hard to get through college without a good group of friends.


There are a lot of students and it is hard to get into the classes you need.


Some people say the amount of people, but it doesn'd bug me at all


I think the school could have more career counseling and/or help with job placement. The individual colleges have their own program, but there isn't really anything for UT as a whole.


Classes on Fridays. We could save a lot of energy if offices/classrooms and buildings were closed.