The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

What kind of person should attend this school?


The type of student who should attend The University of Texas at Austin can be any ordinary person. A person who attends this school, however, must be open to diversity because the university promotes it very much. Besides this one unenforced requirement, it is easy for a student to be successful socially and academically because this university is so large and filled with other students, faculty, and staff who enjoy helping fellow Longhorns (our mascot) with whatever they need. Any student who is interested in this large and diverse environment should definitely attend this school.


A person who is extremely focused on their academic career.


A person who wants to learn in an enviroement of diversity, you could even say someone who wants a different lifestyle. Austin is one of the best areas to be outdoors. The best part about Austin is that if you dont want outdoors there is alot of historical and fun places to go. Also someone who is ready to work for their grade.


The kind of people that should go to The University of Texas are the ones that are willing to work hard, want to have fun and aren't afraid of being challenged. It's a lot of work to keep up, but it's totally worth it in the end. Students can't be afraid to ask for questions, because although the teachers are willing to help, they're not going to baby anyone.


Absolutely any kind of person can and should attend the University of Texas. With a campus focused on acceptance and diversity, everyone is bound to find that something to make them feel at home. The location of campus (deep in the heart, and capitol, of our beautiful state) provides innumerable unique opportunities to students. Any person open to discovering themselves and the rich culture of the world around them will find UT an amazing place to learn and grown.


Any person really! UT has something for everyone! It is a place were everyone comes together as one. longhorn pride!


People attending The University of Texas at Austin should be very open-minded to various cultures and viewpoints. There are many driven, goal-oriented people at UT, but also like to have a lot of fun. Thus, the mentality of work hard, play hard really applies to this school. The Longhorns have a huge school spirit, which is attributed to having one of the top sports programs in the nation. Also, since it is a big campus, students should be willing to be social and meet other people through various groups (social, academic, political, etc.).


The University of Texas has a strong tradition of loyalty and someone who believes that one can achieve greatness among many is more apt to become a success at UT. I believe it is better to come prepared with a background education at a junior college. UT can be veyr overwhelming. UT offers many amazing field for study and each college is filled with dedicated and motivational instructors. Just stay on track with a positive attitude and make sure you have stable roommates or living situations.


A person who is open minded, willing to meet a variety of unique and interesting people, passionate, social, looking to find a place to be accepted.


An ambitious people-person who likes diversity.


Intellegent , open-minded, unique, independent, laid-back, Someone who strives to be one of the best, Someone who doesn't mind being on a big campus, meat-eaters, vegans, vegetarians, People of all religions, Health-nuts, Ambitious people, Football fans, People who like getting into school spirit, Friendly, musicians, artists, creative


Students wanting to attend UT-Austin should be motivated and self-starters. They should want to be involved with the school and have incredible school spirit, at least to have an enjoyable college experience. Students should know that it takes a lot of studying and extra time put into their classes to pass with high grades. Austin is a very liberal city, so people wanting to be at UT should understand that political views may vary.


Open, driven fun going student.


Any person who enjoys the convenience and oppertunities of "big city living" would love Austin and UT. The university and the city both offer very diverse populations, and there is a place for everybody. Course work is very rigorous, so you must be intelligent. Also, there are plenty of ways to get involved, get out, and have a good time. If you like to work hard and play hard the University of Texas at Austin is for you!


Anyone who is looking for a University that will prepare themselves for a successful career.


A person with serious academic goals who isn't afraid to or who doesn't have a problem with studying should go here. Students who naturally get high grades without a lot of personal work would feel most comfortable here because there is a lot of fun to be had in places other than the library.


People who attend this school should be open to new ideas and different types of people. They should enjoy working hard to achieve their goals, especially if they wish to do well in class. An action oriented person who enjoys a challenge and doesn't mind putting in a lot of effort to get what they want. Mostly, somebody who wants to put everything they possess into learning and concentrating on their schoolwork. If you want to party every night, this is not the place for you.


Someone who is open to trying new things and experience a different culture should attend UT. Austin is very liberal and friendly, so everyone is welcome.


Someone who is independent and unafraid of making new friends in a large environment would be best suited for this university. It is a huge school, and, though they attempt to create a sense of community here, it can be overwhelming dealing with so many people. People who have trouble taking risks and meeting new people might have a hard time.


The best thing about UT Austin is that this question has no answer. The students who belong at UT Austin are there for countless reasons. You find NAACP football players who attend to get recruited into the NFL as well as future architects, engineers, lawyers, and a significant number of undecided. Moreover, there are a myriad of unacademic differences between these students. Some are heavily involved in Greek life, others are passionate about Student Senate. People who are passionate about their futures and have a deep sense of school spirit belong at UT Austin.


The University of Texas at Austin is considered to be a top-tier school. The students that attend the school are bright and career-focused individuals. The students have good study habits and are constantly in the PCL (Perry-Castaneda Library). This is a testament to the type of alumni that the school creates and the prestige that comes with it. Students who attend UT either were in the top 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of their high-school senior class, or they scored high on either the SAT or ACT. The school is highly competitive, which in turn produces highly competitive alumni.


To best fit in at UT, you should be open to all types of different people, ideas, and experiences, because there is a lot of diversity on campus. You also need to be a very self-motivated person, as the professors will not track you down and keep you on top of your work. Students here should be comfortable in a class with 400 people. Many introductory classes are large and you won't get personal attention.


I think that anyone should attend this school because it is so diverse and it has something for everyone. If you are very focused on your academics, we are the top school in Texas for many different fields. If you have alot of school spirit and love football, this school is for you. If you want to get involved, we have so many different clubs and organizations to get plugged into.


Open minded, social, studious, independent


I think that they great thing about the University of Texas at Austin is that it is the perfect school for any kind of student. There is an organization for just about anything an individual could want to be involved in. I think that UT calls for a student that is highly motivated, excited about the university, eager to learn, and ready to have fun. I think that any student who feels like they may have trouble fitting in to a school, UT is definitely the place for anyone who is truly unique.


People who like city life and don't mind the occasional large classroom setting would do fine here.


An outgoing, open-minded person who understands how to balance school work and their social life should attend this school.


Open minded people who are eager to experience a wide breadth of things.


Someone who is looking for fun and not looking for a small school experience.


Anyone who wants to learn, not just in their classes, but also in an environment full of diverse people from all walks of life. Anyone who can put up with the "big school" disadvantages by finding their niche in a student group and holding on until the major-specific classes, when the size gets smaller. Anyone who loves football. Anyone who has no idea what they want to do with their life--there are so many options here, with world-class departments.


If you are hard working, curious, kind, and demanding of your self and other with no fear of failing you will fit well here.


Fun loving, outgoing type of person. Defiinitely someone who is very liberal.


Driven, dedicated, and responsible. Must know how to manage time well. Know how to have fun and balance a social life along with academics as well.


Anyone who has a lot of spirit. Burnt Orange pride


Curious, driven, open-minded individuals, looking to explore. Those who understand how to work hard, but also play hard.


Someone who is driven to do work, not by their parents, or any other family member, but by themselves. Anyone who is a hard worker, but also likes to have fun would thrive at the University of Texas at Austin. There is an amazing community here of students, faculty and alumni, which I am proud to be a part of.


The type of person that should attend The University of Texas at Austin should be someone is able to work very hard in school while being able to maintain a social life and get involved on campus. The workload is heavy here and the teachers expect A LOT out of you. While maintaining grades, it is recommended for everyone to get involved on campus in some way or another so people wanting to attend must be willing to get involved and also balance that with school.


A person that attends here must be a hard worker, liberal and a go-getter. There are so many things that can be taken advantage of at this university, so not doing this would make the college experience at this university a waste.


A person who likes the big city atmosphere, since UT Austin is located right in the middle of downtown Austin. This school takes a lot of dedication to do well so you might want to have a personality of an overachiever. The school is fun and adventurous. I would recommended for everyone who wants to be a Longhorn.


Someone who is open-minded, willing to grow personally, spiritually, and academically. Someone who is willing to think outside of the box and to adjust to new ways of thinking readily.


A very academically inclined person or someone very outgoing.


Creative, determined, and talented people.


UT is for someone seeking the greatest college experience. It is more than just academic enrichment. College is about exposing yourself to different ideas and cultures. Once you go off to a university you learn to become independent and responsible. UT and the surrounding community are equipped to let us grow in these not so academic areas. People often say,"Keep Austin Weird". I don't think Austin is weird, it is very welcoming and therefore very diverse. So, if you want to get a top notch 'college' education, then UT is for you!


This school is definitely for the smart and intelligent hard working type of people. I feel that you also have to be open-minded and open to new ideas to atten UT.


Someone who likes to blend into a crowd would love this school. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with the pressure of keeping up with everyone else. Someone who is planning on joining a sorority or fraternity would love this school.


Definitely an open-minded person, or one interested in learning about people and ideas different from those in his or her own experiences. Music lovers would do well in Austin. It's a hub for independent artists. Knowing how to balance a social life with studying and academics would also benefit students who come here because there's so much to do, and it can sometimes be distracting.




So many different kinds of people can attend UT, as long as they are open to new experiences and points of view. It is important that a student at this school is willing to make an effort to get to know people, get involved, and be a part of the community, or else it can be easy to fall into the crowd. UT caters best to the student who is accepting of all different kinds of people.