Tri-County Technical College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


All the great resources that are offered at night. I work and I wish I had known about these. Also, the price of nursing school!


Many students hear their parents say "college is the best time of your life," it may very well be. However, my college life has not so much as fun as an opportunity to better myself for the workforce. TCTC has opened this door me by helping me to get to a four year college.; and, support my unborn son. If anything, I wish I had a better understanding of the life scholarship rules. Because I didn't know the regulations I cramed many hours into my first semester, insted of taken classes over the summer. Thus, I lost my scholarship.


Before I started college at Tri-County Technical College I wish I would have realized how hard it is to be so far away from family and friends. I also wish I would have done more research in my search for a school that had what I wanted to do closer to home.