Union College-Schenectady Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of this school?


I have a car, but barely ever use it because there are so many activites to do on campus. Uprogram is really good about have atleast one major activity every weekend, as well as showing good movies at the campus theater. I would say the majority of the people here really love their school. For me, union is the perfect size, i very often bump into a firend on my way to class, and i like the comfort of seeing familliar faces around, though there are always oppertunities to meet new people as well.


school - sized like a high school smallness good for one on one attention from professors can see people you befriend again easily


You will get a great education, party a great deal at frats, and in the end you will become a more socially involved and active person in ways you never thought you would before. I was always involved in cooking at restaurants and now I am running the Culinary House on campus and am making a cookbook right now I hope to release next year.