University of Alaska Anchorage Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


It's going to seem really scary and new at first, but the classes are a lot like high school. Some the students are serious, some are just trying to pass. The best classes have mixed ages because of the the different perspectives. The pressure to drink is going to be out there, but there are tons of activities on campus without alcohol that will highlight your college memories. Don't be scared to talk to career counselours, they're really friendly and like to hear from passionate students. The campus is going to seem huge at first, but so did the high school your first year. Do what you can to get along with your peer mediators and residence advisors because you'll see them around campus a lot. In short, try to enjoy the time you're spending in college. As long as you do the homework and show up to class you're going to do great. And don't worry about making friends. It can happen without you even really trying, but making the first move isn't a bad idea either. The other students are friendly, so don't be shy.


If I could go back in time and converse with myself as a high school senior, I would warn myself about being a wallflower. I used to be rather shy, and found it difficult to connect with anyone in college for a while. Even my roommates, of which I had five, were strangers to me for a long while. While I found it simpler to focus on my studies while I refrained from associating with others while outside of class, I was very miserable. In time, my self-induced loneliness effected my grades negatively. All work and no play also made me miss home more acutely. While I improved socially after my first semester, (and academically,) it wasn't until I transferred to the university I attend now, (in the spring of my sophomore year,) that I truly bloomed. I would inform my younger self to make an effort to join school clubs quickly, and get involved with other organizations on campus. The connections I made helped me find free housing during the summer, as well as a job. While I would never deter my high school self from my studies, I would emphasize making swift and lasting social connections.


As a high school senior I would have taken a year off to play before going to college.


I would tell myself that social status and popularity dont mean nearly as much as they did in high school. It is so easy to get consumed in your social life and forget all about the real reason we are in college, to learn and gain educational and professional skills. Focus on your studies and everything will work out fine. This doesnt mean to be anti social, it just means that we should watch who we hang out with and what impact they will have on our lives.


I would recommend to myself to push to take advanced trigonometry in a summer class before starting so I could get started sooner in calculus and taking advanced physics classes. I would also tell myself to work as hard as you possibly can and not just rely on natural ability to get through. Lastly, I would encourage myself to do a bit of traveling and/or get some job experience so that when I make the transition from 'completely sheltered, rural existance' to 'totally free college town of semi-urban environment around thousands of young people my age' I don't go completely crazy trying to do, see. hear, and be everything.


My advice to a high school senior is get excited! You are about to embark on the most important, most challenging, and most fun time of your life! You will meet new people, go to amazing places, stretch yourself way beyond what you ever thought you were capable of, and you will learn what an amazing person you are. Take advantage of both the once in a lifetime opportunities, like studying abroad, and the every day opportunities, like meeting new people, that college will afford you. This time is life-changing - make sure it changes your life into the life you've always dreamed of!


Even though you suddenly think that you're all grown up and don't need anyone, you probably need more support than you know. Make use of every resource you have available whether it's friends, family, school counselors, or community support. The choices that you are making now really will effect your for the rest of your life, and if you allow yourself to be helped by others you will only benefit in the long run. I made the classic mistake of believing that I knew more than everyone around me, and as a consequence I experiemented with drugs, dropped out of college and am now (at 33) only finally returning to finish my degree. You have a chance to believe in yourself NOW, and take the short cut to a long and rewarding life with a meaningful career. Stay smart, listen to those around you who care about you, and stay in school! You can do it!


College life is not that intimidating. The buildings seem large, however start out at the Student Services area and walk around. Walk around the campus with a friend or by yourself. At least put one foot on the grass and have the courage to walk through, into the building(s). Even though your parents can't understand the gargon of college life and the thought of filling out the entance application is beyond them, stop by the admissions office and they will guide you through it. Start by taking only 12 credits a semester and make sure you find a fun class to take too, even if it's tennis or pottery. If you can make it through the admission process, you can do anything. You will meet new friends, you will learn from your classes at a steady pace. The professors will not throw anything at you, that you can't handle. Now go and buy a pen and notebook, find your classroom and show up tomorrow at 10:00am. Don't be late. Bring a cup of coffee with you and sip on it during the lecture.


Do better in school and actually learn. It will prepare you better for college. Do all you can to attend college out of state. Save your money throughout school.


Be wise on how you spend your time and your engery. There is so much you will want to do, and see but your school must come first. There will always be a next time to participate in a event but there is only one now. Use your time wisely because when you don't do well in classes it because you aren't trying hard enough. Time is money in College. Have a good time also.


Dear Little Bitty Senior Lindsay, When you get to college, GO TO CLASS DAMNIT! Its SO MUCH easier to know what the professor is looking for in an assignment or essay test if you know your professor.... or at least can pick them out of a crowd. So go to class, read your textbook, GET SOME SLEEP. Also call your parents, let them know what's going on; the more in the loop they feel, the less they worry, and the less they worry the more sleep they get, and the more sleep they get the less they yell. Also, don't fall for the first guy that tells you he's never met anyone like you, he'll break your heart and leave you bitter until you realize that the one meant for you is right in front of your eyes. And if you refuse to listen to anything else,always remember, you're going to be okay. It's alright to make a C on a test or to make mistakes, just get back up on that horse girl, you're going to do just fine. Love, More Experienced Lindsay


I would go back and tell myself that importance needs to be placed on good study habits. A strong GPA is the best thing I can do for myself when it comes to graduation, financial aid and scholarships. Getting into the habit of a studying routine is the first step to academic success.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior I would have advised myself to take advance placement classes. AP classes count twards college credits, it would have knocked some classes off of my freshman college schedule. I would have also advised myself to attend an out of state college. UAA is a commuter university, people go to class and go home, not much socialization. Out of state I would have gotten the full exsperience of being away from home and going to big arena football games and above all meeting so many new people. All things I missed out on by staying in state.


Life is a challenge in whatever you do. However, if you do not have a goal in your life ,you'll wander around and not achieve what you could do if you had something in mind. You need to know yor goals, abilities and skills. And when you enter college this begins a whole a new world in your life not only this but with responsibilties to contend with. My advice to any high school senior is to work and study hard and keep a positive outlook and preservere in whatever you do to achieve your goal and never give up! In all, you must keep in mind several factors to suceed in life which are : visualization, perseverance, a positive attitude and work ethic. With these factors you can proceed with success and achieve your goals and challenges which lay in front of you. These are the traits which I used to suceed in receiving my Bachelor Degree in Science.


I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as yo u possibly can. It isn't easy out there! Never forget about the close friends that you have now, you'll need them. Remember that school is important, but don't let it control your life. This is a time to learn about who you are as an individual, not just what's in the books. Have an open mind and don't be afraid to try new things!!


When trying to make a decision about college, I spent most of my time looking through the "look books" various campuses sent me and browsing the universitys' websites. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell me to put down those look books. They can't help me make a decision about college; they are all manipulated to make the students look ecstatic to be taking classes, and they end up making all universities look the same. The most valuable thing I can learn about a college won't be found in those shiny brochures; I can find out more about a college by walking through the campus. Only this way can I feel the environment of the college and decide if it matches who I am and who I want to be. I would tell myself to get down to those colleges and look around. Can I see myself there? If I answer yes , then only will I be able to not just transition into college, but flourish there.


Dear High School Self, I know you?re tired of listening to advice about college, but here is some from your older self?s perspective. First, stop listening to that guidance counselor and your parents. Apply for all the scholarships you can. He doesn?t think you can succeed because of your brothers? actions. Don?t let your parents tell you what degree or courses you have to take; take the classes you know will achieve your goals. Do attend the community college before going to a university; it?s more cost effective. Nonetheless, your drive, planning and sense of responsibility will carry you through eventually. Next, do pay attention to the nurse when she talks to you about personal hygiene and dressing in a more feminine manner. Though it doesn?t seem like much now, it will hinder your ability to make friends and get promoted. Insist on getting your teeth fix; this will be a major problem if they are not corrected now. Last, but most important, do NOT give up your Christian values to gain friends. It will only cause you grief, heartache and physical problems in the end. In Christ?s love,


If I could go back in time I would've started looking for scholarships and financial aid earlier instead of waiting until the last minute. Procrastination is a bad habit that needs to be broken and it's better to break the habit when the consequences aren't so effective. Staying focused and determined is a big part of who I am and was, I cannot forget that part of me. Don't stress over the little things, if I spend too much time stressing over the little things I will never make it through the bigger challenges in life that await me. There are a lot of people in the world willing to help me through anything obstacle that may come my way. I can't be scared to ask for help when I need it. I need to find a balance between living for the future and living day by day. Life is unexpected. All in all I need to learn how to live life to it's fullest, stay true to myself, and learn something from every experience.


College will be hard. A lot different than what you are doing right now. Better learn more math and English. Those English words are quite hard. Really not understandable than what you are right now.


Be prepared, and take your time through this year. Work hard and get ready to study. You can't coast through College, so get used to the type of work load. Apply to schools out of state and find one to attend. Staying in state is much cheaper, but going out of state will force you to work, and most of all it is a life changing experience.


I would tell myself only three things basketball should not be the only reason I try hard in school. Two, you should love learning. Three, college is not a waste of time.


The most agonizing concern I noticed about myself and my fellow graduates during my senior year was whether or not to pursue a career path that ignited our souls and captured our interest, or whether we would choose the most suitable and safe path. Gone were the days when decisions were made on our behalf, and it was time to take responsibility for our own potential. I believe that this mentality is not the most conducive to entering college life with a positive outlook. Personally, I chose to make a seemingly outlandish decision and moved far away, to somewhere that had been providing me with inspiration for years. I struggled over this choice and I spent countless hours considering the opportunities before me. In the end, I was able to choose passion over security and ever since then I have never looked back. In retrospect, I may have benefited by not taking such a large plunge into the pool of reality right when my "real world" was to begin; though, I did take for granted all of the support around me and I would advise myself to stop and take a breath for it was merely the beginning.


That it is better to have a set goal in mind before you start taking classes full time. It would be better to attend classes part time and work part time in order to be exposed to more opportunities and experience 'the real world'. Real life isn't classes and dormitory life that you experience as a college freshmen. Choose your friends wisely and keep close to family.


When you work the whole summer, save all your money instead of spending it! Before the semester starts become familiar with the campus, and REGISTER EARLY. Procrastinating gets you no where in college. Most of the time if it's late, it's a zero.


Back in high school I was really non-chalant when it came to money especially my senior year, whenever I got in touch with a small amount of cash I would either spend it all on junk food which I really didn't need. I was always careless and I never did what I was supposed to do when I was supposed to do it, I was very irresponsible. Also I always used to give one of my friends an unnecessarily large amount of money not realizing that I really didn't need to give them anything at all, it was survival of the fittest then and it's even worse now especially with the whole economical situation. I was that little baby that every parent wanted their child around because I had a positive attitude, I liked to share. Even though all the other babies tended to break my toys I stayed calm because even then I'm pretty sure I knew that getting all angry wasn't going to fix my toy. Being where I'm at now with no job and barely able to pay rent the best advice I'd have for myself is be smart.


I would allocate to my latter that I should study hard and use the time as a senior as time in preparation for college and higher learning. The money that could be saved through taking extra classes my final year and getting ahead of my classmates, is a huge beneficiary in the long run, it would not only be a smart thing to do but also a wise one.


Looking back I probably would have taken things slower and had a more thought out plan. I didnt really know what I wanted to do with my life so I just threw myself in college and started taking general requirements. I had no way to pay for school so I was very lucky when I made financial aid my first year. The aid didnt last though so now I have many loans that im going to have to pay off. Its unfortunate when there are so many scholarships available for my school, that I never pushed myself to go for them. I would definently advise to start applying for many scholarships before you start freshman year of college, and if you have the opportunity, to stay home for as long as you need to.


Be your own advocate!... You deserve to have your questions answered and get the best guidance, instruction, advising and academic experience as possible. If you don't get your answers answered right away keep trying and don't quit until you do. You need to take care of yourself and be your own best friend. Take advantage of all activities and opportunities you can. Learn, participate, speak up, question, analyze, volunteer, empower, encourage, motivate and give it all you got. It is not all about the grades it is about gaining self knowlege and knowlege of the world to best prepare you for your life. Learning is a gift... grab it and enjoy it.... recieve all it has to offer so that one day you can give back. It is a cycle!


In the words of Sir William Shakespeare: Know Thyself. College may be about learning valueable skills and facts to help me in the profession of my choice. However, it is also about learning who you are and how you interact with others. College comes at a transitional moment in life where we take the skills attained in secondary education or what we have learned from our upbringing and applying them to a trial run at adult existence. Don't expect to have all the answers right away. Learning about yourself (how you learn, think, feel, operate, ect.) is a journey, not a race. This is a time for personal and academic growth. I suggest taking one day at a time. There will always be tomorrow. Time and gravity wait for nobody. So don't get caught up the the pettiness designed to distract you from new experiences. Stay open and be willing to learn about anything that sparks your interest. Even if it goes against the advise of others, take at least one class per year for the fun of it. Who knows, you may ditch that miserable excuse for a major for one that grabs and maintains your interest.


College is like a small city. when you step it in, you face many chioces, so you need to be careful with friends that you make becasue they can influence in some ways


I would go back and tell myself, that no matter what college life is like to just keep on going. Do not give up on it, cause you will make it through all of the classes that you will be taking. Its not has hard as it looks and it will be so much fun with meeting new people and experienceing what each teacher has to offer in their teaching style. College life is fun and hard at times, but life is the same way too.


I find that in some classes I have a harder time than most. Understand if I were given the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself, I would kick my own butt into gear. Dropping out of high school while never stopped me from trying to succeed, did in fact make me fail in a lot of ways that limits me now as an adult. I would have stayed in school, learned and applied the necessary facets of my education to gather a higher mentality that would prepare me for the classes I would have in high school; While rectifying the many mistakes I've made up to this point. :P


Don't pack so much crap, you won't need it. School will be easy as long as you make it fun for yourself, don't get so wrapped up in your books that you don't make time for you.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, well, I'd have so many things to tell myself! However, the most important thing that I would have to tell myself would be to prepare to be thrown into a whole new world in which you get to make the choices of your destiny. These choices are now yours to make and the outcome of your life depends upon the wise or unwise choices that you make. So sit back, relax, and listen to what your heart and the Lord has to say about the roller coaster of life as you transition into college and adulthood.


I would tell myself that college is full of learning new knowledge and is also fun. I shouldn't be scared because I don't know what to expect, because in the past, everything that I was scared of turned out to be very good experiences. There are so many courses offered that I'll want to do so much and will enjoy learning what I can. There are so many different people at college that make it that much more interesting and engaging. Whether they be students, teachers, or other faculty, they all bring something great to the table. There's nothing for me to fear, only to look forward to. Paying for college is tough, though. I'd also tell myself to save and put more money away. All in all, college is a great opportunity and experience that I shouldn't miss out on.


Katie, don't take everything so seriously. So what, you got a 89{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} on your Communication Disorders Final and that means you will probably just get a B in the class. It is ok. Breathe. Chill. Relax. Go have fun! College is definately about your grades and doing well, but it is also about the experience of making friends, learning about different cultures and different types of people and honestly, making mistakes. So, get out their Katie, and make some mistakes.... Put down the notes for the Microbiology midterm and go make some friends and live the full college experience. You will be more rounded if you do, and hey, isn't that what college is all about? p.s. You are going to change your major... TWICE!


Make sure that you study all the time, but allow yourself to have fun too.


The right college is the college you think will give you the best experiences and the best memories. Yes, the academics matter too but the A+ in Biology won't bring you the memories of studying with friends or the wonderful times you had out side of class. Don't party 24/7, it is important to have a balance of school and social life. Study first and play later. You will be tempted to go out and party but grades do matter but don't forget to have fun too.


My advice for future college students and parents is to follow your intuition. If a school feels right than go for it. Try new things, get out there and meet LOTS of new people, and always remember to apply for financial aid every year. You will be so happy you did.


I would tell parents and students, the key to finding the right college is based on where you want to take your career. If you want to become a doctor or an engineer there are certain colleges that are designed to steer that path for you. Also something else to take into consideration is financial aide. That is something that will determine what type of college you will be able to afford to attend. The climate, its another factor. If you don't like the enviornment of, for example the south I wouldn't reccomend attending a college in Texas. In order to make the most out of the college experience, it is important to get involved in the community. Go to campus orientations and barbeques and the different functions that the school offers.


The best advice I can give regarding choosing a school is to take your time. College is not only financial investment but a time investment, and to make the best of both, one needs to give a lot of thought to the next two-to-four years. Talk to current students and faculty if that's an option. Once a school is chosen, remember that the best education is achieved through equal input from student and professor. You're only going to get out of the experience what you put in, regardless of how awesome the curriculum is or who the professor is. If a student makes the commitment to getting the best education, it's possible to transcend even a less than ideal situation.


I would address the parents of future students. In my experience I wasn't given much advice when it was time to find the right college and make the most of the college experience because neither parent had the college experience. My dad entered the army at a young age, deploying to Vietnam a few years later. My mother did not attend college, choosing the homemaker career instead. I later settled for a university for financial reasons, which I later realized was the wrong reason. As a future parent my advice to the future student is to choose the school that you feel the most passionate about. Don't settle for anything less, because in the end the experience and conviction of choosing the top school will set a precedence for the future. Nothing is too far or hard to reach. Even in this uncertain time in the United States and the world, it is important for our future leaders to fight for what they want. To make the most of your college experience is to make the right decisions and work hard for what you want.


A lot comes into considerations when it comes into finding the right college. i think the first thing will be the cost of the college the student intends to go too. due to rising college costs the parents and the student have to consider how they will work their budget for the students school fees. the distance of the college is another factor when deciding the right college. how far or close it is to any family member is an important factor. for most students who feel they've been under thier parent wings for too long, they might want to consider a college that is not to close to home. However i suggest going to a college that has at least one relative or family friend incase you need help or guidance during college. The best way to make the most of the college experience is to be very social and engage in social,extracurricular and school activities that involve school spirit. this is very important because it is how you meet people and very helpful as it will help you relieve the pressure that you will feel from trying to succed the various classes you're taking .


The search for finding the perfect college can be a rough road with many obstacles, but it is important to remember that college is a once in a lifetime experience for most people and there is a perfect college for each individual. The most important thing to do during this search is keep in mind the goals you have a student. It?s okay if you don?t know what you want to do with your life, but knowing the kind of community and activities that you want to be involved in is essential to finding a campus that fits you best. The perfect college is different for every person, but make sure you?re comfortable with the size and location of the school, as well as its educational opportunities, social events, and recreational activities. It is important to find a community you can involve yourself in educationally and socially. College is not just about filling you with knowledge, but it?s a process of molding your character so you can become an intelligent, involved, and caring member of society. The biggest mistake you can make is picking a college that does not fit with your personal goals.


My advice about making the most of your college experience is to ultimately choose the school that is right for you. Although academic achievements, and names that are often referred to as "good" schools is important--the most important factor when finding the right school is where you fit in, regardless of the school's standing. Each college has its own unique characteristics that makes it the academic establishment that it is today--but finding the right college involves identifying those unique characteristics and asking yourself if those are most important to you. Commonly, family members, significant others, or friends play a large role in influencing the college that an aspiring student selects, but college is all about finding yourself-- which can not be done by anyone else, but themselves. To make most of the college experience is a combination of excelling academically, managing your time, and taking a variety of classes to become a well-rounded person--and who knows, maybe you will find your undiscovered talents and interests.


One of the important things is to know what you are comfortable with and to try to match your school with those qualities. Are you ready to be on campus or do you want to stay at home? Does your campus have enough activities that you enjoy? Does it have an adequate administration? Don't be afraid to change your mind if your school does not provide you with a comfortable environment.


My best advice is to follow your instincts. Only you know what is best for you. Take advice from others along the way that are knowledgable but make sure the final decision is your own. Keep your integrity and morals along the way and you will succeed in anything that you want to do. Treat school like a job because it will set you up for the rest of your life. Have fun. Take only what you need in student loans and do not work too much in any job. Find people you can talk to when it is rough and try to stay positive. The school you choose should reflect what you want to accomplish with college and your career. Sometimes picking the most expensive school is not the right option. Make sure your school is accredited and get feedback from anyone that has attended it. Visit your school before you commit yourself completly. The most important thing to remember is that when you leave your home for the first time you will rely on your strengths and develop your weaknesses. You will grow as a human and embrace it with the gaining knowledge you earn while attending school!


Make sure you visit the schools your interested in, and remeber to have fun!


Make sure that you or your child are happy with the college they attend because it makes for a better experience. Also find a college that has a sense of family and togetherness.


Be sure to find a school that has a balance between academics and a social world.