University of Arkansas Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


First and foremost, I would tell myself to seriously get checked out by a psychiatrist. Medication for Bipolar disorder has helped so much, and having that work against my favor during my senior year really harmed me. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship that added to my stress and kept me from getting sleep I needed, not only before tests, but during day to day activities as well. I would tell myself not to bother taking AP Statistics, and to instead take AP Calculus. Statistics isn't needed in my major plan, and Calculus is difficult for me to grasp. I would tell myself to take ACT preparation exams and really push for a higher score - just a few more points and so many more opportunities would have opened up for me. I would emphasize to myself to really seek help, because then I would be more motivated to take care of myself, and take advantages of the opportunities I did have. I would also tell myself to keep looking for local software development internships - I got one and it was amazing. Basically, I would say that I needed to prioritize myself.


I would tell my high school self to be prepared. The obstacles in college are many and difficult. Apply for more scholarships, there will always be more expenses ahead and you will need all the help you can get. Also I would tell my high school self to not let college change you. There are so many Greek organizations that can turn a perfectly kind and caring person into a self obsessed person who has little regard for anything beyond appearences. Stick to what you know to be right and treat everyone you will ever meet with nothing but the utmost respect and kindness. The last thing I would like to tell my high school self would be to thank your parents. They do so much for you and you should show them that you are infinitely greatful for everything they do.


You are bright and driven. College will not be too hard for you academically. College will be hard for you in other ways: socially, emotionally, and vocationally, it will be tough. I want you to know first that, if you find yourself hanging around people you don't like, people who drag you down, or people who don't actively make you better, you can leave them and find new people. College is full of not just smart people but also good people, people who will support you and challenge you and be loyal to you. Find them and do the same for them.Second, don't worry too much about what you'll do after college. Have some ideas—have all the ideas you want, the more the better—but instead of trying to figure out exactly how to get yourself exactly where you want, focus on doing the best you can at what you're doing where you are, because people will notice. It will take you places.Last, explore everything. Libraries, cemeteries, the town you're in, your friends' stories. You might never again have this opportunity to make your world a bigger, brighter place.


The most useful resource you will find in college is your classmates. You will not succeed just by showing up to class, taking notes, studing, and doing your homework. You must find time to make friends with the students in your classes so that you can all work together to complete assignments and discuss your area of study, this is how to truly learn. I have learned more in latenight sessions in the engineering building with my lab partners than I have anywhere else. To be successful, break out of your shell and do not be afraid to approach the people you see everyday. Ask for help when you need it, and always be willing to offer help. You can finally grasp the concepts and understand your work when you collaborate with the people surrounding you. The experience of discussing course work and ideas concerning your area of study with people going through the same thing that you are is invaluable. The perspectives that your peers offer will stick with you through the rest of your college career, and help you more than you can imagine.


High School, to me, seemed to be a never ending stage in my life. During those four years, I became comfortable with my schedule and knew how to skate by in my classes without interacting too much with others. If I could go back in time, I would convince my senior self to make more connections and to ask questions. Speaking to teachers and councilors is a good way to prepare students for college life. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to ask my councilor about scholarship opportunities and ask my teachers for proper studying techniques. I didn't take advantage of the knowledge that was all around me, because I was only worried about passing my classes. If I had been proactive and made personal connections with the staff I probably could have transitioned more easily into making my own decisions. In college, students can't rely on their parents anymore. Learning how to communicate efficently by myself was a difficult task, and I wish I had broken out of my shell in high school in preparation for the increased independence of college.


If I could go back to my high school senior year, I would tell myself to calm down and breathe. Going from the top of my small high school as valedictorian, to a nervous freshman of a 25,000 student university was such a drastic change. I was stressed about grades and being the perfect student my freshman year of college, that I feel I let a lot of fun times pass me by. If I could go back, I would say, "Brooke, no matter what is crashing down around you, there is ALWAYS a reason to smile. So, do just that. Smile, as much as possible and celebrate every chance you get. You are in college, and as long as you are trying your best, everything will turn out just fine. You do not have to beat yourself up when you make a mistake. This is college, this is the time to not only make mistakes, but to learn from them too. Take this time to learn about yourself. Find a hobby that you can call your own. Enjoy your own company and be independent. Know it is okay to be proud of yourself; and learn to love yourself."


I would have taken all the courses in my high school that were available as college credit to save money during my undergraduate career. Every single penny of my earnings during high school would have been saved for college. I would apply to every scholarship that I could apply to. I would have enrolled in summer school at my local community college before I attended the University of Arkansas.


Knowing what I know after a year of college experience, I would tell my high school self to save money for college. As a senior I was all about going and doing with my friends and blowing money on bogus items, but now that I know the stress of being in debt trying to pay for school I would go back and advise myself to realize college is expensive and any amount of money helps, saving as much as I could through my senior year of high school could really help me in the future. I would also tell myself to get serious and really get my priorities straight. Yes, freshman year of college is enjoying new freedom, but you are there to get an education. It is important to remember grades benefit you more than constant partying. I wish I could go back to senior year of high school knowing those two things, but like they say; mistakes are lessons learned.


If I could go back in time and give myself college advice, I would tell myself to start a savings account. I would also tell myself to go to office hours, to communicate with my professors if I had any problems, to take a full course load each semester. I would tell myself to skip the meal plans and get more work experience.


If I could go back in time and give my younger self advice about college, I would tell myself that I need to learn how to study. My high school career was pretty lax for the most part-I never really had to put any extra effort into my studies, and because of this I am just now learning how to go over my materials effectively. As it could be imagined, this has had an impact not only on my schoolwork but on my mind as well; I am often worried if I have gone over a class' materials enough or if I truly understand a subject well enough to use what I am learning. Although I have maintained somewhere near a 3.1 GPA for my entire college career up until this point, studying would have bumped up my GPA to a higher point than it is currently sitting at and would have given me more confidence in my abilities to learn the material and apply it. Of all of the messages that I could ever give my younger self, I believe that this message would have the greatest impact on my current situation and standings at the university.


The advice I would give to my past self would be don't slack off. Go to classes, study for test, and do the best you could possibly do.


Dear Dakota: It is good to see you Dakota. I'm sure you have a ton of questions, but I don't have much time. My first advice to you is to enjoy your last year of high school and live every moment of it. This last year will be a great conclusion to your high school legacy. I know that you have been stressing about college. Just continue to do what you are doing and know that you will end up where you are supposed to. Now on to what I am sure you are just dying to know about. College is going to a very different experience for you. Going from a town of 4,000 to a college campus of 20,000+ will take some adjusting, but don't worry you will get the hang of it. When you first get on campus try to be as outgoing as possible. I know that that will be tough, but you will meet some great people. Also you know the head football equipment manager you have been e-mailing? Keep e-mailing him, I'm sure something will come of it. Good luck and remember to just be yourself!


As a high school senior I was unaware of the academic, lifestyle, and environmental changes that came with moving away from home and attending college. The most important advice that I would give myself as a high school senior would be to create effective studying habbits now and avoid waiting till the last minute to accomplish tasks. In college you are faced with many more distractions than you were in high school and it makes it difficult to want to make the time to do homework or study. By creating these habits now, you will be better prepared to avoid distractions and it will make the transition from high school to college a lot easier. The second advice I would give myself would be to practice on managing my time more efficiently. While in high school you are told what time you have to attend class, eat lunch, and socialize with friends, in college you have to juggle your time to do certain tasks around the time of your classes. If you practice on setting times for yourself to do certain things outside of school, you will be better equipped for managing your life in college.


If I had the capabilities to rewind time, I would go back and whisper these words once uttered by my idol, Julia Child, into my high-school self’s young and naïve ears, “find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” I was diagnosed with a learning disability; therefore, one of the many labels now stamped onto my forehead is “math deficiency” due to dyslexia. My dream was to become a Registered Dietitian but the degree requires extensive advanced science courses. I thoroughly convinced myself that I was incapable to achieve this goal, that I would fail. Consequently, I devoted two years to studying Hospitality Administration, a seemingly ideal second choice. Although I graduated, with honors even, this was never something I was “tremendously interested” in, just something that I could do. I held myself back from my dream because of my fear of failure. I have since then transferred and now studying Dietetics. The struggle is real but it will make me appreciate my achievement so much more. I am passionate about nutrition and I would have told my former self to not allow doubt to overtake you - you can accomplish anything you desire.


The way the media depicts college life is not how it really is. There is more to college than just wild parties, you actually have to work very hard. Being able to master the balancing act between getting enough sleep, doing well academically, and having a satisfying social life is something you'll have to work on for a while. It will be pretty stressful at first, trying to find your perfect balance of these 3 things, but keep trying and you'll eventually figure out the formula that is best for you. Getting involved on campus DOESN'T make you a nerd. The more you get involved on campus, the more opportunities you open up for yourself, both during college, and for your future. Make friends with people who have different cultural, religious, and other views than you. The more you put yourself out there, the more you will actually enjoy college (it's not all work). You don't have someone making you go to class, but GO. It teaches you responsibility and you'll miss out on a lot if you don't go. Most importantly, make the most of this experience, you only experience it once!


Dear Adam, Do not to conform to the crowd! When you enter college, you will see many who will be consumed in their personal image, striving to make themselves look great to others. If you are not careful you will fall to this trend. It is likely if you don't stay true to your character, you will begin to make radical decisions during this time. Strive to find friends who realize the importance of living a life with integrity. Do not be conformed to the environment around you that tells you its okay to slack off and just get by! Sadly, my first semester I fell into bad decision. But I did find a strong group of friends who took me off a path that could have lead to a bad start. Adam, in retrospect, I can tell you if you remember this exhortation, you will do great things your freshmen year!Always remember that Mom and Dad are proud of you and will always love you. Stay strong to your faith. I'm excited to see what you will do if you will make the wise decisions. You can do this! Your future self Adam Burroughs


Freshmen year is meant to be fun, but attending class is also important. Meet everyone you can and start making connections now. They will help out later if you need help in class or a study group. Go Greek! You meet amazing people and it can help you with your future job.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, i would give myself a liitle advice. This semester has taught me some valuable lessons. The first piece of advice is to develop good study habits. Although I never had to study in high school, college is much different. If I had developed those habits it's would not have been so difficult to figure out how to study. One other piece of advice is to learn how to take notes. Notetaking is valuable because you must decipher what's important and that is a great study tool. I believe if I had used these two things, the transition would have been much easier.


Spend more time studying math and other subjects that were not interesting to me in order to prepare for the challenges of college coursework.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to slow down and only focus on applying to a few schools. I got so caught up in applying and being accepted that I didn't even realize I was applying to schools that I would never be able to afford (schools with out of state tuition, or private schools). I would tell myself not to focus on where my friends were going to school, but to focus on a school that is best suited for my major and a place I could easily call home. Honestly, I would have probably advised myself to stay home and attend a community college so I could save money, and have more time to decide where I wanted to attend school. Ultimately, my advice to myself would be to stay patient and to realize that I always have to do what is best for me; even if it means taking a step back and slowing down to figure things out. When we are forced to make important decisions, but cannot decide which is best; sometimes the best thing to do is not make a decision at all.


I would tell myself to listen to those teachers and parents that tried to give me advice. I thought I knew what I was getting myself into but I did not. I did really well in high school so I figured that college would be a breeze. In a way, it is. I do not have teachers and parents breathing down my back asking if I finished my homework and asking if I need help. However, moving away from home for the first time in my life, trying to get in the swing of things at a new school in a new city, and trying to make friends in the process is very overwhelming. i should hve listened to those people who tried to warn me back then. Looking back on my high school career, I wish I would have had more fun. College is hard work and I did not take the opportunity in high school to just be a teenager and let lose every now and then. In college, it is much harder to balance the fun and the work because everything is much more serious now. Have fun and listen to the advice!


I would say don't be too nice, study more, and don't procrastinate. I have always been the very very nice girl in school. I let people walk all over me, even in college. I would tell myself to stop being so nice. I need to learn to stick up for myself when needed. I also would tell myself to study, study, study and stop procrastinating. We get a lot of work and projects in college. Sometimes even at the same time. So, you need to study for your tests and do your homework and projects right when you get it, dont wait till the day before or the day of.


Hey Trystan! Looking back on your experience as a high school senior, I would really encourage you to take advantage of all the opportunities that high school has to offer. You should really consider being more involved with different organizations in order to prepare you to be active on your college campus. I would also recommend to start early when applying for scholarships! You're parents would really appreciate it, and it would allieviate all of the hard work they are doing in order to allow you to succeed. Speaking of your parents, spend as much time with them as you can now, because you will definitely miss them and being at home! Get used to managing your time wisely, as that will be a huge challenge you will face once you arrive into the college atmosphere. Start writing out your schedule and planning when things need to be done. Just getting in the habit of some of these things and taking on responsibilities for yourself will really help you to make the most of your college experience, and lead to a very smooth transition! Best of luck! -Trystan


I would go back and go to high school. So that I could have the option of getting an athletic scholarship. Being homeschooled you don't get those kind of options.


If I could go back and talk to myself in high school, I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible. I didnt really understand at the time what a financial struggle college would place on my family. I would have tried to get as many scholarships as possible so I didnt put my brothers and parents under financial strain. I wish I could go back and do this everyday. I feel like I should be enjoying college but money is constantly on my mind. I want to be able to go out to dinner every once in a while without worrying about the money I am borrowing from my parents. I should have been smarter in high school and applied for more scholarships.


I ended up treating my senior year as more of a blow off year, as did a lot of my fellow classmates. But this made my transition from having high school classes to college classes very difficult. Because I had slacked off my senior year, I was not prepared for the vigorous classes that I was in during my first semester and put myself in a bit of a whole GPA wise and I had to work extremely hard my second semester to be in good academic standing. Looking back and knowing what I know now, if I had worked harder my senior year of high school and had been more focused on school than the social events that come with being a senior, I would have been more prepared for college courses.


I would have done a better job with scholarships and would have tried hard to get a better GPA.


I graduate this December and I start Graduate school in January. I have been a student for six years while working full time. I lost my father to an unusual accident my senior year of high school so there is a lot I would say to my self to prepare for the journey ahead. Dear Young Sarah, I know you feel like your life was just turned upside down. You are a hardworking student with a bright future. I know it seems like your dreams are crushed but you will pull through. Take your time and breath. Start slow and grow into the person you need to be rather than the person that is expected. Get involved, travel, and know other cultures. You are not supposed to have it figured out much less know what tomorrow will bring. Take a step back and look at what you are doing. Make sure that your chosen profession is what you want to do. Do not declare your degree yet. Study hard, make friends, and have fun doing it. School is important but so is your well-being. Do what makes you happy, not what makes others happy. You will succeed in life.


Take more college level courses in highschool so that i would have college credit coming in as a freshman. I would take more college prep an much harder classes in order to push my intellect. Where as i came to college an was shocked at much work was needed that i wasnt used to. I would make much more one on one experiences with instructors an teachers. Colleges are all about neworking an connections. Sometimes not what you know but who you know in college. An last but not least i would have strived for much better grades in order to pay for school and applied for many more scholorships that would have lessened the stress of paying for school.


As a college student fresh from my first year of attending University and now attending summer school, the major thing I am suffering from is lack of financial resources. Although I was a dedicated high school senior, participating in advanced placement courses as well as a two-year college program, I would neverthless have appreciated the insight to take a job as well and save for college expenses. The thing I could have done as a high school senior that would have been beneficial to me now is having earned and saved money so that I could focus on my studies completely and absolutely without worrying constantly about the immense emptiness in my pockets. Apart from saving money, I would also advise my high school self that advanced placement courses were not the only preparation I should have undergone for college work. There is an entire new world in college involving the organization of time- everything from meals, sleep, classes, and particularily study time depend on our ability to organize time precisely and effectively. Now, having the experience needed to make wiser decisions, I would advise other high school students of the importance of these two things: Insight and Organization.


Do not worry about where your friends are going to school. Do not worry about the mascot of the school. Do not worry about what the dorms look like. Stay close to home. Choose a school that is known for your major. Choose a school that has lots of extra-curricular activities. And a great rec center. And good support from the Alumni and the townees. Go to a school in a town you would like to live in, even if you were not in school there. Go to a school where professors are diverse and care about research. Make sure that your college has a great job-placement rate. And talk to some seniors in your major to find out how things are working out for them. Its not all about the cafeteria food and pretty buildings and cute boys. Make sure you will feel comfortable living in this town for four years or more and will be proud to call it your new home. Choose a college that is the best fit for you and you only. And you will find yourself and others loving it there too.


My advice to myself would be to officially choose my major. When I first entered my first year in college I was undecided on what I wanted to do with my life. I later chose to steer towards the arts since it has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Choosing that path earlier on would have saved me the hassle of taking classes I did not need to for my degree, instead it held me back from taking the proper courses I needed for my major. If I had taken more art courses during my years in college and also my senior year I would not have to spend an entire year making up for what I lacked. My practices in drawing, painting, and other art courses would be more refined and I would have learned long ago that I enjoy my selected life career. Either way, with the years passing I will obtain the materials and knowledge I can only obtain through years practiced. My time worrying and deciding about my career choice has created obstacles in my way before and now it has just been a simple hill I have overcome.


If I could go back in time I would defiantly give myself some wonderful advice. I would go to starbucks with myself and start talking about the future over some coffee. I would get straight to the point and tell the younger me to focus more in school. Not to be ditching and not to be fooling around with my old friends. I would tell him that if I do well in high school than I could do great in college. I’m going to tell him that I have made some terrible decisions as a young guy and that if he could avoid them than he and I could reach our goals a lot faster and be successful.


College is easy, given that you know exactly what you're doing. If I could go back to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would talk to myself about a few things. First, I would explain how extremely improtant education is and how much our generation is going to need to make a decent living for our future. Education makes the difference between trying to survive pay check to pay check and living without financial worries. Our world is forever changing and we should be as well. Building on our knowledge should be a life-long commitment, that will not only improve ourselves, but the decisions that affect our world as well. Secondly, I would explain to myself how important is is to be prepared. Preperation and planning is extremely important in the college life. From parking to reading for classes to transferring and everything in between. Lastly, I would explain to myself the importance of balance. Balancing school, life, and other circumstances is very important because it allows for more productive and less stressful experience. There's no being lazy or "winging it" in college, success demands effort.


If I could go back in time, I would in a heartbeat. I would of really pushed myself to get the best grades possible in order to have a lot more eligability for scholarships. I didn't have a bad GPA or ACT score, but it was average. I know I could of done better if I tried harder. I also would of done much more reasearch into scholarships before starting school because it also seems quite a bit harder to find help. I know money is out there, but it's difficult to find for "average" students with financial need.


My success in high school resulted in a closed minded approach to what was necessary for academic success in college. I went through freshman year believing if I attended class I wouldn’t have to study. That approach did not work out for me. I remember the rush that went down my spine as I looked at my computer screen facing the worst GPA of my life. I cannot describe the amount of embarrassment I felt when I had to tell my parents how the semester ended. I concluded I was irresponsible and had no sense of work ethic. From my failures I have learned what it means to work hard, dedicated myself, and never give up. Everyone eventually faces some form of adversity. It is easy to talk about how you have overcome an obstacle, faced adversity, or learned from your mistakes. Yet, what becomes difficult for most is actually improving themselves in result. If you really want something and are truly dedicated to achieving a goal, quitting, like life’s reset button, becomes nonexistent. Be open to new things, listen to others ideas, and always be yourself no matter what.


Through being in college, I have really established a sense of self. I always thought that I knew exactly who I was before coming to this school, but since I have been here I have learned so many things about myself that I never knew, and I keep changing everyday! It's been valuable for education purposes, given that my classes and professors are absolutely astonishing and allow me to grow and truly show interest in schoolwork, but it's also been valuable for personal reasons. Having been diagnosed with an eating disorder two years back, being able to attend college was a huge question on everyone's mind. Can she handle it? Will she make it? Well, since I have been here I have done nothing but thrive! Being on my own means I don't have my parents to fix things and make sure I am doing what I should has allowed me to truly take on a form of responsibility that I never knew and finally produce the changes that I desire within myself!


From my college experience I have gotten a various amount of knowledge and skills to enable me for what people call the 'real world'. There has always been the question from students wondering, "When will I ever use this outside of school" and with my experience at this school I believe I can use an abundance of what I have learned. Being an Art Major, the courses I have taken allow me to develop my skills and work eithic for any job I may get after I graduate. This is valuable to me because what I want to do is very competitive, so learning everything I can about what ever it may be, is important. Going to this school, I believe, can have the same affect on everyone who chooses to attend.


I have learned the many different options available to me after I graduate. I have seen people in my field in action and it excites me to know that I could be doing that someday.


What I have gotten from my college experience are good education and great new friends. College life is probably one of the best times of your life. What you learn in college is what will pave your way to success. Who you meet in college are the people who you will never forget.


Honestly, college has changed my life. The transition from High School to a University only twently miles away took me on an experience I never fathomed. College opened me up completely to the world and made me realize how much is in this universe. It made me change from being self-centered, ignorant, and immature to an altruistic, unconditional loving, curious, knowledge seeking individual. I never anticipated this type of change, but when it hit me, I was hit HARD. I learned numerous lessons and recieved invaluable knowlege. The life I'm living at this moment cannot be put to value because there isn't anything I would give up for it. I know I'm meant to go to college and graduate with a Business Economics degree because i'm meant to change the world in a big way. And that's what I plan on doing.


I went a few hours away from home for college and so was really on my own for the first time. I didn't have any more rules or curfews, nor did I know anyone going in. But because of that I had to learn how to meet new people and how to be responsible for myself and my time. College has been a lot of fun, and the key comes with figuring out the right balance to have between study and play. I have gained a lot of very valuable friends that I hope to have for a long time in college, and I've also gained wisdom because I had to figure things out on my own and make sure that I was doing everything I needed to be doing for school. I've learned a lot of who I am and my morals and beliefs, and I've set goals for myself and partnered with other people with similar goals and plans for their lives. College has really helped me become more of a responsible adult and more independent.


Leaving home for the first time in 18 years has definitely broadened my sense of independence and profoundly encouraged my unyielding drive for academic success. In the little time that I have been attending the University of Arkansas I have made countless friends, experienced moments that will become lifelong memories, and acquired an invaluable education that will promote my perspective career in health care. College has allowed me to construct a plan for my future while providing me with the tools and resources to make it a reality.


From so far in my college experience, I have gotten a lot out of it. I've learned to make new friends, to not be shy, and to open up to people and let them in my life because they will be there for me for however long I'm in college. Also, I've learned to study more because college is not like high school, many answers aren't just given to you in a test. I think that I've figured out that if you open up and not be a shy person, you'll have more fun in life and you'll make college worth while because you'll have great memories that will last a lifetime. It's valuable to attend because you are getting your education to become what you've always wanted to be when you grew up.


I've learned that I have to work more than ever to keep the grades I need, and that I have to work through my procrastination to get things done on time.


My college years have brought to head a vast array of life changing experiences. First and foremost, college has shaped me as a person. Being exposed to a wide spectrum of personality, character and ethnicity has opened my mind to diversity and has rid me of judgement. Successfully balancing my children and family life with school responsibilities has brought me a new sense of empowerment. This has created a burning desire to trudge forward and achieve my goal of becoming a nurse. Finally, my college experience has opened the door to technology which I have loathed for so many years. By being immersed in the most recent technological advancements, I have had to forgo my reservations and adapt to the way of the future.


I have only attended the university for my first year, but i have attended other university's for about a year and I am a non traditional student and to me there is no better feeling than being successful in school and knowing your investing your money and yourself in something that you can never lose, and will always make you a better person and more informed of the world around you.


I have learned how to work with different people and learn how to work with a team. This has been valuable to me, because it will help with my future jobs and life experiences.


There are many things that I have gotten out of my college experience so far, but the most important one is leaning how to manage my time to study. For example when I was in high school they didn’t teach me how to balance my studies, they would pile on the work load and expect us to figure it out. In my first term of college I took a class that not only helped me in my classes but inspired me to do more. In this class we studied out of a book called On Course by Skip Downing. The purpose of the course was to; learn strategies for creating success in college and in life through critical thinking across domains. That is exactly what it did and more, when I first started that class I was a struggling student I stayed up late I didn’t study and let face book get the best of me. After going to a few classes of this course I realize that isn’t the way to go. It taught me the proper way to manage time and to set my goals high and to achieve them.


In my college experence, or what i have experenced so far, is that trying new things and meeting people really make you love your school. It's hard to leave home, but making new friends and taking classes that you love is really something that helps that home sick feeling leave. I have decide to major in architecture, and for now I love my classes and I enjoy what I do. Attending my classes or watching some of an architecture leture helps encourage me to try my best and to not give up, because I like what I see and I hope that I will be able to leave my mark on the world like some of the past and presesnt architects.