University of California-Santa Barbara Top Questions

Where is the best place to get work done on campus?


People always say the library, but it's a lie. The first few floors are often too loud, the top two floors are oppressingly silent. The floors in the middle are okay, but are so popular that it's hard to find a seat. The beach had also seems like a promising study spot, except for the wind whipping sand into your face and those tiny, annoying bugs that live in the kelp. I'd say the best place would either be the Ucen or the SRB, which have comfy couches and are neither too quiet nor too loud.


The best places to get work done are at the library or any other the beautifully kept green spaces around campus.


The Library. When I need to sit down a finish a paper in one night, I will go to the library, sit in a personal cubicle, and write that paper with no distractions. The library has some rooms with beautiful views of the ocean and the mountains. It has rooms that are devoted to complete silence, for those who need to work alone, and also rooms where you are allowed to talk, for those working in groups. There are also many cubicles if you need to be alone with no distractions around you. It is open until midnight almost every night, and there is also a 24 hour room which is always open!