University of Colorado Boulder Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?




As far as the rich kids go, the definitely exist but more often than not you'll run into someone who is working their way through and using student loans. Hippies are a definite boulder cliche and they do live here but not in the numbers that people imagine. I see maybe two a week.




I have found these to be inaccurate, and have found all types of people represented in Boulder. There truly is someone for everyone, and something to do for all types of people. We are a large university, which inevitably leaves us with parties, but if you come here to party, you will not survive academically.


For the most part. The student body is made up primarily of rich upper-class white people(think frat boys and valley girls) but there is also some chill ass people here. Pretty much if your looking for it, you can probably find it here.


When coming to Boulder and CU for the first time all these people and activities can be seen, but much more is going on. Most students do not get drunk everyday and get away with smoking in any public place. There is a ton of highly motivated, academically minded individuals. If you want to see all the stereotypes just ride the bus around Boulder. The campus is very liberal and the professors are too.


For every student that never studies you can find a student that never leaves the library. I have encountered every type of student and group to to relate to any intrest I might have. The size of CU Boulder creats a enviroment for opporunity, its up to you to take advantage of that.


definitely true that there are way too many eating disorders existent. >a lot of hippies >i dont know a weed smoking comparision >definitely a lack of diversity


Not exactly. Stereotypes are rarely accurate no matter what they are. In a campus of almost 30,000 students there's no way to make broad categories like that and be entirely accurate. But of course, these ideas come from somewhere. There are certianly some students here that spark these generalizations.


No, not all CU Boulder students are hypies or from California.


no, for the most part we work very hard in school, and the minority of students live to party. While there is an occasional liberal rally outside the UMC, it is just as likely a religious fanatic is screaming how we are all damned.


I do not believe these stereotypes are in any way accurate or represent the CU student body accurately. This campus is diverse and unique in many ways, but those stereotypes are not correct.


There are plenty of liberals, but there are plenty of people that give them a hard time. Hippies can only be seen asking for money on Pearl Street or working in coffee shops or places like Whole Foods. There is a ridiculous amount of money in this town, but that doesn't mean that there aren't down-to-earth people who respect work.




Yes :)


the stereotype is largely accurate, but that doesn't mean we don't get work done here either, especially engineers.


This definitely isn't true. There are a good number of hippies around, but I would say most of them don't go to the school, just hang around town.


Of course this is true for some people, but overall this is a gross exaggeration. Students at the University of Colorado are very dedicated to and engaging of their studies on the whole.


To some degree, yes. Certainly when I was a freshmen asking other freshmen at orientation why they chose CU, they said they wanted to snowboard and party. And there are certainly mostly white kids here. However, there are lots of other students who are dedicated, involved, and that don't fit into the "rich/white" category (like myself). And those are the students that make changes on this campus. They are the ones that matter. Oh, but seriously, EVERYONE smokes pot here. Like everyone.


There are a lot of really wealthy people and trust fund babies in boulder that dont have as much experience in the world as they project but there are a lot of people that aren't like that. There are a lot of parties on the hill but I don't think that students are as out of control as people think. It reminds me of Santa Barbara the way people walk in groups from party to party. I do know a lot of people that smoke and there is a big smoking event on 4/20.


No these stereotypes are not accurate. Though there are many people that fit these descriptions they are the minority. There are definitely a lot of people that semi fit this description as almost everyone here has been skiing and Uggs are good for snowy winters. But most if not everyone definitely has unique things about them that go against or at least do not play into those stereotypes. I will say that CU lacks in diversity as there is a majority of white middle to upper class students here.