University of Colorado Boulder Top Questions

What's the Greek scene like?


In my opinion, Greek life is the best part of CU. Being a transfer student it enabled me to adapt and make new friends very quickly. If you are not into Greek life, it is easy to avoid, so no worries. For the most part, men and women in the Greek system defy the stereotypes often attributed to Greeks. For one, there are many brilliant students, ranging from aerospace engineers to anthropology majors with a diverse range of interests from sports to painting. The Greek scene is especially fun on weekends as there are always parties at fraternities that are open to Greeks and non Greeks alike. Sororities throw philanthropies at their houses which are also open to the non Greek community and are both fun and for a good cause. Being in the Greek system automatically gives you a full social calendar. I am afforded the opportunity to partake in events such as Greek Week, homecoming, formals, and date parties all of which are fun ways to mix, mingle, show your house pride, and enjoy college life to the fullest.


In my opinion, Greek life is the best part of CU. Being a transfer student it enabled me to adapt and make new friends very quickly. If you are not into Greek life, it is easy to avoid, so no worries. For the most part, men and women in the Greek system defy the stereotypes often attributed to Greeks. For one, there are many brilliant students, ranging from aerospace engineers to anthropology majors with a diverse range of interests from sports to painting. The Greek scene is especially fun on weekends as there are always parties at fraternities that are open to Greeks and non Greeks alike. Sororities throw philanthropies at their houses which are also open to the non Greek community and are both fun and for a good cause. Being in the Greek system automatically gives you a full social calendar. I am afforded the opportunity to partake in events such as Greek Week, homecoming, formals, and date parties all of which are fun ways to mix, mingle, show your house pride, and enjoy college life to the fullest.


The Greek scene is huge. If you would like to join a fraternity or sorority, you will have many options. However, if you would rather not join, they are not "in your face" at all.


Greek Life Here at CU Boulder draws in a decent number of students. Greek life accounts for 13{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student population. Even though 13{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} seems like a small percentage, you have to remember that there are 30,000 students at CU. the Fraternities and Sororities are located right next to campus on what is called the "Hill". The Hill is where a majority of off campus housing is located. Unlike a lot of universities, CU Boulder doesn't start the rushing process until school has already started for a few weeks. Another thing to keep in mind is that your freshman year, it is mandatory for you to live in the dorms. If you do end up joining a sorority of fraternity, you can't live in the house till your sophomore year. I like this because it gives everyone the chance to live in the dorms for their first year of college. I absolutely loved living in the dorms my freshman year. I am not yet in a sorority but I am thinking of rushing this spring. I have a bunch of friends that rushed in the fall of their freshman year for both fraternities and sororities. They absolutely love the greek life on campus. With that being said, if you dont think the greek scene is your scene, there are so many different clubs and groups that you can join to be a part of.


I personally am not part of a sorority, but have a sister at CU who is in Delta Delta Delta. She has done over a hundred hours of community service work, was the philanthropy chair (volunteer head) for a few events, and participated in almost all events that the sorority holds. It takes commitment to stay in the sorority (fraternities also) because everyone needs to work hard to make things run smoothly. Through hard work and an open mind my sister has gained leadership skills, planning skills, stricter discipline, and a large pool of friends. Both sororities and fraternities seek to form a lasting bond between the sisters and brothers, respectively.


I personally am not part of a sorority, but have a sister at CU who is in Delta Delta Delta. She has done over a hundred hours of community service work, was the philanthropy chair (volunteer head) for a few events, and participated in almost all events that the sorority holds. It takes commitment to stay in the sorority (fraternities also) because everyone needs to work hard to make things run smoothly. Through hard work and an open mind my sister has gained leadership skills, planning skills, stricter discipline, and a large pool of friends. Both sororities and fraternities seek to form a lasting bond between the sisters and brothers, respectively.


Sorority house one block off campus.


Frat House one block off campus