University of Iowa Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


Iowa's campus is primarily from two states, Iowa and Illinois. Although students come from many more states, the students you talk to are mainly in-state or from the Chicago area. Iowa's campus is a very liberal but other political stances are prevalent.


The amount of students who aren't punished for sleeping, listening to ipods, and interrupting class with cell phones is absurd. If they aren't there to pay attention, or learn, they shouldn't be there. Most the kids are either rich, or smart. Iowa is diverse, but not as intermingled as I would like to see it.


There are many socio-economic classes represented here, there are campus religious groups, and there is a fairly representitive minority population. People who come to Iowa as a last resort or who aren't very enthusiastic are out of place here. There is a lot of Hawkeye pride here and it doesn't go over well when someone puts the school down. There are a lot of students from Iowa and Illinois but I have freinds from many different states. A lot of people where sweatpants or an equivilant to class everyday, especially early ones, but there are people who wear jeans and some people who dress even more nicely.


For the most part, the student body at Iowa is very homogenous. There are a lot of white, Christian, Midwestern students. This actually makes me fall into the minority because I am Jewish. However, I have yet to really have an issue with being a minority on campus here. There are so many different student organizations that you can join and there are ones that are specifically geared towards minority students. Also I would say that most of the students come from either Iowa or Illinois. The graduating class size of people's high schools too differ greatly. I have met people that graduated in a class of about 40, and I graduated with a class of 330. I am from the Chicago suburbs and that is actually considered on the smaller side as far as high school graduating classes. There is a high school next to me where their graduating class was the size of my entire high school (1300).


Everyone at Iowa is so friendly. Classmates are always willing to help out whether its lending someone notes or studying for a test together.


The Iowa student body is pretty diversified and I think that is good. I have met many different people from all different kind of backgrounds. People or don't pay a dime for college to a person who pays everything. I've met people from differnt countries and who speak differnt languages. It's pretty cool.


There wouldn't be any student that would feel out of place at Iowa. The campus is so diverse.


The Iowa stduent body is so diverese, I think that if anyone who comes to Iowa not knowing what their niche is or possibly what they want to do with their life-- they will find many oppurtunites here in helping them realize it. THere are so many student organizations, the people you encounter in classes are so diverese- it is great. I woudl say as a student body, we are very politcally aware and active. Since Iowa has a caucus you get several presidential canidates and hopefuls roll through Iowa City.


Most students wear jeans and t-shirts to class. A lot of other students wear sweat pants and sweat shirts. Most Iowa students are from Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana. Students are very politically active and we had several presidential hopefuls speak on campus before the caucus. The political leanings are somewhat to the left.


There are a lot of different people attending Iowa. People are really nice and people of all different backgrounds. Everyone accepts you for who you are.


I think Iowa prides itself on being a diverse campus. We are not dominated by one race or ethnicity so I find it hard to believe that someone would feel out of place. We have a whole learning community dedicated to International Students called International Crossroads. I know that most Iowa students come from Iowa, Illinois or Minnesota. But we do recruitment efforts all across the country. When we have large "Hawkeye Visit Days" where students and their families can attend a formal program and learn more about the campus and what Iowa has to offer, we always give away sweatshirts to people who visit from the farthest away. A lot of times we are handing out sweatshirts to people from California, or Texas but Iowa pulls from many different states and countries. Like I said previously, most students wear Iowa gear to class. "Comfy clothes" are highly accepted on this campus, especially around mid-terms or finals. However, you won't feel out of place if you like to get ready before every class and dress nicer. I know I do on select days. On the other hand, I love being able to wear a "hoodie" most days of the week or going to class in my "work-out" clothes. I honestly do not know what financial backgrounds are most prevalent. A lot of students wear North Face Fleeces or Ugg boots, but I know people that don't own either. I definitely think students are politically active. Like I mentioned above, a lot of the Presidential candidates have visited our campus or surrounding areas, most notably Hilary and Obama. We have Democrat and Republican clubs, but I think our campus is known for being mostly Liberal. I am not much into politics so I can not say if I think this is true.


I love all groups on campus, because all the students involved in any extracurriculars have a true passion for it. They support each other, and love each other, helping each other along the way if anyone has questions. I think a majority of the students have rich parents, so they don't worry about paying for things.


There is a lot of diversity at the University of Iowa, and I believe all students are treated fairly. A wide number of student organization exist to accomodate everyone's interests, and if you have an idea for a new student organization, you can take the initiative to start it! Students pretty much wear whatever to class: some will stumble in still in their pajamas, many wear jeans and a t-shirt, and some (who may work, etc.) will be dressed up.


Staff is predominately left in their political views; same with students most students wear jeans to class, athletes wear sweats and athletic shorts 4 Tables in dining halls: athletes, frat/sorority, non-frat/athlete students, grab bag table


I am in an Athletic Bible Study through Athletes and Action. There are definatly a lot of different religions and the campus is a very diverse place.


All the students seem like they are from 'Chicago' or some some town in Iowa.


I have experienced mild amount of racism while being here at Iowa. Minority students would feel out of place here at Iowa or at least experience a culture shock. Students wear coats, boots, shorts, flip flops, and Iowa paraphernalia to class.Yes, different types of students interact. Most Iowa students are from Iowa. Nobody strikes me as rich here, so the financial backgrounds of students here are more than likely middle class. Students are very politically active here! Students do not talk about earning potential at this school.


I don't have many experiences with racial or religious groups because I don't choose to. No student would feel out of place...the university is open to all and any religious and racial views or backgrounds. Most people wear jeans or sweatpants to class...I prefer sweatpants because I often have to get to practice soon after getting out of class...on the weekends, I put on some jeans. The first couple of days, I just hung out with my teammates or other athletes that I had met but as I went to more classes and got to know other people, I branched out. The dorms are a great place to meet people, either on your floor or not. I would suggest leaving your dorm door open, when you are in there...People will wonder in wanting to meet new can even be the one wandering around shaking people's hands. Students come from all over with different backgrounds and values...some are interested in politics, some are's pretty easy to find your niche.


The student body is very interactive on campus and it is a great part of people to part of. We love to have fun, party, go to sporting events, but working hard and having success is also important too.


My rowing team has a large percentage of lesbians. That in itself was a culture shock for me. I feel that any extremely conservative student might feel out of place at IOWA only because there are so many different types of people with different views on practically everything. Most students wear either jeans or sweats to class -- very casual. I feel that most students are at least somewhat aware of the current events in politics.


One of the things that drew me to Iowa City was its diversity compared to Nevada, IA. There are a wide arrange of viewpoints and things to do here. Iowa City is probably pretty liberal and the students would reflect that. Obama came to Iowa City multiple times and students came out in great numbers for his rallies.


I think that a student who is not outgoing and not a big fan of partying would not fit in at Iowa at all. It is a big Ten school and so it seems like you are part of the out crowd if you don't like to drink and go out and have fun. Most students tend to wear sweats, athletic gear, or some look nice and dress up in jeans. Personally it depends on my mood and if i even have time to look nice for class.


Racial diversity at Iowa is definitely lacking. Its been said that Iowa is the whitest place on earth...and well, that's probably somewhat accurate. However, I haven't ever obseved any racism on campus EVER. The majority of Iowa students are from small Iowa towns or from the suburbs of Chicago. There are very few from the East coast, and a good size come from Texas and California...but thats it. International students? Haven't met one yet. Iowa School uniform during weekdays: Girls: Northface fleece/jacket/vest, jeans, and uggs. Boys: Iowa football sweatshirt, jeans, tennis shoes Iowa School Uniform for going to the bars: Girls: A dressy top, jeans, and heels in winter, and a lowcut, short dress with heels in fall and spring. Boys: Jeans and a button down shirt. Iowa School uniform on game days: Complete head to toe black and gold. Period. Facepaint is not an option.